Marks Of a True Conversion


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Jan 1, 2024
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George Whitefield

Matthew 18:3 — “Verily, I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

I suppose I may take it for granted, that all of you, among whom I am now about to preach the kingdom of God, are fully convinced, that it is appointed for all men once to die, and that ye all really believe that after death comes the judgment, and that the consequences of that judgment will be, that ye must be doomed to dwell in the blackness of darkness, or ascend to dwell with the blessed God, for ever and ever. I may take it for granted also, that whatever your practice in common life may be, there is not one, though ever so profligate and abandoned, but hopes to go to that place, which the scriptures call Heaven, when he dies. And, I think, if I know any thing of mine own heart, my heart's desire, as well as my prayer to God, for you all, is, that I may see you sitting down in the kingdom of our heavenly Father. But then, though we all hope to go to heaven when we die, yet, if we may judge by people's lives, and our Lord says, “that by their fruits we may know them,” I am afraid it will be found, that thousands, and ten thousands, who hope to go to this blessed place after death, are not now in the way to it while they live.

Though we call ourselves Christians, and would consider it as an affront put upon us, for any one to doubt whether we were Christians or not; yet there are a great many, who bear the name of Christ, that yet do not so much as know what real Christianity is. Hence it is, that if you ask a great many, upon what their hopes of heaven are founded, they will tell you, that they belong to this, or that, or the other denomination, and part of Christians, into which Christendom is now unhappily divided. If you ask others, upon what foundation they have built their hope of heaven, they will tell you, that they have been baptized, that their fathers and mothers, presented them to the Lord Jesus Christ in their infancy; and though, instead of fighting under Christ's banner, they have been fighting against him, almost ever since they were baptized, yet because they have been admitted to church, and their names are in the Register book of the parish, therefore they will make us believe, that their names are also written in the book of life. But a great many, who will not build their hopes of salvation upon such a sorry rotten foundation as this, yet if they are, what we generally call, negatively good people; if they live so as their neighbors cannot say that they do anybody harm, they do not doubt but they shall be happy when they die; nay, I have found many such die, as the scripture speaks, “without any hands in their death.” And if a person is what the world calls an honest moral man, if he does justly, and, what the world calls, love a little mercy, is not and then good-natured, reacheth out his hand to the poor, receives the sacrament once or twice a year, and is outwardly sober and honest; the world looks upon such an one as a Christian indeed, and doubtless we are to judge charitably of every such person. There are many likewise, who go on in a round of duties, a model of performances, that think they shall go to heaven; but if you examine them, though they have a Christ in their heads, they have no Christ in their hearts.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2023
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George Whitefield
they have a Christ in their heads, they have no Christ in their hearts.

The only real proof a person is a Christian is if they are BORN AGAIN.

The rest of it can be faked.

Forums are filled with this, and pulpits as well.

But you can't fake a 2nd Birth, if God caused it, and He knows all about it.
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Jan 1, 2024
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The only real proof a person is a Christian is if they are BORN AGAIN.

The rest of it can be faked.

Forums are filled with this, and pulpits as well.

But you can't fake a 2nd Birth, if God caused it, and He knows all about it.

Ah yes. But those who fake will not have the glow. The joy won't be there. They will often crack under pressure. A born again person will have a glow, and the joy of the LORD, and shall persevere under pressure, maybe not without complaint, but as Job, who retained his integrity.

Basically the sentence you quoted: "they have a Christ in their heads, they have no Christ in their hearts."
James 2:19, "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." - The devils are not born again, but they believe: possibly better than some professors, for they know who Christ is. It is not enough to know who Christ is; for as He said, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God ... ye must be born again. (John 3:3 & 7)
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Jun 21, 2023
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Ah yes. But those who fake will not have the glow.

Can't really tell that on a Forum... as i can't see them.

What i do, is find out if they understand anything about the Cross of Christ.

First, i'll ask them.......How can it be, that you've written 157 Threads and 45,678 post where you try to teach 'Grace, Salvation" Heaven", Redemption", .and yet not once have you even posted this.

"Cross of Christ"
"Jesus died on the Cross"
"Blood Atonement"

So, once i listen to their response.... not have a CLUE about any of that........i then become... "suspicious", especially when they tell me that Water Baptism saved them, or their works..

Then, i ask them.....>"do you believe you can Lose your Salvation"..

And they will say...>"well of course, im not some OSAS, Eternal Security person, who believes that Eternal Life is not Temporary"

So, then, i ask them......"Well, if you do not believe that JESUS who saved you, keeps you saved = to get you into heaven.. then who are you trusting in to keep you saved and get you into heaven". ??????????????????

And that is when they stop talking to me on the Forum, or something like that.

So, that is how i spot their "GLOW"< on a Forum.

Try it, and you'll see them for yourself...
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Jan 1, 2024
United States
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Can't really tell that on a Forum... as i can't see them.

What i do, is find out if they understand anything about the Cross of Christ.

First, i'll ask them.......How can it be, that you've written 157 Threads and 45,678 post where you try to teach 'Grace, Salvation" Heaven", Redemption", .and yet not once have you even posted this.

"Cross of Christ"
"Jesus died on the Cross"
"Blood Atonement"

So, once i listen to their response.... not have a CLUE about any of that........i then become... "suspicious", especially when they tell me that Water Baptism saved them, or their works..

Then, i ask them.....>"do you believe you can Lose your Salvation"..

And they will say...>"well of course, im not some OSAS, Eternal Security person, who believes that Eternal Life is not Temporary"

So, then, i ask them......"Well, if you do not believe that JESUS who saved you, keeps you saved = to get you into heaven.. then who are you trusting in to keep you saved and get you into heaven". ??????????????????

And that is when they stop talking to me on the Forum, or something like that.

So, that is how i spot their "GLOW"< on a Forum.

Try it, and you'll see them for yourself...

That is so right on! The guest preacher yesterday at church said some people came in to his church one time and said, "All you preach about is Calvary. That's just so basic. We are way beyond that, we're beyond Calvary."
I wrote this note and later showed the preacher, "If you're 'beyond Calvary' you're denying Christ before men!"

Oh, it's "grace, salvation, heaven & LOVE" - sometimes it's "God is love and love is love" which justifies the blasphemous immorality of all forms they "love" to practice. It's not love, it's sin.

That's another thing you don't hear about: sin.

I personally try to avoid the term OSAS though I believe in the security of the believer. I believe in the perseverance of the saints, and them that overcome, them that endure till the end shall be saved. There are certain OSAS sects that don't teach that, so OSAS becomes to them a licence to sin. I have literally heard from more than one preacher "It doesn't matter what you do after you get saved. If you said that prayer and were sincere, you'll make it to heaven." To them if the person goes right back to being a drunk, drug addict, adulterer, etc, it doesn't matter.

But it does matter, because part of the cross is crucifixion of the flesh, and as Jesus said "Ye shall know them by their fruits." God is big on holiness, for as it is written in both Old Testament and new, "Be ye Holy, for I am Holy" saith the LORD.
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Jun 21, 2023
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I personally try to avoid the term OSAS

So, about OSAS..

"Jude said"......that unbelievers, religious Jews....>"subverted the understanding of Grace" by flipping it, spinning it, subverting it as.. this end result.

A.) If you teach the Grace of God correctly you are teaching license to sin.

And people in Paul's day became deceived by this backwards, demonic, strange way, of teaching that, as what it does, is it causes a weak believer, or a self righteous believer, or a non believer, to believe that The Grace of God is License to sin.

So then the person turns from Grace, and puts themselves into a "working to stay saved", mentality, and that is to "fall from Grace".

In Paul's day, in Jude's time.....They accused Paul of teaching this, tho they didnt call it OSAS or License to sin..... when they said to him.......""you are telling us to sin so that Grace will come..."::

see that?

And no he didnt,

See.....OSAS.....this term...
Its a very queer "FLIP" against The Grace of God..... that panders to self righteousness in a person, and it causes them to think... "Well, they are saying that we can do anything"...

Look at this NT verse....

"Where SIN abounds.........GRACE more Abounds"......

So, the issue is that these people who obsess on this subverted OSAS understanding that they use to try to DENY The Grace of God, and get you trapped into trying to save yourself or keep yourself saved by some self effort.... these people can't understand what Jesus has Accomplished on the Cross.

They do not understand that "Christ is the END of the LAW, for Righteousness, to everyone who Believes".

They do not understand that "God hath made JESUS.... to be SIN>.....for us".....

And until the BELIEVER understands that "Christ has redeemed us from the Curse of the Law", then they are going to try to "be good to stay saved" or "do works to try to stay saved"....... vs, "i only trust in Christ AS MY Salvation" as HE ALONE.... is Salvation.
He is my ONLY Way to Heaven, because He is THE Only Way to the Father.

John 14:6

So..... im going to show you something a little wider now.

= The Law is the power of sin, and the power of sin is the law... so, where there is no law there is no sin.

Remember Eve and Adam? There was no Moses Law then.. but they had God's word that was a command, and it said..>"dont eat that".. so for them, that was a LAW.
Now, before God said that, and had He not said that, then they existed here...

A.) "where there is no LAW... there is NO Transgression"...

But as soon as He gave that command then they were UNDER IT..

Notice.. .The born again, are """""NOT under the LAW, but UNDER Grace""""""""

Notice...."The Law came by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.

Notice.. "Jesus has redeemed (the born again) from the CURSE.... OF>.. THE....Law".

See that?

Welcome To : Salvation, as its the GRACE of God.
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Blaise N

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Jul 4, 2021
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George Whitefield

Matthew 18:3 — “Verily, I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

I suppose I may take it for granted, that all of you, among whom I am now about to preach the kingdom of God, are fully convinced, that it is appointed for all men once to die, and that ye all really believe that after death comes the judgment, and that the consequences of that judgment will be, that ye must be doomed to dwell in the blackness of darkness, or ascend to dwell with the blessed God, for ever and ever. I may take it for granted also, that whatever your practice in common life may be, there is not one, though ever so profligate and abandoned, but hopes to go to that place, which the scriptures call Heaven, when he dies. And, I think, if I know any thing of mine own heart, my heart's desire, as well as my prayer to God, for you all, is, that I may see you sitting down in the kingdom of our heavenly Father. But then, though we all hope to go to heaven when we die, yet, if we may judge by people's lives, and our Lord says, “that by their fruits we may know them,” I am afraid it will be found, that thousands, and ten thousands, who hope to go to this blessed place after death, are not now in the way to it while they live.

Though we call ourselves Christians, and would consider it as an affront put upon us, for any one to doubt whether we were Christians or not; yet there are a great many, who bear the name of Christ, that yet do not so much as know what real Christianity is. Hence it is, that if you ask a great many, upon what their hopes of heaven are founded, they will tell you, that they belong to this, or that, or the other denomination, and part of Christians, into which Christendom is now unhappily divided. If you ask others, upon what foundation they have built their hope of heaven, they will tell you, that they have been baptized, that their fathers and mothers, presented them to the Lord Jesus Christ in their infancy; and though, instead of fighting under Christ's banner, they have been fighting against him, almost ever since they were baptized, yet because they have been admitted to church, and their names are in the Register book of the parish, therefore they will make us believe, that their names are also written in the book of life. But a great many, who will not build their hopes of salvation upon such a sorry rotten foundation as this, yet if they are, what we generally call, negatively good people; if they live so as their neighbors cannot say that they do anybody harm, they do not doubt but they shall be happy when they die; nay, I have found many such die, as the scripture speaks, “without any hands in their death.” And if a person is what the world calls an honest moral man, if he does justly, and, what the world calls, love a little mercy, is not and then good-natured, reacheth out his hand to the poor, receives the sacrament once or twice a year, and is outwardly sober and honest; the world looks upon such an one as a Christian indeed, and doubtless we are to judge charitably of every such person. There are many likewise, who go on in a round of duties, a model of performances, that think they shall go to heaven; but if you examine them, though they have a Christ in their heads, they have no Christ in their hearts.

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This is one of the many many reasons I LOVE Pastor Whitefield,biblical teaching that doesn’t sugar-coat the truth.God bless and rest his soul.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
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This is one of the many many reasons I LOVE Pastor Whitefield,biblical teaching that doesn’t sugar-coat the truth.God bless and rest his soul.

He's right up there as one of the sincerest and serious no-nonsense preachers of all time, along with Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, and a bunch of others.
You see I've got him #3 in this list of reading I have: (this is not to exalt men, but as Paul often commended others for their labors in the Lord...)
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