I am feeling so very sad today for the people of Ukraine. They are not that much different to us.

Trusting in Him

Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2021
United Kingdom
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I am really feeling so sad for the people of Ukraine today. My church has a lot of ties with some of the churches in Romania and the people in both Ukraine and Romania are not so different. There are marriages between members of my church and members of the churches in Romania, so we understand what these people from the part of the world are like they are such lovely people and many how visited our church from various parts of Eastern Europe and spoken in our church meetings.

I was already quite concerned and unhappy about the news reports before what has happened to Ukraine, But did not realise How much I would actually feel for them, now that this has now happened. My wife used drive aid supplies to the Romainia churches with which my church was connected. Our church was visiting Romainian churches before the iron curtain came down. I was not on the scene in those days. I am wondering if the people of Ukraine are going to be punished by the Russians taking over, because they voted to become a democratic country and lose there improved life style as a result as well.

Many of these younger people in Ukraine have grown up knowing only what it is like to live in a free country. They do not know how to live as young adults in a Communist country. It is just terrible for them. Young adults with families, were parents may be members of the ukraine armed forces, may have been killed in the invasion leaving their children to grow up without them. This is just so unfair!


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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
United States
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Hi @Trusting in Him

Just a point to be considered. As a born again believer, we should see others as God sees them. I don't think that He sees any difference in a person living in the Ukraine or the U.S. Or any one living in any other nation upon the earth. It is only the wickedness of man's heart that works to divide and develop hierarchy as to anyone being better than anyone else. Sort of like the devout man standing on the corner and praying, "Lord, I'm so thankful that I'm not like that man."

I'm confident that the Ukrainian people, as a whole, are anxious and fearful of what will happen in the soon coming days to their lives and their homes and their families. Just as any people of any nation would be that is under military attack from a much stronger neighbor.

God bless,
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childeye 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
Denver CO
United States
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I am really feeling so sad for the people of Ukraine today. My church has a lot of ties with some of the churches in Romania and the people in both Ukraine and Romania are not so different. There are marriages between members of my church and members of the churches in Romania, so we understand what these people from the part of the world are like they are such lovely people and many how visited our church from various parts of Eastern Europe and spoken in our church meetings.

I was already quite concerned and unhappy about the news reports before what has happened to Ukraine, But did not realise How much I would actually feel for them, now that this has now happened. My wife used drive aid supplies to the Romainia churches with which my church was connected. Our church was visiting Romainian churches before the iron curtain came down. I was not on the scene in those days. I am wondering if the people of Ukraine are going to be punished by the Russians taking over, because they voted to become a democratic country and lose there improved life style as a result as well.

Many of these younger people in Ukraine have grown up knowing only what it is like to live in a free country. They do not know how to live as young adults in a Communist country. It is just terrible for them. Young adults with families, were parents may be members of the ukraine armed forces, may have been killed in the invasion leaving their children to grow up without them. This is just so unfair!
Any words I say are unworthy. But I want you to know that it's comforting to hear others like yourself who share testimony to the common faith, wherein we moan within, and stay in prayer.
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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
United States
Marital Status
Hi all,

Well, for my part, I just donated $250 to the World Central Kitchen. This is an organization that actually sets up kitchen facilities where these world crisis are and cooks free hot meals to be given out so that people are not hungry in their time of need. So, for those who are able, let's put our money where our mouth is. There are plenty of good organizations that are helping out.

IRC (International Rescue Committee) is actually providing refugees with travel tickets to be able to get out of the country to friends or relatives. Of course the International Red Cross has people on the ground helping to provide shelter also. Save the Children is a christian based organization that is helping to see that the children, of which there are so very, very many, are provided for. For those of the Catholic persuasion the CRS (Catholic Relief Services) also has boots on the ground.

Prayers are, of course needed, but for those who are able, donating money or time through any of the good charitable organizations that are helping is a way to provide even more help.

God bless you all,
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