A question for people - joy and peace

Dave Darling

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Jan 10, 2016
Harrisburg, PA
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Hey, a question for people here- do experience the joy of the Lord and also peace, also if you do is it supernatural? For whatever reason I do not have either joy or peace, I experienced joy for about 5 minutes after I got saved and then it left and has never come back. I talked to my pastor and he says he experiences supernatural joy and peace on a daily basis! Some experience this much more than others. There must be a very good reason why I do not have this!


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Dec 21, 2020
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Joy and Peace are fruits of the Spirit. In today's world especially, we need the peace and joy to be able to cope with this madness.
Are you fearful? The Lord tells us not to fear but have faith and hope in him who able to help you.
When praying ask the Lord to renew your mind and put on the armor of God Eph 6:10-18 for protection against Satan's attacks. Satan is a liar and comes to kill, steal and destroy. He is stealing your joy and peace.
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Dec 29, 2002
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Its not what happens in others life's its standing on what God said. "You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You." See the word "trust". Same with "Delight yourself in the LORD, And He will give you the desires and petitions of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass." Again the word "trust". Faith.

There is no "I don't have, He doesn't do it" so forth so on. God can not lie. We don't walk by how we feel but faith. Peace.. I have the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard my hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. The verse before that one I just typed says "The Lord is Near! Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation with prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

Christ said AMP "Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]"

See this is what God said and if He said it He has to do it since He can no lie and HIs word can not come back to Him void. It has to do what He said. If we wait on the lord "but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Another promise. For me I don't care if its a hour a day a week a month I do not stop. I don't care what is happening around me or with others for that is not How God works. You stand on what He said no matter what happens what comes nor how dark it gets you stand on His word. What we do think say watch read also comes into play here. We get alone we read the word pray sing praises to Him no matter how we "feel".

Don't let doubt come in. If you get some thought about no peace, He won't do it, He does not care.. you speak what He said.. NO God said if I will keep my mind on Him He will keep me in prefect peace. Say you get scared.. NO God has not given me the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind. Hello FAITH! There is no maybe here.. IT WILL HAPPEN!
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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Hey, a question for people here- do experience the joy of the Lord and also peace, also if you do is it supernatural? For whatever reason I do not have either joy or peace, I experienced joy for about 5 minutes after I got saved and then it left and has never come back. I talked to my pastor and he says he experiences supernatural joy and peace on a daily basis! Some experience this much more than others. There must be a very good reason why I do not have this!
I actually never thought about this at all! Should I? Seems like comparing oneself to others is not a good idea, we all experience emotions differently. That being said, I can't say I experience joy or peace daily however what I do feel is secure. Like a warm blanket. Hope that helps.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2022
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Hey, a question for people here- do experience the joy of the Lord and also peace, also if you do is it supernatural? For whatever reason I do not have either joy or peace, I experienced joy for about 5 minutes after I got saved and then it left and has never come back. I talked to my pastor and he says he experiences supernatural joy and peace on a daily basis! Some experience this much more than others. There must be a very good reason why I do not have this!

Peace that surpasses understanding? A couple of times yes. But fear and doubt can sabotage it, which happens when the mind starts to question (as mine is prone to do). Faith takes persistence, renewing the mind daily is necessary. :prayer:
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Dec 16, 2022
United States
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Hey, a question for people here- do experience the joy of the Lord and also peace, also if you do is it supernatural? For whatever reason I do not have either joy or peace, I experienced joy for about 5 minutes after I got saved and then it left and has never come back. I talked to my pastor and he says he experiences supernatural joy and peace on a daily basis! Some experience this much more than others. There must be a very good reason why I do not have this!
Well I DID experience a joy and peace that MUST have been supernatural. I actually spoke to a number of people about how I was Christian, and what happened. For ME, that was something. I am kind of an introvert, and some people are VERY hostile to Christians anyway. I even joked with a friend about it in a way, saying he should pray for me. He had suggested a few days earlier that I meet with his "crazy Christian Brother" on a business deal, and I ended up getting witnessed to, and not only came to believe it but got an immense joy. He didn't even say anything I hadn't heard a dozen times before. Maybe it was because I said the sinners prayer, for once having some hope. BTW that friend is effectively ATHEIST. That joy stayed with me a long time, but IT disappeared also, it lasted YEARS. Maybe it is because when I started, I wanted to learn all I could about it. I often hear there is a "Honeymoon period". It seems a lot of things have this sort of thing.

I was trying to research the same sort of thing you are, and found this forum.

I don't know about others in the church I went to, where the person that witnessed to me went, but one guy there seemed annoyed one day that I was always so happy. He obviously thought I was faking. Interesting. I was always willing to help people out, even with money, and never asked for anyone to do anything for me, and never tried to sell anything, so NO ulterior motive. Maybe he never actually had that joy. I WANT THAT JOY BACK. Then again, I kind of get a taste of it just thinking about it.
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