The Battle of Armageddon

Gary K

an old small town kid
Aug 23, 2002
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Dt 30 reveals that in the end time Israel will return, Am 9 prophesies the return.
Armaggedon is where armies from the north and south meet prior to ascending toward Jerusalem.
Zechariah 14 talks of The Lord defending Jerusalem in the last day.
The Bible talks of a literal return, literal armies invading and being destroyed.
I think you're missing something very important.

The weekend before the Jews murdered Jesus He told them, while weeping, that their house was left unto them desolate. When He died the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom exposing the Most Holy place open to the eyes of everyone. Why? Because God had left the Most Holy place never to return.

I don't know if you've ever read Henry H. Millman's book The History of the Jews, or Josephus' book The Wars of the Jews as they quite graphically demonstrate what happens when a people walk away from God. By AD 70 the Jews were insane. They destroyed each other, burnt their own food supplies that would have enabled them to survive for many years, and paraded around as homosexuals while killing each other. During the siege blood stood in lakes around the alter as so many people died offering sacrifices. The bandit's who were running Jerusalem killed anyone they thought might leave Jerusalem after the Roman's besieged the city. It was wholesale murder inside Jerusalem.

You can download both books from the Gutenberg Project if you're interested in learning about it. Josephus is the better of the two for I've told you some of what he wrote as His book focuses a lot on the destruction of Jerusalem.

After Titus, the Roman general, entered Jerusalem he said God had to have intervened as the fortifications were so impressive he knew he could never have conquered Jerusalem.
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