When Does The Day/Year rule Apply

Tigger Boy

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Jun 12, 2023
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When Does The Day/Year rule Apply
Although not explicitly stated in the Bible, a consistent process exists for reckoning prophetic time, which God has revealed according to His timing now that we have reached the “time of the end.” (Dan.12:4,9)
It appears that God established the Jubilee calendar for three reasons: First, it was a recurring cycle of time based on units of seven that allowed God to show His affection for Israel through events that transpired each Sabbath year and again during the Jubilee year.

A Jubilee occurred after each cycle of seven “sevens” (49 years) had passed. Second, Jubilee cycles keep all other timing cycles together in a very harmonious and synchronous format. Third, God created Jubilee cycles so He could provide a simple means for measuring large time-spans in prophetic words without requiring many external dates and events outside the Bible. Thus, the Bible requires very little external data to validate its prophetic time-periods.

The use of the day/year principle in prophecy works as follows: If a prophetic time period falls within the operation of the Jubilee calendar and that time period occurs within one of the apocalyptic prophecies found in Daniel and Revelation, then the time-period must be reckoned by using the day/year principle.

This simple principle explains why some time-periods are day/year and others are literal. EX.12:1,2 seems to imply that God put the Jubilee calendar in operation two weeks before the Exodus, other factors suggest it was in operation for seventy cycles and expired in March 1994. Therefore, the 3½ years mentioned in Daniel 7:25 are to be calculated as 1,260 years because they took place before March 1994, which falls within the Jubilee calendar. However, the 1,000 years of Revelation 20 are to be interpreted as 1,000 literal years because they take place after 1994.

The following units of time too, should be translated day/yr.

Dan. 8;14; 9:24-27; Rev. 12:6,14.
Texts, in literal time are, Dan.12:11,12; Rev.8:1; 9:5; 11:2,3,9; 13:5; 20;3.

Were early Historicists aware of this? There is nothing written to indicate that it was. Why not? Because God reveals new light according to His timing. It is also a way for God to test His followers to see who has ears to hear, and eyes to see, what the Spirit is saying. Lets not forget the parable of the ten virgins.


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When Does The Day/Year rule Apply
Although not explicitly stated in the Bible, a consistent process exists for reckoning prophetic time, which God has revealed according to His timing now that we have reached the “time of the end.” (Dan.12:4,9)
It applies for all apocalyptic timelines. So then Dan 7,8,9 Rev 11,12,13


you can see it in Christ's Mark 1:14-15 statement
"14 Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, 15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

What time is fulfilled?

Obviously it is the one and only OT timeline that predicts the year of the start of the Messiah's ministry.

Jesus ministry starts in 27 AD

Dan 9 says this

25 “Know therefore and understand,
That from the going forth of the command
To restore and build Jerusalem
Until Messiah the Prince,
There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks;
The street shall be built again, and the wall,
Even in troublesome times.

So then 69 weeks - 483 years to AD 27 (from 457 BC which is the start point for the 70 week prophecy in Dan 9)

Dan 9:1-5 refers to the 70 year prophecy of Jeremiah - which is not apocalyptic so it is 70 literal years. But the Dan 9:25 prediction is apocalyptic and as Christ confirms - uses day for year.
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