Gays and Lesbians (GLBT) versus Christians


Christian Humanist
Jun 5, 2007
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As a follow-up on all those posts on natural disasters yesterday...

Yesterday, drought-ridden metro Atlanta had the best rainfall it has had in about a month. Over the weekend, we had the annual pride festival, including symbolic weddings for many attendees. Is it a coincidence that such needed rain followed the pride festival? Mebbe, mebbe not. ^_^
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Jul 8, 2008
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I like it when someone is Gods conduit for the world to see. Glory be to God for in the end everyone shall bow there knee in acknowledgment of he that made thy and there will be great disappointment for the worlds rampage will be over.In there fun and kicks will be judged by the righteous. Meaning (us) Christians.


I refuse to believe that I will be judged by any person other then God, for only God knows my sins and only God knows my repentance. For as Romans 3:10 states; "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one" and also Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God"

With that being said the only righteous one is Christ our lord, not any of his followers. I do not believe that we the Christians will be the judges on judgment day, but the judged along with every one else. Will all will answer for our sins, what ever thy may be. I fear a lot of Christians, myself being one of them, will be answering to the sins of the blood on our hands for the people we turned away from Christ. For we are all children of Christ, whether we call God our Father or not. And as it says in Mark 9:42; “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea." And so when we judge our brother/sisters for their sins and tell them that they are going to go to hell for their sins and they turn from God, it is then on our heads.

I say this not to belittle you, but I say this, that my words may be uplifting and a comfort to you.
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Jul 1, 2008
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Rhetorical terrorism?

That's a phrase I've never heard before.

Care to explain or elaborate?

Liz, in the context of this conversation..I use it to describe this:

Saying that someone is a bigot, hater, homophobe, et. al ; simply because they may have a belief that having sex with the same sex is wrong. Immediately the above labels are attached to said person, simply because he/she may disagree with a behavior.

I believe this is terrorism because it is used to "demonize" any person who may simply believe that the behavior is wrong. I can disagree with a behavior and not hate the person that is doing it. "Hate Speach, etc..." would be more directed toward hateful comments that are laced with derogatory comments.
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Traditionalist Catholic , Paleo-conservative
Mar 4, 2008
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got any unbiased sources other than lifesitenews?
this is why we have those laws,because people use their religion to deny gay people business, housing and fair representation

please tell me something PF, if huguenin denied another group of people on the grounds of some sort of "conflict" with her religion would that be right?

well huguenin shows those of us who find the religion conflict to be nothing but an excuse, that she doesn't care about other people.
it is discrimination, the couple aren't doing anything to cause huguenin to refuse to take their photos, huguenin is denying them solely because they are gay.
that is discrimination to a T, PF, its why the laws exist!

if he or she owns their own buisness, like the photo company, then yes, they should be able to. I mean this gay couple coulda easily gone to someone else who would take them but instead had to sue someone because their "feelings got hurt" simply because these people follow their morals faithfully and don't want to compromise their faith.

Give up your moral dignity or get sued or fired. It should not come to that.
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Oct 20, 2007
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if he or she owns their own buisness, like the photo company, then yes, they should be able to. I mean this gay couple coulda easily gone to someone else who would take them but instead had to sue someone because their "feelings got hurt" simply because these people follow their morals faithfully and don't want to compromise their faith.

Give up your moral dignity or get sued or fired. It should not come to that.

Then you should change the civil rights laws that prohibit business owners to discriminate against classes of people.

Of course, traditional Christians might not like it if almost all the businesses in Utah became "Mormon Only". Can you imagine trying to drive across Utah, getting to one of the more remote towns like Green River, and being denied food or gas because you aren't Mormon?
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Oct 5, 2004
Auburn , IL.

Perhaps, if we let sleeping dogs lie, we would offend fewer people and live a quieter life....

A man convinced against his will , is of the same opinion still
A man offended becomes an enemy
A friend offended is harder to win, than a walled city ...

i.e. We can win the battle, and lose the war .... force a business to hire you ... the clients leave, and the business folds ... what happens to your position ...
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Traditionalist Catholic , Paleo-conservative
Mar 4, 2008
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Then you should change the civil rights laws that prohibit business owners to discriminate against classes of people.

Of course, traditional Christians might not like it if almost all the businesses in Utah became "Mormon Only". Can you imagine trying to drive across Utah, getting to one of the more remote towns like Green River, and being denied food or gas because you aren't Mormon?

but there are stores like that and cater only to mormons and such. There are stores where you have to be a VIP or have to wear certain types of clothes just to be let in. There are places were you have to have a certain income bracket to be let in. If an independant buisness cannot cater to certain things because of religious beliefs then he cannot and as long as its his own buisness he should have that right and at least direct them to someone who can.
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Oct 20, 2007
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but there are stores like that and cater only to mormons and such.

Give me an example of a store that only allows Mormons or any other religious group, at least that isn't directly part of a church (operated as part of the church organization).

There are stores where you have to be a VIP or have to wear certain types of clothes just to be let in. There are places were you have to have a certain income bracket to be let in.

Again, examples please? I've never heard of a store that requires a tax return, at least other than banks for a loan as proof you will be able to repay the loan. Some stores do require shirt and shoes based which they justify based on public health.

Though, to be honest, the groups protected by these laws are religion, nationality, race, disability, age, gender and occasionally sexual orientation.

There are places were you have to have a certain income bracket to be let in. If an independant buisness cannot cater to certain things because of religious beliefs then he cannot and as long as its his own buisness he should have that right and at least direct them to someone who can.

Then, again, work with your representatives to change the law. I find it strange that anti-gay marriage laws are justified by being what the majority want, yet when communities or states pass gay civil rights laws suddenly Christians are claiming their rights are being violated -- regardless that these laws were passed by the legislative process (i.e. will of the people). Seems like you have a double standard here.
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Traditionalist Catholic , Paleo-conservative
Mar 4, 2008
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Give me an example of a store that only allows Mormons or any other religious group, at least that isn't directly part of a church (operated as part of the church organization).

Again, examples please? I've never heard of a store that requires a tax return, at least other than banks for a loan as proof you will be able to repay the loan. Some stores do require shirt and shoes based which they justify based on public health.

Though, to be honest, the groups protected by these laws are religion, nationality, race, disability, age, gender and occasionally sexual orientation.

Then, again, work with your representatives to change the law. I find it strange that anti-gay marriage laws are justified by being what the majority want, yet when communities or states pass gay civil rights laws suddenly Christians are claiming their rights are being violated -- regardless that these laws were passed by the legislative process (i.e. will of the people). Seems like you have a double standard here.

obviously rights are being violated. Free speech being one since anyone who seems to say homosexuality is a sin gets sued. Not being able to do something because of religious vows has nothing to do with discrimination. Photography is an enterpreneur buisness and thus the photographer himself makes his own rules on what projects he does and what he dosen't do. The photographer dosen't have to be forced to do a project he dosen't want to do. My wife is a photographer and if she feels something is too iffy or weird for her she will not do it, and she shouldn't have to worry about being sued if she declines something. Its like forcing a photographer to photograph pornography and then sue him for "sex discrimination" if he declines to do it.
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Oct 20, 2007
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obviously rights are being violated. Free speech being one since anyone who seems to say homosexuality is a sin gets sued.

Again, please give specific examples of rights being violated? I've not heard of lawsuits where someone merely stating that homosexuality is a sin has been sued, particularly in the United States? If that is true, why has Fred Phelps never been sued for his hate speech against gays?

Not being able to do something because of religious vows has nothing to do with discrimination. Photography is an enterpreneur buisness and thus the photographer himself makes his own rules on what projects he does and what he dosen't do. The photographer dosen't have to be forced to do a project he dosen't want to do

Again, not according to the law in some areas. In this case, under New Mexico law, businesses (which the photographer is running) are not allowed to discriminate against gays, or religion, race, etc. To ask a second time, why do you believe the majority has the right to deny gays the right to act on their beliefs, to get married, yet deny the majority the same right to prevent discrimination against minority groups?
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Jun 10, 2008
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Wow, talk about moving the goalposts. You tried using Ezekiel's claim that Sodom was overfed and unconcerned with the poor and I show where you were scapegoating gays while ignoring the fact that it is a problem in American in general. Rather than rebutting my statements, showing me that I'm wrong in my claims, instead you use it to bash other Christians that don't believe the same things you do and try to twist Ezekiel's clear meaning about being "overfed".

Trying to use Ezekiel to squirm out of the condemnation of gay sex is moving the goal posts to another filed in a different town. Jews and Christians have held that sodomy means same-gender sex acts for many moons. You are not going to homosexualize the Church no matter how hard you try. Never. Liberal theology is the only tool for forcing GLBT culture onto and into the Church.

Yes, just like I don't see Jews pushing for Evangelicals to lead the way, or how I don't see Blacks pushing for Neo-Nazis to lead the way. So, where is the support for your claims?

Evangelicals seek Sola scriptura. Gays seek a new scholar to alter scripture for some unseemly reason or two.

In fact, he clearly instructs in these parables that it is not your job to separate the wheat from the tares, your job is merely to sow the seed and to love your neighbor.

And showing them false teachers leading them astray is a very loving thing to do. GLBT versus Christians is a good place to teach what GLBT's are doing to Christians.

[sarcasm]I'm overwhelmed by your evidence.[/sarcasm] If you wish to provide evidence that gays donate less than others to the poor, I'd be happy to examine it. In the meantime, your petty insults only reinforce that you cannot support your claims.

It seems they are more concerned with condom distribution to young kids in high schools nationwide. I could be wrong, but my eyes do not deceive me here. You never here of abstinence programs from GLBT promoters. Actualy its extreme opposite.

False. Seriously, there are some people on these boards that, while they support homosexual rights, are quite conservative according how most conservatives in the US attempt to define it -- that government should be limited and small. Again, I gave you an example of conservative gays and all I get out of you is a lame putdown -- again, a sign in debates that you can't argue the facts so you attempt to ridicule those who do post facts.

Conservative gays is like saying ham sandwhich eating Muslims. The two things don't go togther. GLBT's are extreme leftists. Boston and Frisco are just two easy examples of "the community."

You do realize, of course, that probably around 90% of all homosexuals today were raised in a home that was at least nominally Christian.

Nominally Christian is like saying almost not dead. Of all of the gay kids I have worked with and talked to over the years, most come from broken homes.

Beyond that, gays tend to know what it is like to be discriminated against and persecuted. Many of them were kicked out of "good" Christian homes (by your definition of good Christian) for being gay.

Bull. They were "kicked out" because they wanted to live their gay life in their parent's home.

As such, the gays I know are more likely to be empathetic to the poor and downtrodden.

The gays I know are empathetic to the poor and downtrodden. It's just what they want to do with the poor and downtrodden that seprates them from Christians.

As for giving to gay organizations, why shouldn't they? I'm guessing you have donated money to an anti-gay organization, perhaps even MassResistance (seeing as how often you have attempted to use their propoganda). So what is the difference?

The only money I have given to people that won't support homosexuality, is money I have given to the Churches I attend that follow the teachings of Jesus and His Apostles and Disciples. Only GLBT's, liberals and progressives, atheists and Humanists see that as intolerance and hate or whatever neologism they have made up today to attack Christians.

Which goes back to what Ezekiel called the sins of Sodom:

So is is not "exactly", behaving like a harlot is not what the sin of Sodom was.

harlots are the embodiment of promiscuity and perversion. Ezekiel will never support the gay agenda.

Yet you tried claiming it was gays and the evil of porn, completely ignoring the majority of porn is heterosexual.

The two are the exact same thing. "All the men of Sodom" gathering around Lot's house were more than likely not all gay.

In fact, what even tapes of lesbian sex are aimed at heterosexuals rather than lesbians. As such, you can't single out gay porn and claim it proves they are like Sodom, it merely reinforces they way you are picking and choosing to support a presupposition.

Lascivious licentiousness is one category. Yet, I have yet to see an adultery pride parade.

Yes, and not far from where I live there is an adult toy/video shop right next to a family ice skating rink and a large family entertainment center, there is a Methodist hospital across the street. Coming down the street closer to where I live there is another adult toy store. A block from that toy store, with one of the large 24 screen theaters belonging to one of the large national theater chains in-between, there is a strip club. Going the other way, you have a fairly nice mall. And this is in a nice suburb outside of the city limits where it is largely Republican Christians. Gays have nothing on heterosexuals.

Promiscuity Pride parades are exclusive to GLBT culture. Why hasn't your town run these porn shops out? Too many liberals on the city council? Or too many money loving Republicans?

I've heard they have those in Vegas in one of the Casinos -- it is about a week long if I understand right. They even have their own award shows to recognize the best at it.

Private. Indoors.

Nothing more than to keep them out of your own church. Again, Christ clearly stated they would be separated at judgment, that until then believers were merely to sow seeds and let the weeds and tares grow together.

I have never once posted that Gays cannot be in any Church I attend. They just cannot lead anyone or teach anyone.

False, two lesbians sued a business that happened to be owned by Christians for not following the law.

Ten bucks says they wouldn't have sued a Muslim couple. We Christians know what LGBT's are doing. They are coming at the Church one law and one incident at a time.

If these Christians had refused service to a handicapped couple would you still support them? Regardless of your personal feelings about the difference, it is the same law protecting both.

Sex acts are not a minority classification. This is where the satanic is becoming commonplace.

These laws were created to stop a form of segregation, where people were discriminated against by businesses simply because of who they are. Now, you can argue that they aren't necessary and write your government representatives telling them to repeal these laws but it doesn't change the fact that the Christian business owners went against local law.

Laws aimed at doing exactly what these homosexuals did. It's called the gay agenda for a reason.

Why is it not appropriate here? You're post if filled with haughtiness, much like the haughtiness of the Pharisees. You clearly show here that you are the one who knows the truth and those that disagree with you are wrong and not Christian. In fact, you belittle me because I dare to call you on some of what you claimed.

Back to the satanic. A sin repented of is no longer a sin. It doesn't exist anymore. I am confident of the Apostolic witness. I belittle you because you don't scare me. I see you for what you are and I am not afraid. You are the one that has no scriptural support for your positions. There is no such thing as gay promoting statements anywhere in the Bible. Remember?

And I think you've proven you do have a plank. You act as if every gay is some in your face, porn addicted, drag queen, self-absorbed, haughty, Pagan, extreme liberal, Christian-hating caricature.

It is not a caricature at all. You described a gay pride parade. You described the typical gay bar. You described a typical public bathroom scene gay style. You also NEVER hear EVEN a "gay Christian" speak against the ubiquitous erotica and promiscuity that is gay life.

When some of us try to call you on this caricature you try to create and prove to you that very few gays actually fit that profile, you try ridicule and misdirection to hide the fact that you provide absolutely no evidence of how your caricature represents any gays, much less the majority.

"Gay Pride."

That is your defining statement. Not mine nor the Church.

And it never will be. Schism is the only thing that Gay Pride will accomplish in the Church, even the liberal Anglican Church. The Gay Agenda of course.
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I'm not lost I'm just wandering
Jul 6, 2005
New York
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Its like forcing a photographer to photograph pornography and then sue him for "sex discrimination" if he declines to do it.

No, it's not like that. If a photographer has a business that does not include explicit photograph he or she can say they are not in the business of nude photography or explicit photography, that's not discrimination. If the photographer is in the business of taking nude photographs but refuses to photograph someone in the nude because the customer is white, or Jewish, or comes from India or is a man, they could be accused of discrimination. Discrimination is always about denying someone service or access based on their national origin, religion, "race", orientation, gender etc.. \

The movie theater that does not show "foreign" films is not guilty of discrimination the movie theater that does not sell tickets to people who were not born in the USA would be.

The airline having first class and economy seats isn't guilty of discrimination, the airline that refuses to sell first class seats to people who are Catholic would be.

It's just not that hard to understand. If you don't like the anti discrimination laws that protect all of us then don't run a public business.
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I'm not lost I'm just wandering
Jul 6, 2005
New York
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Schism is the only thing that Gay Pride will accomplish in the Church, even the liberal Anglican Church. The Gay Agenda of course.

Schism is not caused by a concept, it's caused by people who don't agree. Churches have split over plenty of issues long before any church decided to be a welcoming congregation.
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Oct 20, 2007
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Trying to use Ezekiel to squirm out of the condemnation of gay sex is moving the goal posts to another filed in a different town. Jews and Christians have held that sodomy means same-gender sex acts for many moons.

Except it is not just Ezekiel, no place in the entire Bible lists homosexual sex as a reason for the destruction of Sodom -- no place. It was discussed to death on this thread that you participated on. As for the Jews, they disagree with you on the sin of Sodom, they claim it was the sin of inhospitality. And heterosexuals are every bit as likely to perform sodomy as homosexuals; so even the usage of the word does not support homosexuality.

As for the tradition of the word sodomy, the tradition did not start until at least the sixth century; it was not a word at the time of Christ. So beyond the fact that an appeal to tradition is considered a logical fallacy, we also have Christ showing the Pharisees that tradition was not always correct.

You are not going to homosexualize the Church no matter how hard you try. Never.

I'm not trying to. You seem to make a lot of assumptions about me and it seems like they are all false. You merely reinforce much of what I wrote in my last post.

Liberal theology is the only tool for forcing GLBT culture onto and into the Church.

From the liberal Christians I know, this is completely false.

Evangelicals seek Sola scriptura.

Yes, I understand that is what they claim. But when you want to completely ignore the verse in Ezekiel that clearly states, "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom", you show you have no interest in what the Bible states.

Gays seek a new scholar to alter scripture for some unseemly reason or two.

False, if for no other reason than it is an over generalization. There are any number of gay people which all have their own thoughts on religion.

And showing them false teachers leading them astray is a very loving thing to do.

Compared to lying about groups by overgeneralizing? From your actions here you appear to show exactly what type of teacher you are.

GLBT versus Christians is a good place to teach what GLBT's are doing to Christians.

It seems they are more concerned with condom distribution to young kids in high schools nationwide.

Strange, I've not seen gay groups at the forefront of condom distribution in schools; rather it has tended to be groups trying to prevent pregnancy that have spearheaded this effort. But the truth does not appear to matter to you, you just figure that if there is "sexuality" that you disapprove of that the gays should automatically be condemned for it. If you want to discuss the pros and cons of condom distribution, you should start another thread.

I could be wrong, but my eyes do not deceive me here. You never here of abstinence programs from GLBT promoters. Actualy its extreme opposite.

We've gone over this before. That you continue to claim this, despite having been shown that this is a lie, merely reinforces that you have no interest in truth. I have to wonder what has made you hate gays so much that you feel the need to continue to make the same false claims?

Conservative gays is like saying ham sandwhich eating Muslims. The two things don't go togther. GLBT's are extreme leftists. Boston and Frisco are just two easy examples of "the community."

Again, you have been given examples that prove this is false. Instead, you again want to overgeneralize in a weak attempt to make some sort of argument -- when in fact you merely show your argument to be nothing but hollow rhetoric.

Nominally Christian is like saying almost not dead. Of all of the gay kids I have worked with and talked to over the years, most come from broken homes.

And that proves what? The gay kids I know didn't come from broken homes, sorry. I have the feeling that the only gay kids you ever talk to are because of your work -- and if I recall correctly, pretty much all the kids you talk to because of work are from broken homes.

Bull. They were "kicked out" because they wanted to live their gay life in their parent's home.

Some, maybe. Many more were kicked out simply because they told their parents they were only attracted to the same sex. Seems like some of them are here on CF, maybe they will share their stories. Again, you seem to want to make an overgeneralization that you cannot provide any real evidence for.

The gays I know are empathetic to the poor and downtrodden. It's just what they want to do with the poor and downtrodden that seprates them from Christians.

Likely in that the gays don't want to force them to sit through a religious service before helping them. :sigh: See, I can make false generalizations as well. To bad that you actually try to claim yours as true.

The only money I have given to people that won't support homosexuality, is money I have given to the Churches I attend that follow the teachings of Jesus and His Apostles and Disciples.
Only GLBT's, liberals and progressives, atheists and Humanists see that as intolerance and hate or whatever neologism they have made up today to attack Christians.

Sorry but most don't. You keep claiming that but there are several examples of gays here on CF that, again, don't fit this stereotype you keep trying to create.

harlots are the embodiment of promiscuity and perversion. Ezekiel will never support the gay agenda.

Again, what is the gay agenda? The only agenda that seems to be common to all gays is that they want equal rights under the law.

The two are the exact same thing. "All the men of Sodom" gathering around Lot's house were more than likely not all gay.

Not this canard again. :sigh: So, if all these men were homosexual, why did Lot offer up his daughters? Why is it that Lot's daughters were pledged to men of Sodom if they were all homosexual? And these fiances were not righteous men, rather when told they needed to leave the city they scoffed at Lot as well -- they were part of that crowd of men outside.

Not to mention, the story that is equivalent to Sodom that all those that claim it was homosexuality ignore; Judges 19. The difference here is that, instead of angels it happened to a Levite, instead of a Pagan nation it occurs in Israel, instead of daughters being offered it was the Levite's (the strangers) concubine, and that because it was the Levite's concubine rather than someone familiar to them they raped her all night long until dawn when she died. The fact is, what the men were doing was not lust or sexual desire, it was inhospitality. It was to show that strangers were not welcome and to harm him -- exactly the same motivations as in Sodom and which are documented in history outside of the Bible as well.

Lascivious licentiousness is one category. Yet, I have yet to see an adultery pride parade.

Yet I've seen Christian churches, even Fundamentalist churches, have special events for "adult singles", which typically are all divorced people.

Promiscuity Pride parades are exclusive to GLBT culture. Why hasn't your town run these porn shops out? Too many liberals on the city council? Or too many money loving Republicans?

Good question and one I don't have an answer for. Though it could be that they are all too worried about stopping gays from becoming couples -- which seems odd that they would promote promiscuity by trying to prevent gays from staying together as couples (an amendment has been passed that prevents gay couples from having anything similar to marriage).

Private. Indoors.

No, no more private that gay pride -- both are events that are put on by private organizations and are open to the public (though tickets may be required).

But, since you want another example, how about a nice outdoor heterosexual wedding ceremony? That is nothing more than a heterosexual pride parade. The father takes the daughter down the aisle -- pride in his sexual prowess in producing that daughter. The man and wife giving vows to each other, with the entire audience knowing they are pledging sex and fidelity in sex to each other. And guests even bring gifts to mark the event. Marriage ceremonies as they are currently known are heterosexual pride events. And this isn't an attack on Christianity or marriage, in fact there is no marriage ceremony defined in the Bible.

I have never once posted that Gays cannot be in any Church I attend. They just cannot lead anyone or teach anyone.

Nor did I claim that you did. Rather, I was just showing that the New Testament doesn't call you to separate the wheat from the tares -- that is the Lord's job. Your only responsibility is in your own church, and I've not criticized you or your church for your church's position on gays.

Ten bucks says they wouldn't have sued a Muslim couple. We Christians know what LGBT's are doing. They are coming at the Church one law and one incident at a time.

And I think you are wrong, though from what I have seen the Muslim wouldn't have refused. They recognize that performing business services for people they think are infidels is not giving approval; otherwise I think we'd be having much worse oil problems here in the US.

I believe this gay couple just wanted pictures taken at their wedding and were disturbed that a photographer felt his business was above the law.

Sex acts are not a minority classification.

I'll agree here. Rather, it is sexual orientation that is a minority classification. Whether or not people have sex is irrelevant, they deserve equal rights under the law regardless. Just like other "sinners" are given equal rights, specifically those that violate what Christ called the First and Great Commandment.

This is where the satanic is becoming commonplace.

Sorry, there is no scripture that says people sin merely by being attracted to a person of the same sex.

Laws aimed at doing exactly what these homosexuals did. It's called the gay agenda for a reason.

What? I point out that these laws were created to prevent a form of segregation that was occurring in the South. So, how are the laws aimed at some nebulous "gay agenda"? There was no push among gays for equal rights at the time these laws were drafted; therefore, your claim is found to be completely false again.

Back to the satanic. A sin repented of is no longer a sin. It doesn't exist anymore. I am confident of the Apostolic witness.

I'm glad you are confident. I think, should you be correct, that you will be in for a rude awakening at Judgment Day. Your next comment is a good example of why:

I belittle you because you don't scare me.

Actually, you don't belittle me, though you do try. I try not to belittle you, though I don't claim to be perfect. While I disagree with you and attempt to show you where you are wrong I don't try to upset you or call you names. So tell me, based on the Golden Rule and Christ's comments about loving your neighbor, which of us appears to be more Christ-like?

I see you for what you are and I am not afraid. You are the one that has no scriptural support for your positions. There is no such thing as gay promoting statements anywhere in the Bible. Remember?
You say that like I should care. I'm not the one trying to prove an agenda based on the Bible. I've told you before, I don't care. I merely point out where you make obvious mistakes that go against what the Bible clearly states.

It is not a caricature at all. You described a gay pride parade.

No, I didn't. I may have described this one particular street fair in San Francisco but that is an exception (and not a Pride event) -- just as Mardi Gras and Spring Break and porn pride are exceptions in the heterosexual community.

You described the typical gay bar.

Sure, just as I also described the typical singles bar. Again, you completely ignore that this is not exclusive to gays.

You described a typical public bathroom scene gay style.

And a typical heterosexual bathroom sex scene.

You also NEVER hear EVEN a "gay Christian" speak against the ubiquitous erotica and promiscuity that is gay life.

I definitely have. Perhaps you need to go to churches that have gay members.

"Gay Pride."

That is your defining statement. Not mine nor the Church.

Not my defining statement, nor the defining statement of gays. Just as "Black Pride" was not the defining statement of Blacks when they had their Pride celebrations. Rather, it is an attempt to defuse the label so that people can see that gays are not simply defined by "homosexual" as you keep trying to do, just as Blacks were trying to show skin color was not their defining feature.

And it never will be. Schism is the only thing that Gay Pride will accomplish in the Church, even the liberal Anglican Church. The Gay Agenda of course.

Of course, the same could be said of homophobia. And, honestly, in that way it is no different than slavery divided churches back 160 years ago. And again, please provide evidence of the gay agenda and how it is supported by a majority of homosexuals.
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Jun 10, 2008
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No.. the Christian left, you don't get to decide who is Christian or not.

Actually you do. That is what compelled the Apostles to "contend for the faith," by writing down what they did.

Here's Jude's take on your opinion:

For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

That describes Mel White and his gay theology perfectly. Gays and Lesbians versus Christians. Jesus said that not everyone that says they are working for Him, are.

Notice that Jude wanted to first write and say hi what's up etc., etc., but he had to deal with false teachers and their scholarship. Wolves in sheeps clothing as it were, not sparing the flock.
This is why you see the atheists and pagans supporting gay rights and still promoting their anti-Christian stances.
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I look Time Lord
Mar 6, 2005
Devon, UK
United Kingdom
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Quoting bible verse still does not hide the fact that your sole purpose is to use "your" bible to condemn others.

You have spread your message many times, now shake the sand from your shoes as you are not changing anyone here, and nobody should have to feel harrassed or persecuted for their beleifs and how God made them.

As to your OP, if it offends you so much remember Don't do to others something you would not want done to yourself.
We hear christian persecution shouted from the roof tops when it suits, and how aggreived they feel..turn this the other way around.. you are persecuting the GLBT community,....think about it.
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Traditionalist Catholic , Paleo-conservative
Mar 4, 2008
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Again, please give specific examples of rights being violated? I've not heard of lawsuits where someone merely stating that homosexuality is a sin has been sued, particularly in the United States? If that is true, why has Fred Phelps never been sued for his hate speech against gays?

There have been a ton in Canada already. Haven't read about the US but I will check up on that.

Again, not according to the law in some areas. In this case, under New Mexico law, businesses (which the photographer is running) are not allowed to discriminate against gays, or religion, race, etc. To ask a second time, why do you believe the majority has the right to deny gays the right to act on their beliefs, to get married, yet deny the majority the same right to prevent discrimination against minority groups

A photographer should not be forced to do something he is not comfortable with. What don't you understand about that? Secondly, gays are not a minority. If you based minority status on sexual orientation we would all be minoritys. Lastly not being able to do something because of religious vows is not discrimination.

A photographer should have the right to decline something if he dosen't feel comfortable with it. Thats his right as a free person. And to sue a photographer because his religious practice would not allow him to shows how insecure and petty they are about themselves.
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Oct 20, 2007
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There have been a ton in Canada already. Haven't read about the US but I will check up on that.

Sorry, there haven't been a ton in Canada. And be careful with the cites from Canada you use, since they are not because the person claimed that homosexuality was a sin, but for libel against homosexuals (such as claiming they are all out to abuse children) and because they were seen as inciting violence.

A photographer should not be forced to do something he is not comfortable with. What don't you understand about that?

Since when does any worker have the right to refuse things that they "are not comfortable" with? People are asked to do things they aren't comfortable with all the time by the people they work for.

Secondly, gays are not a minority. If you based minority status on sexual orientation we would all be minoritys. Lastly not being able to do something because of religious vows is not discrimination. A photographer should have the right to decline something if he dosen't feel comfortable with it. Thats his right as a free person. And to sue a photographer because his religious practice would not allow him to shows how insecure and petty they are about themselves.

And again, as keeps being stated, the law says you cannot discriminate in business based on age, race, nationality, disability, gender, and (at least in New Mexico and California) sexual orientation. It does not deny the business person any rights, the Supreme Court has ruled on this multiple times. And tell me, what Christian rule does not photographing a same-sex wedding break? Maybe the Golden Rule or Christ's command to love ones neighbor? The entire claim that it goes against his religious practice is a false claim.

The lawsuit says nothing about the couple that were denied service for suing, rather it says quite a bit about a person knowingly breaking the law and trying to blame it on some vague idea of a religious belief.
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Knight of the Woeful Countenance (in training)
Jun 19, 2006
Here and there.
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What I don't understand is what makes photography so different than any every other job. A brick layer can't refuse to build a certain building just because he doesn't like what will happen in it. I, when I was a substitute teacher, couldn't just teach anything I liked, nor could I leave out the bits of the lessons that I didn't like. A restaurant owner can't refuse to serve people based solely on who they are (though, they can have dress codes and behavior regulations and the like).

What makes photographers so special?
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