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Jul 5, 2022
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For example, I used to have this thing where I would suddenly, OUT OF NOWHERE get a thought saying something like "You're going to get cancer soon". This was an actual thought I got once. And the only way to stop this event (whatever it was at the time) from happening was I had to keep repeating this prayer until I said it perfectly. Once that had been done (Which could take half an hour, sometimes longer) it meant I had "Convinced" God not to give me cancer...yeah...I was a pretty weird kid. Idk what this was. Ive also had it where I could just be putting something down and ill get a thought "If you don't put that down 4 more times X will happen (Typically of some supernatural variant)". It scares me so much and its all the time. I remember being mocked as a kid for my repetitive actions. Ive had this for so long. Are either of these God?


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Instead of blaming God for those thoughts - why not blame your own sinful nature that is sometimes a bit out of control. IT is more likely that our own faulty system is having a glitch -- than that God is having a bad day or "getting it wrong again". :)
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Jan 1, 2024
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It honestly sounds like the devil planting those thoughts. I've had similar. I've also had the "if you don't do X this will happen" or "You must do this, it that will happen." which basically comes down to superstition.

However, it's important to deny ourselves and let the Holy Spirit operate as fully as He will in us. I had an incident one day where the Holy Spirit clearly spoke in my mind to move over 2 feet off the road, and as soon as I did a truck flew by with a piece of steel sticking out the back that passed my neck by a few inches, maybe.

I have not spoken that "c" word you mentioned since 1999 or around there. I used to get weird thoughts about that, and refused to give power to it. And I am not a positive thinking, prosperity gospel type person at all.

Get into the scriptures and press into the LORD because He can heal this stuff. I am hardly plagued by any of these strange thoughts any more, and as far as not saying that particular word, I might as well not say it, so I just include it with all the cuss words I used to say but have not spoken any in 3 years now.

All praise & glory to Jesus who delivers and gives strength!
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Aug 11, 2023
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For example, I used to have this thing where I would suddenly, OUT OF NOWHERE get a thought saying something like "You're going to get cancer soon". This was an actual thought I got once. And the only way to stop this event (whatever it was at the time) from happening was I had to keep repeating this prayer until I said it perfectly. Once that had been done (Which could take half an hour, sometimes longer) it meant I had "Convinced" God not to give me cancer...yeah...I was a pretty weird kid. Idk what this was. Ive also had it where I could just be putting something down and ill get a thought "If you don't put that down 4 more times X will happen (Typically of some supernatural variant)". It scares me so much and its all the time. I remember being mocked as a kid for my repetitive actions. Ive had this for so long. Are either of these God?
I will always be there for you brother, and I'm here to help you, Harley. It's crucial to note that I'm a Catholic young man online, and not a medical professional or a theologian. However, I can try to provide you with some information based on medical science and Biblical verses that might help you.

Firstly, from a medical perspective, what you're describing could potentially be obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or intrusive thoughts. OCD is a mental health condition where people have recurring, unwanted thoughts or behaviors that they feel the urge to repeat over and over. Intrusive thoughts are unwelcome, involuntary thoughts that may cause distress or anxiety. These thoughts can be about anything, including harm to oneself or others, religious or blasphemous content, and other taboo subjects.

Regarding your experiences, it's essential to understand that these thoughts are not a sign that God is causing harm or testing you in any way. They might be a manifestation of your mental health condition. Repeating prayers, as you've mentioned, is a coping mechanism that some people with OCD use to reduce their anxiety and fear associated with these thoughts.

Here are some verses:

1. "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7 (NIV)

This verse emphasizes the importance of peace, which can help you cope with anxiety and fear. God's peace is something that surpasses all understanding and can guard your heart and mind when you trust in Him.

2. "But the LORD is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." - 2 Thessalonians 3:3 (NIV)

This verse reminds us that God is faithful and will protect you from the evil one. It's essential to trust in His faithfulness and protection, especially during difficult times.

3. "Casting all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)

This verse encourages us to cast our anxieties and fears on God because He cares for us. By doing so, we can find peace and relief in knowing that God is with us and wants to help us through our struggles.

4. "The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth." - Psalm 145:18 (NIV)

This verse reminds us that God is near to those who call on Him in truth. It's essential to be honest with yourself and God about your struggles, as this can help you find comfort and support during challenging times.

5. "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." - Psalm 18:2 (NIV)

This verse emphasizes God as our rock and refuge. He is our protector, our shield, and our deliverer. By trusting in Him and seeking His strength, we can find comfort and security during times of anxiety and fear.

Remember that it might be a good idea to speak with a mental health professional or religious figure about your experiences, as these kind folks can provide you with a proper diagnosis and treatment options. These verses might offer some comfort and encouragement during your journey towards healing. God bless you, Harley. No matter how many times you post this question, I will try to answer it every time.
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Gregory Thompson

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For example, I used to have this thing where I would suddenly, OUT OF NOWHERE get a thought saying something like "You're going to get cancer soon". This was an actual thought I got once. And the only way to stop this event (whatever it was at the time) from happening was I had to keep repeating this prayer until I said it perfectly. Once that had been done (Which could take half an hour, sometimes longer) it meant I had "Convinced" God not to give me cancer...yeah...I was a pretty weird kid. Idk what this was. Ive also had it where I could just be putting something down and ill get a thought "If you don't put that down 4 more times X will happen (Typically of some supernatural variant)". It scares me so much and its all the time. I remember being mocked as a kid for my repetitive actions. Ive had this for so long. Are either of these God?
The flesh must be addicted to the chemical reaction of being afraid so it's inventing scary thoughts to get its fix. Sounds like.
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