The topic of Heaven.


Jun 25, 2012
Marital Status
Hi! :wave: I have a pretty vivid and wild imagination, and always love to ponder on the prospect of my life after this earthly one, so I want to ask 2 questions to anyone willing to share...

1) What do you imagine Heaven to be like?
2.) What do you imagine you will do in Heaven?

I'll give you my idea, of course it may not be anywhere close to it in reality, but whenever I think of it, this is what comes to my mind.

I imagine it to be so beautiful, like take the most lush Caribbean island or the most gorgeous artic wonderland and multiply it by 1000 and that is how wonderful it is. True paradise. I imagine there to be lots of animals, all of God's wonderful creations! Lions will be lying down with lambs, colorful birds in the sky, past-time pets that died on Earth frolicking with their owners that died and are now in Heaven. I like to imagine abused dogs and other abandoned animals fully recovered and full of health living in God's presence. I like to imagine huge ponds and lakes, but without any of the dirt and pollution, so it's crystal blue! Kind of how blue the Caribbean waters look like! I imagine the greenest grass and the bluest sky. I see so many of God's people praising God and living in harmony! I imagine the Father in a giant throne room, it's all white, and He is giant! Kind of like the Lincoln statue but triple that or two. I imagine lots of God's angels are in there and everyone is constantly declaring God's majesty and wonderfulness! I also see little children playing and running through God's heavenly paradise! Playing with puppies and other of God's creations! In the lakes and ponds I like to imagine, fresh water with rainbow coral reefs with beautiful fish swimming and dolphins! I like to imagine no fear between God's people and animals! I also imagine huge choirs of angels and saints worshipping our Lord! I think that's enough describing lol.

For the second question, what I will be doing... Honestly... I imagine myself just following Jesus around forever if it is at all possible. With all the wonders and glories of Heaven, I don't think even that can compare to being by His side. I imagine His disciples being with Him as well and others, and I will join them, and follow Him around! I want to talk to Him and ask Him about all His creations and listen to what He has to say about anything. I know this might be silly, but... I imagine myself going and picking out the most pretty flowers or write a song for God and give them to Jesus and the Father. (Yeah, I also like to imagine we are all good singers in Heaven hah.) I want to give gifts to them if it is possible, and I hope it is! So, yeah, that basically it! The day I die and go there, I will have so much joy I think I would die if I wouldn't be already dead!

I would love to hear what you have to say! :)


Jan 1, 2009
Marital Status
I don't tend to think too much about it either, but based on our training here, going through all of life's trials and tribulations to bring us to completion as works of Christ, I figure He has work for us too do. He's shaping us to be like Jesus for the purpose. Could it be that we are to be His servants on the New Earth, perhaps providing guidance to a generation of mankind? We really don't know, but if He has the angels working to minister to those who will inherit salvation now, I figure some role along those lines might be in store for our future. Our God is creative, so I can't imagine He won't continue to create.
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Jezebel's bain
May 14, 2012
Marital Status
Hi! :wave: I have a pretty vivid and wild imagination, and always love to ponder on the prospect of my life after this earthly one, so I want to ask 2 questions to anyone willing to share...

1) What do you imagine Heaven to be like?
2.) What do you imagine you will do in Heaven?

This is a topic that requires a good understanding of Rev 2&3. The positions of authority you can be rewarded with as an overcomer of the problems listed give us a big clue.

Some will have no position of authority while others will be granted positions like juror, judge, counselor, ruler over nations, priest or even granted a role as king that shares the throne room. This life is your job interview for your position in the eternal kingdom. That role is based on the level of spiritual maturity you achieve and the problems you overcome in this life. So there are severe consequences to those that just get their 'fire insurance' but of course heaven will need its street sweepers and janitors.

Will you be poor, blind and naked or will you be rich in heavenly rewards, clothed in robes of righteousness and not blinded by the superior glory of others?

Will you live on the outer wall denied access to the tree of life or will you have a mansion on the heights? What you will be doing will be based on what job you are qualified for within the kingdom. Will you be a gardener or ruling with Yeshua? That is totally up to you based on your walk to become more christ-like. The unfaithful servants won't be fit to stand in His presence.

You have to understand the concept of Glorification. We will NOT all be equal within the kingdom. Only some are headed for positions of glory. There will be a GREAT divide between the least and the greatest saints in the kingdom.

The outer darkness, which should be better translated as 'shade', will be filled with people that wasted their lives. That is the area of the least in the kingdom, the farthest from the throne of glory. And yes, there initially will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for those that wasted their lives and were considered unworthy for a position of authority.

Rev 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

Your position in the kingdom will be based on your works that are not wood, hay or stubble that burn in the fires of judgement. We are to store up our heavenly wealth.
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Do not be so open-minded that your brain falls out
Apr 19, 2008
Marital Status
Something cool the Spirit showed me several years ago. Is it heaven? Or is it the moment of true salvation? I don't know.

The King has come. He is more than King. He is the Son of God. Everyone was to bring Him gifts – the best they had. Whether it was an art collector bringing his best Van Gogh, or a musician bringing her most intense composition, everyone was bringing the best.

What was I to bring? I had nothing. Young, poor, and what I had, I had given away in the difficult years before, so what could I possibly bring this beautiful Man? I thought long and hard, but came up with nothing. But gift or not, we are all summoned to His presence today.

His throne room is gorgeous. And crowded. And no matter where I stand, I have a perfect view of Jesus. It’s so overwhelming, being here, that for a while, I forget that I have nothing to offer Him. The angels are choosing who comes forward; and each person, after kneeling or bowing at the base of the dais, lays whatever they have upon the altar. When needed, angels remove the offerings and take them away. Some people, farmers and ranchers, bring live animals or fresh food. The animals are placed before the altar, but everything else is placed on it. These are just as accepted as gold and silver.

I am reminded that I have nothing to offer. Though shame causes me to try to stay out of sight, I can’t help but stare at Jesus. He is so beautiful. I am startled when our eyes meet, and for a split second, it is just Him and me. I watch as He motions for an angel to come over to Him, and whispers something to him. As the angels clear off the altar again, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

“He has called for you.”

“But I . . .” The angel takes my hand and walks with me. As I approach the dais, I decide to give the only gift I have to offer.

I kneel, then approach the altar. “I have only one thing to offer You. I offer You myself.”

The priests protest as I place my hands on the altar, and boost myself up onto it. “Leave her alone.” Jesus’ voice is commanding. All the priests back up, and for the first time, He stands. As He comes down the stairs, I wonder if I’ve made a mistake.

He approaches me, and staying there is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. “What are you offering Me, child?” He asks.

“I have nothing, Lord.” I whisper. “I can only give You what I do have. All I have is me. I offer You my life, Lord. It is Yours to use, or to take, as You see fit.”

“Do you realize the significance of what you are doing?” He asks. “Nothing living can be placed on this altar without the shedding of blood.”

“Yes, Lord.” I whisper. “This is all I have to offer You.”

I’m surprised when Jesus’ beautiful, kingly robe shimmers and changes into one that is similar to the priest’s robes. Then I remember. He is our High Priest. When He turns back to me, He has the dagger used for sacrifices in His hand. My eyes light up as I realize that Jesus Himself will be taking my offering. Somehow, it takes all fear away.

When He turns back to me, I lie down. “You have offered Me your life.” His hand cups my face. “I accept your offering. Your life is Mine. Because you have placed yourself on the altar, blood must be shed.” I turn my face into His hand, kissing it gently, and, taking a deep breath, nod my assent.

He holds the dagger over me horizontally, and I move my hands from my stomach, giving Him full access to my heart. He grips the hilt with His right hand and the blade with His left. Our eyes meet, and I resist the urge to close mine.

For a second, all is totally silent. Then I sit up and gasp, “No!” as He pulls the dagger across His own hand. “Blood must be shed,” He repeats so quietly that only I hear Him. His blood flows, as do my tears. He places the dagger on the altar beside me. In shock, I lie back, shaking my head in disbelief, whispering, “Please, no!”

He announces, “Life has been offered, blood has been shed. I have redeemed this life with My own blood.” He brings His gaze back to me. “Make no mistake, child. The person you were is dead. Your life has been given, and accepted. Every heart beat from now on, every breath you take, is a gift from Me.” He takes some blood from His still-bleeding hand onto His right thumb. As He anoints my forehead, He says, “Your thoughts will be conformed to My thoughts.”

He works His way down my body, anointing with His own blood as He speaks. “Your eyes will see as I do. Your ears will hear My voice. Your mouth will speak My words. Your heart will beat at My command. Your hands will perform My work. Your feet will walk My path.”

Each place He touches, tingles, and I see the blood He’s placed on my hands and feet sink into my skin, becoming a part of me. “You are khe-rehm, totally devoted to Me. My blood has become a part of you, and you will never stray far from My side.” Amazed, I take His offered hand, and come down from the altar. “This woman is Mine.” He announces.

An angel steps forward, and Jesus places my hand in the angel’s. “Take her, and dress her appropriately.”

I go with the angel, who takes me to a room off to the side of the throne room. There is a stone pool there, not much bigger than a bath tub, but much deeper. The water is running down a stone waterfall into the pool, and then out the other side and through an opening in the wall. The angel speaks to me. “You are to perform a Mikvah – a ritual cleansing bath, which will make you ritually pure. You are to dip yourself three times in the water.”

I remember that this is a Jewish tradition – to dip in moving, or “living” water, for purification. “Where does the water come from?” I ask as I disrobe.

“It is from the River of Life flowing from the throne.”

I step down into the pool, and find that it is almost shoulder-deep. I take a breath, and lower myself under the water.

I find myself whisked away, to review my life. At each point of major decision, I am shown how God has had a hand in my life. Even the lesser decisions I’d made were directed by God for a bigger purpose. All is explained, all is understood.

I stand, bringing my head above water. It seems as if I were under the water for hours, or maybe days, but the angel assures me I was only under for a few seconds. I dip myself again, and I am shown my life again, only this time, I see my rebellious motives and actions, and the stains on my life that they produced. My head breaks the surface again, this time with tears joining the water streaming down my face. So many times I thought I was doing what was right, but my motives dirtied the act, making it less than worthy for a child of God.

“I don’t know if I want to see what’s next,” I whisper to myself, but I plunge back in again. This time, I see all those stains again, being washed away by the flowing water. I see myself becoming cleaner and cleaner, until there is no stain or spot left. Only when all is perfect do I lift my head, and walk up out of the water. I feel like I’ve been in the water for years.

The angel offers me a robe, and leads me to yet another room. There is a dressing table with a mirror, a chair, and a hair brush. I sit and use the brush, then the angel pulls my hair back into a simple pony tail. He goes to a wardrobe that I hadn’t noticed before, and there is one article of clothing there. It is a simple cotton pull-over tunic, pure white and softer than silk. Of course, it fits perfectly.

When I am led back out, Jesus is back on His throne, and the offerings had resumed. I start to re-join the crowd, but the angel stops me. I am surprised when he leads me up the dais to Jesus. His eyes brighten as He sees me, and He motions me forward. I kneel, only a few feet from Him, and He asks, “Will you sit with Me?”

I sit next to Him at His feet. The temporarily halted procession begins again as before. I really enjoy sitting by Him. I am uninterested in the offerings, or the angels. Just being that close to Him produces such joy! It is really hard for me not to lean against Him, and the emotional high of the last while is wearing off. Sensing this, He places His hand on my head, and pulls me over a little, resting my head on His knee. I sigh, relaxing, as He strokes my still-drying hair.

I am grateful for this vision, or story, that God gave me. I deeply desire to be the person in this story.
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Do not be so open-minded that your brain falls out
Apr 19, 2008
Marital Status
This is a topic that requires a good understanding of Rev 2&3. The positions of authority you can be rewarded with as an overcomer of the problems listed give us a big clue.

Some will have no position of authority while others will be granted positions like juror, judge, counselor, ruler over nations, priest or even granted a role as king that shares the throne room. This life is your job interview for your position in the eternal kingdom. That role is based on the level of spiritual maturity you achieve and the problems you overcome in this life. So there are severe consequences to those that just get their 'fire insurance' but of course heaven will need its street sweepers and janitors.

Will you be poor, blind and naked or will you be rich in heavenly rewards, clothed in robes of righteousness and not blinded by the superior glory of others?

Will you live on the outer wall denied access to the tree of life or will you have a mansion on the heights? What you will be doing will be based on what job you are qualified for within the kingdom. Will you be a gardener or ruling with Yeshua? That is totally up to you based on your walk to become more christ-like. The unfaithful servants won't be fit to stand in His presence.

You have to understand the concept of Glorification. We will NOT all be equal within the kingdom. Only some are headed for positions of glory. There will be a GREAT divide between the least and the greatest saints in the kingdom.

The outer darkness, which should be better translated as 'shade', will be filled with people that wasted their lives. That is the area of the least in the kingdom, the farthest from the throne of glory. And yes, there initially will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for those that wasted their lives and were considered unworthy for a position of authority.

Rev 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

Your position in the kingdom will be based on your works that are not wood, hay or stubble that burn in the fires of judgement. We are to store up our heavenly wealth.

Our positions may vary according to our works here on earth, but I don't believe that there will be any danger of being "Blinded by the superior glory of others."

What of the story of the generous Vineyard owner? He gave those who came in late and did little work the same salary as the ones who'd worked all day. That seems to say that all will be equal in the kingdom of God.

Oh, and I don't believe that mere "fire insurance" is true salvation. If you have not submitted to Jesus' Lordship over your life, one prayer and getting dunked in a pool will do nothing but get you wet.
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