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  1. Christsfreeservant

    Religion vs Relationship

    Religion is based in the teachings of man, In forms and traditions in which they now stand. Their customs, their idols, are what they now serve, And from their procedures they barely will swerve. The writings of man are the bibles they read, While God’s word, the Scriptures, they rarely will...
  2. CoreyD

    Determining False From True

    "The Momrons teachings are fatal to the souls trapped/ tricked. Like all false teachers, the followers don't realize the danger they are in, nor the danger to their own little children , and others. The false gospels are extremely widespread today, and have been always. But people taught by a...
  3. E

    Are we responsible for the politics and morality of our country's?

    Are we to blame if our country goes astray morally? How much time are we suppose to spend trying to fix society?
  4. BeliefBite

    Yes Christianity is a Religion AND a Relationship

    A lot of people like to say things like "Christianity is a relationship not a religion". While people who say this usually have a positive intent to prevent works-based salvation, this is not a true statement. Christianity absolutely is a religion, and we should not try to change the...
  5. Quid est Veritas?

    New Meta-analysis of Health benefits of spirituality and religion

    Spirituality in Serious Illness and Health Systemic Review and Meta-analysis of Spirituality and Health outcomes "Spirituality and health outcomes yielded 8 evidence synthesis statements that met criteria for panel agreement as supported by evidence categorized as strong, including the...
  6. Daniel Hoseini

    My dramatical story and the quest for God

    Hello. This testimony is about faith, difficult struggle with sin and dramatical quest for God and the truth. I don't have stories of supernatural wonders that I can offer you. I want to tell you about my path to God. Of course, it is still far from being completed, but, nevertheless, it would...
  7. BillCody

    The Endtimes one world religion theory

    I believe that the one world religion that the antichrist will institute will be a combination of three religions. Islam, Catholicism and Judaism into one religion under the name of Abraham. I think it's the reason for the Abrahamic Family House that opening up in 2022. It's the reason that...
  8. Christsfreeservant

    Religion vs Relationship

    An Original Work / April 24, 2022 Religion is based in the teachings of man, In forms and traditions in which they now stand. Their customs, their idols, are what they now serve, And from their procedures they barely will swerve. The writings of man are the bibles they read, While God’s word...
  9. Earvin

    Is mix marriage a sin?

    Many people have struggled with this question and can not find the answer that they seek. I'm curious as to what you might think on this subject.
  10. Occams Barber

    Michael Flynn - US must have only one religion

    Disgraced former Trump aide Michael Flynn sparks outrage by saying US must have only one religion (msn.com) Disgraced former Donald Trump aide Michael Flynn has sparked outrage by saying that the US must have only one religion. Mr Flynn, who twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, called...
  11. K

    a heisitant hello from an autistic

    My name is Erika Robinson & yes, as u can c from my title, i have autism...i was officially diagnosed w' asperger's, but some of my side effects don't fit in, so i think i may have some asd mixed in...i don't attend church (cuz the lights, crowd, noise, etc overwhelms me) & i can only understand...
  12. C

    Gravity - is it really there?

    I am a first time poster so please bear with me! I have always been suspicious of the, seemingly, blind assumption that there is a magical force forcing us down to the Earth - surely there is a greater power at play here? May this be the devil's will trying to bring us to the darkness? God's...
  13. G

    Would you ask God, for a religion? (I'm just shooting the breeze here)

    Hi there, So I posted something about religion that got mixed results and I had a concept that was sort of relevant - would you create a religion? - being relevant tangentially. Partially my motive is just to work out, whether there is a way to tell between true and false religion - true...
  14. There Are Only Two Paths To Follow In Life, Which One Are You On?

    There Are Only Two Paths To Follow In Life, Which One Are You On?

    There are only two paths for mankind to follow, which path will you follow in your lifetime while here in this world? Your eternal existence depends on your hearts choice to follow Christ and deny yourself, or follow a compromised life and live it up now only to suffer forevermore! The choice is...
  15. HenSoma-OneBody

    Open To Me The Gates Of Righteousness!

    “Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter and give thanks to the LORD. This is the gate of the LORD; the righteous shall enter through it. I will give You thanks, for You have answered me, and You have become my salvation. The stone the builders rejected has become the...
  16. HenSoma-OneBody

    Follow The Leading Of The Holy Spirit

    Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit alone as He will teach and guide you in truth! Be careful not to be led by the teachings of mankind. Although they may mean well, they are blind guides that, if followed, will lead you off the narrow path of righteousness. Jesus said, "But the Advocate, the...
  17. HenSoma-OneBody

    The Lord Knows Your True Heart Condition!

    During the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry He had many clashes with the religious people of that day who claimed to be God’s people, but as was proved out were truly practicing nothing more than their own manmade doctrines and traditions in God’s name. You see, Jesus knew the true condition of...
  18. HenSoma-OneBody

    Walk In The Light!

    "And this is the message we have heard from Him (Jesus) and announce to you: God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have...
  19. R

    Money and Religion

    I am torn between two ideas -- money is a necessity, but making money takes away one's time to such a devastating degree (especially during these times, covid certainly harmed my finances). I would eventually go on to attempt to launch a business that was correlated to the Bible and Bible...
  20. hluke

    Sanhedrin And The Catholic Magisterium

    Hello I watched this video recently and I wanted to get the opinions of Roman Catholics. This video focusses on the remarkable similarities between the claims made by religious Jewish leaders at the time of Christ and the Roman Catholic church. There is a sense in which history is repeating...