2016; The Year of Angels.


66 pages + the Lord Jesus
Jan 12, 2021
Skipperville, AL, USA
United States
Marital Status
The full story of the Patriot's Day angel Prologue. April 5th, I walked out of the café and sat in my mom’s car waiting for her and it started raining, and I said to the Lord in silent prayer, “Show me the love”, like the song from The Who, it was like that. Half an hour earlier; I was digging in my closet while my sister was at collage studying to be a teacher. I pulled a random garment from the closet, a green fleece zip-up Columbia brand sweater, but decided to leave my favorite black NRA hat. I asked my mom if I could pay for his own haircut at the Smart Style shop at Walmart. An HDMI cable was needed to connect the laptop to the television because the monitor had a fatal collision with a piece of metal that was taken from an old steel shelf. February I was working with woodworking projects and crafted a fishing rod rack with one of the steel-shelf parts. I showed the rack off on Facebook. One of my friends asked me to teach him how to go fishing. So, I made a demo video on how to use a spinning reel. When the video was posted; I did some side searching on other videos, personalities, like Jon B., Philly Fishing, Andrew Flair, and others got me into the need to try this as well and managed to get my dad to agree to take him fishing at the army base. Chapter 1 I also crafted a fishing line holder; on the baseboard I also decided to put in something religious, “God is Love.” Turned out; after a google search for the part of the verse from 1st John 4:16, I was interested in reading the Book of Revelation for the first time. After had read the fourth chapter, I thought “who were these beasts that John talked of?” I decided to make one of these angels his friend; Knowing Myself being a bird lover, chose the eagle. December 2015 – Littlerock was dying. My favorite bared rock hen was on her last egg. That cold wintry night I went to the patio for a quick smoke break, and she was on the glass table above me. As she jumped down into my lap, I put the cigarette in the ash tray and held her close to me in the frigid air. I could tell by her breathing she was sick. While she was in my arms that night, I started talking to her. “Littlerock, you’ve always had the heart of an eagle, you've always been loyal to me and I'm going to miss you;” “I know all creatures get to heaven, but could you do me a favor”? “Well seeing we don’t have many real eagles in this region maybe you could send me a hawk, I know her toenails are sharper than yours, but I just want a sign from you that you really do love me.” The next morning, I found the poor bird in the goat shed, covered in trillions of mites. I started digging under the fig tree where she always spent her time under. Chapter 2 April 5th continued I paid the woman at the style shop register and walked back into the store. After I was in the back isle, I noticed a standout stranger in the isle about forty yards on the opposite side of the store headed towards my direction. I was watching the stranger till i flipped the corner of the electronics department. I picked up an HDMI cable and preceded to the counter in the center edge of the area. The stranger was just at the other side of the counter heading on further. The stranger was wearing a white fishing hat a pair of filmed glasses and a cobalt blue flannel shirt that did not outline the fact that the person reminded me of one of my old high school rivals. However, I also noticed a legion on the right side of the stranger’s lip that reminded me of one of my teachers as well. I thought (many people have scars like that). Even though it was on my mind the whole time, after had figured out a piece to a puzzle in my life that sparked an even greater mystery. But with this said later in the story as the chapters roll by. I did not want to consult the stranger directly but from then on, I bought the cable and left to find mom. As I finished a warcraft dungeon and sister got home from school I went outside for a smoke break, and when my sister passed by me, she said to me, “I like that sweater, it looks good on you.” Chapter 3 Somewhere in June I went to fix the watering buckets at the pens and as I walked behind Littlerock’s branch of the fig tree, a fledgling hawk landed on and stood there looking at me from five feet away in what looked like she was telling me “The only license you need is my approval.” One of the items my mother told me to get was an alarm clock for my room, and this is when the fun began. Although the new digital clock could run on batteries it had required a power outlet. One day a lightning bolt struck the transformer up on the hill and the power was shut off; instead of the clock randomly landing on some other hour the clock landed up to five minutes forward of the actual time, but how? When I went to bed that night the clock was showing instead of being 11:06 it was moved to 11:11 and I had seen this for the first time, then it was 4:44, 5:55, and so on. One day I smelled perfume in my room; another day it was like someone lit firecrackers on the front porch; and another day there was the smell of dust burning. But from where? There is no true way to explain every supernatural event I had witnessed this year, but that is just it, the vast amount of constant spiritualistic contact I received is to be just valued as a miracle in progress. Chapter 4 I tried everything but to no avail; no fish were caught, but something was about to change considering the failed attempt to get a professional channel going. Somewhere in 2015 I had just arrived at Old Town Park; after had caught a Bluegill from a previous visit with the same set up, I would soon find out why this would not work this time. As I was in the same spot as last time; a baby alligator was approaching the pier from the south and kept on up the edge of the lake. Knowing what this could only imply; seeing the gator was only the length of about a yard long, it seemed as if the medications I was on at the time were starting to interact with my energy levels. I got so heavy I wanted to sit in the jeep for about a couple of minutes, but my dad was not going to have any of that. So, we left after ten minutes from when we arrived. August 2016 – I'd realized that the rod my reel was on was too long for the reel. So, I decided to go online to get a new one. My black NRA cap got moldy and had to be tossed because it got so rancid. When my new St. Croix fishing rod arrived in the mail; the tube also contained a white colored hat that functioned as my new hat of choice. Chapter 5 One day I was watching a ghost hunter episode on the Sci-Fi channel. A thermal camera was being used and as the host was sitting on an old piece of machinery in the woods, contact was made. The way the host reacted was like the same reaction I had from the fishing trip; I knew. I managed to get to Old Town one last time: this time on a mission. I tossed an old silver half dollar into the rocks where I saw the alligator to help the spirit get set free. Although I had no current physical record of direct acts of violence; I was not an innocent player in the world by any spiritual means. After September 11th, 2001, on up to the summer of 2002 in which I was pulled into madness and guilt that was not of my own power; I was a prisoner of a demon he named Purge. Constantly killing other people and branding me with the guilt of their deaths. Massive amounts of theoretical coincidences surrounding a normal highway within the eastern side of the county I live in, would reaffirm the fact that the true story behind the fable of the fifteen-year Inserection would be the central subject for the matter at hand, County Road 67 Echo Alabama. Chapter 6 While at Walmart accompanied by mom, I was clothes shopping for the winter. There was a flannel shirt that had blue and white plaid with red lines that looked good, and I bought it. A pair of polarized Calcutta's with blue and green tint adorning red colored lenses. I had these sunglasses since the beginning of the year, but none of this sounded off alarm bells in my mind yet. July 2015 my religious life was spinning out of control; up until, “His novel came out when?” Five whole years, the author Douglas Adams, passed away in May of 2001, many months before July 27th, 2002; however, the book came out in 1979; five whole years before I was even born. There was no way in the world this man from England could have known this was going to happen, unless. I did some research; while listening to videos on YouTube I came across the name Jeanette Foresta, who claimed she was from Clarion a planet somewhere in the winter sky and she was also from the year 2028. I was still yet under control from Purge and under the dark spell from July 2002. Meaning; I had to be dispelled someway somehow. So, I started to compare his story to John’s. I wanted to consult the eagle Seraphim in Revelation. Chapter 7 And so, the day had arrived; When the jeep arrived at the base that morning it was business as usual. As the morning rolled on that Sunday; I started casting into the weeds between the pier and the water playground. The hawk visit back in June was fresh on my mind; then I heard a screeching from the south and looked up to where the clouds were and saw a wavy distorted cloud and thought, “that looks like it belongs to an angel.” I picked up the camera, but the clouds were so white; I did not want to give the image the wrong impression although unavoidable. I lowered the UV settings to around -2.5. Then it felt hot. I started sweating and itching, and every breath was like a cotton ball. “Hey dad, it’s getting kind of hot out here, we need to leave". I packed up my stool, rods, and camera pod and started walking to the shoreline; Suddenly, a large black hummingbird flew close to my right shoulder. While being air conditioned, I fell asleep. Me: “Look; I know what you are about to say, but please, I am stronger than that. I chose to come to you, so, we are on the same level. All right?” The angel: “Oh okay then.” “Seeing we are here together now, what would you like to ask of me?” Me: “You know; Mr. Eagle I’m thinking about this book, and you should know there is no such thing as a coincidence, right?” The angel: “No, absolutely.” Me: “So when I was watching the movie; I noticed this. I may have to go back and give this man his own book.” “If what this woman on the radio said about time travel is true, then I will have to go back and do what must be done as well, or else I might not be here today.” The angel: “You are correct, but I would advise you as an angel of the Lord that if you are to go about doing this in that way, then please let go of your problems, and let God act first.” When I woke up ten minutes later; the only form of precipitation was a small staircase on the opposite side of 231, at the end of Andrews Ave. When we arrived at Waffle King there was a black swarm of lovebugs outside. Chapter 8 I was doubtful; five dollars later I consulted an online psychic for answers, he said to me “Wait till November 11th”. November 8th, I put on the flannel shirt, and wore the white hat, along with the Calcutta's, on his way to the voting booth. We were waiting to go shopping at Walmart to buy fishing line. Me along with dad went into the middle door; as they were walking to the pet food isle to the left, I was pondering what he had just seen on the opposite side, for some unknown reason there was Easter candy on sale, in November? I asked a woman who was stocking shelves “Why are you selling this stuff”? She replied, “We got to get rid of it somehow.” I pulled out a Baneful sausage out of the fridge and we walked to the grocery department. As I was picking off stuff on the list, we entered the spice isle and were looking. “Hey dad, is it okay if I go on to the sporting goods to get the line we need?” My dad replied “Yes, go ahead.” As I was already wearing the sunglasses and did not really want people to know I was watching them; I got to the electronics department and was watching a young man in a green sweater with a fresh haircut and thinking to myself, “Hey that guy almost looks just like me.” As I walked past the counter, I did not realize his doppelganger was still watching him. Chapter 9 Three days later I'd remembered the fifth, it was official: I was a time traveler. January 2017, I thought for a moment about the security cameras in the electronics department and all those smart phones. (Maybe I can see if I can catch these two ghosts in the same frame.) although it was just a thought at the time. On the day I went back to the Walmart to see if I could do that, I was told that he would require police warrant to even enter the security camera area. But this was not the strangest thing that happened today. There was a young blond-haired man stalking me; he was wearing a pair of black jeans that have not yet been removed of the size tag, my sister thought he was stealing the jeans. But nothing this man was doing made sense, digging through a bin full of movie DVDs. we saw this young man at least four to six times throughout the store. It was as if the young man was out of place with reality, more like from another world or even another time. March 8th, 2017, I wrote the demons name down on the paper and placed it in the offering plate. I decided to dispel my curse and put Revelation back into the Lord’s control. But this was not the end of my journey. Need I remind myself that the angel met me in a dream on what other day than Patriot’s Day, could he be trusted? I started going back to church and my preacher told me about a thing called discernment. Which I intended to do with conviction. 2017 – One day as someone was eating cherry tomatoes on the patio; not yet realized by me, a single seed popped out and landed in an odd place. The seed however started to germinate; and it sprouted quickly and that spring I would notice it. And the idea was born to me. As it grew between the patio foundation and a steppingstone, I was given a new opportunity to redeem his angelic friend. Chapter 10 On a Thursday Me: “I have a new proposition for you, if you want to take it.” The angel: “I see, but do you have something you would like to offer to the Lord”? Me: “This Sunday I will ask for my preacher to share the parable of the Sower to earn your trust.” “And in return for this, I tell you this for my obedience, I will buy a new Bible, and I will co-owner it to you.” The angel “Generous, I will see it done.” I carted a brown leather-bound King James Version on Amazon. That Sunday – Luke 8:4-8 as promised. That night I kept his promise to God as well and bought that bible. I was wanting to get back into crafting, but what was he to do now? After had bought a tooling file, a table vice, and procured a small sauce bowl; I wanted to manufacture my own cones for my room because my parents keep complaining about how musty it is sometimes. I found a piece of cedar wood and bought a small bag of benzoin crystals, which I ground down into fine powder. But when I was grinding the stones, I spilt the dust which landed on the cover of the Bible and when I dusted it off some of it got into the embroidered border of the cover and it looked natural to me. So, why not the whole thing? I was in the middle of a hot battle on one of my FPS games and was winning, suddenly, a very loud pop distracted me from behind, I thought it was my dad being rude to me, but it was more dire than what he thought. A crested flycatcher slammed my window, and I went outside to find him, I named the bird Mocking Jay; I picked him up and he calmed down over time. The day after Mocking Jay was attempting to pick up a large piece of leaf from a discarded house plant in the back yard. After that I had to let the dogs out of the front door and Mocking Jay was hovering excitedly under the roof of the porch. Three days later in an odd dream that started out with a darkened-out vision, I was watching an old Sikorsky 34 take off and I followed it into a mountain where there was a small castle or a mansion. When I got to the dining room in the castle there was a table with six chairs. Where I decided to look out of a window quick, but then decided to sit down at the table. My sense of direction was off at the time. As I sat down at the third chair on the left an unknown angel sat next to me and another person in front of. Little did I know that the person in front of me was the Great Spirit himself. I would soon forget his image after I woke up. But when I did, there was a strange feverish feeling inside my chest, and I had a strange odor on his hand that reminded me of the resin stones I was using days earlier that was many days before this. I was so hot I felt as if he could catch fire if he were not already burning. After this moment it became obvious to me now. Why would God waste this much time on someone who was too far gone? Because that is just it maybe; all I've been through over the last fifteen years was erased from my conscience. I was a free man after he dropped all my anger towards God and He forgave me, I could only hope because I know what I must do next.