Divine Eternity Shouldn't Be Limited

J. Bleize

Active Member
Jul 12, 2015
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The following is a passage of my thoughts with regards to God's true divine gifts to man and how we limit this through short-sightedness. I am not proclaiming that it is "the truth", I am merely discussing my views based on what little I know. This semi-philosophical thought has been troubling me for a long time, mainly because I am afraid that it could be entirely false, or, even more unimagineably frightening, partially true...

God is the divine creator of everything in existence. He is the image of perfection and the holiest of the holy. His wisdom is infinite, he lives outside of time, and inside of time, and is indescribably powerful and limitless in every imagineable way. Yet we limit him. We limit him to our words, we limit him to our understandings, we limit him to the limits of our minds that are so small there almost isn't enough room for them to be limited, and then we think that that is the truth. We even dare to interpret his Word literally and deny that it could have another meaning. God created us in his image - we assume this means that he looks human. God created the heavens and the earth - we assume that this means that God created the heavens and the earth. God parted the Red Sea - we assume that this means God exhaled and the sea parted. God banished Lucipher from heaven - I don't even want to know what bizarre images people come up with when they interpret this. God has infinite wisdom - apparently we assume that this means thay God gives us a plain and literal and one-dimensional account of everything and then says that this is the only truth that he has given to us in his infinite wisdom. We love to think that we understand God and his Word, but, truthfully, we don't. We see words and we guess what they mean in a way that makes sense to us logically. Hasn't God proven to us time and time again (without even being confined to time) that he is not chained to the laws of nature, logic, thermodynamics or any other limits that we presume he must be limited to? Here's an interesting thought: Let's say the fruit we ate from the Tree of Knowledge was an apple (because let's go ahead and assume that God chose apples for the garden of Eden, because what other fruit could he possibly make if he can only create entire galaxies?) we took one huge bite from that apple. That is almost 10% of the apple. Then we stopped. Conveniently, this limited our minds to 10% function. (Einstein must love apple) So now, with our 10% brain-of-earth-knowledge-function, acquired through taking one bite from one apple from one tree from one garden from one planet that God created, we assume that we have knowledge of God. But we don't. We have knowledge of good and evil. We know what is good (God), and we know what is evil (Satan), (at most 10% of this knowledge) and we can choose one. We do NOT have ANY knowledge of God, except for our knowledge that he is good, and the extra knowledge he gives us through the Bible (which we choose to make into the 10% for a convenient confirmation) Think of how stupid we are: We have a bit of knowledge from one tree, amidst infinite other places where God keeps knowledge, and we almost destroy ourselves in the measly 2000-ish years that we have existed with this grain of knowledge. If we'd eaten the entire apple we probably would've exploded. So, in our unimaginable stupidity, who are we to look at the Word of God, and proclaim that we "understand" a thing? Well, as God has infinite wisdom and the ability to do anything, he managed to make the truth so simple that even we could understand it partially (very, very partially - basically just enough to be saved, be inspired and have some other bits of useful information) Now we assume that his truth that has been simplified to our mindless level is the extensive-everything-you-can-possibly-know-also-conveniently-literal-truth. It's not! God is infinite. He doesn't use a mere 10% of a human mind. He has boundless wisdom and abilities. Even by writing this about how stupid we are and how infinite God is, I'm assuming that God is infinite (something we can't even imagine) and not something beyond infinite, or infinitely beyond that times eternity. There can be no describing the glory of God, neither through seventy brief earth years with a microscopic mind, nor with an eternity and the mind of an angel. Therefore, I believe that we can, and should, accept that the divine Word of God was NOT meant for us to label as a one-dimensional truth. The Bible should rather be treated as an eternal source of light, of which we see merely a glimpse. That brings me to another thought: how do we believe in Jesus then, if we can't interpret the word of God literally? This might sound contradictory, but it isn't - We should interpret the Bible literally, but that is only a glimpse of the truth. We were meant for simplicity and to be like children, who believe unconditionally in God, and do not question him, for then we are truly his children. Instead we've decided to think up limits for God based on our small perception of reality. We were given six senses, (sixth is a spiritual sense) and these senses are our sole proof for our own existence. So we assume that God can only create things based on these six senses. But God is infinite. So he has infinite senses! String Theory proposes something like an eleventh-dimensional universe, if I'm right. Well, God isn't limited to String Theory. He is infinite. Therefore, he can create an infinite dimension with infinite planes of reality and infinite ways to experience this infinite reality and its infinite planes of existence. The Bible describes seven levels of heaven (seven is the number of perfection) Humans be like "Haha, we can create something with more levels." Who's to say God's seven is our seven? God's seven might be of infinite dimensions in itself. God's seven could be like a shape, with infinite sides and infinite expansion and infinite dimensions of depth, height, and other measurements that don't even exist here. Of course, we probably won't be able to experience it that way, since we are so simple, but at the White Throne Judgement God will choose a place in heaven for his followers as they have earned it by following him. Now we assume this means an apartment in the street of gold or a mansion somewhere or whatever we imagine, but couldn't this rather mean a greater expansion in perception of his infinite love as reward for your loyalty? No. That is way too simple. None of us can even imagine what it will be like. Yet we imagine that when God says in the Bible that Jesus was crucified that he literally only hung on a cross for a few hours. How can we be so insulting towards our creator, that we imagine his divine death and resurrection to be a mere human death? I'm not saying that it wasn't a human death and resurrection, I'm saying that it was by no means SOLELY that. God is infinite. He doesn't exist on one, simple spot. He is everywhere, in every corner of infinity. And if he dies on earth, then he must feel it everywhere, for he is three, but he is One. If he creates earth, then why would he create a single earth in one spot? Because this earth is non-existence compared to his eternity. We are experiencing a reality so small that it might just as well have been nothing. And yet we praise God for the beautiful mountains and the beautiful oceans, as we should, but by doing that we so often forget that he didn't create this as anything near his "best" (which is infinite) This was as effortless to him as anything. We look at nature and marvel at God's ability to create something so amazing, and we forget that that is like praising a multi-billionare, intellectual genius for being able to tie his shoelaces (only infinitely worse) I'm not suggesting that believing the Bible literally is wrong, please don't think that, but haven't you ever wondered why all people don't fall to their knees in reverence to the one true God when we talk about his power, knowledge, and love? Because we don't talk about it. We talk about his ability to create ants and come back from the dead. Atheist: "The Big Bang could do that, and so could Michael Jackson." We have to stop limiting God to our perceptions. Limit God to nothing, for he has no limits. And he created us in his image - we don't have limits either! God blessed us with the ability to create. We have imaginations - infinite realms of creation, to be used however we like. God gave us those coins, and we can choose to either multiply them, do nothing with them or bury them. Can angels create? Can Satan create? Can animals create? No. We are God's image: creators. And he gave us this infinite power to create just as he has. Middle-earth, Narnia, just simple examples. Jesus wants us to come to him as children - what do children do? They create and imagine and believe in the sweetest of innocence and love. What is the usual first imaginative drawing that a child makes? The child and his family in a slightly unrealistic fantasy wonderland, all loving and caring for each other, (God created heaven first) then they will draw a new world filled with their own creations. (then God created earth) Our ability to create (be it music, writing, painting etc.) was given to us so that we can praise God and do all that we can to his glory, for that is all that you will ever want to do if you truly believe in him as a child does. Am I suggesting that this is the truth? No! It's merely a thought. A thought that came to life in a tiny, tiny mind that wishes only to praise and glorify the one true king. You can take whatever you want from this little twig of thought, and, most importantly - read the Bible and open yourself to the Holy Spirit, for he grants us faith, understanding and hope. Read the Bible and imagine what the infinite, loving and all-powerful God wants to tell you...

You might find that he wants to tell you more than you ever imagined to be possible, for God is the eternal light, and our eyes cannot even see the beginning, but someday we will, and then we won't remember our simple perceptions, but we will live, truly live, only to serve the King, the Light, the one true God, with our seventh sense: Creation - love.
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