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Gay theology (i.e. Mel White, Soulforce) why even try?


Defeater of Dad and AV1611VET
Sep 3, 2006

Really? Then please post the gay sex promoting scriptures?
your fixation on "gay scriptures" seems a bit over the top. the bible neither promotes or condemns what we consider homosexuality.
of course i doubt you would agree no matter how i support this

I think the Sodom wasn't destroyed for homosexuality reasons is not a bad position. I'm thinking that sexual perversion of the populace is a better way of looking at it. We can see how the GLBT community reacts to opposition, and we can see how sexual licentiousness destroys the family and society. Even Barack Obama - one of your own - sees the destruction of the family as a societal "problem."
too bad theres no evidence of any of that, do you have real evidence outside of NARTH?

You know, those "crying out to the Lord," from Sodom. Notice how porn addiction effects "the family?"
too bad no one can support this with evidence outside of anecdotal evidence.
most people can't even say when something becomes "addiction" i've read people that say, if you look at porn more than once a week its an addiction, or it is if you look at all!

The current "form" of marriage at the time???????

I'll give you a break pal, and let yoy re-read the text there. Here's a hint: (God, and from the beginning, and let not man seprate it).
marriage changed, question, did you read about many multi-spouse marriages in the NT?
there were a lot in the OT.

Hmmm, "Jesus is the same yesteday, today, and forever." (It's in the New Testament.)
would jesus be a liberal or conservative? i've read the bible enough to know that jesus would be a liberal. but theres plenty of christians would would disagree and say he would be conservative and they argue it from the bible.

Then why are you defending "gay" Christians? Or would it be gay "Christians."
because i believe in freedom, i find it strange that a person would want to go to a church that finds them vile, but people are strange.
if your church doesn't want gay folks there thats fine, but housing, jobs, etc are not based on religion so they don't count.

Also, you have noticed, that all of the gay sex "in the Bible" is pagan?
no, i thought it all was scientologists

You build your strawmen from the chaff.

Biblical truth is not "tradition." You can't alter the scriptures just because yoy have some gay and lesbian pals you think are nice people. There are no gay sex promoting scriptures "in the Bible." If you (as a deist?) don't like that, create your own religion or write and alter the Bible as your fellow deist Tom Jefferson did. Or, just live your life as a deist, and leave we Christians to our lives as Christians.
hey if you "christians" would stop trying to make laws against fellow human beings, i wouldn't care.
but for some reason christians feel they have the right to dictate who gets rights and who doesn't
jesus never said to make a kingdom of god on earth, he never said to impose laws on people who don't share the same beliefs.
and yes the "bibical truth" is tradition. learn some church history please.
the trinity is not in the bible, the fail is not in the bible, original sin is not in the bible, the rapture is not in the bible, tribulation is not in the bible.

if you post isolated scripture "supporting"all this traditional stuff, i will be forced to point out that you can't read the bible that way and it makes the authors and god a bunch of liars

Hey, why aren't you pointing your defense of gays and those gays (and LBT's) to those gay-affirming denominations? Why the need to force corruption on those of us Christians that do not desire an altered Gospel?

Ever thought of that?
where did i say this?
i believe that as long as people do not put their religious view points into law, even good ones, we can get along.
if you have no secular reason to deny freedoms or rights, then you have nothing in my mind.
if a church really wants to deny gays, sure go for it, that is unless you take money from the government.
i think your intolerant bigots still, because you are hiding behind your belief in what a badly translated book says though.
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Defeater of Dad and AV1611VET
Sep 3, 2006
Hey RevDG,

Are your quotes a good place to see tolerance and diversity of differing cultures?
have you ever read anything by him? go read about his new CSA, he basically wants a new form of nazism

Typical, oh so typical. You learned that from which of your marxist liberal/progressive college profs? Wait, hold on, I gotta check something. NOPE, no headache. Cognitive dissonance is a cliche now "too."
no i learned it from my capitalist, conservative, teachers
mostly because they sounded like him.


And you want to be taken seriously?

Isn't it ironic Rev, that your little quotes insult "gay Christians" too. I at least don't think "gay Christians" are fools, or valueless. As you obviosuly do by your offerings of quotes that represent you.
wow do you jump to conclusions, my quote has nothing to do with gay christians, it has to do with what i view as absurdity when debating christians in general, mostly fundies
they, and i bet you, conclude that the bible is inerrant and the highest authority next to god.
you jump to too many conclusions that have no relation to anything at all

You're precious. In a "Here's an example of our adversaries," kind of way. This is why Christians should not avoid contact with people like you.
yes, and maybe talk to people like me, instead of assuming nonsense like you just did.

I have great respect for Deism. At least it isn't the stupidity of 0 x 0 equals the universe of the common darwinian chant.
you fail at understanding evolution and cosmology, as well as the BB and pretty much all science.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
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your fixation on "gay scriptures" seems a bit over the top. the bible neither promotes or condemns what we consider homosexuality.
of course i doubt you would agree no matter how i support this

Gay theology is literally obsessed with gay sex. Be honest huh? I agree with you that there are no gay supporting texts anywhere in the Bible. "Your opinion" of homosexuality is just an opinion. It looks like the Apostles knew today's version of homosexuality quite well. But you're a deist and see everything through your "opinions."

too bad theres no evidence of any of that, do you have real evidence outside of NARTH?

So only professionals with PhD's YOU like are "real" authorities? Typical of a desit. You guys seem to believe you're the only ones that can create government. Literally you believe that. Visit any juvenile hall, mental health facilty or just go outside a city at night (or the daylight hours nowadays) you'll see the broken and shattered lives of the youth from "broken homes."

too bad no one can support this with evidence outside of anecdotal evidence.
most people can't even say when something becomes "addiction" i've read people that say, if you look at porn more than once a week its an addiction, or it is if you look at all!

Why isn't there just one photo of a porn scene that will suffice a porn "addidct?"

marriage changed, question, did you read about many multi-spouse marriages in the NT?
there were a lot in the OT.

Yup. Man and woman every single one of them. The Bible no where even presents the concept of gay marriage excpet of course in pagan practices. So much for we Christians being the ignorant bigots.

would jesus be a liberal or conservative? i've read the bible enough to know that jesus would be a liberal. but theres plenty of christians would would disagree and say he would be conservative and they argue it from the bible.

Jesus was reality. There are sensible things in both liberalism and conservativism. It is clear that Jesus presented the reasonable and of course the miraculous. You know what yoy deists "also" alter from the Bible. Why do deists think they are supreme in their "opinions?"

because i believe in freedom, i find it strange that a person would want to go to a church that finds them vile, but people are strange.
if your church doesn't want gay folks there thats fine, but housing, jobs, etc are not based on religion so they don't count.

They're based on Deism then? That sure is what it looks like. My point is, that GLBT's only get support from radical liberals and anti-Christians. Marriage is a man and woman TO JESUS, and yet some people think they can alter marriage for the gay agenda and not think that that is lying.

no, i thought it all was scientologists

Even scientologists know their anatomy, biology and physiology. Obviously from all of those aliens doing research on humans.

hey if you "christians" would stop trying to make laws against fellow human beings, i wouldn't care.

You mean YOU DEISTS are the ONLY ones that can make laws?

but for some reason christians feel they have the right to dictate who gets rights and who doesn't

There is nothing about the seperation of Church and State anywhere in our Constitution. Some Deist said there was and BANG it was. No debate no tolerance for diversity.

jesus never said to make a kingdom of god on earth, he never said to impose laws on people who don't share the same beliefs.

You are 100% correct. You are equal to the broken clock now.

and yes the "bibical truth" is tradition. learn some church history please.

You are the ignorant one here. "Church history" has been studied and worked out and yet, "liberals" of 2008 want to sodomize it for secular reasons.

the trinity is not in the bible, the fail is not in the bible, original sin is not in the bible, the rapture is not in the bible, tribulation is not in the bible.

Yes they are. Shall we go over to apologetics threads and and see? All of those concepts were discovered "in" the Bible by logic and reason. Your bigotry is showing. The word "gravity" is not in the Bible either, but we see a woman "drop" a large stone on someone head from a high wall. Guess where that leads us?????

if you post isolated scripture "supporting"all this traditional stuff, i will be forced to point out that you can't read the bible that way and it makes the authors and god a bunch of liars

You can spin in your accusation all day. The Bible is clear that gay sex is not appropriate for believers. I have alwasy siad that pagans and other Anti's can engage in whatever sick and disgusting behaviors they want to. They just can't find support for their debased actions FROM the Bible.

i believe that as long as people do not put their religious view points into law, even good ones, we can get along.

So YOU are the ruler of the world? Typical Deist position. I noticed that the US was founded by some murderous deists, so I am not surpirised by your authoritarian/totalitarian position. But excuse me if a rebel against your tyranny.

And YOU go one in your authoritarianism:

if you have no secular reason to deny freedoms or rights, then you have nothing in my mind.

We'll just ignore violence and perversions that are now protected by secular/deist-derived civil rights.

if a church really wants to deny gays, sure go for it, that is unless you take money from the government.

Where is that written in the Constitution?

i think your intolerant bigots still, because you are hiding behind your belief in what a badly translated book says though.

Your "opinion" is duly noted. Your Deist opinion. I notice that Jefferson felt the need to alter the New Testament as well to ease his seared mind.

This is an old debate Rev.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
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have you ever read anything by him? go read about his new CSA, he basically wants a new form of nazism

Christians oppose the KKK the same way they do gay theology. By scripture and deeds.

wow do you jump to conclusions, my quote has nothing to do with gay christians, it has to do with what i view as absurdity when debating christians in general, mostly fundies

What is a "fundie?" All of the Apostles were very conservative in their orthodoxy. So was Jesus.

they, and i bet you, conclude that the bible is inerrant and the highest authority next to god. you jump to too many conclusions that have no relation to anything at all

I do not need to jump to the conclusions that yoyu hold. The are base and rote. They've been out there since the Apostles and disciples penned their works.

yes, and maybe talk to people like me, instead of assuming nonsense like you just did.

My positions are formed by experience with Anti's like you and their incessant need to rule over we Christians. You Anti's alway alter the scriptures to try that. Where do yoy think I come from? Your camp pal.

you fail at understanding evolution and cosmology, as well as the BB and pretty much all science.

According to my calculator, 0 x 0 equals the evolutionist. I'll tap in the numbers again . . . Yup, still nothing.

Now, I'm sorry if I missed the part where you evolutionists can get something, yea ANYTHING, from nothing? How does that work again? Is it space aliens or an accident bumping into another accident for etern . . . never mind.

I apologize. I just came back to edit this. You're a Deist. You guys believe God started everything and is letting cruel things happen "just because." Kind of like a puppet master enjoying his puppets moving around on a dark stage with no strings attached. Or, is it strings attached but no freedom to move independently? Or is it with strings and only where God will move you? Deism is rather a tricky concept. An Intelligent designer with no goal. Odd.

Oops edit again. Let's stick with OP here. I got caght up in your spin tactics. Back on track now.
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Senior Veteran
Jan 20, 2006
I'm OK with this thread coming to its logical conclusion: There are no homosexuality promoting scriptures in the Bible. Gay theology should be relegated to the heresy heap.

Why stop there?
Cars are not promoted by scripture, so no one should drive.
The NYSE isn't promoted by the scripture, so no one should have stock.
The internet isn't promoted by scripture, so ChristianForum should be shut down, and our computers burned in repentence.

Anything short of that is pure heresy.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
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Why stop there?
Cars are not promoted by scripture, so no one should drive.
The NYSE isn't promoted by the scripture, so no one should have stock.
The internet isn't promoted by scripture, so ChristianForum should be shut down, and our computers burned in repentence.

Anything short of that is pure heresy.

But homosexuality IS mentioned. And, not promoted.

Just let this thread fade away.

Veni vidi . . . no gay theology that holds water.

On to the next debate.
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Senior Veteran
Jan 20, 2006
But homosexuality IS mentioned. And, not promoted.

Just let this thread fade away.

Veni vidi . . . no gay theology that holds water.

On to the next debate.

No, it isn't. The word wasn't even invented until the last century.
You can read into it, but then you have to ignore pagan sex practices, male temple prostitution, all the research done by theologians, ignore what we know about sexual orientation, etc.

Saying that homosexuality is in the bible is like saying that schizophrenia (demons) is in the bible, and yet, we understand things differently than people did 2000 years ago.
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David Brider

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2004
With the Lord
United Kingdom
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But homosexuality IS mentioned. And, not promoted.

No - homosexuality as it is understood by most people - that is, a tendency to be attracted physically and emotionally to people of the same gender as oneself - is nowhere mentioned in the Bible. There are a few verses that are taken by some people to be about homosexual sex, but they have nothing to do with consensual monogamous homosexual relationships.

So whilst homosexuality is not actively promoted in the Bible, it is by no means condemned either.

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David Brider

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2004
With the Lord
United Kingdom
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Gay theology is literally obsessed with gay sex.

None of the gay theology I've read or heard of seems to be obsessed with gay sex.

You, on the other hand, seem to talk of little else.

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Senior Veteran
Dec 6, 2004
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This coming weekend I think I'll get you those gay bar and restroom pictures you requested earlier, Polycarp Fan. I would've gotten them sooner, but I was busy with business meetings this weekend.

In the meantime:

After 39 years together, Jim and Tim are happy to announce that they have exchanged vows of matrimony. They met two months before the Stonewall Riots and have lived together in love ever since.

Jim and Tim both consider this opportunity to formalize their union in the eyes of the State to be the greatest social change that they have witnessed in their years together.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
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This coming weekend I think I'll get you those gay bar and restroom pictures you requested earlier, Polycarp Fan. I would've gotten them sooner, but I was busy with business meetings this weekend.

Post the "sodom for our times" photos in another thread. In fact start one.

In the meantime:

In the meantime:

After 39 years together, Jim and Tim are happy to announce that they have exchanged vows of matrimony. They met two months before the Stonewall Riots and have lived together in love ever since.

Jim and Tim both consider this opportunity to formalize their union in the eyes of the State to be the greatest social change that they have witnessed in their years together.

Their union was a State affair. And I'm sure they are "faithful" to each other;), and have been since their Stonewall days:yawn:.

Thank you for affirming that same-gender marriage is neither a Christian activity nor, has it any support from the Bible.

It's time for this thread to come to its logical conclusion.
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Feb 23, 2015
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Because there are gay people (believe it or not) that believe in G-d.

I believe it because I know some people who are devout Christians, and feel same sex. In general, there are good people. Some of them are Catholics, others Protestants. I even know a Mormon who is so. And they all suffer from their churches. One of them has even attempted suicide behind.

They also know that G-d made them the way they are, and, since G-d supposedly makes no mistakes, they know that they are loved by G-d just as you are.

Should it really be the male god, I'm sure that it is so. Because if God does not make mistakes, and produces no trash, then he must have meant something in the production of homosexuals.

As for the Bible, people like yourself consistently use it to condemn gay people, even though those passages are highly debatable, as well.

There are six or seven quotes from the Bible that supposedly condemn homosexuality. If you look at yourself more closely, we find no evidence of a conviction of a homosexual love affair. Because in the quotations from the OT and the NT it is all about, to protect themselves from the nations and their temples (in which sexual orgies took place). Because there were also "homosexual acts" instead. For this an interesting statement from a man in the time of the Apostle Paul:

Despite what some scholars allege, arsenokoitai is never used in any extant Greek literature with our modern meaning of homosexual. The best evidence available today indicates that arsenokoitai described shrine prostitutes. That is the learned opinion of Philo, a contemporary of both Jesus and the apostle Paul and one of the most widely read Jewish intellectuals in the first century.
Source: http://www.gaychristian101.com/what-did-paul-mean-when-he-used-the-greek-word-arsenokoitai.html
A little below this quote, you will find excerpts from the book of Philo, where described what he means.

You accuse gay people of using 'gay theology', but when you use the Bible to condemn any of G-d's children, you are using "anti-gay theology" - Not to mention, you come across quite a bit as speaking for G-d, which I find highly arrogant. Why don't you leave the judging to G-d, and leave the non-heterosexual people alone to live their lives, and love who they love?

I agree 100% with your statement.
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