Outside The Camp: A Voice Crying In The Wilderness

Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
United States
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Come Then Let Us Go To Him Outside The Camp Bearing
His Reproach (Hebrews 13:13)

Foxes Have Holes and The Birds OF The Air Have Nests, But the Son OF Man Has Nowhere to Lay His Head
(Luke 9:58)

The Voice Of One Crying In The Wilderness, Prepare The Way Of The Lord, Make His Paths Straight. (Mark 1:3)

I really don't know where I fit into Christianity. And I really don't know where this post is going for that matter. But My Two Cents seemed like the right place to be.

My Two Cents seems like an outlier forum, for those who have nowhere else to go, but outside the camp to share their two cents. So it seemed like a good place for me. Well I guess if nothing else, if done in the right way, by the right Spirit leading, being outside the camp crying in the wilderness, though not easy, is not such a bad place to be. And if I am in the company mentioned above, it's exactly where we all need to be.

Keeping in mind and the Spirit of what this forum was intended to be, that this forum is not a debate forum, I would like, if possible, for this to be a continual conversation. A place where you can join in too. Share your thoughts, tell me your own two cents, give me your feedback, speak to each other in a Spirit of Love, even if we should disagree. Christianity needs these voices, voices brought outside the camp, crying in the wilderness, saying
" This is the way, walk ye in it, make straight the paths of the Lord."

When I think of the Lord, in His final days on this earth, I think often of that scripture above, " Foxes have holes, the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." I believe there is so much more to it, so much more He was expressing than just physical place. I believe it goes right back to what was spoken of Him in John, that light had come into the world, but the world loved darkness more than the light, so they pushed that light away, they rejected that light, that crucified Him, in order to spare their own.

He had no spiritual place here. He was heading toward Jerusalem. He was focused on something. Even His disciples were finding His words and actions more and more strange, more difficult to understand. Who was this man? What was He after? Where does this all end? There was a greater intensity then than even before. Things were drawing nigh. There was little time left. He was calling people unto Himself. "This thing is serious." "No time for that." "Let the dead bury the dead," "No time to look back." "No one who puts His hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God."

Yes, the pace was picking up. The times were drawing nigh. And the Son of Man, More and more had no place to lay His head. There is a lot more to that. He is saying something there. He is getting at something. What do you think it is? What do you think it means for us today?" What do you think about the day in which we live? Is the intensity picking up for you, or is it the same old same old? " Settle down Brad. It's always been like this and always will. Find a church. Do some service stuff. Nothing to see here."

Well, I will definitely be back later to write some more, but will close for now. But, I will just leave you with this before I go. It is a scary place, when the Son of Man, can no longer find a Spiritual place to Lay His head. He was not saying that to pagans. He was saying that to those who should have known Him most. But yet even there, in those intense times, He was cast outside the camp. The Son of Man had no place to lay His head. Do you think this happens today? With those who should know Him most? Or is the Son of God, in all these sects that branch off in a thousand different directions, Always allowed in all of His fullness to come in? Is He, no matter the cost, no matter what that requires, given a place to lay His head?

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Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
United States
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The Most High does not dwell in temples made by human hands (Acts 7:48)

Yet I had planted you a noble vine, a seed of highest quality. How then have you turned before Me Into the degenerate plant of an alien vine?
(Jeremiah 2:21)

When you look at the landscape of Christianity, with its endless strife and divisiveness towards one another, it's machinery, it's religiosity, it's powerlessness, it's worldliness, it's endless Schisms of branches that branched off and branches that branched off of those branches, does it look healthy to you? More importantly how do you think it looks to God? Is this the doings of His hands, or do you think very often it is a product of human hands? Does it reflect the character of His noble Vine? Is this what the seed of highest quality has produced, or has something else come in? Is He satisfied with it? Do you think? Is this really what He had in mind? Or has it become to Him a degenerate plant of an alien vine?

Perhaps before we answer such questions too quickly it might be good to get alone with God. Mean business with Him. Humble ourselves. Bring everything we are and believe an lay it on the altar, and desire with all of our heart that nothing would arise from that place that is not purely on resurrection ground.

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Have a look through the site and see what you think?
I'm beginning to believe church is not a building but it's us.

My interpretation of the passage you mentioned is that Jesus didn't have a home or life to speak of (worldly life) because his mission was to serve the father. He did what was asked of him no matter if it was comfortable or not.

When it comes to sharing the gospel, many of us are unwilling to sacrifice comfort or what we want for Gods will.
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Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
United States
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Have a look through the site and see what you think?
I'm beginning to believe church is not a building but it's us.

My interpretation of the passage you mentioned is that Jesus didn't have a home or life to speak of (worldly life) because his mission was to serve the father. He did what was asked of him no matter if it was comfortable or not.

When it comes to sharing the gospel, many of us are unwilling to sacrifice comfort or what we want for Gods will.

As to the second part of your opening, I certainly concur with you that the church is definitely not a building. The church is His ekklesia, His called out ones, who worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. It is universal. It is something that transcends time and space. It is bound up in the Spirit, interconnected no matter where we are. Each doing it's appointed part . Christ as its head.

Where Christ is, there His church also is. It is not something we can go and pick out to our choosing like a holiday ham, or exchange it if we don't like it for a new one as we do a pair of socks. You cannot reduce it to an earthly thing like that, God does not dwell in temples made by humans hands (Acts 7:48). It is so much richer, so much more than we can ever believe. There is something so bound up in it, something so universally bound up in it, that is precious to God. It is something being lived out, worked out for His kingdom. What I do today, if done in the Spirit, may mean something to the state of things worldwide, and likewise what is done out of Christ in you, may bring life to me today. The Spirt in us is not bound by space and time, it is not contained to a building on 5th and Main. It is something so much more. More than we could ever believe, All of creation waits for the sons of God to be revealed...for the creation itself will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God (Romans 8:19-21). That is how much is bound up in it. All of creation waits for a thing like that. Not this thing that we have made it to be.

Now if that is true what then is our response? It is to do only that which He has truly given us to do. It is not an action based on a fact. It is an action based on Christ. Where He is there His servant will also be. And if we are there. It is enough. Wherever that might be. That is where He is truly served. There is where His church is lived out in each of us. No man has the blue print for that. It is not a formula. It is Christ. The Spirit is fully capable of building His church if we but let Him. He knows where to place each living stone to do it's appointed work. Where that is for you I cannot tell you. If He calls you out. Come out. If He has you to stay awhile. Then stay. He has His reasons. He has His appointed times. This Thread is not about telling people what they must do. It is about encouraging doing that which you see Christ do. If we do that, it will be enough. It will be exactly as it ought to be. He does things well. He does things very well. If we but let Him.

I cannot comment on the website. You will come across many "outside the camp ministries" selling books and such on your Journey. I have had to leave them all well enough alone. And I also spent some years after coming out of the brick and mortar church, looking for the "real church". In searching and searching for likeminded people, I came in contact with and touched something out there maybe more deadly than what I had touched within the B & M . Just because you meet in a house doesn't make you the church. There is a type of people you meet out there that I will just say, are of a certain type, strong willed unbroken men and women, full of themselves and their "way", more dangerous in many cases than anything you will find on 5th and Main. These types are a trap. Stay away!

No it is better my friend, to take the hand of God and let Him show you the way. He knows the way to humility; to the true heart of brokenness and humility He is really after. If you follow Him you will follow love. It will be a way unknown. But it will be the best way. He will not do it as you think. He will take you by a way you did not see. But it will be the good way, the Ancient way. It is in these places on the backside of Midian that we are conformed into the image of Christ. All of our pride and the way we do things is burned away. Ask Moses. It is there we learn to serve Him. It is there He shows us what church really means. And it is there He puts the love of Christ in our hearts for His people. And then when we think we are done. When we are broken down in some backwater place after years in the furnace. He comes one day to our surprise and sends us back to call forth into Egypt, that His people may know the way home.

I will leave it at that for now my friend. I wanted to get to the Foxes have holes scripture you referenced, but maybe for another time if you so desire. I thank you for responding. You are always welcome here.
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Nov 19, 2022
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I feel like you've answered a very serious question for me.. I was called to 'come out of Babylon' and many experiences the past year. I've let my fear and doubt drive me and feel like I'm at a standstill.. I joined this site hoping to find the like-minds I haven't found in my return to a traditional church.

You reminded me what I'm meant to be focusing on.. I don't like where I'm at, I want desperately to leave but I forget it's not about me or what I want... I have only just started to feel like I'm over myself and my own stubborn ways.. been a long road to that conclusion.
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Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
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The traditional churches had their place in my life. They gave me a foundation early on. I met some sincere brothers and sisters in Christ along the way and met my God appointed wife there. So please, until you know that you know I think you are right you should stay.

There does come a point though when God wants to take us onward, take us into something new that the system can't bring. There is something you hit in the system that domes people in. If you reach that ceiling the slightest little miscues on your part of going past it can raise the ire of protective pastors, The most innocent mistakes on your part seem to be deemed a threat by them. Your grievous breach is that you would dare want to disciple others onward in the least little way.

You then learn to either begin to suppress everything that you know Christ is working in you to see and are forced to support something that you no longer believe in, or you move on. But only the Holy Spirit can tell you when it is that time. Perhaps there are some additional things that need to be sorted out for you at this time. I sense there are some processes going on, that as you indicate may not be finished. But also when more and more you feel that nudge, I would also say do not let your fears stop you. The safety of Traditional church is hard to leave. It is an unknown world out there, but it must be done, if you feel so called.

There was a physical aspect to Christ's words He spoke when He talked about having no place to lay His head. But there was also a Spiritual aspect to it. He had no place in the Religious system of His day. His own people had rejected Him. He was a Savior destined to die outside the Camp. Not because this was His desire, but it was the desire of His people. So No place to lay His head, then becomes a Spiritual metaphor, of the rejection from the very people that should have known best.

This is where His people are today. And when you come up against the system you to will learn it will give you no place to lay your head. It will be decision time.

I do do some devotional writing in the Deeper Fellowship Forum if you are interested. Most of the most recent stuff I have done is there. Perhaps you will find some kindred Spirit in these writings that may help. Leave your Country a writing I did is over in the same Sub Forum but in the Discipleship. There are some others over there to. And some short meditations in the Spiritual disciplines.

I also will leave a link below to one ministry I could recommend to you, that I wonder if it had an influence on the writer of the link you gave me because the School of Christ was a phrase used by T. Austin Sparks. He was an Englishman that lived from the 1800s until about 1971, He truly had a prophetic voice for his day, that I think still resonates to this day. He never charged for any of his works. You can find some of his books in print, not because he ever sold them, but because he did make everything free people were free to use his content and put them into books. I have some, just because I am nearing 60 and of the age I still like the feel of a book in my hand from time to time. He has tons of stuff available for free on the link below.

Feel free to communicate with me over on deeper fellowship, or back here if you like either one if you ever want.

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Nov 19, 2022
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You hit the nail on the head with that one, I'm still in processing lol. I was raised in church, chose later to believe in God my own way and ended up back in church last year after being saved. 2 churches around here, both I've attended, certain things were 'off' to my new knowledge of how things ought to be, tried to voice my thoughts and was met with sarcastic/or insulted reactions.

Still figuring out stuff though. I started a thread last night discussing some of these things if you are interested to check it out: although I'm not as eloquent in expressing myself as you are. :)

And I will definitely check out your thread.. as long as people aren't bible bashing each other or droning on about mundane worldly things, then I'm all for the conversation!
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Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
United States
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You hit the nail on the head with that one, I'm still in processing lol. I was raised in church, chose later to believe in God my own way and ended up back in church last year after being saved. 2 churches around here, both I've attended, certain things were 'off' to my new knowledge of how things ought to be, tried to voice my thoughts and was met with sarcastic/or insulted reactions.

Still figuring out stuff though. I started a thread last night discussing some of these things if you are interested to check it out: although I'm not as eloquent in expressing myself as you are. :)

And I will definitely check out your thread.. as long as people aren't bible bashing each other or droning on about mundane worldly things, then I'm all for the conversation!

Rarely do I read a thread all the way through, but I did yours you posted from the link above. It was one of the most thoughtful discussions on the experience of following Christ I think I have read on CF in the theology forum. Usually they veer way off into some sort of unhelpful mudslinging or scripture throwing. But I believe the conversations you offered and the responses you received were truly heart felt and responsive to the Lord's Spirit. There was the gentleness and fellowship of Christ there. It was heartening to see. And you were very eloquent :)

I love your journey. I love the processes God is using in your life to work it out. It is very evident from an outsider looking in, from my spiritual perspective that God has His hand upon your life.

The beauty of God is this. As weak as we feel. As Chaotic and disjointed as it feels. As perplexing as everything seems, we are able to look back one day and see how the hand of God was orchestrating the whole thing all the time. We are stunned to see we have been in the palm of His hand through it all. My Spirit leaps to tell you, it resonates within me, that He is in your life Pipp. He is working in your life. He is weaving a beautiful tapestry of events that one day you will see is all working together for the greater good. It is painful sometimes it is true. It can also be terrifying. But some of the most beautiful music ever composed is comprised of some of the most somber notes.
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Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
United States
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2 churches around here, both I've attended, certain things were 'off' to my new knowledge of how things ought to be, tried to voice my thoughts and was met with sarcastic/or insulted reactions

One more thing:
I could not let this quote go as it relates to your post. The Lord has burdened me to come back to it and respond to it. Perhaps you are coming closer to the time where you Spiritually are given no place to rest your head. Ezekiel 34 has always had prophetic utterance to me as to the state of His scattered sheep in the end days. They have been butted out. Not by there own doings, but they are coming up against somethings hard and calloused. The shepherds take a tender shoot yearning and striving for the Lord and drive them away. The very weak of His flock, who have come back like yourself to the system to get sustenance, have found something alien there, more and more distant from the heart of God. And instead of finding shelter they are driven on (Ezekiel 34:1-5) But the Lord knows where His true people are. And He knows those who have sought Him but been scattered on a thousand hills. Yet, He Himself watches over them there. He Himself becomes their shepherd. He Himself seeks them out and finds. them And delivers them in the dark day (Ezekiel 34:11-12)

It is such a beautiful chapter. There is so much there. Perhaps you can read it if you like. If you do so, please tell me if it minsters to you at all and if so how? I would be interested to know.
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Thank you, I will read the chapter and let you know. I still have trouble reading the bible because of my history and it doesn't just 'come alive' for me like it has for some. I joined the churches to learn to give this whole Christianity/bible thing a chance, once I knew Jesus is indeed real.
The churches left me dissatisfied... they have money and connections in the community, but act like a community of their own instead of reaching out to people. How is any one meant to know who God really is and seek him if the churches of today don't glorify him in everything they do? I also find this site to be perplexing in ways.. people are thinking the book about Jesus is more important than Jesus himself sometimes.

I was starting to feel disconnected again, but the last day my heart feels a bit softer again and my mind a bit clearer. I'm glad there really are people like you out there who are genuinely following the Lord and can give advice to someone without being harsh or judgemental in your sharing of scripture
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Ezekiel 34
OK I read the whole chapter... it's difficult for me to see this as relevant to me because it's about the Israelites of the day. But I understand history repeats and whether we're Jews or Gentiles, we're being called 'home'. In that way it made me feel like crying.. do I really fit the bill of the lost sheep the shepherd left the 99 to find? If I look at my life, I guess I do...

I'm still finding it hard to accept the idea of Gods wrath... these people weren't bad people, probably just so certain of their salvation, like many are, that it's this done and dusted thing, instead of a work in progress.

I will tell you of the instances quickly of concern to me: the first church I attended, all very nice, friendly, welcoming people, only about 10-15 going to the night service and once a week social ("connect") group. I believe God used a guest speaker for a message when I first went there, and the male pastor once had a message it felt as though God was speaking directly to me.. so there was evidence of the holy spirit but I became disappointed as time went on because their conversation was often worldly or shallow. I know we are still human, but for so called 'mature' Christians, shouldn't their speech show the fruit of Gods work in them after 25 years? I will give you the biggest example that made me not go back to the first church. I was attending the 2nd church by this time, but the pastors wife contacted me and said she was thinking of me, invited me to the social group. (God still uses everything to get a message across, because the pastor again had a message I felt like he spoke through him to me again) but before that happened, just fun and games having pizza, one woman talking about her job was putting customers down a lot.. I started to think, how is this different to how worldly people talk? Then someone told a joke about hell, don't know if you've heard it, ending was like yesterday was the promotion, today it's back to business? Anyway, it disturbed me that they were talking about this stuff so lightly. I (quietly) inserted my 2 cents worth about how serious hell actually is and how people don't know but that's why we are here and the pastor rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, yeah true, I guess we should be out there evangelising more.

The 2nd was a bible study teacher I'd expressed a lot of my experiences to. The church was playing these videos from a 'famous' pastor on Sundays and I felt like it was no different than any life coach program you may see. The person took 20 minutes to even mention God when they were talking about all the amazing things their ministry was doing globally.

I felt troubled by it, and not long after I found a video of this same pastor putting her hands on another famous pastors bible, trying to 'get some' of their 'anointing.' As I've progressed, I feel like so many are talking about blessings, annointings, etc, and leaving everything else out just to get bums in seats.

So I shared with my bible study friend why I stopped going to church while it was being shown on Sundays, and she got extremely offended and said the pastor in question was definitely a strong woman of God and we are to edify and build each other up. She's a kind woman, but traditional in her way of believing we have to follow the bible teaching and apply it to our lives. She told me she's heard God tell her clearly once to do something (she's 75). She came across as a person who likes control and certainty with plans. I could relate to her because I have been that way, but I'm learning to see things like God wants us to give the reigns to him.

I was thinking of her recently, I feel bad for judging. I believe she does love Jesus. Maybe because I'm still learning I've been extra careful about not getting entangled again in worldly things, because of the spiritual attacks. Which was another major cause for me leaving. I know God says be of good cheer, it's important to be positive and build each other up, but it's like people in church paste a 'everything is great' smile on their face and avoid anything that makes them uncomfortable? I know not every Christian in every church is like this, but it seems to be the norm. It just makes it hard for people to share anything very serious going on in their lives or to seek help and support.

Do you think I judged too soon? I wonder at times if God wants me to return, but I haven't asked properly because I don't really want to return just now. Before I left I prayed for God to take anything he doesn't want within me to 'clean me up' I woke up the next morning feeling completely empty, like I wasn't even 'me' or anything. I went to the bible study that day and it was like nothing I said (opinions) seemed to come out right, like I wasn't connecting with my own words and everything everyone else was saying seemed muffled and far away, none of their words were sinking in and I had to really concentrate and respond in order to engage the entire time. It was very strange.
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Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
United States
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OK I read the whole chapter... it's difficult for me to see this as relevant to me because it's about the Israelites of the day. But I understand history repeats and whether we're Jews or Gentiles, we're being called 'home'. In that way it made me feel like crying.. do I really fit the bill of the lost sheep the shepherd left the 99 to find? If I look at my life, I guess I do...

I'm still finding it hard to accept the idea of Gods wrath... these people weren't bad people, probably just so certain of their salvation, like many are, that it's this done and dusted thing, instead of a work in progress.

I will tell you of the instances quickly of concern to me: the first church I attended, all very nice, friendly, welcoming people, only about 10-15 going to the night service and once a week social ("connect") group. I believe God used a guest speaker for a message when I first went there, and the male pastor once had a message it felt as though God was speaking directly to me.. so there was evidence of the holy spirit but I became disappointed as time went on because their conversation was often worldly or shallow. I know we are still human, but for so called 'mature' Christians, shouldn't their speech show the fruit of Gods work in them after 25 years? I will give you the biggest example that made me not go back to the first church. I was attending the 2nd church by this time, but the pastors wife contacted me and said she was thinking of me, invited me to the social group. (God still uses everything to get a message across, because the pastor again had a message I felt like he spoke through him to me again) but before that happened, just fun and games having pizza, one woman talking about her job was putting customers down a lot.. I started to think, how is this different to how worldly people talk? Then someone told a joke about hell, don't know if you've heard it, ending was like yesterday was the promotion, today it's back to business? Anyway, it disturbed me that they were talking about this stuff so lightly. I (quietly) inserted my 2 cents worth about how serious hell actually is and how people don't know but that's why we are here and the pastor rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, yeah true, I guess we should be out there evangelising more.

The 2nd was a bible study teacher I'd expressed a lot of my experiences to. The church was playing these videos from a 'famous' pastor on Sundays and I felt like it was no different than any life coach program you may see. The person took 20 minutes to even mention God when they were talking about all the amazing things their ministry was doing globally.

I felt troubled by it, and not long after I found a video of this same pastor putting her hands on another famous pastors bible, trying to 'get some' of their 'anointing.' As I've progressed, I feel like so many are talking about blessings, annointings, etc, and leaving everything else out just to get bums in seats.

So I shared with my bible study friend why I stopped going to church while it was being shown on Sundays, and she got extremely offended and said the pastor in question was definitely a strong woman of God and we are to edify and build each other up. She's a kind woman, but traditional in her way of believing we have to follow the bible teaching and apply it to our lives. She told me she's heard God tell her clearly once to do something (she's 75). She came across as a person who likes control and certainty with plans. I could relate to her because I have been that way, but I'm learning to see things like God wants us to give the reigns to him.

I was thinking of her recently, I feel bad for judging. I believe she does love Jesus. Maybe because I'm still learning I've been extra careful about not getting entangled again in worldly things, because of the spiritual attacks. Which was another major cause for me leaving. I know God says be of good cheer, it's important to be positive and build each other up, but it's like people in church paste a 'everything is great' smile on their face and avoid anything that makes them uncomfortable? I know not every Christian in every church is like this, but it seems to be the norm. It just makes it hard for people to share anything very serious going on in their lives or to seek help and support.

Do you think I judged too soon? I wonder at times if God wants me to return, but I haven't asked properly because I don't really want to return just now. Before I left I prayed for God to take anything he doesn't want within me to 'clean me up' I woke up the next morning feeling completely empty, like I wasn't even 'me' or anything. I went to the bible study that day and it was like nothing I said (opinions) seemed to come out right, like I wasn't connecting with my own words and everything everyone else was saying seemed muffled and far away, none of their words were sinking in and I had to really concentrate and respond in order to engage the entire time. It was very strange.

Your post takes me back vividly some 25 years ago now when I began the process of coming out. There were some starts and stops along the way, and then yet again more restarts and stops. Until finally, after about 4 years of several heart felt attempts to, "make it work" , we came out for good. We put everything we had and God had given us into it, and maybe that was needed for us to know conclusively that we had been led to a place by the Holy Spirit to know we were done. He had made His will explicitly clear, that He was not in that anymore, His place for us was onward. We had seen what we needed to see. He had made us know what we needed to know.

Oh my goodness I can tell you a thousand stories, many very painful, during those years of the search to "find it" within the walls of traditional church, and as many painful stories of searching desperately to find it outside the walls of traditional church that went on during those 4 years and several years after, until everything ended and it just came to a rest. His rest.

What I can tell you Pipp is we are led through processes. We are put into perplexing enigmas. It is messy sometimes. We sometimes make our own mistakes along the way. It is not always everyone else's fault. But in the end what I have found is He miraculously uses it all and works it to His good. We come through that furnace knowing Him better. And seeing the situation crystal clear!

From what I can tell in your post you are not judging the situation you are seeing and coming into contact with wrongly. You are seeing it exactly the way it is. There is a difference between sinful fleshly judgment and Godly discernment. The Holy Spirit is opening your eyes Pipp, and that is a good thing! But every time He gives you eyes to see you are brought into more internal conflict. It is to be expected. It is an agonizingly painful process to see what you are seeing. Very few do. And when we are made to see, we are torn by what we see. There are some things God causes us to see that throws us into agonizingly perplexing conflicts, Painful enigmas. But this is where battles are fought and by faith Christ is won.

I cannot tell you what you ought to do with what you are seeing. I can only tell you that I believe God has brought you through experiences in your life to cause you to hunger after reality, to flee like fleeing a viper anything false and that is good. You do not realize how blessed you are to come into such experiences. You hunger and thirst for the reality of God and you will not settle for anything else. And when that desire is burned in you there is a passion ignited that when it comes into contact with anything that is false, that rings hollow, that doesn't appear true, Your Holy Spirit warning bells go off, and it lights a fire in you to flee the thing, to dare not touch it and mix in. You know it is not good for you in the end. You know to touch it too much it will strike. You have seen it before and you know it will happen again. You sense what you should do, but it enters you into the whirlwind. The great furnace. There is a cost in seeing. And we have to bear it to go on. I will pray for you. Please let me know if I can be of any other help.
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Nov 19, 2022
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Oh my goodness I can tell you a thousand stories
Well if you're willing, I'm always open to a PM...
I love stories, especially if they involve God :)

We sometimes make our own mistakes along the way. It is not always everyone else's fault.
Ain't that the truth! Self-reflection can be a humbling experience

What I can tell you Pipp is we are led through processes. We are put into perplexing enigmas
That describes the events of the past year for me to a tee!

I can only tell you that I believe God has brought you through experiences in your life to cause you to hunger after reality, to flee like fleeing a viper anything false and that is good
It's strange you say that, I was thinking of this very thing earlier.. the 'reality' of the things of God and life... when I was younger I was so messed up I started to believe the things around me looked fake, even the very environment... deep down I knew something important was missing. I didn't think it was God obviously, because I already believed in him and knew he was 'up there' watching. Of course, the relationship aspect I'm learning about now is a completely new concept for me.

But as I go back on my life I never did feel right or fit in..a question as simple as 'what do you want to be when you grow up?', everyone else around me could answer, I didn't know and I never cared about such things. All the way through my life, even the most basic of things I just never saw the point in? I said to God in my mind today: OK I was never good at 'normal life' just help me to live life for real, your way.

I have been very depressed lately, almost completely backsliding and again 'disconnecting' from people and life... I stepped away from my current environment the past week because I've become tired of the culture of gossip, and since I'm surrounded by unbelievers, I was tending to get sucked into it for the sake of conversation and keeping the peace. But I don't really want to do that any more... I was overthinking everything and needed some answers rather than going in a loop in my head, so I input a search and found this site.. I have the calmest feeling when I read what you say and I feel like I'm getting 'back online' with God again (so to speak) lol. So thank you Brad it's been a true blessing to meet you!. :clap:
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Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
United States
Marital Status
I have the calmest feeling when I read what you say and I feel like I'm getting 'back online' with God again (so to speak) lol. So thank you Brad it's been a true blessing to meet you!. :clap:
And it has been a blessing to meet you Pipp. So glad you found me way back here in the back threads outside the camp :) I posted a new article today on the deeper fellowship Forum "Tears in a Bottle" I'll leave the link below. Kind of had a lot of our conversations in mind when I wrote it. Made me reflect on all the enigmas God has us pass through. These processes. They are still ongoing in my life after all these years and I am sure they will not end until I die. Hopefully it encourages you and others.

You have probably heard it expressed in some form that if Satan is busy with us we must be doing something right? There is a lot of truth in that for a Godly person truly on the path of the Lord's choosing, or someone Satan sees heading that way. When Christ is truly manifested on this earth Satan fears. It is a sign to him his days are numbered. That Christ is on the move and one day He will restore His creation unto Himself. All of hell will fight against that. So do not fear. Do not worry. Do not think some strange thing is happening to you. God allows it in many ways to test things out in us. Christ Himself was driven into the wilderness to be tested by the devil. So Satan simply becomes another tool in God's hand to bring us to the high places outside Satan's reach. We have to know what it means sometimes to walk the lonely path when all the demons of hell are screaming at us to turn back. It is pleasing to God when we pass through. May you be blessed today.

BTW what is that your dog in the picture? What is his/her name? Here is the link Tears In A Bottle
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