My conversation with the Rabbi.....


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Is my first e-mail to Sanhedrin Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander appropriate for this forum?

Rabbi Hollander did respond several times and we are even friends on Facebook at this time.

If this is too controversial I will not be offended if you delete this. Over these last few years I came to the conclusion that in a sense...... all of us Christians, Messianic Jews and Messianic Gentiles should identify ourselves with Bar Abbas / Barabbas..... who in a sense was the metaphorical "goat for Azazel."

If we feel that our own sins are so few and so insignificant that we cannot be compared with Bar Abbas / Barabbas....... then we may have a bit of a problem with spiritual pride.

Shalom Rabbi .........:

I've been participating on The Sanhedrin message board and I was urged to contact you

directly. So far as I know I am probably the first minor Canadian politician who has

advocated that my nation assist The Temple Mount Faithful Community, People For A

Bill to Build The Bet HaMikdash and The Sanhedriin in your efforts to control the

Temple Mount and rebuild your Jerusalem Third Temple.

It is my firm belief that semi-reality and reality film series could play an important role

in working out the fulfillment of every word spoken in the law and in the prophets. My

dad, Robert Stewart Tate, passed away on January 1, 1990. His death came at the

same time that I was being confronted with the implications of the near death

experience accounts. I went through a theological crisis that I believe has relevance for

your SanHedrin.

"but the goat on which the lot fell for Aza'zel shall be presented alive before the LORD

to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness

to Aza'zel." (Leviticus 16:10)

I had no problem with the positive near death experiences but those negative ones

put me into a philosophical crisis unlike I had ever experienced before. I saw this

verse in Leviticus as a possible loophole and I asked that the guilt of Azazel would

be put on my head. I prayed and asked The G-d of Abraham if he had any use for

a volunteer "goat for Azazel?" If so, then I wanted to submit my application for the


Several unusual things did occur since that time that I feel indicates that my offer

may well have been accepted. I would like to elaborate further on how I feel

a volunteer goat for Azazel could perhaps be of use in the working out of latter

day events in such a way that the death toll is kept to an absolute minimum.

Although I am not certain exactly what a volunteer goat for Azazel should do I

have seen a videotape in my head of myself signing currency units while my hand

is bleeding. The blood that drips onto a particular part of those currency units,

along with many examples of my signature serves to authenticate the

validity of these specific currency units for a future in which they could turn

out to be quite useful. I hereby offer to The Sanhedrin 22 billion Dennis Tate

shekels or dollars, similar to or the Ithaca Hour.

Bill and Melinda Gates are planning on spending 24 billion US dollars in an effort

to make this world a better place. I wish to compete with them. This 22 billion

in a sense can be used as props in many reality films that tend to promote

peace in the Middle East and the reestablishment of the law of Moshe even in

foreign lands.

It is my belief that the films that you are guided to produce and direct will greatly

increase in value over the coming decades and centuries.

Shalom and greetings from Nova Scotia.

Dennis Tate
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Here is Rabbi Hollander's very diplomatic and wise reply:

Dear Mr. Tate,

I read with interest all you wrote, and to understand more about you I did a search and see that you have written MP Peter Mackay regarding abortion. I congratulate you on every word in this letter, an excellent letter in content and form.

I started with this because it is relatively simple and straightforword.

The ideas you wrote about in the current letter are so much more commplex.

There is no doubt that the Almighty has many means of delivering messages to people. There is no doubt that many people receive messages from the Almighty.

While it is not possible to discount other iterpretations of your dreams and changes of you thoughts, it is clear that you have a comprehensive world-picture, and that this letter is an expression of the important points you saw fit to write me.

Naturally, I am interested to learn more about your advocacy "that my nation assist The Temple Mount Faithful Community, People For A Bill to Build The Bet HaMikdash and The Sanhedrin in your efforts to control the Temple Mount and rebuild your Jerusalem Third Temple". Why do you thing that this advocacy will help you as a "minor Canadian politician" who is starting his campaign.

Of course we appreciate your support and would like to help you in this - and for that matter in your efforts against abortion. According to the Holy Torah, the prohibition of abortion [except in extreme cases, as you mention] was one of the commands of God to Noah [Genesis 9,6, the KJV translation is not equivalent to the Jewish tradition (it really wasn't meant to be!)] According to our understanding, this means that killing a person who is still inside its mother is a capital crime.

Please send us some more elaboration of your ideas.



Rabby ...........

I quoted this from an online forum where I posted this publicly but at the time that I first copied this I felt that I should not give his name. He is retired now so it is more important to identify him. His responses were brilliant and a work of art..... .diplomatically.
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The rebuilding of the Jerusalem Third Temple by 2030 may be one of the only effective ways to divert those 4.3 trillion USA Petro- dollars..... (that George Soros seems to want to see dumped on the markets rapidly in order to devalue the USA dollar)....... in a way that will be win - win - win - win - win.
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What happens on Temple Mount is absolutely none of our business. Hasn't outside meddling in the Middle East had enough negative consequences already?

In a way you are correct.......
I would have zero idea of how to do any of the rituals that Moses commanded to the tribe of Levi but........
I believe that up until the time when Christians rise up in their belief in Ezekiel chapters forty to forty eight, (especially chapter 47), and support the basic right of the Jews to rebuild their Jerusalem Third Temple........... then Zechariah 14 will be delayed and delayed and delayed and delayed.............................. Do you want Messiah Yeshua - Jesus to return quickly?
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There is also the option in front of Christians to support the moving of the remains of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov from the Ukraine to somewhere in Israel.

We could be shocked at how much of an improvement of Christian - Jewish relations could result from our doing this:

I want to start an online ministry to Satanists....

...."Whoever breaks free from the lust for food can become a miracle worker. But someone who is stuck in this desire it is a sign that he is a liar. Even a Tzaddik who already freed himself from all desires and then falls back into the desire for food, it must be that something false left his mouth. It also shows that there is Judgment upon him from above and it is a sign of poverty." (Rabbi Nachman of Breslov) (LM 47)

This teaching by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov....... that
if we break free from the lust for food we can become a miracle worker.....
fits perfectly with Messiah Yeshua - Jesus fasting for forty days......
nearly dying.....
but sure enough... .he soon embarked on a miracle working ministry in the province of Judaea.......
so if more of us Christians will support the basic idea of the remains of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
being brought from the Ukraine to somewhere in Israel......
this is a major way in which Christians and Jews can begin to cooperate
at a whole new level!

I am involved in a lot of political discussion forums so I will
now suggest that President Donald J. Trump and his team should consider this option....
because it can lead to a massive shift in the relationship between the USA and Israel.

Rabbi Nachman made statements about the reality of hell that many
Orthodox Jews might not like at all.....
but then fifteen year old near death experiencer Natah back in 2015 was given
a brush with death and a testimony that verified several powerful statements by
Messiah Yeshua - Jesus that fits with the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.

Israeli near death experiencer verifies some teaching of Yeshua - Jesus.

John 5:45

"Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust."

Here are two more statements from Rabbi Yeshua -Jesus that fit amazingly well with the theme of all that young Natan was shown.

Matthew 5:17

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."

The laws on tzitzit would be considered one of the least laws......
I call myself Messianic Gentile...... but I haven't really even thought much about those
tzitzit laws of Moses.... and I certainly have not taught anything about them to anybody..... .. until hearing the NDE of Natan!
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What happens on Temple Mount is absolutely none of our business. Hasn't outside meddling in the Middle East had enough negative consequences already?

I got so angry with Messiah Yeshua - Jesus back in 1990 over three things that he said........
that I used four letter words while praying.... a lot of times until the year 2000......
then I began to calm down...........

I am one of those people who might tend to make the error of meddling in a matter that probably isn't my business????!
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What happens on Temple Mount is absolutely none of our business. Hasn't outside meddling in the Middle East had enough negative consequences already?

Having thought this over some more........
I have to admit that you are largely correct.......
if we were to put percentages on this it could perhaps be said that
what happens on the Temple Mount is 99% not our business............
but we Christians surely have a one percent responsibility to at least express our opinions on what happens there................
and do so inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT......

we should take into consideration the statements by Grant R. Jeffrey Ph. D. regarding the relationship between the First Century Messianic Jewish movement with the Rabbinic Jewish community.......
up until the time of the Bar Kochba Revolt.......

The late Grant R. Jeffrey Ph. D:
"The Sacrificial System Will Continue

One of the most perplexing ideas to students of Scripture is the idea that God intends that the annual feasts, along with animal sacrifice, will continue into the Millennium. Many Christians who have studied the prophetic portions of Zechariah 14, Isaiah 66, and Ezekiel 40 - 48, which clearly describe these Millennial worship ordinations, are confused by the idea. They ask, "Didn't the sacrifice of Christ eliminate animal sacrifices forever?"

............"Only the complete sacrifice of Jesus could ever totally atone for our sins. However, God clearly demanded the sacrifices from Adam to Christ. Those sacrifices were acts of obedience to the direct command of God, as well as acknowledgements of one's own personal sinfulness and need for God's forgiveness. Animal sacrifices covered the sins of the people temporarily until the prophesied Messiah would come and offer Himself once and for all as the necessary atonement for sin. If animal sacrifice can never atone for sin, why would God allow Israel to resume such sacrifice in the Third Temple, prior to Armageddon, and then demand that Israel continue such sacrifice in the Millennium? There are two reasons why I believe this is true."

First, the early Jewish - Christian Church continued to offer sacrifices in the first century.".......

.......Second, New Testament writers used the legal sacrificial system to illustrate very important points concerning Christ's sacrifice on the Cross.......

..... These examples of the way early Jewish believers used God's law to teach great love when He sacrificed His only Son on the cross will be repeated during the Millennium." (Grant R. Jeffrey, Messiah, War in the Middle East and the Road to Armageddon, page 317, 318 and 319)
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Reading the many articles in this topic forum I see a wide diversity in both stated and unstated views.

Regarding the "third temple" to be built at Jerusalem: I do not claim to know the exact date when this will be constructed, but I will say, that with some of the very cool advances in construction designs developed in recent years I suspect that the construction of this new temple will be very well built using the finest materials and with the latest construction equipment and technology it will be constructed in a surprisingly short time. The workmanship and materials will be of very hight standards.

Since the establishment of the Nation of Israel, as we follow the narrow places the House of Judah has already passed through one cannot deny more than one mighty miracle after another in establishing a sure foundation for this nation. While I observe that there are many who see only a total destruction in Israel,s future. I will concede that our brethren of the tribe of Judah will yet be required to endure in coming years some horrific situations, but rest assured that Israel.s prophetic destiny will be consummated in a triumphant victory which may require help from "the hosts of Israel" and Messiah!
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Reading the many articles in this topic forum I see a wide diversity in both stated and unstated views.

Regarding the "third temple" to be built at Jerusalem: I do not claim to know the exact date when this will be constructed, but I will say, that with some of the very cool advances in construction designs developed in recent years I suspect that the construction of this new temple will be very well built using the finest materials and with the latest construction equipment and technology it will be constructed in a surprisingly short time. The workmanship and materials will be of very hight standards.

Since the establishment of the Nation of Israel, as we follow the narrow places the House of Judah has already passed through one cannot deny more than one mighty miracle after another in establishing a sure foundation for this nation. While I observe that there are many who see only a total destruction in Israel,s future. I will concede that our brethren of the tribe of Judah will yet be required to endure in coming years some horrific situations, but rest assured that Israel.s prophetic destiny will be consummated in a triumphant victory which may require help from "the hosts of Israel" and Messiah!

Truly well said... one astonishingly well informed poster here has done video's regarding a theory on the Ezekiel 40 - 48 temple that is so far above my own Security Clearance Level with G-d that I am more than a little impressed:

Third Temple comes from Ezekiel 40-47

Is a Jerusalem Third Temple needed before Zechariah 14 can happen?
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Reading the many articles in this topic forum I see a wide diversity in both stated and unstated views.

Regarding the "third temple" to be built at Jerusalem: I do not claim to know the exact date when this will be constructed, but I will say, that with some of the very cool advances in construction designs developed in recent years I suspect that the construction of this new temple will be very well built using the finest materials and with the latest construction equipment and technology it will be constructed in a surprisingly short time. The workmanship and materials will be of very hight standards.

Since the establishment of the Nation of Israel, as we follow the narrow places the House of Judah has already passed through one cannot deny more than one mighty miracle after another in establishing a sure foundation for this nation. While I observe that there are many who see only a total destruction in Israel,s future. I will concede that our brethren of the tribe of Judah will yet be required to endure in coming years some horrific situations, but rest assured that Israel.s prophetic destiny will be consummated in a triumphant victory which may require help from "the hosts of Israel" and Messiah!

Shalom from Canada.

Would say that I am way, way, way off to think that the fulfillment of Ezekiel chapter forty seven will positively transform the environment of the Middle East?

I am thinking that we are talking about nothing less than the return of rain in due season for the Islamic nations that will allow Jews and Noahides to travel freely to and fro from that nation to Jerusalem for Sukkot and the other festivals?

Zechariah 14

And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations that came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, Jehovah of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.

17 And it shall be, that whoso of [all] the families of the earth goeth not up unto Jerusalem to worship the King, Jehovah of hosts, upon them there shall be no rain.

18 And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, neither [shall it be] upon them; there shall be the plague wherewith Jehovah will smite the nations that go not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

Ezekiel 47
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Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander gave me permission to make our discussion public.....
partly because I actually am hoping on playing a role in setting the stage politically..... as well as perhaps being involved in the financing for the rebuilding of the Ezekiel Temple Complex.........
and I see no reason why I could not assist in whatever they want for a Jerusalem Third Temple as well.........

Whom the heavens must receive until the restitution of all things?

(The question was asked if a literal Ezekiel temple mount complex would be a step backwards for Messiah Yeshua - Jesus).... I replied:

Basically.... Messiah Yeshua - Jesus has made covenants.......
multiple covenants that remain in force in effect and
in his mind..... do not contradict or negate each other.

We humans find ourselves almost incapable of understanding how
Messiah Yeshua - Jesus in his glorified resurrected form can handle all that
..... but to me it is obvious that He can!

There is an Adamic covenant....
there is a Mosaic covenant
there is a Noahaic covenant (pardon my spelling please)
there is a covenant with each of the twelve patriarch partly explained in Genesis 48
and Genesis 49 if I remember correctly.......

There are covenants with Abraham....
Isaac/ Yitzhak and Jacob/ Yakob.....

The covenants with David and with Levi were specified as being eternal.....

but I believe that once the Word / Logos makes a covenant.....
even one that is not necessarily recorded in scriptures.....
that covenant / agreement remains in force and effect even if you or I know nothing about it..... due to it being above our Security Clearance Level and pay scale.......!

Luke 24:25 "Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:"

Jeremiah 33
16 In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely; and this is [the name] whereby she shall be called: Jehovah our righteousness.

17 For thus saith Jehovah: David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel; 18 neither shall the priests the Levites want a man before me to offer burnt-offerings, and to burn meal-offerings, and to do sacrifice continually.

19 And the word of Jehovah came unto Jeremiah, saying, 20 Thus saith Jehovah: If ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, so that there shall not be day and night in their season; 21 then may also my covenant be broken with David my servant, that he shall not have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites the priests, my ministers.

22 As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured; so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites that minister unto me.

23 And the word of Jehovah came to Jeremiah, saying, 24 Considerest thou not what this people have spoken, saying, The two families which Jehovah did choose, he hath cast them off? thus do they despise my people, that they should be no more a nation before them.

25 Thus saith Jehovah: If my covenant of day and night [stand] not, if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth; 26 then will I also cast away the seed of Jacob, and of David my servant, so that I will not take of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: for I will cause their captivity to return, and will have mercy on them.
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"If you believe breaking is possible, believe fixing is possible."
"Disparage no book, for it is also a part of the world." (Rabbi Nachman of Breslov)

When I began what I started in 1990 I had this children's story in my mind:

The Lion & the Mouse
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The current Temple Mount position is false. It is not where the wailing wall is.

Jesus said, no stone would be left upon another. I believe that 100%.

The original Temple location is not where people believe it is now. That is the Fort!
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להיות טוב ולעשות טוב
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The current Temple Mount position is false. It is not where the wailing wall is.

Jesus said, no stone would be left upon another. I believe that 100%.

The original Temple location is not where people believe it is now. That is the Fort!
And your evidence is?.......
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In the Dome of the Rock the actual bedrock of Temple Mount protrudes slightly through the floor directly under the centre of the dome. There are four carved indentations where the feet of the Ark of the covenant once stood in the Holy of Holies.
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