Standing by your "convictions"

Nathan Poe

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2002
United States
13th March 2003 at 08:35 AM Pray4Isrel said this in Post #23

OK, that aside, Quath, anyone that reads the Bible in its entirety can clearly see the Levitical Law that was fulfilled by Jesus.  You are so quick to give quotes on the Law yet you rarely, if ever, speak of the life of Jesus and the New Testament.  It's like you are looking through blinders to see only the pieces of the Bible that you want to see.  You have completely ignored the life and works of Jesus.  It's like reading the first half of a novel and thinking you understand the entire book.  A lot occurs in the second half, might not want to ignore it...

The issue is that Jesus fulfilled all the laws he was ever going to. Until his return, the Bible stands as is.

THe problem with that is that you get your morality from the Bible, the Bible never changes, therefore you never change.

Stability is a good quality; stagnation isn't. Good thing the Bible's comprehensive enough, and open to enough iterpretations, to be applied to numerous situations

You are right about one thing, it does take more than the Bible to develop morality - it takes responsibility, accountability and action.  But the Bible is the code of morality (well at least for us Believers it is - I can't expect a non-Believer to grasp this). 

Watch what you say about us non-believers-- I happen to think that the Bible is a pretty good source of day-to-day morality and common sense advice... for the people of its time. A good deal of it, particularly the teachings of Jesus, can still be applied in some form today, although perhaps not as it was originally intended. Times change.

Personally, I don't see anything particularly divinely inspired, although, as I've noted in a previous thread, I consider Jesus to be a kind and virtuous man, as well as a brilliant philosopher. There's good practical advice to be found even if one rejects the entire "Son of God" message.
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