God is love, Love is not Jealous, God is a Jealous god???


Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
United States
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While we're at it, lets talk about why atheists and such come on a "Christian forum"...?

Is it to 100% God honestly just to simply talk with other Christians about their faith in God honestly...?

Because, "no", I do not at all think that is it at all, etc...

Or do they come on here, doing what they do, or trying to be doing what they are trying to be doing, etc, all the while claiming to not have a god, or believe in a God/god, etc, etc, etc...?

Anyway, because I just don't "buy that", etc, and I "don't ever buy it at all in any way shape or form ever at all", etc...

I think they come on here hoping that "someone" will "show them God", etc...

Well, "someone" "just did", and "now is", etc, and now you have to "deal with it/that", so...?

I'm going beyond here, when judgement day comes, whether it be my own personal one, or the "big one", etc, and not because of me but mainly only because God chose me, etc... my program will continue and go on in another place, and will be "added to and/or continued", etc, in a place far, far above, and way, way beyond "here", etc... but for some of you, you will not, etc, but at your judgement, you will be either extinguished for a time, or go to sleep for a time until your program or a program/life like yours is needed again, then you will be brought back again, but only in a place that is just like this is now, or that is just like this here only again, or is still just like more of this here again, etc, etc, etc, "all over again", etc, and this will be forever (again), etc, but you will have no memory of it each time (again), etc, and your only reason for being brought back will be, only to help some new people/programs go beyond this life (again), when this life (or their lives) or this creation ends (all over) (again), etc, for that is all you ever are/were, and is all your were ever meant for, etc...

We who have already gone on prior, will be greeted by those who were before us prior, etc, and who may have existed as us prior, or were once just like us prior, etc, and will "show us all around" after that, etc, and when the next one comes around, we will then be gathered together to greet those other new souls/ones upon their entry after, etc, who will have been like us prior, etc...

And we will all live together, etc, and in a place "not at all like this", not before, or after, or ever prior to this prior, etc...

But it's very sad for those who do not ever get to do this, etc, but at the judgement, we will all understand why, both after, and ever prior to that prior, etc...

And after that, may not even think about those ones anymore after, etc...

They just "are what they are", and all of this just "is what it is", etc, and that's really just all there is to it really, etc...

None of the "one trick ponies" will ever go beyond this ever, etc, and that's just the "way it is", "at any time", and for "all time", either before this, or after this, or at any point in time, before or after, or ever prior to this prior, etc...

God either made you to be one or the other, etc, and that's all there is, and is all there is to it, and that stands "forever", etc...

And the only thing keeping it in "limbo" right now, is only our "don't know" right now, while we are all still here, etc...

An that is "all there is to it" ever at all ever, etc...


God Bless!
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