Reared Catholic/Converted Anglican 25 yrs ago


Aug 8, 2012
South Carolina
Marital Status
Since converting to the Episcopal Church at 14 years old, I have never missed Eucharist, I read my Bible daily, I pray Daily Devotion from the BCP and I have grown tremendously in my faith. I believe deeply in the Articles of Religion defined in the BCP, but I am somewhat confused about the Old Catholic Church Communion. I have researched and found that there are many different Old Catholic Churches. I found that some basically follow the same beliefs in the Eucharist, Salvation, Mary and the Saints and Purgatory as outlines in the BCP. I do not accept the doctrine of purgatory, adoration of the Eucharist, Veneration of Mary and the Saints, or praying the Marian Rosay, although I do pray the Anglican Rosary. Does the Old Catholic Church promote the Roman practices or are they more in line with the teachings outlines in the BCP? I would love to know more about an inclusive Old Catholic Church? What beliefs are defined in their Catechism?