Benedict's birthday, and Roman jalapeños


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Feb 5, 2002
United States
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Hey everybody,

Greetings from Rome, where Ed and I have traveled for a few days of Pillar meetings. Well, actually, I got here this morning, and Ed will show up in a couple of hours.

First, let me acknowledge that when Ed and I travel, The Pillar produces just a little bit less. For example, I’ve got two important news reports I had hoped to write while I was on airplanes yesterday. But I had two flights, and two middle seats in a row, and I found it impossible to work from either one of them. I’ll do them after I send this newsletter, I promise!

So I’m sorry for the slight dip in news production that you experience when we’re traveling. But it’s worth it — making somewhat regular trips to the Eternal City is an important part of how we do the serious reporting and investigations that matter in the life of the Church.

In so many ways, there’s little that compares with a few days at the heart of the Church.

And that includes, of course, praying for our readers, our work, and the people we cover.

Today, I hope especially to pray at the tomb of Pope Benedict XVI, in the crypt below St. Peter’s Basilica.

The tomb of Benedict XVI. Credit: Vatican Media.
The late pontiff was born 97 years ago today. April 16 was Holy Saturday that year, and Joseph Ratzinger — named for his father — was born at home, in his parents’ house, in the small town of Marktl, Bavaria, near the Austrian border. He was baptized the same day.

The house where Joseph Ratzinger was born. Credit: Vatican Media.
His seminary studies delayed by the war, Ratzinger became a priest in 1951, a bishop in 1977, and the Roman Pontiff on April 19, 2005 — three days after his 78th birthday.

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