9 Tips for learning to forgive yourself and others


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Feb 5, 2002
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It can be difficult to do, but is necessary for our spiritual growth and relationships.

Forgiveness is key to harmony in our families and being at peace with ourselves and others. So, it’s important to learn the words and the path that will lead us to reconciliation, to forgive and also ask for forgiveness.

It’s neither simple nor the easy, but love thyself is a commandment, and there can be no love without forgiveness. We remember the part about loving God and our brothers and sisters, but we often forget about loving ourselves. Much too often we dwell on regrets and remorse: we hate ourselves for not living up to our own expectations, for not having kept our word, or for making a mistake with serious consequences. If the past prevents us from living in peace and being fulfilled, it’s a sign that we need to forgive — ourselves and the others.

Continued below.
9 Tips for learning to forgive yourself and others

Abide with me.

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Jan 8, 2021
United Kingdom
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One of the main reasons that brought me to join this group was to immerse myself in the word of God to try and cleanse my soul, because I was caught up in an endless cycle of bitterness, self justification, self righteousness, blame and sense of victimhood about a past hurt, one of many I kept in a display cabinet and got out to polish ad nauseam, it was a lifelong characteristic of my inner personality I kept well hidden under a veneer of sweetness and stability, my mistake was to believe I could 'think' my way out of this cycle but that just fed it, I was finally shocked to discover that the person it had been cursing for 17 years had a double whammy of covid and suspected cancer!!
I had not only damaged myself and my relationship with God, but if prayer can heal, then what can cursing do!?
I had to start praying for this person's health and ask God to forgive me, as I have forgiven others, angry acts damages all of us whether we are aware of it or not, God knows my thoughts and I have cleaned up my mind, forgiving myself is something however I have to ask God to help me with.
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