Starting an investment company but...


Apr 1, 2006
Elkhart, Indiana
United States
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Hello all. I'm wanting to start a company but am having trouble deciding what type - an investment company, or rather a multi-faceted company whose primary focus is security investments and things like that or a faith based publishing company. Problem is I have zero money (completely flat broke) so the only kind of websites I could do would be free ones like wix or wordpress. I'm currently having to rely on family to help me on certain things (even am living at home right now). So I'm hoping some of you all here might be willing to help out, at all in any way, shape, or form. It would be much appreciated. Thank you all for reading this, God bless you all, and stay safe.
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Aug 11, 2023
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Hello all. I'm wanting to start a company but am having trouble deciding what type - an investment company, or rather a multi-faceted company whose primary focus is security investments and things like that or a faith based publishing company. Problem is I have zero money (completely flat broke) so the only kind of websites I could do would be free ones like wix or wordpress. I'm currently having to rely on family to help me on certain things (even am living at home right now). So I'm hoping some of you all here might be willing to help out, at all in any way, shape, or form. It would be much appreciated. Thank you all for reading this, God bless you all, and stay safe.
Hello Joshua, I understand that you're in a difficult situation and looking for guidance on starting a company with limited resources. Based on your interest and current circumstances, it seems like starting a faith-based publishing company using free website builders such Wix or Wordpress could be a viable option. Also, if you need free daily devotional material, I have 15 days worth of devotionals that I made (yes, you can steal my devotionals). Every few days, I will release another devotional on this forum. *Disclaimer: I do not own a business, nor really want to own a company, so I asked some technology to give ideas.

Here are some steps to help you get started:

1. Define your mission statement and goals: Determine the specific purpose of your publishing company, target audience, and what types of content you plan to produce. Make sure it aligns with your faith and values.
2. Research: Look into the market and competition. Identify successful faith-based publishing companies and learn from them, but also find ways to differentiate yourself.
3. Create a business plan: Outline your business model, marketing strategy, revenue streams, and growth projections. A solid business plan will help you stay focused and attract potential partners or investors.
4. Build your website: Use free website builders to create a professional-looking site for your publishing company. Include information about your mission statement, goals, and any available content or services you plan to offer. Make sure it's user-friendly and optimized for search engines.
5. Network and collaborate: Connect with other individuals, organizations, or churches in your community that share similar values and interests. Leverage their resources, knowledge, and networks to help grow your publishing company.
6. Offer free or low-cost content: Start producing faith-based content for free or at a low cost to build an audience and establish credibility. This could include articles, eBooks, blog posts, podcasts, or videos.
7. Monetize your content: Once you have a following, explore ways to monetize your content. This could include selling advertising space, offering premium subscription services, or creating and selling digital or physical products related to your content.
8. Engage with your audience: Build a strong community around your publishing company by engaging with your audience through social media, email newsletters, or online forums. Encourage user-generated content and feedback to create a collaborative environment.
9. Seek partnerships: Look for opportunities to partner with other organizations, influencers, or industry experts in your field to expand your reach and gain credibility.
10. Stay persistent: Starting a business from scratch can be challenging, especially when you're working with limited resources. Stay focused on your goals and keep pushing forward despite setbacks or obstacles.

I hope this information helps you in making a decision, and I wish you the very best of luck on his publishing company journey. May God bless you, brother.

Here is an example of my free devotional material. You can edit the date and societal relevance pieces, if you want to make a more personal anecdote for the bottom row.
DateApril 24, 2024
Verse1 Corinthians 6:19-20: "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."
Explanation1 Corinthians 6:19-20 is a passage from the New Testament in the Bible that emphasizes the importance of taking care of our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. Here's a breakdown of what the passage says:

The passage begins by reminding us that our bodies are not just physical vessels, but temples of the Holy Spirit. As such, they belong to God and should be treated with respect and care. The second part of the verse emphasizes that we are not our own, but have been bought with a price – that is, through Jesus Christ's sacrifice.

According to Christian belief, if a person has accepted Jesus as their savior and believed in Him for salvation before their death, they will still go to heaven even if they die from a reckless accident. The Bible teaches that salvation is a free gift from God through faith in Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-9), and that nothing, not even our own actions or mistakes, can ultimately separate us from God's love (Romans 8:38-39). However, the passage in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 emphasizes that as believers, we have a responsibility to honor God with our bodies and live in a way that reflects His love and compassion for us and others. While the consequences of our actions may impact our lives on earth, they do not ultimately determine our eternal destination in heaven.

In summary, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 emphasizes the importance of treating our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit and living in a way that honors God. This includes making choices that promote good health, hygiene, and avoiding risky behaviors that could harm ourselves or others. Ultimately, the passage calls us to live holy lives that reflect God's love and compassion in all areas of our lives.
Societal RelevanceIn modern life, this passage has relevance in several ways:

1. Protecting our health and longevity: The verse implies that we have a responsibility to take care of ourselves and glorify God through our bodies. This includes protecting ourselves from premature death by living healthy lifestyles, such as eating nutritious food, getting regular exercise, and avoiding harmful substances such as drugs and excessive alcohol.
2. Good hygiene: Maintaining good personal hygiene is also a way of glorifying God with our bodies, as it shows respect for ourselves and others.
3. Avoiding risky behaviors: The verse can also apply to avoiding risky behaviors that could harm our bodies, such as reckless driving when the Czech multimillionaire Radim Passer drove 259 mph (461 km/h) in his Bugatti Chiron on the German autobahn in 2022. Although the Bible does not explicitly prohibit all risky behaviors, just as the autobahn’s deregulated sections do not have a speed limit, this passage encourages us to consider the impact of our actions on our bodies and the potential consequences for others.
4. Living a holy life: Ultimately, the passage calls us to live holy lives that glorify God in all areas of our lives, including our bodies. This involves making choices that honor God and reflect his love and compassion for us and others.
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Apr 1, 2006
Elkhart, Indiana
United States
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Some of that stuff I admit I can't do mostly because I just simply don't know how. Some of it though I need some help with, at the very least getting started (plus I have a very highly introverted nature, and so overcoming some of that shyness is at times quite difficult for me, but still doable) especially as I do have Asperger's. Yes I'm wanting to do it all the legal way of course, for starting a business in the state of Indiana ( filing work, gettiing a website setup, a physical location or address for the company established and so on. But of course in order to do all that, one needs money, the very thing I do not have literally any of. Plus I also don't have any form of legal identification (driver's license, state ID, passport, etc).
I tried asking family and friends on facebook for help, that was a mistake as I got completely ignored doing that. I'm very much goin this alone with zero help, not by choice mind you, which makes things a bit frustrating at times. I took a business law class in my junior year of high school but that was like 22 years ago (the same school year that 9-11 happened, I graduated class of 2003) but I can't remember 90% of what I learned in that class. I'm very much up a creek without a paddle. I'm praying for and hoping to find others who would like to be part of this.
The flagship product as it were, or content, is obviously the Bible, especially a new edition (not a translation) using the KJV for the New Testament and the Brenton English translation of the LXX for the Old Testament (planning to have 2 editions of it - one with the Apocrypha and one without) and would contain a copy of both the Apostle's and Nicene Creeds in it. While alot of the verses are "missing" (most of those except for I think 3 verses in Esther can be found in the Complutensian Polyglot Bible (and its english translation by Charles Vanderpool) though some of them are Brenton did translate and put in an appendix to his translation. So would probably either need to learn Koine Greek or find someone who knows enough Greek. The 3 Esther verses would need to come from a modern Greek Bible. But yes, there would be other products as well (devotionals, apps, games, even animated programs for children, and all products would be for individuals, families, and churches, and the whole basic goal of the company would be to do our part to build up the kingdom of God on earth and fulfill Matthew 25:35. And I have a name picked out already - Royal Grace Publishing. Employment will be open to all Christians, regardless of denominational affiliation (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, etc) or political leaning (leave that at door) or whatever. The only main problem for me with a site like wix is the requirement to upgrade to premium if I want to do a little more with it (I am not able to currently to do that because again no money). If anyone is willing to be part of this with me, please let me know in a private message. Again to AlexB23, I will certainly do what I can on those tips you provided. But again I do need help getting this company going and off the ground and all.
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Aug 11, 2023
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Some of that stuff I admit I can't do mostly because I just simply don't know how. Some of it though I need some help with, at the very least getting started (plus I have a very highly introverted nature, and so overcoming some of that shyness is at times quite difficult for me, but still doable) especially as I do have Asperger's. Yes I'm wanting to do it all the legal way of course, for starting a business in the state of Indiana ( filing work, gettiing a website setup, a physical location or address for the company established and so on. But of course in order to do all that, one needs money, the very thing I do not have literally any of. Plus I also don't have any form of legal identification (driver's license, state ID, passport, etc).
I tried asking family and friends on facebook for help, that was a mistake as I got completely ignored doing that. I'm very much goin this alone with zero help, not by choice mind you, which makes things a bit frustrating at times. I took a business law class in my junior year of high school but that was like 22 years ago (the same school year that 9-11 happened, I graduated class of 2003) but I can't remember 90% of what I learned in that class. I'm very much up a creek without a paddle. I'm praying for and hoping to find others who would like to be part of this.
The flagship product as it were, or content, is obviously the Bible, especially a new edition (not a translation) using the KJV for the New Testament and the Brenton English translation of the LXX for the Old Testament (planning to have 2 editions of it - one with the Apocrypha and one without) and would contain a copy of both the Apostle's and Nicene Creeds in it. While alot of the verses are "missing" (most of those except for I think 3 verses in Esther can be found in the Complutensian Polyglot Bible (and its english translation by Charles Vanderpool) though some of them are Brenton did translate and put in an appendix to his translation. So would probably either need to learn Koine Greek or find someone who knows enough Greek. The 3 Esther verses would need to come from a modern Greek Bible. But yes, there would be other products as well (devotionals, apps, games, even animated programs for children, and all products would be for individuals, families, and churches, and the whole basic goal of the company would be to do our part to build up the kingdom of God on earth and fulfill Matthew 25:35. And I have a name picked out already - Royal Grace Publishing. Employment will be open to all Christians, regardless of denominational affiliation (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, etc) or political leaning (leave that at door) or whatever. The only main problem for me with a site like wix is the requirement to upgrade to premium if I want to do a little more with it (I am not able to currently to do that because again no money). If anyone is willing to be part of this with me, please let me know in a private message. Again to AlexB23, I will certainly do what I can on those tips you provided. But again I do need help getting this company going and off the ground and all.
Well, I have autism as well. Now, I have no idea what you mean about the Bible translations, but I will try to help you with other things. First off, you need a state ID.

Joshua, it's clear that you have a strong vision for your faith-based publishing company and a specific product in mind. Given your current circumstances, it may be challenging to get started on your own. Here are some suggestions based on your response:

1. Seek out free resources and learn: Since you mentioned having limited funds, it's essential to explore free or low-cost options for learning the skills needed to start your business. Look for online tutorials, webinars, and free courses related to setting up a business, website development, and learning Greek (if necessary).
2. Utilize free website builders: While you mentioned that some features may require an upgrade to a premium version on Wix, there are still many things you can do with the free version. Consider using Wordpress instead, which offers more flexibility and a larger community of users who can help answer questions.
3. Reach out to your network: Although you've had difficulty getting help from family and friends on Facebook, try reaching out to them privately or through other means, such as email or phone. Explain your situation and the specific help you need. Additionally, consider joining Christian-focused groups, forums (well, you are already on Christian Forums), or organizations where you might find like-minded individuals who could potentially contribute their skills or resources to your project.
4. Partner with others: To overcome the lack of funds, consider partnering with other individuals or organizations that share similar goals and values. This could include co-founders, volunteers, or sponsors who can contribute their expertise, resources, or funding to help get your business off the ground.
5. Look for grants and assistance programs: Research various grant opportunities and assistance programs that may be available for small businesses, especially those focused on faith-based or educational initiatives. These resources could provide the financial backing you need to get started.
6. Crowdfunding and donations: Explore crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter or GoFundMe to raise funds for your publishing company. Offer rewards to supporters, such as exclusive content or products, to incentivize donations. Additionally, consider reaching out to churches or religious organizations for potential donations or sponsorships.
7. Start small and iterate: Instead of trying to launch your entire business all at once, focus on a minimum viable product that can be produced with the resources you currently have. Begin by creating and publishing your first edition of the Bible, then gradually add other products and services as your business grows and resources become available.
8. Engage with your audience: Building a community around your publishing company is essential for success. Utilize social media, email newsletters, or online forums* to engage with potential customers and gather feedback on your products. This will help you establish a customer base and create a loyal following.
9. Continue learning: Stay informed about industry trends, best practices, and advancements in technology that could benefit your business. This will help you stay competitive and adapt to changing market conditions.
10. Stay persistent: Starting a business can be challenging, especially when resources are limited. Maintain a positive attitude, hold your head up, and continue working towards your goals despite setbacks or obstacles. Pray for guidance and trust in God's plan for your business.

*Le disclaimer: Do not use CF for advertising, if you have any questions about adverts, ask a mod.
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Apr 1, 2006
Elkhart, Indiana
United States
Marital Status
1. I didn't say limited funds, I said I had no funding at all, completely broke bud. Not one single penny even. I don't know how I can make this any more clearer. I literally no money, no funding. Completely flat broke. Have to rely on family as I said before, for basic needs, like making sure I have food to eat. My last job was in 2004, from June to December that year as an usher at a local movie theater that went out of business a few months in December 2023. Its really very simple to understand, and is frustrating having to explain this several times to people each time I try to explain it.
2. I do have a wordpress account but I forgot my password for it I think, not sure lol.
3 - 6. Again overcoming shyness is going to be a big part of that, and plus again no funding I have (which means I cant do much).
Webinars, online tutorials, free courses, honestly I don't have enough of an attention span for that stuff, I'll be honest I mean I could try but, I have the issue of retaining the information in my brain once received (difficulty staying focused in high school was a big problem for me, averaged a 1.6 GPA as a result).
Its not that I'm trying to do it all at once, just rather as I said wanting to do things the legal way according to the laws in my state on how to start a business.
4. That was kinda the point of this thread, to find or as you put it, partner with fellow believers here on CF, for that very purpose. I been on this site for 19 years, The last few months have been my first posts in years. So not knowing anyone really here,
Right now, I'm currently working on the formatting this Bible edition (you know getting the right font type and size just right and all that fun stuff - Times New Roman, font size 8 I think).

I'm not advertising anything here, just again the whole point of the thread is doing what you mentioned in #4, and the link was to show that I'm wanting as I've said to do things the full legally ay, follow all the required steps a person needs to do to start a business in Indiana.
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Aug 11, 2023
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1. I didn't say limited funds, I said I had no funding at all, completely broke bud. Not one single penny even. I don't know how I can make this any more clearer. I literally no money, no funding. Completely flat broke. Have to rely on family as I said before, for basic needs, like making sure I have food to eat. My last job was in 2004, from June to December that year as an usher at a local movie theater that went out of business a few months in December 2023. Its really very simple to understand, and is frustrating having to explain this several times to people each time I try to explain it.
2. I do have a wordpress account but I forgot my password for it I think, not sure lol.
3 - 6. Again overcoming shyness is going to be a big part of that, and plus again no funding I have (which means I cant do much).
Webinars, online tutorials, free courses, honestly I don't have enough of an attention span for that stuff, I'll be honest I mean I could try but, I have the issue of retaining the information in my brain once received (difficulty staying focused in high school was a big problem for me, averaged a 1.6 GPA as a result).
Its not that I'm trying to do it all at once, just rather as I said wanting to do things the legal way according to the laws in my state on how to start a business.
4. That was kinda the point of this thread, to find or as you put it, partner with fellow believers here on CF, for that very purpose. I been on this site for 19 years, The last few months have been my first posts in years. So not knowing anyone really here,
Right now, I'm currently working on the formatting this Bible edition (you know getting the right font type and size just right and all that fun stuff - Times New Roman, font size 8 I think).

I'm not advertising anything here, just again the whole point of the thread is doing what you mentioned in #4, and the link was to show that I'm wanting as I've said to do things the full legally ay, follow all the required steps a person needs to do to start a business in Indiana.
It is a shame that America does not have a good social safety net compared to other countries across the pond. Welcome to the land of the FEE, not the free. Anyways, I can not help you much further, as I do not live in Indiana. Do you want me to ask a mod to help you?

Joshua, I apologize for any misunderstanding regarding your funding situation. Based on what you said, it seems that you are truly starting from scratch with no funds ($0.00) at all. In that case, I'd like to suggest some alternative strategies for moving forward with your faith-based publishing company:

1. Leverage free resources: Since you mentioned having difficulty focusing on webinars, online tutorials, and free courses due to attention span issues, consider seeking out free resources that cater specifically to your needs. Look for step-by-step guides, tutorials, and articles on starting a business in Indiana, formatting a Bible edition, and setting up a WordPress account. You can also look for YouTube videos and blogs that offer visual and easily digestible content on these topics.
2. Utilize free online tools: For formatting your Bible edition, consider using free online tools like Google Docs or LibreOffice Writer to work on the project. These platforms allow you to collaborate with others and offer features that can help with formatting text, such as font size and style.
3. Reach out for assistance: Engage with the Christian Forums community to seek advice and assistance from fellow believers who may have experience in starting a business or formatting publications. You can also post specific questions related to your project on the forum, and ask if anyone would be willing to help you in exchange for a collaboration or co-credit.
4. Partnership opportunities: Look for potential partnerships with individuals, organizations, or churches that may be willing to contribute resources or expertise in exchange for a collaboration or co-credit. You can also offer your skills and services to help them with their projects, creating a mutually beneficial partnership.
5. Explore grant opportunities: Research grant opportunities specifically for faith-based projects or individuals starting businesses in Indiana. Make sure to apply well before the deadline and be as detailed as possible about your project's goals, mission, and potential impact on the community.
6. Build relationships: Engage with other members of the Christian Forums community to build lasting relationships. Share your experiences, ask for advice, and offer assistance when you can. This will help expand your network and potentially lead to partnerships or collaborations in the future.
7. Focus on one step at a time: Break down the process of starting your business into manageable tasks, and focus on completing each one before moving on to the next. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and ensure that you're making progress towards your goals.
8. Stay persistent: Starting a business from scratch with no funding can be challenging, but don't give up. Keep working on your project, engaging with the community, and seeking out resources to help you move forward.

I hope these suggestions provide some guidance.
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