
Well-Known Member
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Feb 5, 2002
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I was traveling cross-country with a friend when it came out that I was waiting for marriage to have sex. And I added, “and there’s no certainty I will ever get married.” He stopped the conversation right there, turned to me and said very sternly, “Promise me you will have sex before you die!”

I have a Christian friend who debated for the longest time whether to have sex before marriage like his culture was pressuring him to do, or to wait for marriage like his Christianity had raised him to. He couldn’t find adequate reasons why an ancient book would have relevant answers on this. Finally, one day he told me, “You know how I’ve struggled with it so much. Well, I finally just did it.”

These days, even Christians don’t understand why—besides “because an ancient book says so,”—anyone would choose to wait for marriage to have sex.

The Bible establishes the ideal situation for sex. God wants us to have it with only one person—our spouse, only after we are married. In the Garden of Eden, God says this is why “a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). It says “united to his wife,” which shows they are already husband and wife when they are joined in the flesh.

Continued below.


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Jun 22, 2015
The Netherlands
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I've heard a good argument once. When one has promiscuous sex and relationships like many secular people do nowadays, it has a big disadvantage. Every sexual partner has their own unique positive and negative characteristics. When someone wants to settle at any given moment they most likely will look for a partner with all the positive sexual traits of all the single past partners which of course is impossible. Not a single person with all these typical things the searching party is looking for exists. Chances are big the person searching for a lasting relationship will be left totally disillusioned and miserable. So I think that's a reason why out Father wants to protect us from this besides the biggest reason. The biggest reason is to find and explore sexuality within the ideal setting, which is marriage. Parents know what's best for their children, even if the child doesn't understand it. We may not understand but God is our Father and he knows what's best.
I was traveling cross-country with a friend when it came out that I was waiting for marriage to have sex. And I added, “and there’s no certainty I will ever get married.” He stopped the conversation right there, turned to me and said very sternly, “Promise me you will have sex before you die!”

I have a Christian friend who debated for the longest time whether to have sex before marriage like his culture was pressuring him to do, or to wait for marriage like his Christianity had raised him to. He couldn’t find adequate reasons why an ancient book would have relevant answers on this. Finally, one day he told me, “You know how I’ve struggled with it so much. Well, I finally just did it.”

These days, even Christians don’t understand why—besides “because an ancient book says so,”—anyone would choose to wait for marriage to have sex.

The Bible establishes the ideal situation for sex. God wants us to have it with only one person—our spouse, only after we are married. In the Garden of Eden, God says this is why “a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). It says “united to his wife,” which shows they are already husband and wife when they are joined in the flesh.

Continued below.
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Well-Known Member
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Feb 5, 2002
United States
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Sex outside of marriage is messy on several levels. It’s not good for anyone. I think it hardens the heart. There must be a mutual commitment. I do not think we were designed for it. Many like to consider it sexual freedom but it comes with a high price and a lot of unhealthy baggage.
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