New Creation

I'm the mom of a 2 and a half year old miracle from God. Her name is Meaghan and she really is the coolest person I've ever met. Mothering is by far the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm married to a good man who cracks me up and makes me think. We live in a lovely fishing village on the Pacific Coast. Been studying and preparing to become Catholic for over a year now. Will enter the Church at Easter 2009! Hallelujah! I struggle with anger on a daily basis- it seems to be my cross to bear. I also have two children in Heaven. My first, I aborted, but I thank God for His mercy and forgiveness. I named Him Lance. My third, was taken by God in utero. We named him John Paul. I thank God for my boys and know that they pray for their mama. Trying to figure out how to serve the Lord as best as I can. When I'm not self-serving that is.

Writing, reading, Toastmasters, SOSI at CF, G.K. Chesterton, comedy

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Jul 1, 1968 (Age: 55)
Wife and mother
Marital Status


I am just a Voice of One
who's greater than this....

But I am still a sacred voice
I will not be dismissed.