Israel, More Friends than Foes


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Jan 14, 2006
Yorkshire, England
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Headlines tell the frightening stories of the genocidal slaughter of believers abroad. Israel, too, is under attack— literally and figuratively. Part of this battle involves evangelicals turning away from Israel to support the creation of a Palestinian state.

This anti-Israel campaign repudiates biblical doctrine, endorses Arab revisionist propaganda and claims Israel is illegally occupying Arab land and imposing apartheid-like conditions on the Palestinians. Furthermore, Millennials are being recruited to fashion a pro-Palestinian evangelical opinion regarding the Israeli-Arab peace process.

While social media highlight this movement, they do not change the fact that the argument that evangelicals are deserting Israel is flawed.

Devotees of “Christ at the Checkpoint,” a group of evangelicals dedicated to reclaiming the “prophetic role in bringing peace, justice and reconciliation in Palestine and Israel,” are clearly pro-Palestinian. They embrace Replacement Theology, the belief that God is finished with Israel as a nation and has installed the church as the true “Israel of God.” This position negates God’s promises, etched in Scripture, of (1) Israel’s future restoration; (2) a Messianic Kingdom on Earth; and (3) glory for Jacob and his posterity, including full land rights to the inheritance in the Middle East.

Undoubtedly, the Jewish return to Israel is theologically unsettling to Replacement practitioners. And gentlemanly disagreement has turned into a united front among Replacement adherents to discredit the opposition. This spring’s reconciliation between Hamas leaders in Gaza and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas is a terrorist union based on absurdity. Purportedly, the agreement includes working toward a two-state solution that recognizes Israel’s existence.

Yet, Hamas has fired thousands of missiles into Jewish towns in an attempt to kill as many Israeli men, women and children as possible. Hamas’s very charter enshrines its commitment to eradicate Israel. Additionally, Abbas oversees an unremitting incitement campaign against Israel, praising suicide attackers who have drenched Israeli streets with innocent blood.

Professing believers in Christ who align themselves with anti-Semites defame Bible-believing Christians and demonize Israelis.

In a culture obsessed with radical change, fighting for the underdog is fashionable. But we must ensure the underdog is truly an underdog and not the fabrication of propaganda.

God has issued a promise and a land deed to Abraham and his descendants in perpetuity: “And the Lord said to Abram ... ‘Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are—northward, southward, eastward and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever’” (Gen:13:14-15

Israel still has more friends than foes. Although opposition exists, we must not become agitated by stories of massive evangelical defections from loyalty to Israel. It is a concern, but the movement is a noisy, activist sliver among evangelical Christians. The mature remnant of believers stands firm with Israel’s right to the land. These Christians have wisely chosen truth over fabrications. That will not change.

Israel: More Friends Than Foes...

[TBC: Although at this time the opposition to Israel may seem like a “noisy, activist sliver,” yet according to the Scriptures things will wax worse for Israel as the worldwide preparation for kingdom of the Antichrist increases. Therefore, continue to pray for Israel’s protection and salvation.]


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Oct 30, 2006
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Cavell, thanks for the thread. Based on current media and the many who believe in replacement theology, I was wondering besides a few believers if Israel has any friends?

Wondering if we're at Zech 14:2 or close to it? "For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle..." In earlier years I read this as -- all the nations who were against Jerusalem --- not all nations will battle Jerusalem.

After the "Left Behind" series was popular, saw a secular program about Petra being rebuilt.

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:..." Psa 122.6.
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Continue Well 2 John 9
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Jan 27, 2009
Notre Dame, IN
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Still praying for the peace of Israel.
The study of this wants to elude me in which to correctly pray for. Is this the "replacement" contention I am hearing? One maintains,

Israel/Jerusalem’s place in exegesis discussion is correctly intact, spiritually. Keeping in mind the words of our Lord and Apostle; That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit, ,Understand, then, that those who have faith are sons of Abraham. (John 3:6, Galatians 3:7)

, , while another adheres to the more natural view,

“The promises to the patriarchs never, from the first, implied the inheritance of them by all the physical descendants of those patriarchs; even in Israel there is a recognized distinction between being of the race of Israel and being the true Israel of God; in the original promise to Abraham the descendants of Ishmael (though equally with those of Isaac, his physical seed) were excluded. And so even the race of Israel is but a part of the whole seed of Abraham, to whom the promise was made.” - Exell, Spence-Jones

I suppose for this, they would be citing Romans 9:6

Not as though the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel

While wanting to follow the train of the OP thought here, I do recall troubling references to our current understanding of the “city” versus the “great city”. (Revelation 11:8,13)
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