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Kat Kerr - Powerful Testimonies of Heaven

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In Service To The Lord
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Dunamis - 3 Operatives of Darkness

#203) Kat Kerr - The Atmosphere in Your Home

“He says: “Please stop talking about the doom and gloom”. The enemy doesn’t need any help, ok? We’re not ignorant. We know what the enemy has planned. We know God’s got plans that surpass his. Amen, and just like before, when He didn’t know what God was going to do, in Heaven when he was going around deceiving all of the angels, God said nothing. And he thought that God was stupid. He didn’t know what He was doing. He thought he could get away with it all. Did He know what He was doing? Yes He did! And when He was ready, He kicked him out. Well He’s got some plans that He’s going to be revealing on this earth. What He’s going to with believers, He’s never done before. You need to wake up every morning, expecting God to use you. You need to wake up every morning and start talking to Them: “Good morning Father, I love You.” “Good morning Jesus, my beloved, I love You.” Good morning Holy Spirit, my best friend, I love you.” I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do with me today.” “I can’t wait to see what you’re going to reveal to me today”. I know I’m going to make a difference in this world for you. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in my life, what I have or don’t have, You hold my life in your hands. You are my provider. You are my protector.” You're just worshipping Him. Do you know what? The devil won’t want to hang around your house. Amen? That’s what you do when you think things have gone wrong, it’s just God transitioning you. He’s actually removed people from their jobs, because He’s about to give you your own business. He’s going to have a lot of entrepreneurs in the last day. He’s going to do so many things to the marketplace. It will stun this world what God is going to do with you. Amen? And that’s why He’s letting people know who He is. We need to know.”

Wow this akin to coming to a freshwater stream when you are real thirsty Amen! Oh what a joy it is to read about how God's going to make our lives a special tribute to our Lord Jesus Christ! God's going to use you now in big and mighty ways! He's gonna take what you have and increase it to staggering proportions and you won't recognise who or what your were before this happened! You'd better get ready to enjoy it LOL 'cause it's gonna take the enemy by surprise ha ha! God is soooooooo good Amen! This is just sooooooooo delicious! GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST! ^_^:clap::D
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In Service To The Lord
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Shouts of Grace Church 4-24-11 Morning Session

#199) Kat Kerr - Tell My People I Have Keys

“There are too many testimonies, where people were dying and descending into Hell, and Christ caught them and said: “This person is praying for you. I have to give you a chance.”

Amen! And this is why we must NEVER GIVE UP on our family members regardless of whether it seems like they will be saved or not - as the Lord has shown me in the past, that if we believe until their death, we never know what happens on that person's death bed - this completely backs up what the Lord has taught me on the subject. So, to those who are living in situations where it seems fruitless - like there is no way that your precious family member will ever come to Christ - JUST KNOW THIS! The Lord your God is still on their case, and He will never give up until their very last breath! OH HOW GREAT THOU ART! :bow::bow::bow:
PRAISE HIS MIGHTY NAME!!! :clap::clap::clap:
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Jubilee Church Audio Pod cast - Revealing Heaven

#206) Kat Kerr - Whitney Houston in Heaven

“I was sitting on the front row, waiting to speak somewhere, I think it was out in Phoenix, or Arizona somewhere, and God caught me up to His throne, and I saw Whitney Houston receiving a reward. Some of you may not understand that, if they receive Him… If they receive Jesus Christ, even the night before they die, they’re going to Heaven. And that’s exactly what she did. God knows the hearts of the people. All I can tell you is that she was there, and she looked gorgeous. And she was undone, by standing in front of the Father. And He was telling her this, “Because you were willing to use the gift I made you to be, and you sang the song I put in you and released it in the earth, I’m going to give you some of my own personal songs that have never been sung, not even in Heaven.” And He reached behind and picked up this beautiful chest about “this big”, the most beautiful… it had pearls, beautiful design and colors on it. I didn’t know what to say, I was just watching, it was beautiful, and He opened it. And I “saw” music. In Heaven you see aromas. You see music. You walk on roads of light and rainbow bridges in Heaven. You can even ride on music, when you worship God. So this beautiful, like garnet color, came out, was swirling, and I heard this song, so captivating, and it was beautiful. And it began to swirl around Whitney Houston, and it was like life was coming into her. She didn’t know what to do, she was so overwhelmed. I still get goose bumps talking about it.

And I was so blessed He let me see her. And she was so in love with Him, and He said: “Because you used your gift, I’m giving you one of My own personal gifts.” And it began to wrap around her. He said: “I’m giving you garments of praise.” They’re real! Those are real, something tangible and real. You can wear music in Heaven. When it stopped coming out of the box, she was wearing the most beautiful gown. This garnet gown, and everywhere she moved, her arm or anything, that song came off of her. And He said: “Everywhere you go in Heaven, people are going to hear that song. They’re going to know I gave you that as a gift.” He said: “When you get to your mansion and you go to your treasure room, there’s a lot more of those there.”

Say: “Awesome God!”

So I’m going to write that all down and give it to Whitney’s mother and grandmother. By the way, I was traveling when I heard someone say, “Did you hear Whitney Houston passed?” And the second I heard those words, the Holy Spirit said: “She sang her salvation!” Does anyone know what happened the night before she died? Some people might know. I didn’t know when I heard Him say that, but I found out later, that after she had done something, or gone somewhere, or something, her friend talked her into going to this bar and grill place, whatever it was, and they talked her into getting up on the platform and singing. And she didn’t want to do it. And they said, “We made her get up there and sing. We wanted to hear her sing.” She sure wasn’t in really good shape at the time, and guess what she sang? Out of any song she could have picked on the earth, because she was desperate, she sang “Yes, Jesus Loves Me”. And they have witnesses that will tell you, she sang it with everything she had within her, and God said, “Once she sang that, she gave herself back to Me”.

* (I was never really a Whitney "fan", but I recognized her gift. Just by chance I remembering seeing a video about her last performance, and here it is!

Whitney's Last Performance

Raw Video: Whitney Houston's Last Performance - YouTube
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Jubilee Church Audio Pod cast - Revealing Heaven

#207 Kat Kerr - Going Up to the Throne

“And you come home to Heaven and Jesus will come looking for you. He is the One that takes you up the steps of the throne and takes you back to the Father. You don’t have to look for Him. You don’t have to wonder, “When am I going to meet Him?” You come In. You begin to enter into the Throne Room, the temple of God in Heaven is beautiful. One day we won’t need a new temple on the new earth. Isn’t that fantastic? Right now there is a temple. There is a Throne Room, and the living creatures, I used to picture them looking at all of the people, like this, but they look at Them. Like here’s God, and the throne high and lifted up. Four sets of steps going up to the throne. And you run up there any time you want to, to be with Him. And you walk in there, and here’s these living creatures with the eyes…

And when someone comes home for the first time, people part like the Red Sea. They know you’re new, you’re gawking at everything. You know how you go to a wonderful place, and you’re going like (gasp) Look at that! Look! Look! Look! People go down and look at a blade of grass forever…

But when you come in for the first time, and they part like the Red Sea, and Jesus comes down the steps and gets you on His arm. That’s enough to make anyone melt. I can tell you He’s about 6’ tall. He’s got dark curls that go all over His head about down to “here”. He’s got a neatly trimmed beard and mustache. He’s very muscular. He is not weak looking in any way. The glory that comes from His being is like a million diamonds, but He dims that glory so you can see Him face to face. You’re trying to tell Him how much you love Him, and He’s saying one thing, “Oh, but you have to see the Father. I can’t wait for you to meet the Father. He loved you enough to send Me. You’ve got to meet the One who made you.” So you’re still trying to love on Him. You feel like your legs are turning into jelly, your spiritual legs, and you’re walking up the steps of this throne that’s high and lifted up , and if you look down on any of the steps, you see creation, something being created somewhere in Heaven. It flows from Him. You hear life going in and out of God, this loud sssshhh! In and out of God; and you hear rumblings and thunder. And you get excited… And you’re standing there next to the King of Kings, walking up these steps to meet the One who made you, and the light is so brilliant coming from the Father, and then these bands of the rainbow, they’re not just a rainbow, it goes like this, by the way. It’s like a circle that goes into the floor. It appears up into the atmosphere of the glory that sits over His throne. And it actually moves in and out of Him like this. Like waves of these beautiful colors moving in and out of God’s person. You get up there and stand, and here’s this brilliant light shooting from Him. Every light beam piercing you with love. And it goes right through you being. You feel life being put into you. You feel so alive. You’re like, “Why would I ever want to go back?”… If they only knew what I was feeling. If they could only stand there and experience it. We weren’t even living on the earth. We were existing… Now, here you’re filled with life. Your loved one’s bodies might be dead, but they are not. They’re living in life. Filled with the life of God, that comes from everywhere in Heaven. And then all of a sudden, if you stand there long enough, you’ll be able to see the shape of His face. His hair is so beautiful. White as wool. Even His hair has the glory coming off of it. Waves of the glory. If He turns His head a little bit, you can see His profile. His white hair. His white beard. When Jesus is in His glory, you see Him in all His glory, He looks just like His Father. His hair white as wool. I’ve seen as the King of Kings. I’ve seen Him with the crowns. I’ve seen Him with that sword coming out of His mouth..."
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Jubilee Church Audio Pod cast - Revealing Heaven

#208) Kat Kerr - Comforting Family Members on Earth

“…He has me watch things, and listen to people talk about their family members and they don’t see me. He keeps me hidden. I tell you why He keeps me hidden. They’d be doing the same thing you’d do. The next time you go to Heaven, would you find my mother, my brother, my father, my sister, whatever, and tell them I love them. And they would do the exact same thing. “When you go back to earth, would you please tell my mother, my father, my sister, my brother, my friend, that I’m up here cheering them on, and I love them. So He doesn’t let them see me, and I hear them talk all the time about things they did as kids. Their family members. These are people I never met before in my life. Then He’d bring me back down. Have me type it down. Then He, who made everything, including every hair on your head would tell me where that person’s family members were living, their address, their phone number, and their name. And then, how would you like to do this? He had me call them and say that I had information about their loved one in Heaven, and would they like to know what God told me? How would you like that ministry?

…And I’d meet with these people, and they all said (Guess what?) yes! And so I would meet them, they wouldn’t let me come to their home, not one person ever let me come to their home (bless their heart). They didn’t know who I was, they had never met me. So we’d meet at a park or at a mall, or some common area like that. Then I’d make them sit down, then I’d read off my piece of paper what I saw. I wouldn’t even look at them. I’d hold it like “this”. And just read off the piece of paper. I could hear them gasping and choking and laughing and crying, because I was telling them things only they knew. I didn’t know anything about it. You know what God was doing? He was creating evidence that Heaven was real. I can tell you what, you could take either of my books, and take them before a judge and a jury, when they read the evidence that was in here, they would have to say it was real."

"…now they’re taking you to your own mansion where they have a welcome home party planned for you…."

"Father: “I’m glad they don’t give me a funeral when I come home to Heaven!”

"…they have a party in Heaven for you!

They have a party in Heaven for you. And God said the reality of Heaven will be so widely known and understood, what happens when they go there, one day they won’t take you to the funeral home to send you to Heaven, they’ll take you down here to a party depot!

Father: “We need some party depots!”

I’d much rather take my family there than to a funeral home. Because you know what they’ll do? They’ll celebrate down here while they’re celebrating in Heaven. Praise God!"

Wouldn't that be a good business? A party depot funeral home. It would take faith to get in the door.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Jubilee Church Audio Pod cast - Revealing Heaven

#210) Kat Kerr - They See Their Homegoing Service

“From what it looks like, only God can do something. He has a plan! Hey they’re not worried in Heaven about our country. God calls America His gift. And He said, He’s not going to let the enemy have His gift. Please be encouraged, Amen!”

In Hebrews 12:1, He really meant it when He had that put in there. Since you’re surrounded about, and right now, you’re surrounded about right now, by such a great cloud of witnesses. Guess what? People always go, “I don’t think they can see from Heaven.” What about Hebrews 12:1? I think a witness means you can see and hear. Is that right? And they can. They don’t miss anything important in your life. I’ll tell you right now, they don’t miss any major thing in your life. They’ve seen them all. They saw all the babies being born, every time every family member got saved and received Jesus Christ. That’s the most favorite thing that they want to see, and they don’t miss any of it. Any marriages, any special things. And they all saw their homegoing service. They were right there watching it. Probably cheering you on with your life. And I will tell you, I know some things they do, that every year on your birthday, they go to a portal and sing happy birthday to you. People think they’re up there enjoying their life, and when I’m done telling you what’s up there, you’ll understand that they do enjoy their life, but the most important thing for them is they can’t wait for you to come there and be with them . They do not forget you. They fall more in love with you, living in the presence of love itself..
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Jubilee Church Audio Pod cast - Revealing Heaven

#212) Kat Kerr - Titles of Places worth Exploring!

When you see Jesus, you’ll feel like you’re going to melt and go under the floor. And you’re going to want to come back here again, amen?

If you like antique car shows. Guess what will be part of your mansion? A whole bunch of antique cars, and you’ll hold shows there all of the time for people to bring there's there… But I bet if I started naming things, you’d get really happy. Like surfing maybe, or for the first time in your life, being able to act in a movie, or the roller coasters, the amusement park. I could keep on going. Passionate paradise. Video land; Cartoon Village. I hope I’m bothering some religious spirit’s a lot. Comedy clubs, where the angels come staggering out because they’ve laughed so hard.

The Living Creatures - They’re awesome and powerful beings with eyeballs all in there feathers and all of those eyes are moving independently of each other. They have them in the front and the back. They even have them in their arms and their hands. They are massive beings that stand upright like us. They have these gossamer garments on, but you can see through them and see the thousands of eyes in their bodies. And you have to walk past them to get to the Father. And they’re big! If they stood in here their head would probably touch the ceiling. Except I don’t think there’s any way you can really measure, it’s hard to measure dimensions in Heaven, because things are so big…

Kenneth Hagin Sr…. how many people knew Kenneth Hagin Sr. was? For those of you who don’t know, he was a powerful man of God that helped with the faith movement down here. He really knew His Word inside and out. He did a lot of great things for the Body of Christ. Now he’s celebrating in Heaven. He probably has a lot of property up there. He taught people how to believe and declare for a lot of property, he’s probably got acres and acres, and who said you couldn’t have acres and acres? You don’t get a little plot with your mansion. Even the ground around your mansion is designed for you. Isn’t that wonderful? You could live in Cowboy Heaven or Christmas Town. The more you know God, you will understand that He names everything. He names buildings and places and things. When you go home to Heaven, He’s going to have a nickname for you. You know it talks about in the Word, where you get a white stone with a name on it that only He and you know. It’s a nickname. It’s not some big long theological sounding name… And that white stone is a white diamond. It’s not a little river rock.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Jubilee Church Audio Pod cast - Revealing Heaven

#213) Kat Kerr - Your Crown Room

In your mansion, you actually have a Crown Room to keep all of your crowns. The Crown of Righteousness, the Soul Winner’s Crown. There’s about five different crowns. I saw that people had accumulated through their life on this earth. Then there’s another one. The crown to rule and reign that He gives you. You keep them in your mansion and when everybody gets there, one day we all will throw them at the feet of Christ. Because of Him, He made it possible, didn’t He?

Jesus came into my home and said: “You will help to reveal the Father. They need to know who He is and how much He loves them”, that’s why I have a lot of revelation on Him.

The trees literally clap their hands, and sometimes they sing too. You know the rocks literally cry out and shout praises to God in Heaven.
You will be so undone, just when you step out. When you die and you move to Heaven and are going to stay there, and not come back. I’m not talking about near death experiences. Where you could have gone up through a portal, you go up through a light and come back. Angels catch you up; Jesus appears to you and catches you up; but when you die and move there, they come and pick you up in a chariot or a transport…

They take you through the universe, and you go by all of the planets, and nebulas, and the galaxies that God put out there. If you ever want to know what’s out there, one day on your way home to Heaven, you get a tour. Isn’t that glorious? Just thinking about that one thing alone, you just get so undone thinking about the goodness of God, and He said, “If you really like something, I’ll take you by a second time”. I have been on that trip. All my life I wanted to be an astronaut. I didn’t want to be anything normal…
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bind on pick up
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Apr 23, 2005
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I read a few of these nearer to the beginning and I just have to say thank you. When I read things concerning "your words create" and "negative talk cancels prayers", etc, then I know that the positive confession witchcraft is being taught. It's not often that someone hands me reasons to avoid certain people teaching things within the church like this.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
I read a few of these nearer to the beginning and I just have to say thank you. When I read things concerning "your words create" and "negative talk cancels prayers", etc, then I know that the positive confession witchcraft is being taught. It's not often that someone hands me reasons to avoid certain people teaching things within the church like this.

God bless you Faulty. Sorry you feel that way.
Of course we are created in the image and likeness of God. When we speak in agreement with the will and purpose of God, from the mind of Christ, the power of blessing to bring forth the plan of God releases creative power from our lips. When one speaks with a "froward mouth", contrary to that very thing, it looses a destructive force. This double-mindedness causes you to not receive from God and it's all scriptural.

This is not witchcraft, it's the Word. I suppose if I quoted you Mark 11:23-24, you would speak the same assessment. We're supposed to rejoice over persecution, but it's difficult to see somebody trapped in a destructive mindset.

You already know you're not supposed to criticize another congregation's stuff, and it's all "WOF', so you're willingly sinning, for a chance to persecute.
It's a blessing for the recipient, but a blight for you and I don't want to see you suffer.

When I first came on the forum, God seemed to give me a heart toward you (I could never figure out why). Over time I have seen that you're a prisoner in the gall of bitterness. You say you used to be Word of Faith, and somehow something put a fly in the ointment. Sadly, you believe that Christians will always go to Heaven, which takes a good bit of the fear of the Lord away. If there was something I could tell you to change your heart (not necessarily to be WOF), I would offer that to you.

If you read on, you'll see that in the coming baptism of fire, people will have to choose one way or another to go on with God or go into gross darkness. That means no more gray area of people hiding in sin. It's very serious and we aren't "allowed" these ventures into darkness. I pray God deals with you mercifully because I believe in the punishment (even for believers) that I know you don't. May God change your heart and enable you to receive the blessing these threads are intended to give. I encourage others in this forum to pray for him.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
My email suddenly vanished! Laptops are very strange animals and how many times did I have a post working and then the mouse went somewhere else, the window vanished, or some other odd manifestation occurred!

Looking over that list of topics, I have to say that it is very anointed and incredible! God has really provided some great instruction and encouragement for us all. That's just one line out of a lot more that is given. It's like looking at an Italian restaurant menu and getting hungry just eyeballing the topics. I'm sure many of you are judging and weighing what you're reading and let the seeds of that take root in you and God will give the increase. God has been working me over for a couple of years with some of this, and I'm different on the inside! It helped me through some very trying personal trials.

God opened things up for me with these teachings a couple of years ago with Kat's first book. The account of "Maurissa" where God comforts a family of a "lost" little girl who wanted to dig her up just to hold her again, really demonstrated the compassion of the Lord. The anointing really showed up and I had to take notice.

Her CDs have a LOT more info on them, I just touched on some of those topics. They are wonderful to buy and copy for others. She states in one message that it's ok to copy her stuff and share it. It's God's message. Even still, I just give you a portion. It's a real turn on to people who can receive messages like these.

Some don't even believe people can go to Heaven, let alone really know anything about it. God has spoken a couple of times about Kat and releasing the anointing. Get into prayer and then step out and "try it".

I was helping a woman at church move recently. Her house was being bought by this Sikh guy and one of the four of us was witnessing to him. He was very resistant and indignant that his god did him just fine.

I had to laugh, because I was standing on the outside of truck parked in the front yard. I said one line in tongues and my spirit rose up. "Go release the anointing!" I went in and released it on the fridge door, faucets in the kitchen sink and cabinets, door knobs, etc. He can argue all he wants, but the anointing is in that house and those devils can't do anything about it! It's going to shake things up and work on him!

A month or so before I repented from my backsliding, I was copying some tapes of teachings I had for years to mp3 and I had the volume turned down way low on the headphones so I couldn't hear them. I was frightened of where I was walking. The anointing on those tapes was released in my bedroom and the Holy Spirit immediately started to woo me. I was shocked! Not long after, I had the urge to dismantle my huge music library (which kept me in bondage). I got rid of everything offensive, and then He spoke to me in a dream. Next day... I was "Alive Again"! The anointing is powerful and cuts through the web of the enemy.

I hope you all really get that part of it and begin to release it and really start "trouble" in the spirit realm. It's a powerful weapon.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Thank God everything is grace oriented, the cross, the blood, Jesus is the only way, the Holy Spirit today confirming the Word and works of Jesus, the power of the Spirit, nothing to fear. Nothing vague or mundane. It's all supernatural because that is who God is, and as we are to find out even more, who we are. I have found it to be profoundly WOF as we know it, which really is just walking in the Word (by faith).

Things that do not have the anointing will only empty your tank if you spend too long thinking about them.
They will not enhance your walk with God, inspire you to prayer and thanksgiving, will not give you confidence entrusting God with your loved ones, will not help you guard your mouth or your thoughts, will not inspire your future, etc. While I was fighting depression (when I wasn't pressing in), God would allow me to put my thoughts on things above, and I'd forget that my family was falling apart. I learned to stare the opposition of utter hopelessness, declarations of hatred and anger right in the face and say "I love you".

He has trained me to look at loved ones maybe going to Hell and now say: "You WILL fulfill your destiny in Christ!" YOU ARE on my dear ones list and God WILL NOT fail me because I'm committed to serving and abiding and a lot of people are depending on me doing my part in the spirit to bless them.

They're depending on YOU too!
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Jubilee Church Audio Pod cast - Revealing Heaven

#215) Kat Kerr - Aqua Mansions

“I’m going to talk a little bit, a few minutes about the mansions. Who would like to know what some of them look like? (Say, “I would!”) …I saw aqua mansion, that’s what they call them. Built under the Crystal Sea. Why? Because people love to train the dolphin and swim with the dolphins. And you get them up close and personal, these aqua mansions look like huge big bubbles about 8,000 square feet. They’re on these amazing columns. They can make them go under the Crystal Sea, or sit above the Crystal Sea. Now when I say like people picture a column holding up the mansion, going up and down. It’s not like that. Your mansion is like a big ring, sitting on this column that is an aquarium. Probably with about a half a million gallons in it, and there’s an opening at the bottom where the fish can swim up inside. And this thing is probably like forty feet across. So your whole mansion is built around this supernatural aquarium, where sharks and all kinds of fish are swimming in this thing, in your house! Isn’t that awesome? And that ring moves up and down on that column, wherever they want to be, and in that mansion is a portal that you jump through, and you’re swimming in the Crystal Sea. Say “God is supernatural!” “And so is my home.”

I have seen this beautiful place at the mountain of spices, it’s talks about in the Song of Solomon, that are the highest mountains in Heaven. The rocks change colors, like fall colors… In the mountain of spices, all the leaves on all of the trees are gold , orange, and garnet. I mean beautiful colors. Purple, and they’re like that all of the time. They never fall off. And every time you go into another level all these mountains, you smell things like pumpkin pie, cinnamon, and nutmeg, sandalwood, all these beautiful aromas that just engulf you when you go up into these mountains. It’s very high in Heaven, and when you get to the top, you look down into this amazing valley they call “The Valley of the Falls”…."
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Oasis Church 4_22_11 AM

#222) Kat Kerr - One Thousand Drummers

“Music is one of the biggest parts in Heaven and it is everywhere. They have a “1,000 drummers”.
I’ve been in the Throne Room many times, and guess what, there is different things that go on. Not everything is the same all the time… I’ve seen them when they had a 1,000 drummers. They have this thing called “The Warfare Beat”. I’ve actually heard them imparting it into ministries. I hear them start on those war drums, lightning comes from the drums. Bolts of lightning start shooting out of the drums, when they hit that beat that they do, and those lightning bolts, if you’re in the Throne Room and they hit you, you go down. You didn’t die. You thought you did again, but you didn’t. It’s love. It’s passion. Those lightning bolts are filled with the passion of God. It’s what He about to send to this earth. It will hit you in the Throne Room and you’ll go down like you’re melting in a puddle of love…They have a 1,000 drummers, and you hear it all over Heaven. When they have them in the Throne Room, everybody wants to come….

They have some styles I couldn’t even tell you what they were made out of. They have some strange, kinds of drums, and they have some unique different kinds of drums up there, and they some really high pitched sounds…The drums literally were made to create warfare. I know King David had a lot of them. Solomon had a lot of them. When he sent the worshippers out ahead of the armies, they actually carried drums, and they would play those drums over and over. They would drive the enemy nuts. The Israelites would drive their enemies nuts, because they started playing them days before anything was going to happen. They did it twenty four hours a day. They didn’t even get to sleep, because they could hear those drumbeats coming. It was more of a warfare thing that anything. It gets you excited? Doesn’t it do something to the inside of you?

I love it when I see flags. They have such pageantry in the Throne Room of God and I love to tell people this. If you like to make banners down here. Guess what you’ll be doing, you’ll be making them for Throne Room. Whatever is on that banner when they start running with it comes alive! Literally, if there is lion, the lion comes alive on the banner. It begins to take and roar off of the banner. They roar. If there’s trumpets on it, the trumpets start trumpeting off of that banner. They are like 30 feet long. It’ awesome!”
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Jubilee Church Audio Pod cast - Revealing Heaven

#223) Kat Kerr - Training the Child in the Way They Should Go - What That Means

“The Word says to train up a child in which way they should go and they will not depart from it. I’m going to give you revelation on what that means. It’s all about the gifts God gave you to be to this world.
How important it is to use your gift. That’s what the judgment seat of Christ is about, by the way. Have a lot of revelation of the Word. I’m also going to tell you what hot, cold, and lukewarm means. It opens your eyes. And you go, “Why didn’t we see that?” because revelation is truth, and it’s straight from the Father...

So that scripture does not mean to raise up a child to know Jesus. That is the other scripture that says “Raise up a child in the admonition of the Lord.” That means to know Him. To know about Him. To adore Him. In the Hebrew, that other scripture means raise up a child in the “bent”, in the way I made him. And he shall not depart from that. This is how simple the Father makes it. Raise up a child in the gift I made them to be, that is their passion, and they’ll never run around in the world, trying to figure out who they are. Because they’re doing the thing they loved the most. Whether they’re a drummer, an artist, or they’re going to design houses, or a fashion designer. Those are gifts. And guess what? When the Kingdom of God is within you, part of the kingdom is you of course. But you’re a gift. That means that your gift is actually part of establishing the kingdom on this earth.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Jubilee Church Audio Pod cast - Revealing Heaven

#224) Kat Kerr - The Thing You’re Most Passionate About

“So that chef would have an amazing, beautiful mansion. If he likes to be by the water, it’s built by the Crystal Sea. If he likes the mountains, it would be up in the mountain of spices, it talks about in the Song of Solomon. It actually exists in Heaven. If they like real high tech things, they’d be a place in Heaven they call “Techno City”. If they were an artist or a dancer, or anyone who worked with fabrics or fashions or jewelers, or any kind of real artsy stuff, you’d live near a place they call “The Galleria”. (I’m going to get you out of your box.) If you understand about the gifts, you would see that’s why they are irrevocable, that’s what the Word says… That your gifts are irrevocable and without repentance. Without repentance means you should know what it is. Because it is the thing you are the most passionate about. It’s the thing that if you could use it, and make a living doing it, you would do it. It’s probably your hobby. It’s what if you have a little money, you’re going to spend it on that thing. How many people know their gift?

I’ll tell you what the Father said about the Body, He said: “The world has no problem identifying their children’s gifts, and being trained and raised up in it and release them in the world, but the Body comes to church and sits on the seat, trying to figure out what their spiritual gift is so they can use it for God.” And yet they’d probably be one of the greatest florists ever… Yet they think it’s not good enough because it’s not a spiritual gift. Yet God didn’t make a mistake when He made you. Hair designers. They have salons in Heaven. Why? Because, guess what? Someone has that gift… "
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Jubilee Church Audio Pod cast - Revealing Heaven

#225) Kat Kerr - Be Passionate About Your Gift

“He was the most controversial person in His day. He really was. He likes controversy. Because it draws people…”

“It’s so important to identify your gift. And I’ll tell you how important it is to God. He said, I’d rather you be hot nor cold. If you’re lukewarm, I’ll spew you out of my mouth. That doesn’t mean you won’t go to Heaven. That means He can’t use you in His plans. Because it is about your gift… Hot is a believer on fire for God, has identified their gift and is using it in the earth. Cold is the world not knowing God, but has identified their gift and using it in the world. All He has to do is get them saved, and they’re hot. But if you’re lukewarm you don’t care what it is, have no intention of using it, if you did know what it was, He can’t use you in His plans that He has for you. That’s why He put it in you… It’s really important because when you get to Heaven, you’re really going to use that gift…”
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In Service To The Lord
Oct 20, 2009
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I read a few of these nearer to the beginning and I just have to say thank you. When I read things concerning "your words create" and "negative talk cancels prayers", etc, then I know that the positive confession witchcraft is being taught. It's not often that someone hands me reasons to avoid certain people teaching things within the church like this.

Hi Faulty

I am truly sorry that you feel this way - it would make sense to disallow all of God's promises, if you had no idea at all about how they become manifest. It would also make sense, to allow God to work miracles in your life, by believing that His word is true, and to take it at face value.

Proverbs 18:20 "A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; From the produce of his lips he shall be filled."

This is a word of faith forum and as such we believe it is possible to allow God's word to become manifest in our lives through the use of declaring (and believing) exactly what His word says whether or not appearances say otherwise...

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In Service To The Lord
Oct 20, 2009
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Wow I love these threads Amen! If I could pray anything that would be helpful, I would pray that you all just open your eyes to the magic and wonder that is going on behind the scenes. If we could only see this with our own eyes, just think how it would change us and affect our lives - we'd never be the same again! We'd lose all our inhibitions and fears associated around pleasing people and in getting our needs met, and we would all cast our eyes and thoughts solely and completely towards the heavens, towards Jesus, and we would trust Him implicitly to manage all our affairs, without any concern at all for outcomes, relying on Him to take us where we need to go, all for the glory of His Kingdom Amen! Some of us do manage to live this way sometimes - or even most of the time (?), but just imagine how easy it would be once we've been to the Throne Room, hearing and experiencing all that heavenly worship and just soaking up the absolute love, majesty and awesomeness of our Father in Heaven - oh how gloriously amazing that would be - can you imagine?
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