Biblical Proof of God's Creation by One Single Verse


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Nov 25, 2017
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The Biblical proof is in Hebrews 11, the Faith chapter.

Heb 11:1-3
11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
2 For by it the elders obtained a good report.

3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,
so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

That part in red above is what modern science calls the 'first law of thermodynamics' and 'law of the conservation of matter'.

That law says that material matter cannot be created nor destroyed, but only change its form or state (solid, liquid, gas, vapor). Man's science, even today, still has had to admit any attempt to destroy matter simply causes its form or state to change.

So how did the material universe come into being? God showed us via that Hebrews 11:3 verse, which is very, very profound, once one understands that part in red. That part in red above means material matter did NOT... create itself. Matter did not create matter, and those laws of thermodynamics confirms this.

That means...

1. Something OUTSIDE the realm of the material universe had to have created material matter. That something those in Christ call The Godhead of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. And Apostle John in John 4:24 said that "God is a Spirit". That means The Godhead is NOT made up of material matter!

2. Because... God is a Spirit, as written, it means there exists another dimension of existence that is NON-MATERIAL, not made of matter, but made up of Spirit.

3. This is how the material universe of matter came into existence by GOD's Spirit. Like that above Hebrews verse says, by The Word of GOD the universe came into existence.

4. Thus the nature of the material universe (i.e., matter) PROVES the existence of GOD.


Jul 21, 2022
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The biblical proof is in Hebrews 11, the faith chapter.

Let me state first of all that, as a creationist, I believe that God created everything. So, I am not disagreeing with that, at all.

[Hebrews 11:3 refers to] what modern science calls the "first law of thermodynamics" and "law of the conservation of matter." That law says that material matter cannot be created nor destroyed, ...

This is the part I'm disagreeing with because it is not entirely accurate. Your statement that matter cannot be created is trading on an ambiguity with the definition of "matter." We're talking Newton versus Einstein here. With this ambiguity we can say that photons are matter, and not matter.

In one sense, you're right that matter cannot be created. This sense involves the classical physics definition of matter (anything that has mass and takes up space). But there is another sense in which you're wrong, wherein matter can be created. This sense involves the modern physics definition of matter (anything that has energy and momentum). Under the former definition a photon is not matter (for it neither has rest mass nor takes up space), while under the latter definition it is matter (for it has energy and momentum).

Having said that (and getting to my point), according to theoretical physics, including quantum chromodynamics (a type of quantum field theory), matter emerged as a result of a phase transition from a state of pure energy in the early universe, involving quarks and gluons. Quarks and gluons appeared as fluctuations in the quantum fields soon after the early rapid expansion of the universe, which was possibly triggered by or coinciding with the decay of the inflaton field that lowered the energy density and flattened the space curvature. In the words of Hugh Ross, who was explaining in The Creator and the Cosmos (2018) why an oscillating universe model can't work,

The universe, before the hypothetical bounce, begins with a huge amount of space curvature and little or no matter. But, as the universe expands, space is stretched, reducing the curvature. This loss of curvature is transformed into matter and, in the process, a huge amount of entropy is generated. Because of the enormous entropy produced, the process is not reversible. Matter cannot be converted back into the needed space curvature. Thus, the universe we live in cannot be the product of oscillation even if the bounces are hypothesized to occur in the quantum gravity era.
So, yeah, matter did not create matter—energy did. But where did that energy come from? That's the question.


Hugh Ross, The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Latest Scientific Discoveries Reveal God (Covina, CA: RTB Press, 2018).
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Nov 11, 2022
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I liked both posts above.

At first I had some thoughts that Hebrews says things were all made from things which do not appear, not do not exist.

3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Then on further consideration I realize the bible not only talked about things which do not appear but things which are not being.

. . . God whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls the things not being as being. (See Rom. 4:17)
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+collaboratively study, ~ debate, -fight.
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Apr 19, 2008
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What if we have it all wrong? In the beginning there was only God. He is the real reality. When he went to create he could not create outside of himself since there is nothing larger than God. "The heaven of heavens cannot contain thee.

So he created a void within himself by speaking [energy]. "...and the earth [physical reality] was void". Then he made the voids into something, like arranging the bubbles in the 7-Up. Now the universe makes sense.

All the properties of what we think is matter and are voids reside in the reality surrounding them. They are properties of God. Why is there gravity? because God pushes the voids together as he enters into his rest [lower energy state]. All the properties men seek to unify in a single theory can be visualized as discontinuities in a hyper-dense crystal. The properties belong to the geometry of the crystal. I do not advocate this as doctrine, but as a re-interpretation of the physical model based on things in scripture.
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