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One-world government


Balaam's Donkey
Aug 26, 2023
New Brunswick
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I have not been as mad at God before in my life as I am now. I hate what is happening in this timeline right now. If God plans to allow the whole world to finally nuke itself, that is a stupid plan and represents a win for Satan and his people. You can tell me about how God loves all you want and quote the Bible, it will not change the outcome of what will happen. WW3.

I would rather see the whole world become great again than it being too corrupted to fix. If I could, I'd want to relive life and society on this planet earth but in a different era or a version of it comparable to that relative golden age.

I'm getting anger and anxiety attacks about the state of everything on a semi-frequent basis every week. If God is so good and able to stop this stuff from escalating further, why can't he just stop dangling the carrot in front of us and intervene in a way that preserves the good parts already existing but leave the good things untouched? I also don't really like something about the idea of God reprogramming everyone who went to the Heaven or New Earth to only want to do his will. I know that sounds like a bad thing to say, but we are supposed to have freedom of choice.
Just read Revelation... it sure looks to match the current political situation.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
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I have not been as mad at God before in my life as I am now. I hate what is happening in this timeline right now. If God plans to allow the whole world to finally nuke itself, that is a stupid plan and represents a win for Satan and his people. You can tell me about how God loves all you want and quote the Bible, it will not change the outcome of what will happen. WW3.
I understand how you feel.
Revelation 11:18 says WW3 won't be man against man.

I would rather see the whole world become great again than it being too corrupted to fix. If I could, I'd want to relive life and society on this planet earth but in a different era or a version of it comparable to that relative golden age.
It takes patience and a waiting attitude. This can be hard, but some who felt as you do, have learned how to do it. Habakkuk 1:1-3; Habakkuk 2:3

I'm getting anger and anxiety attacks about the state of everything on a semi-frequent basis every week.
I'm sorry to hear.

If God is so good and able to stop this stuff from escalating further, why can't he just stop dangling the carrot in front of us and intervene in a way that preserves the good parts already existing but leave the good things untouched? I also don't really like something about the idea of God reprogramming everyone who went to the Heaven or New Earth to only want to do his will. I know that sounds like a bad thing to say, but we are supposed to have freedom of choice.
It's as you said. If God ends it before someone makes a choice, God has taken away that person's freedom of choice.
Allowing time for them to make the choice, is loving on his part.

So, contrary to what you would have heard, God does not reprogram anyone. The 1,000 year rule of Christ allows them of their own free choice, to decide to do what is right. With Satan out of the way during that time, they have a fair chance.
That's another loving arrangement God made.
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Dec 27, 2018
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Just read Revelation... it sure looks to match the current political situation.
Exactly. This was all planned ten thousand years ago before the world was created.

I dread the idea of living through the end of humanity, of all the possible generations in human history I could have been born, it had to be this one. :(
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Feb 19, 2023
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Revelation chapter 13 . One world political system. It receives deadly wound near future. We're in 5th trump. At the 6th trump, satan as antichrist heals deadly wound, by establishing world peace, 5 month period.

Revelation chapter 17 . This is the one world religious system. Satan as antichrist leads this system.

Ephesians chapter 6 . Christian people need gospel armour on. It's knowledge and wisdom of God's word. Those who are biblically illiterate will worship antichrist near future. Many people will end up in sheol. It's holding place for the spirtualty dead.

Now is the time to study the bible. It will be too late for those who are biblically illiterate when satan as antichrist comes 6th trump.
Study the bible.
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Dec 27, 2018
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I'm very depressed about having to spectate the things happening to this world right now. I feel like if part of God's "plan" consist of this world turning into all bad and dark with nothing redeemable and the worst persecution imaginable, I don't want to be part of God's plan and frankly, it kills my desire to live, but I don't desire to off myself. And then I just wish the world after this one could be a continuation more or less of this one but with the negative recent events averted and everything. Nobody should have to endure such a fate however temporary to pass a test of a supposedly all good god. That sounds pretty psychopathic. At least they should be spared and go straight to the reward without this mass brutal persecution stuff involved.

I am sorry if this comes off to you guys as flaming, but this is how I'm feeling right now.
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Sep 20, 2023
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There is no specific line of scripture that assures "one world government". When the day of the Lord comes no man will know not even the son only the Father. No one knows what is really going to happen and those who think they do will be made to look like fools.

Its time to leave the false teachings of "Left Behind" behind. It is a work of fiction.
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Rejoining Member
Oct 12, 2023
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Its time to leave the false teachings of "Left Behind" behind. It is a work of fiction.
A lot of this crap in the last 50 years actually started with Hal Lindsey and his book “The Late Great Planet Earth”.
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Jun 25, 2018
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If there is really an inevitable one-world government (as in a widely thought eschatological understanding of Revelation and corresponding a lot with current events), I do not want to be alive to see it pass if it is true. I just want to at least be taken to my next life if these are end times, I would rather skip the rest, and I'd say the same for my other friends and family because I feel bad for them too.

I'm sorry if this post came off as unnecessarily morbid.

The one thing that God has always prevented was a government that spans the globe, and while God allows some lines of sin to be crossed He doesn't allow them to be crossed for too long, in the grand scheme of things.

That's been true since the dawn of time to now.

Generally, nations rise and fall, so as Christians or just as humans if we aren't, it is to us to hold the line God would have us to hold in what our own governments should do, and what lines they shouldn't cross.

Christian nations have always allowed for the most human freedoms because we believe in God, not in spite of it.

It's time to remember why that is.
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Aussie Pete

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I'm very depressed about having to spectate the things happening to this world right now. I feel like if part of God's "plan" consist of this world turning into all bad and dark with nothing redeemable and the worst persecution imaginable, I don't want to be part of God's plan and frankly, it kills my desire to live, but I don't desire to off myself. And then I just wish the world after this one could be a continuation more or less of this one but with the negative recent events averted and everything. Nobody should have to endure such a fate however temporary to pass a test of a supposedly all good god. That sounds pretty psychopathic. At least they should be spared and go straight to the reward without this mass brutal persecution stuff involved.

I am sorry if this comes off to you guys as flaming, but this is how I'm feeling right now.
God's plan is to replace the world system with the Kingdom of God. Instead of complaining, Christians should be on a rescue mission to take Satan's captives out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of God. I suggest that you look for positive news, not just negative. Hundreds of Muslims have turned to Jesus in Gaza. Iran is having a revival in spite of intense persecution from the authorities. We have been warned that terrible times would come, and yes, they are here. But Jesus still saves.

God did not make the world the way it is. People are Satan's unwitting puppets. Jesus was revealed to destroy the works of the devil and offer freedom to the captives. But most people are content to live for themselves and reject God's ways. You can choose to be a part of the answer or a part of the problem. People choose their own destiny. No one will stand before God and be able to claim that they were treated unfairly.

It is what it is. You don't have to like it, but neither do you have to let it get you down. God gives His people victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. You don't have to fight to be victorious. The fight is because we are already victorious! Victory is a gift to be enjoyed and experienced. The Kingdoms of the world will soon become the Kingdom of our God and of His Christ (Revelation 7:11).

God could have just turned away from humanity and started again. The world would have perished soon enough after Adam sinned. God even made clothes for Adam and Eve. God is not obliged to do anything for anyone. However, His love, mercy and grace have been at work from the moment Adam and Eve sinned.
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Dec 27, 2018
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The one thing that God has always prevented was a government that spans the globe, and while God allows some lines of sin to be crossed He doesn't allow them to be crossed for too long, in the grand scheme of things.

That's been true since the dawn of time to now.

Generally, nations rise and fall, so as Christians or just as humans if we aren't, it is to us to hold the line God would have us to hold in what our own governments should do, and what lines they shouldn't cross.

Christian nations have always allowed for the most human freedoms because we believe in God, not in spite of it.

It's time to remember why that is.
I want to tell everybody that I am sorry for going off, sometimes I have really bad days.
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Jun 25, 2018
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I want to tell everybody that I am sorry for going off, sometimes I have really bad days.

We all do, these are frustrating times. It can make the calmest man want to scream at times I'm sure. I've done my share of that myself.

But I have found that it's our personal breaking points where we learn and grow as Christians the most, if we accept the teaching which can be hard.

I kinda snapped recently, just felt like I broke. But then boom, growth in knowledge of both myself and of God and God's will in a huge leap... So even though I regret any sin I can't regret the opportunity for real growth.

I pray God keeps us all safe from harm. :) He knows our needs.
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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
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Romans 8:18-25 NIV

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God."

"We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."
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Dec 27, 2018
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I'm exhausted from life. Either God will nudge something in motion that will cause society to become relatively great again or if it just going to get worse and worse until the end I just don't feel the will to live anymore.

It is like depression.
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Jun 25, 2018
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I'm exhausted from life. Either God will nudge something in motion that will cause society to become relatively great again or if it just going to get worse and worse until the end I just don't feel the will to live anymore.

It is like depression.

Depression is very common in America right now.

There are many theories as to why (internet use etc) but there is a clinically significant rise in depression and anxiety right now.

So fight the depression, look at various things that can lift you out of a depressive mindset - sunshine and the out of doors tops the list of things that actually combat depression.

Nature is my balm. It's always there reminding me of the great good God has given all around us. He can paint us the most breathtaking of pictures.. and He has...

When you are reminded of the awesomeness of the power and imagination of God the Creator, and then are reminded of God's plan that will not fail, then you know we will all be alright. No matter what. We are in the best of Hands.

We have a Hope.
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Jan 16, 2019
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I don't fear the one world government or new world order. I rest soundly in the knowledge I've done what I can to prepare and strengthened myself spiritually. I trust the Lord to do what I can't.

Most people learn things the hard way. They won't move until stuff hits the fan. What a horrible time to discover where you stand with God. Your mettle is thin and adversity will wear you out.

We must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; night is coming when no one can work.

Many are afraid because they've squandered their time. When times were good they were distracted. As night draws near they're panicking. They know they can't make up the years but they're scared to admit it and want others to reassure them. There's nothing worse than a man who lies to himself. If you've wasted your time it's gone. You can't get it back. All you can do is start where you are.

Some speak of great times, great days and related foolishness when the bible says otherwise.

So then, my dear ones, just as you have always obeyed [my instructions with enthusiasm], not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence, continue to work out your salvation [that is, cultivate it, bring it to full effect, actively pursue spiritual maturity] with awe-inspired fear and trembling [using serious caution and critical self-evaluation to avoid anything that might offend God or discredit the name of Christ].

Fear (courtesy of Webster's 1828):

A painful emotion or passion excited by an expectation of evil, or the apprehension of impending danger. fear expresses less apprehension than dread, and dread less than terror and fright.

Fear is the passion of our nature which excites us to provide for our security, on the approach of evil.

Does that sound like a party or promise of good times? Does it warrant sitting on your hands or hiding in a closet?

True fear, as noted in the bible, inspires us to act! The only question you have to answer is what have I done? Then consider the measure of your response in light of your concern.

“Blessed [with spiritual security] is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the LORD And whose hope and confident expectation is the LORD. “For he will be [nourished] like a tree planted by the waters, That spreads out its roots by the river; And will not fear the heat when it comes; But its leaves will be green and moist. And it will not be anxious and concerned in a year of drought Nor stop bearing fruit.

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Dave G.

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May 22, 2017
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Depression is very common in America right now.

There are many theories as to why (internet use etc) but there is a clinically significant rise in depression and anxiety right now.

So fight the depression, look at various things that can lift you out of a depressive mindset - sunshine and the out of doors tops the list of things that actually combat depression.

Nature is my balm. It's always there reminding me of the great good God has given all around us. He can paint us the most breathtaking of pictures.. and He has...

When you are reminded of the awesomeness of the power and imagination of God the Creator, and then are reminded of God's plan that will not fail, then you know we will all be alright. No matter what. We are in the best of Hands.

We have a Hope.
Creation indeed can bring us closer to God, I experience it regularly. Walks in the woods or even in the yard in early morning, or lake side, oil painting scenics. 5 bird feeders in the yard, and presently awaiting the return of the hummingbirds any week here. Add that to church, God has His hand in all of it, it's all his. I think what our lost friend is not realizing, is this life is not "all" about ourselves but about God and His plan. Then we are chosen to be part of it. We should bath in it, we are His eternally, even if, as the world burns up. The first destruction was by water, the second by fire. But we live on, with Him eternally. That's our blessed hope, but more than hope in one sense, rather the promise.

Finally, As beautiful as creation is, it too groans for the coming of the Lord. Look at the weather patterns and almost demonic powered winds and waves. I sense it. But when it's calm. We have a ways to go yet. And time to be a witness, praise God !
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Dave G.

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May 22, 2017
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I'm exhausted from life. Either God will nudge something in motion that will cause society to become relatively great again or if it just going to get worse and worse until the end I just don't feel the will to live anymore.

It is like depression.
Let me ask something. As a Christian, what's you ministry ? IE calling ? May I suggest, answer that to yourself ( we don't need to know, you do) and then get doing it. We are here for the Lord's purposes, not our own, though sometimes ours fits the program so to speak. Our rewards wait in heaven, not here. Meanwhile, we are saved unto good works. That basically, in the pit of the nut, boils down to doing His will.
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