What Did You Learn In Church Today?


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AM on Romans 8
Wake up heart flowing w/ joy & gratitude he has adopted you! Does not matter what you are going thru!
The Theology of Adoption: If you have the Spirit then you belong to Christ. If you don’t, you don’t belong. Indwelling Spirit defining, not external
Leading by Spirit empowers us to ‘mortify’ sin. Not sentinmentalism.
Greek word used to describe placement means established / fixed in position. If you have indwelling Spirit, you can’t be in one day & out the next!
Roman adoption was about looking for a perfect heir. God has picked us even tho we aren’t desirable & are his enemy
Adoption takes time!
Share in divine nature means we rec’ new nature, moved on from impulses, cravings, desires. Still remnant of it
"Put on new self.....in true righteousness & holiness" - Eph 4
The Amen of Adoption: Assurance & joy
We think we are living but we are dying & get tired of it, come to Christ to be set free
The Relationship of Adoption: sons (heirs)
Fear of condemnation gone. A new kind of ‘fear’ rooted in love -> “Father, I messed up”
Abba same word a child would use to speak to their father
"Since you are a son, God has made you an heir" - Gal 4
"See what kind of love the Father has given us we s/b called children of God. & so we are." 1 John 3
B/c we have been adopted, we will also share in the struggles.
As a Father, he doesn’t give us everything we want b/c he is interested in character transformation.

Christian Youth in Action missionaries shared.
45 teenagers, 25 clubs, 382 children, 13 decisions for Christ!
$822.41 for missions
At Fair shared Gospel w/ face-painting. 500 children
7 Good News clubs at schools. 25 volunteers. Praying for more clubs!
Sermon was on Jude 3-4.
Athanasius stood against Arias's false teaching. Stood as defender of the Trinity
Controversies for the right reasons & things help church grow & thrive, & ignoring causes church to languish
Must be willing to defend & contend cardinal truths
Must not love controversy. Must love who we contend
Athanasius stood in the face of the onslaught of worldliness
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am 9/10/23 on Romans 8
- Most of our suffering due to our own fight w/ the sinful flesh. When we step up to do will of God, our flesh will stand up against us
- The groans of creation: Creation groaning means it’s not the way it should be & desires change. Power of death & decay over it. Gives praise to God but its shadow of what it s/b & has been corrupted.
- In despair but: hope. Rec’ resurrected body free of the curse & sin. Does save our soul but also our body b/c his saving is complete. Christ’s resurrected body physical but not corruptible.
- "...Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear w/him in glory." - Col 3
"...Will transform our lowly body that it may conformed to his glorious body....." - Phil 3
"...When he is revealed we shall be like him...." - 1 John 3
"I create new heavens & new earth....."- Isa 65
"We look for new heavens & a new earth" - 2 Pet 3
"Sufferings.....not worthy to be compared w/ the glory which shall be revealed......" - Rom 8
"Affliction.....is working for us.....eternal weight of glory" - 2 Corin 4
- The Motivation of the Christian: Emphasis on new body b/c there will be a new creation. Heaven comes to Earth, God comes to dwell on Earth. Eternal hope b/c will be w/ the Lord. Its made for the glory of God & the enjoyment of those in Christ
- A lot of people think heaven sounds depressing, just disembodied spirits, not a real place, state of mind, dream-like, what you make it on earth, forget everything
- Early church agreed heaven real physical place. More modern church started teaching different
- “Be happy for sunshine” But what happens when sunshine is gone?
- “I could not be thankful” - Woody Allen when asked why he started believing no meaning. Just does things to distract himself no meaning, unbearable if he doesn’t
- We pretend s/b no suffering but we discover God our suffering. Jesus in Garden suffering but knew eternal glory coming. Suffering works for good.

PM on Revelation 21
This cursed creation will be made into a new heaven & a new earth.
There will be no sorrow or suffering. No sin or evil. No end
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Matthew 20, the parable of the man with the vineyard hiring workers.

Established: A denarius was the known necessary minimum daily wage for a worker. It could be "fair" to both the worker and the employer only if it were sufficient for the worker's needs and not extravagant to the employer: Daily bread.

Noted: The employer kept going back to the hiring dock again, and again, and again, even to the last hour of the workday. Surely he had hired enough workers long before that. Surely the additional workers in the last hour of the day were not contributing much to the total work done.

Noted: He made a point of paying the last hired workers first. That meant he deliberately made sure the first-hired workers saw that the last-hired received the same wage as the first-hired workers. He clearly intended that every worker saw that everyone who signed on got the full amount sufficient for the day.

Conclusion: It was the employer's intention to get a denarius into the hand of every person willing to sign on while the day lasted.
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am on Romans 8
We don’t like to admit we’re weak, but we are. We’re waiting for the coming glory in weakness b/c we don’t want to wait
While we wait in weakness, we need to pray & the Holy Spirit helps us by praying for us. The Spirit praying for us in our weakness s/ encourage us to wait w/ expectation & patience.
We don’t always know what to pray for or how to but we should not stop praying.
“We s/b praying so well we get yes’s to all our prayers!’ – FALSE. We don’t know what God’s will is. Happens to Paul, Moses, Jesus himself, + more God’s will was different from what they would’ve wanted. Sometimes takes a long time.
Spirit does not pray in our place or using our mouth as a mouthpiece. He does not have to ask the will of the Father like we do. Works in tandem w/ the Father & Son. He invokes us to pray
"God has sent forth the Spirit of his into our hearts, crying Abba, Father" - Gal 4
Why pray if can’t go against God’s will? There’s something we need to see. Like dependence on him.
Spirit groaning can’t be about tongues b/c elsewhere Paul says tongues are for certain believers. Here he’s talking about all believers
While we wait in weakness, the Spirit prays for our salvation's completion.
He prays for the things that could tear us from Christ.
His presence & prayers secure
Where is he during our trials? Right there! Not separated. Know we are secure b/c Spirit invaded our life, will persevere to godliness. Spirit proves it by carrying it to completion.
"After listening to.....gospel of salvation.....you were sealed in him......as a pledge of our inheritance.....to the redemption.....to the praise of his glory" - Eph 1
He’s praying for us b/c all things work for God’s goodness! Don’t have to be afraid! Whatever you’re groaning about, God knows!

SS on 2 Peter 1
Live righteously by God's grace & know what's true b/c God said it's true
Peter denied Christ but was told the church will be built on him?!?!?! God is faithful to Peter & teaches him.
Are we fighting against or letting him fight for?
It is given! Provided by grace. Secured by the Spirit
Faith is reality, truth, & proof.
Worship & don't worry

PM on Colossians 2
Have to learn to discern. Need to be rooted in Christ
John C early church leader who taught verse by verse
Most things Catholics do incorrect started started the right way but went astray. Churches flooded by pagans b/c Roman state required it, brought in their beliefs. Examples: the sacraments, relics, Mary veneration, tradition, succession, monks, statues.
They teach "Grace by faith.....done by the application of the sacraments."
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Wednesday prayer and Bible group >

We can not be praying and not giving!

YouTube Hispanic pastor whom I am watching in order to learn to speak God's word in Spanish >

We need to clothe ourselves with Jesus . . . with His humility and kindness, starting this with our own spouses and children at home. Jesus Himself sacrificed Himself for us, in His kindness toward us; we need to follow His example of how to love.

Personal devotional message >

Trust God to have me love each person the way He wants. Yes, Jesus took on nobodies, and ones of high reputation and power . . . ready to help even hypocrites. So Jesus is not at all conceited!

God is working all in relation with and focus on His purpose to have many who are "conformed to the image of His Son" (in Romans 8:29). So, there are things that are not a priority, compared with changing our character to be how Jesus is in His love and pleasing our Father. And so we see how people can so suffer emotionally because their cares and priorities are elsewhere.

Sermon on a Sunday >

We can enjoy God.
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We were in Genesis chapter 22 where Abraham offers up his son Isaac. The subject the pastor talked about is worship.

He says worship is important. He says that God is not conceited and therefore wanting to be worshiped. But worship is for our good, including how God shares His glory with us and His love and peace we while we put Him first.

My opinion is yes God is loving so He makes worship good for us. But it is for God's pleasire; because He is changing us to become more and more like His Son Jesus who is so pleasing to Him > this is to say, while we are like Jesus, our worship gives God pleasure because of how we are pleasing to God like Jesus while we worship Him.

And I understand that worship should be all the time, not only in a service. I mean we worship God, all the time, by loving Him and staying attentive to Him, and constantly submissive to Him in His peace and thanking Him.

And we trust God our Father to keep correcting (Hebrews 12:4-14) us to be more like Christ so we can please Him more and more like Jesus so pleases God our Father.
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am on 1 Timothy 4: train yourself in godliness
We need to both listen to guidance of Holy Spirit & intimately learn Christ. Spirit will guide us into a missional life. Not enough to learn about him.
We need to strain & strive b/c ultimate goal is to become holy, not b/c we’re trying to earn the free gift of God’s acceptance. Grace based effort. Christ came for us so that we work towards holiness.
Listen: Takes time & commitment. Faithful patience. It’s done internal from the inside-out by Spirit & prayer. Spirit will lead you to action. Will minister for yourself & others. Also need to engage w/ those around you.
Learn: just learning facts about him is insufficient b/c don’t actually know him. & doesn’t lead to action. Studying the Bible s/ lead to transformation & so you learn the right actions to take
Mary’s song pulls from 5 Psalms. She would’ve faced lot of terror & anxiety while expecting. Her song is evidence she learned & listened & shows we must be rooted in the Bible. In bad times & good times both
Abide in him by reading & praying. He is to be our home where we find rest & joy

pm on Revelation 3
The state leading to the reformation: scandals, corruption, power
"Majority of clergy concubinage.....They revolt.....They despise our justice....." - Queen Isabella of Castile
Pope Innocent III: political & spiritual head of Europe. Vicar of Christ rather than Peter. Claimed to stand in Christ's place
John Wycliffe: Beginnings of scholarly resistance. Translated Bible from Latin. Rejected false doctrines. The Bible over the pope. Understandable to the laity
John Huss: came after
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We need to strain & strive b/c ultimate goal is to become holy, not b/c we’re trying to earn the free gift of God’s acceptance. Grace based effort. Christ came for us so that we work towards holiness.

strain and strive > "according to His working which works in me mightily" > in Colossians 1:28-29.

"for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." (Philippians 2:13)

"Therefore submit to God." (in James 4:7)

ultimate goal is to become holy >

"as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct" > in 1 Peter 1:15

God's correction of our character changes us so we become "partakers of His holiness" > Hebrews 12:10. Being "partakers" means we share in something. We share with God in His holiness being shared with us . . . in spiritual union with every one of His children >

"But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him." (1 Corinthians 6:17)

Only by being "one spirit with" the Lord, can we be holy the way He is holy. So, this comes with God's working in us, and this including uniting us spiritually with Him so we become like Him, in sharing with Him in us.

"Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world." (1 John 4:17)

So, in His love we become truly holy . . . how His own love is holy.

Therefore, this is not what we do by our own discipline, but in union with God working and affecting us in our character.

So, we can see how we need to purely trust and depend on God for all He means He wants us to become in His love. And in prayer we so depend on how God alone is able to truly change a person we are praying for.
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My lady friend just got her lesson for ladies' group and we go through it together.

One question is if 1 Peter 5:3 goes for reaching lost people, because it says for leaders to be "examples to the flock" . . . not examples to sinners >

"nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." (1 Peter 5:3)

I see how this scripture has a principle which works in other ways > God uses good example.

My lady friend can affect me spiritually and in my attitude toward difficult and unsaved people and immature Christians > she is kind and generous with nasty and undeserving people, and this can affect me to be caring and generous with loving attention.

And we know how our good example has helped to win people to Jesus. And 1 Peter 3:1-4 gives us an example of this . . . how Christian wives by good example can win disobedient husbands.

And this includes how they do not only put on a show of outward beauty, but their example and beauty is in the sight of God >

"rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." (1 Peter 3:4)

If we are God's way, God can spread how we are to cause someone else to become the same way!
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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My lady friend just got her lesson for ladies' group and we go through it together.

One question is if 1 Peter 5:3 goes for reaching lost people, because it says for leaders to be "examples to the flock" . . . not examples to sinners >

"nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." (1 Peter 5:3)

I see how this scripture has a principle which works in other ways > God uses good example.

My lady friend can affect me spiritually and in my attitude toward difficult and unsaved people and immature Christians > she is kind and generous with nasty and undeserving people, and this can affect me to be caring and generous with loving attention.

And we know how our good example has helped to win people to Jesus. And 1 Peter 3:1-4 gives us an example of this . . . how Christian wives by good example can win disobedient husbands.

And this includes how they do not only put on a show of outward beauty, but their example and beauty is in the sight of God >

"rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." (1 Peter 3:4)

If we are God's way, God can spread how we are to cause someone else to become the same way!

While your in 1 Peter, let me point out that the purpose of 1 Peter is to be a field manual for citizens of Heaven assigned as diplomats to earth. It's all about who we are as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven, and then how we should relate on a day-to-day basis with the citizens of these earthly nations, giving examples for each kind of relationship we may be in with them.
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What did we do, yesterday? One son of the pastor talked about the meaning of the rainbow, in Genesis after God flooded the earth. God made a covenant with man and animals that He created, that He would see the rainbow in the clouds and that would be a memorial to keep Him from flooding the earth again.

But there will be fire >

"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up." (2 Peter 3:10)

What are "works" in this life, that can be burned? Schools, cars, ambulances, roads . . . churches, bibles. And what would be the fire which can burn up skyscrapers and bronze statues and nuclear bombs and guns and the giant furnaces which melt and refine metals?

"our God is a consuming fire." (in Hebrews 12:29)

God Himself can burn up the nuclear bombs and give the sun a sunburn.

And then comes the new heavens and the new earth. Our Apostle Paul says, "the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God." This is in Romans 8:21.

I see this means God Himself will burn away all the old creation and deliver it "also" into our "glorious liberty" which will be in the glory of Jesus and His resurrection shared with us.

So, I see that the fire will not be only a physical fire, but fire which will change the creation "also" into our resurrectional glory.

So, He is being gentle with us, considering what He could do. He is personal and kind . . . our example of how we, also, need to become with any person. And know how the works that humans have made are not a big deal for Him. But we are His work which matters so much. And so we do well to become like Jesus so we can so please Him >

"rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." (1 Peter 3:4)

This beauty of God's love is "gentle and quiet" . . . and "incorruptible" > almighty in God's own fire able to give us His immunity against any nasty naughty stuff that would violate and torment our personality in Jesus.

And with this strength and soundness of God's love we can share intimately with one another in close relationships, without getting hurt and arguing and complaining, while we reach lost people and minister this to them so they become adopted to join us.
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Romans 8
If you have Spirit you belong to Christ, if you don’t, you don’t belong -> assurance of salvation. Testifies w/ your spirit. Rejoice in your security!
Our good not always winning, making a lot of money, being powerful, etc. Our good is we are conformed to the image of Jesus
Each member of the Trinity working together to keep us secure
Our salvation is secure b/c God planned it in the past, initiates it in the present, & will complete it in the future
“I elect you b/c you’re going to elect me” – FALSE, we’d reject him on our own, the Father has to draw you, enables you
Done for God’s purposes, God’s will, God’s lovingkindness
Universal call to be saved – “let them come”. Have to listen & respond, you want to, Spirit calls you, a personal calling. Irrevocable – he won’t take it back
Someone wants to genuinely be saved but can’t b/c not chosen – FALSE, he tells us to find him. Desire from God himself
Someone doesn’t want to be saved but is forced to – FALSE, he draws us to him in love
No other answer to death

john 20
Church used as a point of sending
The OT: ‘Sent’, ‘sending’ used most frequently when God calls people to action
The NT: the Father sends the Son in the flesh. Disciples learned what it meant to be sent: to bring people closer to Jesus. Jesus completed what he was sent to do, now sends them out to bring people to him
Disciples called to be sent out while in closed & comfortable room: we are sent out of the comfort of church. We get comfortable in church. When this happens we prioritize our comfort in church, also become overly critical when we’re comfortable. We forget we are supposed to be sent outside church, so don’t lose your calling & mission
Disciples sent out in humility & weakness. We can’t come from attitude of power or view people as projects. Many times church does this wrongly
Overseas: churches planted by missionaries thriving, but declining in USA, seen in all demographics, being sent no longer means having to go overseas, churches just used for being social
We can tell who Christ is sending us to. Can be sent to specific kinds of people or specific individuals. Challenges are a catalyst
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"casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)

Any thing . . . God cares about you. He cares about problems, and about your interests and relationships, and details.

In the earlier scriptures we see commandments of the Law of Moses, with details about how God says to do things. Because God loves us, and so He does have interest in details of our lives and what we do; though they might not all be equally important, it can show how much God does desire to be involved with His people.

Each detail is important if we are sharing with God while doing it.

And now that we are with Jesus, God wants to share with us in everything, and personally guide us in it all. So, God does not want to only tell us what to do and micro-manage us. He wants us sharing with Him in His love, and not to be workaholic and obsessed with every detail, but do things with "rest for your souls" (in Matthew 11:28-30) in sharing with Jesus and one another as His family.

All is meant to be done in His family way, not isolating ourselves with our own problems, or with how we judge people away from us.

Look at the detailed craftmanship of one flower God has made. He cares!

All is in God's perfect management, but where is our attention? Ones can be letting evil control their attention. And how is this working in people?

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:21)

Our attention belongs with God who is all-loving. He will have us loving and praying blessing to hardened and impossible people.

Jesus says, "bless those who curse you," in
Matthew 5:44 and in Luke 6:28; and in these scriptures Jesus also tells us to pray for people who persecute us and spitefully use us. Plus, our Apostle Paul says, "Bless those who persecute you," in Romans 12:14. But people's attention is being tricked elsewhere.

But we hear ones making a project of how evil people can hurt us and ruin things, instead of talking about how God is able.

I understand that this can be because people who have been hurt can fear being hurt, unless we have trusted in Jesus and now are strong with Him so evil can not get the better of us.
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"I will not fear.
What can man do to me?"
(in Psalm 118:6)

"And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good?" (1 Peter 3:13)

So, no matter what Satanic people are allowed to do . . . with God we can enjoy all the good He pleases to share with us.

So, we are wise not to let evil politicians have power over us and our attention. Do not let ourselves get tangled and mangled with wrong and ruined people who do not know how to love >

"No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier." (2 Timothey 2:4)

We are here first to please God, not only to try to get people of Satan's kingdom to please us!

Do not let ourselves get tangled, then, with that stuff. Our attention belongs with God > simply obeying how He takes care of us, submitting to Him and doing what He has us do > what God has us do will work.

He says to pray; so prayer works. This, of course, means how God has us pray with caring for any and all people > 1 Timothy 2:1-4.

"Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him" (in Psalm 37:7).

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:8)

Do not get drunk with worry and devoured by fear, or devoured by lusts and self-righteous criticizing and unforgiveness.

"'Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.'" (Matthew 11:29)
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10/8 am on James 1
We must actively respond to the truth in God's Word. Listen to it. Do it.
How we rec’ it: Quick to listen. Willingly pursue. Be hungry for it! A priority. Slow to speak & become angry. Set aside pride when rebuked by Truth
Why listen to it: It helps us do what is right, keeps us from sin, helps us be teachable, & provides the hope of salvation for your soul. But doesn’t stop at salvation, asked to live it out, active obedience
The Wrong responses: Just listening. Not doing. Going to church & leaving it at that. Not carefully looking. Not changing
The right responses: Do what it says, look into the perfect law of liberty, continue to do it without stop, & don't forget what you've heard. Submit. Gives freedom! Doing helps us remember.
Live God's word. Control your tongue. Care for the unfortunate. Control your life. Becomes lifestyle. Selfless. Be careful of influences
Limit exposure to visual media. Read God's Word & listen to it. Slow down & listen. Prepare your heart to listen.
It will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from it
Result of listening & doing: you will be blessed in your work (for temptations you are facing)

Sunday School:
Everyone shared the following. Our top 3 relationships. Are we seeking relationships that'll lead them to salvation. Can we be a light. Who is older than us teaching us. Who is younger we are teaching. 3 characteristics we look for in friendships

5 guiding principles of dissenters pre Reformation: adult baptism, separation from the world w/ holy living, separation of church & state, voluntary membership, simplicity in organization & worship
Inquisition: was a reaction to attempt to purify. Accused almost always guilty
Spanish Inquisition: Mostly Jews & Muslims
Motanists: Charismatic (tongues, trances)
Novatians: Demanded discipline
Dotanists: When do the wheat & tares get separated? "We want the wheat only"
Paulicans: Wanted simple practice. But some Gnostic beliefs
Albigensians: Renounced materialism
Petrobusians: Denied infant baptism & the Mass
Waldensians: Bible Final authority
Early Reformers. The Church must be aware of correcting abuses.
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How to be ready for Jesus >

"look up" > in Luke 21:28 > Instead of looking around at all the evil and letting it get the better of us and control our attention.

Give our attention to Jesus.

And "put on the Lord Jesus Christ" (in Romans 13:14)

"be clothed with humility" (in 1 Peter 5:5)
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10/26 am Romans 8
We get caught up in brokenness, why are we even pressing on. Brokenness temporary. Spirit is revealing heaven: okay to think about! Say what we know, but don’t add more. Dec’d into not thinking about it or thinking we don’t want to go
Before anyone or anything could cause us to lose our salvation, they would have to go thru each Trinity member (Father, Son, Spirit)
Father chose, Son gave us for him, Spirit indwells us. Calls us!
Not evidence: saying a prayer, your parents were saved, attending church, knowing facts
Glorification is the final step to carry out our salvation
Glorification already secure: It’s done! Glorified past tense. Is already done & not yet done. (B/c of this, you can’t lose it), carries it out.
Glorified: made like Jesus. Physically & spiritually. Reflect w/out any mark of sin & depravity. Joy, satisfaction. Also presently share in the suffering
"We are children of God......We shall be like him. We shall see him as he is" - 1 Jhn 3
"When Christ who is our life appears then you also willl appear w/ him in glory" - Col 3
"He called you.......you might share in the glory of our Lord" - 2 Thes 2
"If children, heirs.....heirs with Christ......so we may be glorified w/ him" - Rom 8
"Our light affliction.....working for us.......eternal weight of glory" - 2 Cor 4
Creation groaning b/c of despair & anticipation for Jesus both. Disease, death, general unsatisfaction. Cursed (not good).
Anticipation of being glorified w/ Jesus keeps us walking to home
Future glorification will restore all creation
“It’s gonna get better’, ‘just be happy’, etc. doesn’t work b/c no security in it
Early Christians taught physical heaven, then people thought it sounded too sensual & is just disembodied. Bible teaches physicality. Some things will be as they are now minus the sin. In God’s presence. He gives fullness of joy & satisfaction
God saves more than your soul in redemption. Saves bodies, minds, creation (new creation). Senses okay! Just not created to be slaves to them
"I create new heavens & a new earth" - Isah 65
"We according to his promise......look for new heavens & a new earth in which righteousness dwells" - 2 Pet 3
"Heaven boring..." - Joel Stein
"10 reasons heaven would be hell. A nightmare it would be"
"Tangible, glorified.......affects how we think" - Michael Vlach
"Medidate on heaven" - Spurgeon

Sunday School:
Salvation is a gift. Meant to build faith. B/c God's promises to us. Overwhelm sin w/ God's truths. Supplement faith w/:
Virtue: Strengthens conscience
Knowledge: Rec' it. Defend it
Self-control: Able to be rebuked
Steadfastness: Dutifully firm
Godliness: it's the objective
Brotherly affection: Strengthens & allows ministry
Love: Binds us
Result: If these qualities are.....increasing, they keep you from being ineffective.......in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ" - 2 Pet 1
Circle one you want to work on (self-control)

PM on Revelation 21:
Heavenly city a place of overwhelming beauty & light
Size: MI to NV, Can to Mex!
It's a place of vibrant life & restful activity
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Dec 20, 2020
United States
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10/22/23 am on Romans 8
Emphasis: Claiming the Christian title isn’t proof of anything. Recognize Jesus saves you from your sin & then next Spirit will live within you. If you don’t have the Spirit you’re not genuine Christian.
You have Spirit when you want more than just ‘being a good person’: You have the desire & freedom to obey Christ
You didn’t get yourself in Christ & you don’t keep yourself in Christ! He does it for you
Romans 8 begins w/ no condemnation for those in Christ & ends w/ no separation. Everything between establishes our salvation's security
Doesn't Hebrews say you can lose it? No, Hebrews says they were just going thru the motions
Secure b/c God planned it in the past, initiates it in the present, & will complete it in the future
Christians who say you can lose it live in fear, & can’t give satisfactory answer how. Is it 50 of that sin & 2 of that? 200? Would he turn his back on you?
Question: Is there anything that can stop the completion of God's saving purpose in a genuine Christian's life?
Answer: B/c God is for me nothing can truly stand against me. I have everything for my future glorification. No accusation can separate me from him, & nothing is powerful enough
"When I cry out to you………….I know." Psalm 56
Strengthen your heart with hope
"We have this as a sure & steadfast anchor" Heb 6
Freely gives us all things for future glorification & everything we need to be sure, including things that may seem bad to us at the time, does not mean gives whatever you want whenever you want
Anticipation of being glorified w/ Jesus keeps us walking on our journey home
Our hearts accuse us & other people accuse us. Only Christ can bring out judgement on us & he doesn’t
“Separate” same word as divorce. Will God ever divorce you? No. Crushing conforming you to Christ. You don’t just get by.
Works were not the cause of his beginning to love you so they are not the cause of his continuing to love you

SS: Class shared: What am I reading in Bible or Christian book? Recent sermon that gave me new or different perspective? Greatest contributor to my faith? Why s/ I have personal & not casual relationship w/ God?

PM on Jude
Many churches pick & choose which parts of God’s truths to ignore. Leads to more false teaching
Scandals, corruption, & power in mainline church led to Reformation
Pillars of the Faith eroded over time. Worship added Mary & the Saints, salvation added the sacraments. Tradition given unequal authority to the Bible
Pre Reformers: Waldo, Wycliffe, Hus
Human perspective to Reformation: printing press, papacy decline, humanism (desire to go back to the Greek & Hebrew)
Luther extreme depression. Never felt the works the church was telling him to do was saving him. God confirmed to him: Bible says you can't get salvation by works (Not new, Luther brought back to mainline)
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Dec 20, 2020
United States
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10/29 am on James 4 & 5
We all sin at times with our tongue.
What is evil speaking? Slander: statements made that are untrue, or true but tear others down. Verbal attacks, exaggerations, false accusations, unfair harsh attitudes, gossip. Casts a shadow of doubt on their character.
Setting us up as person who has authority to judge. Church not immune to it.
Stop it! Put it away like a ship pulling up anchor & moving on!
“They go around…..gossips, talking about things not proper” 1 Tim 5
“Put away…..all slander” 1 Pet 2
“Let all……..slander be put away from you” Eph 4
“Be tenderhearted……forgiving each other” Eph 4
“Only what is helpful for building others up…….that it may benefit those who listen” Eph 4
“You know even in your own heart you have cursed others” Ecc 7
“Whoever secretly slanders I will destroy” Psalm 101
“The Lord comes, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness” 1 Cor 5
Don’t know all the facts. Don’t have to comment on everything. Don’t hide it under discernment, honesty or Biblical-backed concern. Don’t make snap judgements.
Is it ever right to judge? Yes, Jesus & Paul both say to confront those living in sin and / or not associate w/ them. Have to do w/ gentleness & not demeaning
Evil speaking deeply hurts the other person. Destroys their opportunity to thrive. They probably know they’re doing wrong
Evil speaking rejects the law of love. Paul lists slanderers alongside haters of God in Rom 1 – serious! Rejects place reserved for God alone
We are to speak to build others up & benefit those who listen

Sunday School we played Bible trivia game

PM: I lost my notes for evening service. I remember: It was on Luther speaking against the church saying pay them to forgive sins. He did not want to break away but to fix an error he saw
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