This was just amazing...


We are saved purely by the work and grace of God.
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Dec 13, 2015
United States
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I havent talked about this for over a year but I want to share this story to bless other people going through the same thing. Last year I had to be hospitalized for three weeks because I had a blood clot in my right leg, both lungs, and most concerning of all my heart. I didn't know this at the time but apparently the blood clot in my heart was over 12 inches long. I had to immediately be brought down from New York to New Hampshire for emergency surgery. I was VERY scared that i was going to die.

I should have died, I was dying and yet for some reason, it wasn't my time to go home yet. Get this. I was put under for a good 5 hours before they started the surgery. They could tell that I was nervous and they told me to relax but I couldn't until I fell asleep and woke up 6 hours later. When I woke up a nurse was in my hospital room and I asked her how the surgery went.

She was like "get this, you're not going to believe this but they couldn't find the blood clot in your heart and they checked for it for about an hour and it's well... it's gone,"

I started to freak out again and I said "so they cut me open for nothing?" And she said "no they didn't cut you open they were looking for the blood clot before they started the surgery and well... it's gone. God healed you. The doctors are baffled as to how this could have happened and they're going to try to think of some scientific way to explain this but. God healed you."

I couldn't believe it. I was stunned when I told my wife she didn't believe me until they called her and told her. About 2 hours after I woke up a pastor visited me because I was in the ICU and he was visiting everyone in the ICU that wanted to talk to him. I got to talking to him asking him whether or not God loves me and I broke down and cried. He told me "I can't say I know nothing about you," but I got to talking to him for about 30 minutes and the pastor asked me all kinds of questions like "how did you become a Christian?" "I'm reformed and follow the teachings of Calvin too which is why I don't want to be so quick to tell somebody that God loves them. He abhors the wicked."

Eventually he asked me how I got to be in the ICU and i said "you're not going to believe this." And I told him everything the nurse had just told me and I was like "God healed me." And he paused for a moment and w a s like "well there's your answer." And I was like "huh?" And he was like "God healed you. It takes a great amount of love to make God heal in supernatural ways like that. He loves you." Then he left to visit the next room in thee ICU.

I tell you, that made me cry. My nurse made me cry. All this time I thought I was hated by God and he not only saved my life but he saved my life on multiple occasions in miraculous ways. This morning mh pastor got to talking about how we belong to the family of God and how Jesus isn't afraid to call us brother or sister. It reminded me of the time the pastor visited me in the ICU and i just bawled my eyes out.

I'm living proof that God still heals today. I should have died but God saved my life.

About 5 months later I had to follow up with a cardiologist and he couldn't believe that I didn't suffer a stroke or at the worst, died. He told me straight out 99% of people that were in my situation suffered a stroke later. I've seen hundreds of cases where people have died. "You're the only case I've seen that walked away from a coronary thrombosis, DVT, and pulmonary embolism completely unscathed". The doctors in New Hampshire also couldn't believe it yet and probably to this day have no clue how it happened and how my heart healed itself. They checked me for several days for a stroke. There was none. I just needing physical therapy for a while afterwards and have to walk with a cane now. Praise the Lord!

I hope you gain inspiration from this story. I've got plenty of them lol.
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Terri Dactyl

Active Member
Aug 27, 2022
United States
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What a wonderful story. I was praising God,
This bothers me though, if I'm reading right.
"I'm reformed and follow the teachings of Calvin too which is why I don't want to be so quick to tell somebody that God loves them. He abhors the wicked." Do you really do this?
God loves everyone. The folks that don't cancer, the sick, the poor, God loves all of them..
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