Abused and Stuck in Shelter for 450 Days ‘Mind-blowing’ Dog Charms Everyone at Rehab and Finds Forever Home


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Feb 5, 2002
United States
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Ali Paepke had very little hope that a dog named Neo would be able to fit in at her rehabilitation center.

The poor pooch had been in a shelter for over a year—more than 450 days, and was part of an ongoing animal abuse trial, which Paepke said typically creates an animal that’s difficult—and in many cases impossible—to rehabilitate into gentle domestic life.

But as soon as she saw the white pooch with black spots, the Manager for the Life-Saving Program at Best Friends Pet Resource Center said she was “blown away.”

“To meet a dog who had been through all of that who just immediately trusted you and immediately wanted attention from you was just mind-blowing… Neo was that one that I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, we’re making a difference,’” said Paepke.

Neo was a victim of severe animal abuse, but it wasn’t long after arriving at Best Friends’ location in Central Arkansas that a forever home was finally in sight.

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