Personality changes, nightmares, or OCD happen to your child overnight?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2004
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My daughter has Arnold Chiari Malformation 1, Arachnoid cyst, syringeolmylia, autism etc..... but none of those explained what happened to her in September 2011. She became a different child overnight. Fearful, anxiety, OCD, vocal tics, nightmares that allowed us to sleep for 10 min then be awake for 2 hours then repeat, incontinent, refused to eat dinner, clung to me in desperation at bedtime, and a full page of other symptoms. I was beside myself yet all I got from her docs was it is all behavioural. I know better than this as a child does not change this drasticly overnight nor can they will themselves to have nightmares.

What I found after three months of searching was PANDAS NIMH Pediatrics Developmental Neuroscience Branch . If your child experiences anything like I posted, or if you have any questions about this condition feel free to PM me or post here. I will try to check in now and then. Many Docs do not know a whole lot about this condition yet. Many are willing to learn, others are skeptical.