
Jul 8, 2004
United States
Marital Status

Good morning / afternoon ... I am finally here to catch everyone up with what has been going on with me since I was here last ... so grab some coffee or tea and grab a comfortable seat and pillow.

Well to start I am Karen aka HisWinterRose. I am 65 years old & married for 45 years as of April this year. We have 3 adult children & 2 in laws which mean 2 of my 3 children are married with thee youngest one our daughter just celebrated her 3rd anniversary being married in August this year. Our middle son is not married & has no plans on getting married anytime soon !! My husband has been retired for almost 4 years in December this year. Myself I am retired too. I had total knee replacement & it kinda kicked me into RETIREMENT & so it's been fun to have the time with my husband. He has been keeping busy with his outside chores ... garden ... mowing ... and other things. Me ... I am keeping busy with things in the house cleaning ... and other things. So, I have had to deal with a lot of STRESS over the last few months as our daughter and her husband ended moving in with us and living out in my summer kitchen { it's part of my big barn we have - no there is no animals in this barn it's just a building tat we have that has a green house, storage rooms & a office and work shop for my husband } he also has his truck and tractor out there too. So, they have been out there because they needed a place to live. And now that it's cooling off ... they have to move again and so ... I am PRAYING that they can find a place sometime soon.

I lost my mother to lung cancer last year in September so things were really hard for me to lose here too. I lost my dad 6 years and so now I just have my two sister's and brother in law left in the family. My younger sister is needing PRAYERS at this time because she was just recently diagnoised with Blood Cancer and so she survived Breast Cancer and now she has this to deal with so ... please keep her in prayer.

I have rambled on to much so ... I will do my best to come back soon and share more so it there is something you want to know ... feel free to add me or just ask me and I will do my best to give you a awnser. So, heading off to get my kitchen cleaned up so take care and blessings to one and all.

Rescued One

...yet not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Dec 12, 2002
United States
Marital Status
Praying for your sister. I'm so sorry for her trials. My older sister died of cancer at age 45, another died at age 53, and now my baby sister(I was 11 when she was born) has cancer. My husband died of cancer many years ago. I am in my seventies. My mother died of old age at 93.

You haven't rambled on. It's good to hear from you.
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