Have you ever wondered what is would be like to hang around Jesus back in the day?


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2010
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Oh wow! What a surprise! I'm so happy you read the first chapter Geri! Thanks so much for the compliment! :wave:

Hi Amy, thank you for being kind. Even online, I can feel you are a beautiful person inside and I am sure outside too. ;)

I wanted to share a link to 'Forever' by Hillsong but I do not have enough post count to do so.

Do check it out. I promise it is a very Jesus centered serene song to God.

Nothing about Mary. I have read the posts in the Beloved Jesus thread.:doh:

Please accept my heartfelt apologies for causing the disunity.

Honestly, most sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I really had no idea that my testimony could cause so much disturbance. I promise you, I will post elsewhere.

I really do not want to upset people in their worship of God. I am too upset to prayer. :cry:

May Jesus take good care of you. xTx
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2010
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Hi MyLordIsMyLife and Amylisa, :wave:

Thank you for your kindness. :sohappy:Hmm, in the heat of things I kind of made a promise that I will not be posting in the Beloved Jesus thread. Silly me.

I have to keep the promise. Can't break it. And, I don't want to disrupt the flow.

I am excited and beaming with lots of enthusiam, I have started a new thread, the In love with God's words, the bible thread.

That is more me. I love to quote and talk about the bible, share God's words.

Please join me there yeah. Shulamite has visited. ;) Yes, am back and 666 thought he could make this fellow run for the hills, no way, am back and staying. Anything, just to show the world, what Jesus's followers are made off. ... Ok. getting carried away. Sweet dreams. Praise God for all my new friends in this website. :amen: :sweetdream:
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Aug 6, 2005
And now...back to the story!

We are up to Entry 13

The Magdalene Journal

Jerusalem, the city of peace. I gazed at her from atop mount Olivet. She lay like a sparkling jewel between green velvet hills and valleys. At the sight of the gleaming city I and all who were with me drew an astonished breath. How often I had come upon that same scene but each time the beauty of her spiraling towers and golden crowned temple drove me to my knees. Yeshua himself cupped his hands and scooping up soil from the hill on which we stood he kissed the earth and whispered, "Jerusalem!"

We made our way down the winding slopes of the Mount of Olives, on to the main thoroughfare which brought us to the great wall surrounding the city. We would pass through the Sheep Gate, one of several entrances into Jerusalem. Although the hour was early, the road was crowded with pilgrims and...animals everywhere, camels, donkeys, horses, dogs, leaving their , may I say, "little surprises?" One was blessed to avoid them but I could tell by Andrew's complaint he was not so fortunate. Another annoyance was dust swirling around ankles and clinging to robes. I had learned the foolishness of wearing expensive clothing while traveling on the road. I laughed to see rich people grimacing and covering their faces with veils. I was once like them, the rich Miriam of Magdala, spraying my perfume and shuddering with disgust.

When our company merged with the crowds it was difficult to remain together. The women held hands. The men were far more confident. Poor Tamar and Rebecca hardly ever stepped foot out of Galilee. The large buildings and the noise, colors and cultures of so many people speaking and shouting languages from all over the world seem to overwhelm my sisters.

Sushanna and I nodded at each other, smiling.

"Now Rebecca, hold carefully to your belongings!" Sushanna warned . "Keep a watchful eyes for thieves. And don't stare so much at everything Tamar! You will at once become prey to these vultures!"

Yeshua himself walked with a sure step, his rich black locks springing from beneath his turban, his hand grasping firmly his walking staff as the dust rose in a golden dance about his feet. Surrounded by hundreds of people, he appeared so ordinary, like any other Jewish man. Yet to me he was the most handsome and my heart fluttered as I watched him walking on the road.

"I am glad you are here Yeshi!" Shouted Tamar wide eyed. "You will protect us, won't you?"

Yeshua smiled and slipped an arm across her shoulder.

Her face in a scowl, Rebecca feigned bravery, "Oh don't be ridiculous Tamar! Look at me! Look at Miriam and Sushanna. We are not afraid!"

"What about us?" asked Yacov. The sons of thunder leaned towards the women, smiling proudly.

"Yes." exclaimed Yochanna holding out his staff as though it were a weapon. "We know our way around the city quite well. We know all the secret passage ways."

Kepha would have none of it. "Oh yes!" he groaned placing his massive hands on the brothers shoulders. "Of course! The big brave Yochannan and Yacov will protect you. Ha! You whimper at a crack of thunder."

Yacov frowned, shook himself free from Kepha's grip and shouted back, "If that's true then why would the Master call my brother and I the sons of thunder?"

Judah pushed his way forward, "I know better than any of you. I studied in Jerusalem under the great Gameil!"

"Be quiet you braggart!" interjected Toma.

Yeshua raised his eyebrows and shook his head. "It is good we are going to the city of peace." He observed.

We pushed slowly through the gate. Inside the city our senses were at once assaulted with sounds of music, voices, the bleeting and barking of animals, colorful and multiple market places, the smell of varied foods cooking on open fires and merchants holding out their wares, imploring the best bargains. Ancient art mixed with new. People filled the narrow streets. Wandering musicians, ragged beggars, painted women shamelessly offering favors. Red plumes on Roman helmets stood out in the crowds as soldiers kept a watchful eye. Jerusalem was hardly peaceful.

The Master found a place where he and his company sat down. Andrew brought forth a sack containing dates, figs and olives we had picked along the way. Judah left to buy fish. Yeshua leaned against a palm tree. He removed his turban and wiped his brow. "Today I would prefer the cool of the Temple." He sighed. "Shall we go there after we eat?" We all
agreed and huddled in a group like defenseless sparrows in a nest. Several men and women dressed in purple and red silks, and an abundance of gold earrings, nose rings and necklaces eyed us and remarked crassly, "Galileans!"

(To be continued...)
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Aug 6, 2005
Hi, Amy, this is enjoyable, awesome, well written, honestly, you are - you know talented.

More, more, more Amy. Yes. Absolutely, totally, awesome. I am on a fruit diet at the moment. Hope I didn't overcook my praises. My thoughts.
That's funny! hey encouraging words sure do make a person feel good. :D You can't overcook that.

so how far did you get in the story or did you just read the last installment?

Thanks for reading!
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Aug 6, 2005
Part 2 of Entry 13

Hi Everyone!

Remember when we last left Yeshua in our story? He was longing for the cool and the comfort of the Temple. Here's what happens next...Magdalene speaks:

"The Temple beautiful," that is what the Temple was commonly called among our people. Yeshua himself used the term as we approached the huge edifice. Looking at the stones which were much wider and taller than a man, I never ceased to wonder how men could lift such massive stones and place them with perfect symmetry on top of one another..

"I am a distant relative of the High Priest Ciaphas." Yochannan remarked pointing to a bridge high above the street that connected one of the buildings to the Temple. "The High Priest crosses that bridge every day when he visits the Temple.'
"As do the Levites." said Yacov reverently.
Kepha's lips pulled down. "Yes!" Kepha moaned, "so that they will not defile themselves by walking with the poor and unclean." He spat, "hypocrites!"

But Yeshua would not be deterred by Kepha's complaint, if ever he heard the big fisherman's gruff voice. His face was filled with eager longing as we were half pushed, half jostled by the crowds up one hundred steps that ascended into a spacious courtyard. Everywhere we beheld huge pillars covered with intricate engravings. Yeshua walked hurriedly across the pavement through the open gate. The height of the Temple towered above us into the brilliant blue sky. The sun crowned her numerous citadels, polished marble, topped with blazing gold.

Yesuha immediately went to the east wall. He pressed his face against the cool lime stone with a sigh. At last he had found a place to pray! But the noise of the street had followed him there. The market place, the arguing, the bargaining... Once again the poor and the forgotten lay and sat in ragged heaps, begging for alms. The smell of animal dung and blood from the slaughter of hundreds of sheep hung in the air. I knew that this was my tradition, the Law perscribed within the Torah. An innocent lamb must die for my sins. The sight and smell of multiple sacrifices was diificult no matter how many times I had witnessed them and told myself that this was a justisfied observence, the religion of my people But the rest of it, the buying and selling, the bickering? What was supposed to be the most hallowed place in Israel became an offence to my own heart and eyes. What must Yeshua be thinking? I saw his face shadowed with sadness, his misty eyes. How disappointed he was!

"No!" He shook his head. He stood away from the wall. A terrible storm was brooding in Yeshua. Suddenly he seemed very tall, taller than I had ever seen him. His jaw was set and determined. Fire shot from his eyes. "Stop!" he shouted. Several bystanders stared at him bewildered and then laughed and continued the business of counting change from a merchant who watched with hawk eyes. Yeshua stepped forward. His voice shook with emotion. "It is written in the scriptures: My house shall be called a house of prayer."

"And the Temple IS a house of prayer… sooo pray!!!" retorted one of the well dressed merchants. A man of noticeable strength, he gestured impatiently. "Now move on, other's are waiting!"

"Do you not see? How can you do this? You are turning the Temple into a den thieves!" Yeshua cried, angered and saddened all at once. His large dark eyes filled with astonishment.

"Stupid Galiean! Be quiet!" another man yelled at Yeshua.

The Master stood eye to eye with the tallest of them. "Get these things out of here!" Yeshua breathed. "You will not make my Father's house a place to practice your thievery!"

"Your Father's house?" the man snickered. His eyes traveled the length of the Master's body. "Your nothing but a dirty peasant. How dare you! I am a friend of the High Priest. He knows me well."

Yeshua's lips curled into a slight smile. "Then take this message back to him..." The Master lunged forward and with one swift kick the merchant's table with all of it's wares, coins and all, shattered on the stone pavement.

The crowd gasped. Others greedily tried to grab the scattering coins. Many came running to see what the cause of all the excitement.
"Who is he?"
"Don't you know? It's Yeshua Din N'Zareth, the great prophet!"
"How do you know?"
"Can't you recognize him?"

I stood dumbfounded with my hand covering my mouth. Never had I seen the Master so angry. Yet I was thrilled with Yeshua's courage. My Yeshi, the dear brave heart stood defiantly against the entire host of men.

"Robbers! Thieves!" He shouted. His face flushed crimson with passion. "Remove these things from this holy place!"

When the men defied him, Yeashua quickly removed the rope belt from around his waist. His new weapon held high, his sleeve fell back to reveal his strong carpenter's arm. He flew at them with the whip he had woven from his belt.

"Yeshua be careful!" I murmured.

Holding my breath, once again I watched him become Yeshua of the people. The crowds burst into cheers! As though the light of hope had risen on the poor and their dignity restored many stood as a united front, their faces full admiration. The disciples shouted when Yeshua released the doves from the cages. He walked across the courtyard with long strides, his black hair flying behind him as he overturned the tables of the money changers effortlessly.

"Good for him! Serves them right!" cried an old man shaking his staff in the air. I myself laughed delighted to see hundreds of doves flying skyward and the merchants sprawled on the ground, sputtering all kinds of curses.

I had lost all my fear until I saw Temple guards descending the stairs and entering all sides of the courtyard. Even as the guards approached, Yeshua did not stop until he had freed many of the sheep from certain doom. He opened the cages causing a flurry of commotion. There were sheep running and bleating everywhere!

"Stop or I'll put this spear right through you!" commanded one of the Temple guards. He signaled for the other's to surround Yeshua. My Master stood breathing hard and grasping his whip in the midst of a circle of spears pointing directly at him.

Tamar held unto me, "They wouldn't dare!" she whispered nervously. Yochannan and Yacov watched wide eyed and Kephas clenched his fists, his face working with anger. I had only glanced at the disciples when I heard someone announce, "The high Priest is coming. Make way for the high Priest!"

The people fell silent and many bowed their heads as it was the costume to show respect as Ciaphas walked with his golden staff and colorful robes sweeping the stones. Standing in front of Yeshua, his purple and gold head dress added to his height but he still had to look up into Yeshua's face. However, Yeshua was looking sadly at the poor. They had bowed the deepest as the high Priest came near. The most ailing among them seemed fearful of certain judgement as though any moment angry blows would descend on them, either blows from Ciaphas' staff or the judgment of Heaven.

White robed Levites and a few Pharisee's and Scribes marked their places behind Ciaphas. He approached the matter of Yeshua's actions in the Temple court smoothly.

"You are a son of Israel." he said stoking his white beard "You know that the holy Temple is the seat of Hashem. Why have you disrupted our goodly pursuits? All we seek to do here is to finance this holy place. Do you wish to destroy the Temple?"

Yeshua appeared displeased. Until then he had not removed his gaze from the poor but now his full attention was on Ciaphas.
Yeshua placed his hand on his bosom. He spoke slowly, emphatically, "destroy this temple and I will build it again in three days!"

To be continued...
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Loving my Heavenly Family
Aug 21, 2007
with my Lord and my Lady, most beautiful.
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Wonderful as always. I love it.

Our Yeshua longed to spend some time with His Father just as we long for time with Him. As He is one with the Father, His very Heart is our "Temple beautiful".
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