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In case you missed it you tipped your hand.You have no idea how I view the bible.
It is legitimate in that it offers a valid explanation for our existence.
The "It's Magic" argument is your argument. I think the historical and experiential evidence for God's existence makes my side of the argument much more legitimate.
The universe is a system for conveying information. A system has a programmer.
In what sense is it a 'valid' explanation?It is legitimate in that it offers a valid explanation for our existence.
No, it is just an arbitrary example of something as informative and explanatory as "God did it".The "It's Magic" argument is your argument.
If God is supposed to be 'outside' the universe, then - as we have already said - it is inaccessible, which means there can be no evidence for its existence, historical or experiential.I think the historical and experiential evidence for God's existence makes my side of the argument much more legitimate.
What makes you think so? what information? from where to where?The universe is a system for conveying information.
Only if you define 'system' as 'something programmed'. A system is just a set of things that interact within some boundary, or that together form a whole.A system has a programmer.
LOL!! The universe is not a watch.It is not a fallacy. A watch does not make itself.
What "design"? You may be quoting someone out of context. Life may have the appearance of design.Experience is evidence, albeit inconclusive.
Also, design is evidence.
You can't have experience of what is outside the universe. Experience consists of perception of events, and perceivable events occur within the universe - as we already agreed. Perception is often mistaken, and it's common to think you've experienced things that never really happened. Many people make a living out of it.Experience is evidence, albeit inconclusive.
Evidence of what though? There are no objective criteria for design, and no unambiguous definition. It's evidence only of a subjective judgement.Also, design is evidence.
You are correct in your first statement.
I could sometimes see the future while fully awake (perhaps, I'm a prophet or something else, who knows...).
At some point, I decided to experiment with trying to alter the events I saw in the future.
Here's what happened. The course of action I took whether I think it would alter the future event, actually led to it!
Here's another thing, I could actually send a little amount of information to my past self. It has led to an interesting "time-looping" event wherein, I received a message from my future self and then when the same time approached, I sent the exact same message back to my past self....even if I never planned to.
The message that hit me is this: Prophet Jonah in all outcomes would have been eaten by a big fish and went to Nineveh.....Even if somehow, you invented a time machine and decides to mess up history - even this is the only one possible outcome and nothing else. Someone's going to travel to the past and mess up history and it is inevitable.
That is because everything that will happen has already happened.
Multiverse theory is compelling, but like a lot of TF, it depends a lot on how a particular function evolves over space AND time. Time... is a very deceptive entity. It is virtual. It limits our understanding of reconciling the past, present and future.
I think various theories, including MVT, are born out of trying to explain things around the concept of time as we known it.
You can sti see the future, do everything you can do prevent it, and them end up doing the same thing. That is because the "timelines" of everyone has fixed boundary conditions for any "segment" of life you choose.
The end points are fixed.
So, this is why string theory is so fascinating, and attractive, because we can model the evolution of time as a modified wave equation with at least one set of boundary conditions, and even initial conditions. It makes sense (but, it is still highly theoretical.)
But the "timelines" are not your typical "frictionless, massless, extremely thin, non-conducting, chargless, one-dimensional..." lines in n-dimensions.
You can make loops in your timeline, your timeline can squiggle, you can even have a well-defined expression for the shape of your timeline - like A(t, x, x')sin(k•x + wt) + f(x).
The certainty in your timeline comes from the segment you choose, and its endpoints (boundary conditions.) In other words, expectation values in position, energy, momentum and time. QM has already tackled the elegance of this problem, but time is still treated as a real dimension. Time is a phase - even a pseudovector.
Your timeline can look like Brownian Motion because of your actions (with or without knowledge of the endpoints,) but you will always end up at the same fixed endpoints (the happening.) You can see that as the segment get smaller and smaller (the interval of time chosen,) the closer "beginning" becomes "end". A singularity collapse.
Theoretically, you can start at the smallest "time segment interval dt," and take the [time]line integral slowly (each iteration as a dt,) you get a situation like a "prophet" accurately telling events, oracles, or even the omniscience of God Himself (if your "segment" is literally beginning and end.) For entities like prophets and angels, they are only given/choose a segment of creation that is very small. This is also why prophets for example, fan accurately predict future events, but perhaps cannot predict they would trip over a log. Their segment of information did not include that immediate future in the boundary.
They replied, "We want you to do what you want to do. That means making choices and there isn't necessarily any right choice. There are a spectrum of possibilities, and you should make the best choice you can from those possibilities. If you do that, we will be there helping you." (Howard Storm, near-death .com)
Hate to sound hyper-technical but I don't believe "multiverse" even rises to the level of a theory; it's an idea, a speculation. And quantum mechanics which is much more solid, with aspects of it proven experimentally, is still open to over a dozen philosophical interpretations, some of which include the idea of multiverse. So it's hard to say at this point anyway.
We sometimes hear that "Time is an illusion" or much of what we take for granted such as the world being physical is more illusion than real. Whether real or not our world seems to be underpinned by a hidden reality that includes imaginary numbers such as the square root of negative one, and/or extra hidden "rolled up" dimensions. For some such ideas are too crazy to consider. Like Roger Penrose we may need to propose impossible things such as his Penrose Triangle to find a last piece to finish the puzzle. Whether underpinned by simple or complex rules our world is very strange......" (Graham P.)
I am a total amateur on the subject... but one of my online friends has
written what I regard as a brilliant article on this topic.
Graham P.:
Hidden Un-Realities
Hidden Un-Realities
I personally prefer to think of time...... as an invention.....
much like a car, or canoe, or 747 or yacht.......
designed by an Intelligence / Intelligences.... composed of fundamental or nearly fundamental energy.... who
invented time......
in order to assist others.......
humans, angels, perhaps aliens of some form.........
even perhaps fallen angels......
to progress spiritually and philosophically from point A to point B... and on and on and on... to higher and higher levels of wisdom, empathy, love, understanding, compassion for others.......
especially others that they might tend to define as "inferior."
Once again we got people reading "extra biblical nonsense" written by worldly authors. How about we stick to the bible instead?
The word of God mentions nothing about a fact, he created everything ONCE and it was very good. That is what the word of God says, we don't need additional commentary nonsense by worldly authors and worldly books.
No one has seen a multiverse, it's a hoax. So what if they have mathematics to support it? Mathematics does not describe reality. When mathematics disconnect from reality, you have nonsense.
Experience is evidence, albeit inconclusive.
Also, design is evidence.
No. Multiverse theory is firmly based on physics and mathematics (with a little philosophy).The basic concept behind Multiverse Theory is based firmly on scriptures...
The idea of an entity mechanically spinning off multiple timelines brings into serious question the motive why such an entity would be eternally engaging in such a repetitive activity. For example, why would he not be satisfied with just one timeline? What benefits are there for mankind and for him in creating all these timelines?An online friend of mine happens to be a theoretical physicist and he has made me wonder if Ezekiel chapter 37 happens again and again and again and again as The G-d of Abraham, the Creator of heaven and earth, replicates a moment in what we think of as the past...… and spins off a new time line?
The implications of this are pretty heavy!
For example I recently read chapter 5 of "Saved By The Light" again by Dannion Brinkley. He had been shown a future where the major events of the Book of Revelation were fulfilled....... but...… was he shown the most recent time line that had already occurred..... and are we now in a new time line where our choices and our prayers can positively alter the future????