Selection from Who You Are When No One Is Looking


Feb 1, 2002
New York
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From: Who You Are When No One Is Looking
By: Bill Hybels

The story is told of two prisoners in one small cell with no light except what came through a tiny window three feet above eye level. Both prisoners spent a great deal of time looking at that window. One of them saw the bars - obvious,
ugly, metallic reminders of reality. From day to day he grew increasingly discouraged, bitter, angry, and hopeless. By contrast, the other prisoner looked through the window to the stars and beyond. Hope welled up in that
prisoner as he began to think of starting a new life in freedom.

The prisoners were looking at the same window, but one saw bars while the other saw stars. And the difference in their vision made a huge difference in their lives.

...Vision, like courage and discipline, is a character trait that can be stimulated and developed in anyone who is willing to understand what it really is and then to work hard at making it part of everyday life. Everyone can
choose to look at bars or stars. In fact, everyone makes that choice several times every day.