Being Greek Orthodox in a sometimes aggressive American/Protestant culture

heart of peace

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Well, it never fails when I'm around those who are not Orthodox who claim to be devout Christians. I got myself an earful from a good friend's father at her babyshower about why my faith is wrong, how my beliefs are wrong and that I need to read Ephesians over and over again until it sinks in that salvation is a guarantee given to us once we are born again according to Paul and that if you said you've experienced this and walked away from the faith, that your faith was false, you were never truly saved blah blah blah and therefore once you are saved, you are always saved. The hardest part for me is that I am not as rooted in understanding about the faith as it would take to debate such a person (he continued to state how he's been a Christian for well over 40 years and he knows more than me and I'm wrong and I'm this and that). I had to tell him over and over "I respectfully disagree and you don't have to agree with me, this is my walk, not yours." At one point, he brought up the story of the prodigal son and how he was not truly a son until he returned to the father. :confused:

The worst part about it all is that he thinks I worship Mary and that I pray to Saints as if I pray to God and then he started intensely telling me he could care less about church history and if it can't be backed up with the Bible, he doesn't need it or care for it. I tried to explain to him about a great person in his family, perhaps his great grandfather did something profound that affected the course of his lineage. I'm sure you still honor his life and share his stories with your children. You don't dismiss him as unimportant since he lived in a time different than yours. Why would he dismiss the great grandfathers of our Christian faith? I'm ashamed because he really backed me in a corner and then included his wife in ganging up on me about it. I was a weak voice for the Orthodox faith.

I really enjoy being Greek Orthodox and I wish I could be left alone by Protestant based Christians. Why can't I worship in peace and be free of their judgments in this society?

Um, so, have you ever found yourself in such a predicament where you weren't nearly as knowledgable about your faith as the other person is about theirs? How have you dealt with a situation like this?

Is it ok if I bring this here? I'm very comfortable with this board and part of the reason why he had a bone to pick with me is that I explained I enjoy hearing my parent's language spoken and chanted while I worship God.
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Jul 19, 2005
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i live in a greek orthodox society but there are still times i can't communicate a thing with some greeks. even if they are called "greek orthodox".

what you describe is a stubborn person trying to prove you wrong. very christian... but in the end christianity as a general is very subjective.. every christian dogma gives a different explanation for everything. so communication between different dogmas can be very hard.

as i don't have much knowledge myself on religious issues i prefer to keep my mouth shut when i see people that start talking with a "professional", "know it all" style.
i believe they only want to prove themselves correct and all the rest wrong. so why bother? even if i give them absolute true facts they will not listen.

that was not a great answer but i suppose other people living in a similar society to yours will be more helpful.
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heart of peace

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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No, I think you are right. That probably would have been best. Smile and throw in a couple of "I sees" and "I need to think about that" and be done with it. I suppose I'm upset because I wish I could have stood strong in a debate with a non-Orthodox Christian. *sigh*

Thank you Annoula for taking the time to respond to me. :)
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Love never fails
Nov 4, 2006
Northeast, USA
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I agree with Annoula that this is one way to "avoid" conflict with others in general.... Just node be polite and leave it to that. But not all of us are so strong to do that unfortunately. And also sometimes others need to be told to "relax" and let the other party explain what EO religion is all about... In any case when the communication is going wrong there is nothing one can do I agree... Better to 'duck it" and go your way... Respect always is two ways street...never one way.... So IMHO if someone attacks you for your beliefs to me that is showing no respect and the same applies for us we have to be careful not to offend others who might not understand ... :)

Hope that helped a bit. ... although not quite sure Mrs. Dahl...
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Melania Rose

O most merciful One, glory to Thee
Jul 21, 2009
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The only experience I've had that I can remember.... a Jehovah's Witness that came to the door, and told me Constantine was the worst person who ever lived, and influenced the Church in a negative way, etc., etc. All I said was, "Is that what you believe?" and just shook my head. I shut the door in her face. :)

But she came back, thinking I had been listening to her diatribe against Constantine. Then I said, "Look, you have only a fraction of the Bible, and this is all you believe. At least acknowledge that the ancient Church was the one that gave us the Bible in the first place, only there was a lot more scripture to it. "Oh," she says, "You mean the Apocrypha?" I said, not just that, there is more to the Bible than you think, and Luther trimmed it all out, and that's what you have to this day.

Then I shut the door in her face again. I expect she will be back... boring me to death with her brain-washed belief in arianism. :(
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One of God's handmaidens
Jul 10, 2007
Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Early on when I was first starting to attend church down in Louisiana. I visited one of my co-worker and friend's home one night, and her grandmother was there. Strong Southern Baptist lady. She asked me what my religion was, and I told her I was Greek Orthodox. She said she was Baptist and that her church goes all the way back to John the Baptist himself. I said "I see." and did this ->
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Love never fails
Nov 4, 2006
Northeast, USA
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Yes, I agree the kind of polite and nodding expression one gives when they just do not want to be impolite but at the same time do not want any further discussion. I find that the best way to "close" a converstation on a subject ;)

'As far as those "prosylitizing" door to door *names need not to be mentioned here* ... no need really... A plain "not interested" wll do. There is no point to engage them in talk as the "parroting" proffessionals are indeed well versed in Biblical verses to answer all necessary rebutals...;)

So instead we should be going to our prayer corner .... and praying for these folks :)

my 0.2 cents....

I have closed mydoor to numerous (I have not even opened my door to a dozen too ) ....of them.
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Apr 2, 2012
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I think arguing with any denomination can quickly become useless for anyone. Having been Greek Orthodox and now becoming an Evangelical Christian, I have became a new person. This conversion was a shock to many Greek Orthodox believers because they are very stuck in tradition and how large and wide their beliefs expand. I owe my salvation to the early days of the Greek Orthodox Church, so I think they should be recognized here! The Baptist churches are so different! Anytime you turn worshiping of Christ into a Religion, you get into trouble. There are countless times when denominations of every kind even the "Orthodox Church" persecuted and attacked other beliefs. In the early times of the church, the Orthodox Church attacked the Gnostics for their beliefs that didn't include a hierarchy. As beautiful a church as the Greek Orthodox Church is, they miss the whole idea of salvation when it comes to the lost. My experience with my old Greek Orthodox Church is that they are not concerned (at least I never witnessed) with outsiders. They are warm to those who are curious and want to see the church. This is great, but what about the souls who have never heard the gospel? If it weren’t for Evangelists, there would be many lost souls. There is no growth as far as saving the lost and dyeing world out there. I couldn't stand around for this and had to make a change. My belief is that it does "no one" any good if they intellectually understand all that there is to know about the original foundation of the church, if they haven't truly repented and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In fact, I went to church for many years and never truly repented of sins. I lived a sinful lifestyle and according to my standards, I was a good person. God’s standards are utter perfection! I created a graven image of God…by creating a God that suited my lifestyle. I thought drunkenness was okay. I thought lustful feelings were fine. Is this my fault or was I falsely taught? Of course, many in the Greek Church will say of course this isn’t okay, however, there is no teaching occurring in church that allows for true repentance. It’s one thing to know it’s bad and another thing to see ourselves as guilty criminals in the eyes of God and we deserve a death sentence according to his standards. This is how Christ and the Cross play a crucial role in Christianity. It seems as though the priests have all the answers and the parishioners come to church and rely on the priests for all the answers. This is a crippling church philosophy! Where is the church growing? To me, this is what was giving me false assurance of salvation. Yes, we are saved by grace but a decision must be made to be reborn. When I am around Greek Orthodox believers I don't feel the same as when I'm around "Christians". The only people that seem to live their life like true Christians are the Priests! Yes, we need fellowship with other Christians and we must pray for one another but to rely on a priest only for your salvation is scary. Christians must constantly check their hearts and validate if they are walking in the faith. This is a spiritual warfare going on right now within us! When we die, we are judged and we will not have a group to support us and back us up. We must live as though each one of us is being judged – because we will be. You must have a personal relationship with Christ and you must share your faith as a true Christian should. This is what I believe is the problem in the Orthodox faith.
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Love never fails
Nov 4, 2006
Northeast, USA
Eastern Orthodox
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I think arguing with any denomination can quickly become useless for anyone. Having been Greek Orthodox and now becoming an Evangelical Christian, I have became a new person. This conversion was a shock to many Greek Orthodox believers because they are very stuck in tradition and how large and wide their beliefs expand. I owe my salvation to the early days of the Greek Orthodox Church, so I think they should be recognized here!
Not sure why "here" and not "there"? But anyhow...

The Baptist churches are so different! Anytime you turn worshiping of Christ into a Religion, you get into trouble. There are countless times when denominations of every kind even the "Orthodox Church" persecuted and attacked other beliefs. In the early times of the church, the Orthodox Church attacked the Gnostics for their beliefs that didn't include a hierarchy.

They attached the heretical views on the gnostic church...not the people... They condemened them as such... Do you see EO burning witches? nah...

As beautiful a church as the Greek Orthodox Church is, they miss the whole idea of salvation when it comes to the lost. My experience with my old Greek Orthodox Church is that they are not concerned (at least I never witnessed) with outsiders. They are warm to those who are curious and want to see the church. This is great, but what about the souls who have never heard the gospel?
Thanks for venting..but that is far from truth...but a blanket statement. If you come to this forum to vent it is one thing :D but please spare me the innacurrancies... The souls who have never heard the Gospel they can come and hear it on Sundays... :D All is welcome to come to the Liturgy..I have not seen any GA standing at the door telling people to leave.... or asking if one is already Christian to enter.. that is way out of reality.

If it weren’t for Evangelists, there would be many lost souls. There is no growth as far as saving the lost and dyeing world out there. I couldn't stand around for this and had to make a change. My belief is that it does "no one" any good if they intellectually understand all that there is to know about the original foundation of the church, if they haven't truly repented and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In fact, I went to church for many years and never truly repented of sins. I lived a sinful lifestyle and according to my standards, I was a good person. God’s standards are utter perfection! I created a graven image of God…by creating a God that suited my lifestyle. I thought drunkenness was okay. I thought lustful feelings were fine. Is this my fault or was I falsely taught? Of course, many in the Greek Church will say of course this isn’t okay, however, there is no teaching occurring in church that allows for true repentance.

Had you gone to see the Priest and to confession you would have obainted true repentance :( Sad you did not :(

This is not the church's failing but the individuals who do not live a life in Christ a life of the Church fully. Do not tell me that you were not from sunday school one's knows about confession and repentance :(

It’s one thing to know it’s bad and another thing to see ourselves as guilty criminals in the eyes of God and we deserve a death sentence according to his standards. This is how Christ and the Cross play a crucial role in Christianity. It seems as though the priests have all the answers and the parishioners come to church and rely on the priests for all the answers. This is a crippling church philosophy! Where is the church growing? To me, this is what was giving me false assurance of salvation. Yes, we are saved by grace but a decision must be made to be reborn.

WRONG! The crippling church philosophy is that one can be his own guide.... The Church that was there since the Pentacost is the guide with all its wisdom... Not the individual who can claim this and that... belief... We are not gnostics we living the apostolic command... To go and baptize and make disciples... We are having Bishops/ elders/ priests who guide us to how to live our lives. We have beliefs based on the Apostolic tradition...NOT some ephimeral teachings...

When I am around Greek Orthodox believers I don't feel the same as when I'm around "Christians". The only people that seem to live their life like true Christians are the Priests! Yes, we need fellowship with other Christians and we must pray for one another but to rely on a priest only for your salvation is scary. Christians must constantly check their hearts and validate if they are walking in the faith. This is a spiritual warfare going on right now within us! When we die, we are judged and we will not have a group to support us and back us up. We must live as though each one of us is being judged – because we will be. You must have a personal relationship with Christ and you must share your faith as a true Christian should. This is what I believe is the problem in the Orthodox faith.

That is a ridiculous statement! The priests? ONLY the priests? That is a judment for all GO Christians and so not true... God only judges the persons NOT us not me or you NONE but God. How can you be sure of the heart of a person? We validate our faith through Jesus Christ and His Apostles and His saints... We live a life of struggle a spiritual warfare for sure but what better company than the ones who go to the same "hospital" called the Church? The illusion that there are "a better community of Christians" than the one that I attend is alive and kicking I see.... But that is just an illusion as I know many other crhsitains who think their community to be 'true christian" alas they all fall short...My friend that is the desception of the evil one to make us think that the grass is greener on the other side of the river...

I won't argue that there are problems with some churches but that is hardly an excuse to abandon one's faith. In this case the EO faith...The faith that started by the Apostles..
At least if you are in a differnt church I am glad for you said you changed your lifestyle (although you could have done that and remain EO) but praise the Lord for that and I truly glad you did... But please do not spread vitriol for the Greek Orthodox Church ....:sorry:
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Apr 2, 2012
Marital Status
Again, if you have a relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ and you make him the center of your life then I believe you are following in his word. I believe that following all the traditions of the Greek Orthodox Church turns an person into a "robot" and it defeats the purpose of salvation. In my humble opinion, when following Christ turns into "religion" it creates problems. This is just my belief and I've seen evidence of the 1000's of Roman Catholics who experienced the same thing. They would go to church. The priest would perform the liturgy. They would go home. Most Roman Catholics and Greek Orthodox believers (I've asked) don't really know what's going on during the service because its a mystery! Yes, they understand who Christ is and what he did for us....but do they really have Christ as the center of their life? I can't judge that? The bible says, that even Satan and all the demons believes in Christ and shutter when he is in his presence. I can tell you that I know a Christian when I'm around one. They speak differently and their good works and lifestyle reflect it. The bible says that you will desire to fellowship with Christians and they will become your new family in Christ together. In my experience, I see very little fellowship within the Greek Orthodox Churches and Roman Catholic Churches. In a nutshell, It is my belief that the clergy have taken all that responsibility upon themselves and told the parishioners to go about their daily lives because the priests are the ones who intercede for you. You need a direct relationship with God. One must come to Christ and make that decision for themselves. Yes, we can't go it alone and we must pray and support one another, as it says in the bible, but to put all of our faith in the priest is not the not the way it was supposed to be. I know that God reached out to me at my lowest and he pointed me to a new church and I can't explain how liberated and free I feel. I was a broken man weeping and I didn't go to my Greek Orthodox priest because I knew God had different plans for me. I was being pulled away from a church that was "COLD" and idle. I was confused and knew my family would judge me. I feel so close to the Lord now and I'm not shackled by rigid traditions and liturgies that ultimately don't connect church goers with Christ. When Christianity becomes Religious that's when humans aren't worshiping their true Lord and Savior-they're worshiping other things. Christianity should be a continual relationship with the Lord. You must wake up everyday ready to share the word and do what God has planned for you. If you commit sins, then repent immediately and ask for forgiveness from God. I wake up everyday and I am so happy to know the Lord. If I've done wrong, he'll let me know! All I want to do is learn and share with others......this is Christianity. This is what Jesus would have wanted. Not going into church and becoming a robot to liturgies that take away the beauty of his perfect plan.
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One of God's handmaidens
Jul 10, 2007
Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Again, if you have a relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ and you make him the center of your life then I believe you are following in his word. I believe that following all the traditions of the Greek Orthodox Church turns an person into a "robot" and it defeats the purpose of salvation. In my humble opinion, when following Christ turns into "religion" it creates problems. This is just my belief and I've seen evidence of the 1000's of Roman Catholics who experienced the same thing. They would go to church. The priest would perform the liturgy. They would go home. Most Roman Catholics and Greek Orthodox believers (I've asked) don't really know what's going on during the service because its a mystery! Yes, they understand who Christ is and what he did for us....but do they really have Christ as the center of their life? I can't judge that? The bible says, that even Satan and all the demons believes in Christ and shutter when he is in his presence. I can tell you that I know a Christian when I'm around one. They speak differently and their good works and lifestyle reflect it. The bible says that you will desire to fellowship with Christians and they will become your new family in Christ together. In my experience, I see very little fellowship within the Greek Orthodox Churches and Roman Catholic Churches. In a nutshell, It is my belief that the clergy have taken all that responsibility upon themselves and told the parishioners to go about their daily lives because the priests are the ones who intercede for you. You need a direct relationship with God. One must come to Christ and make that decision for themselves. Yes, we can't go it alone and we must pray and support one another, as it says in the bible, but to put all of our faith in the priest is not the not the way it was supposed to be. I know that God reached out to me at my lowest and he pointed me to a new church and I can't explain how liberated and free I feel. I was a broken man weeping and I didn't go to my Greek Orthodox priest because I knew God had different plans for me. I was being pulled away from a church that was "COLD" and idle. I was confused and knew my family would judge me. I feel so close to the Lord now and I'm not shackled by rigid traditions and liturgies that ultimately don't connect church goers with Christ. When Christianity becomes Religious that's when humans aren't worshiping their true Lord and Savior-they're worshiping other things. Christianity should be a continual relationship with the Lord. You must wake up everyday ready to share the word and do what God has planned for you. If you commit sins, then repent immediately and ask for forgiveness from God. I wake up everyday and I am so happy to know the Lord. If I've done wrong, he'll let me know! All I want to do is learn and share with others......this is Christianity. This is what Jesus would have wanted. Not going into church and becoming a robot to liturgies that take away the beauty of his perfect plan.
I believe you're mixing up Catholic clergy with Orthodox. The Church and what we do there is actually to HELP us in our salvation, in growing closer to God. She gives us the tools needed to become more humble, holy, and closer in union with God, and that's the whole point of our existence on this earth. :)
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Apr 2, 2012
Marital Status
Again, if you have a relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ and you make him the center of your life then I believe you are following in his word. I believe that following all the traditions of the Greek Orthodox Church turns an person into a "robot" and it defeats the purpose of salvation. In my humble opinion, when following Christ turns into "religion" it creates problems. This is just my belief and I've seen evidence of the 1000's of Roman Catholics who experienced the same thing. They would go to church. The priest would perform the liturgy. They would go home. Most Roman Catholics and Greek Orthodox believers (I've asked) don't really know what's going on during the service because its a mystery! Yes, they understand who Christ is and what he did for us....but do they really have Christ as the center of their life? I can't judge that? The bible says, that even Satan and all the demons believes in Christ and shutter when he is in his presence. I can tell you that I know a Christian when I'm around one. They speak differently and their good works and lifestyle reflect it. The bible says that you will desire to fellowship with Christians and they will become your new family in Christ together. In my experience, I see very little fellowship within the Greek Orthodox Churches and Roman Catholic Churches. In a nutshell, It is my belief that the clergy have taken all that responsibility upon themselves and told the parishioners to go about their daily lives because the priests are the ones who intercede for you. You need a direct relationship with God. One must come to Christ and make that decision for themselves. Yes, we can't go it alone and we must pray and support one another, as it says in the bible, but to put all of our faith in the priest is not the not the way it was supposed to be. I know that God reached out to me at my lowest and he pointed me to a new church and I can't explain how liberated and free I feel. I was a broken man weeping and I didn't go to my Greek Orthodox priest because I knew God had different plans for me. I was being pulled away from a church that was "COLD" and idle. I was confused and knew my family would judge me. I feel so close to the Lord now and I'm not shackled by rigid traditions and liturgies that ultimately don't connect church goers with Christ. When Christianity becomes Religious that's when humans aren't worshiping their true Lord and Savior-they're worshiping other things. Christianity should be a continual relationship with the Lord. You must wake up everyday ready to share the word and do what God has planned for you. If you commit sins, then repent immediately and ask for forgiveness from God. I wake up everyday and I am so happy to know the Lord. If I've done wrong, he'll let me know! All I want to do is learn and share with others......this is Christianity. This is what Jesus would have wanted. Not going into church and becoming a robot to liturgies that take away the beauty of his perfect plan.
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Love never fails
Nov 4, 2006
Northeast, USA
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Again, if you have a relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ and you make him the center of your life then I believe you are following in his word. I believe that following all the traditions of the Greek Orthodox Church turns an person into a "robot" and it defeats the purpose of salvation. In my humble opinion, when following Christ turns into "religion" it creates problems. This is just my belief and I've seen evidence of the 1000's of Roman Catholics who experienced the same thing. They would go to church. The priest would perform the liturgy. They would go home. Most Roman Catholics and Greek Orthodox believers (I've asked) don't really know what's going on during the service because its a mystery! Yes, they understand who Christ is and what he did for us....but do they really have Christ as the center of their life? I can't judge that? The bible says, that even Satan and all the demons believes in Christ and shutter when he is in his presence. I can tell you that I know a Christian when I'm around one. They speak differently and their good works and lifestyle reflect it. The bible says that you will desire to fellowship with Christians and they will become your new family in Christ together. In my experience, I see very little fellowship within the Greek Orthodox Churches and Roman Catholic Churches. In a nutshell, It is my belief that the clergy have taken all that responsibility upon themselves and told the parishioners to go about their daily lives because the priests are the ones who intercede for you. You need a direct relationship with God. One must come to Christ and make that decision for themselves. Yes, we can't go it alone and we must pray and support one another, as it says in the bible, but to put all of our faith in the priest is not the not the way it was supposed to be. I know that God reached out to me at my lowest and he pointed me to a new church and I can't explain how liberated and free I feel. I was a broken man weeping and I didn't go to my Greek Orthodox priest because I knew God had different plans for me. I was being pulled away from a church that was "COLD" and idle. I was confused and knew my family would judge me. I feel so close to the Lord now and I'm not shackled by rigid traditions and liturgies that ultimately don't connect church goers with Christ. When Christianity becomes Religious that's when humans aren't worshiping their true Lord and Savior-they're worshiping other things. Christianity should be a continual relationship with the Lord. You must wake up everyday ready to share the word and do what God has planned for you. If you commit sins, then repent immediately and ask for forgiveness from God. I wake up everyday and I am so happy to know the Lord. If I've done wrong, he'll let me know! All I want to do is learn and share with others......this is Christianity. This is what Jesus would have wanted. Not going into church and becoming a robot to liturgies that take away the beauty of his perfect plan.
Your opinion and well respected ...Not lots will agree with you. So reading the bible can be as mechanical and empty to some does this mean that it is pointless? Who is to judge who is with God or not? You? anyone else? Our Church has martyrs and saints who sacrifised they lives for Christ... Are they robots? Your call and your judgement not ours to do. If the liturgy is not pleasing to God then God would not have let our Church to grow and spread to the ends of the world....But it has!
I converted someone from greek orthodoxy... I just said that randomly because I was thinking about it.

Stealing sheep is hardly IMHO a good Christian action...
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together we are strong :)
Feb 3, 2013
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Well, it never fails when I'm around those who are not Orthodox who claim to be devout Christians. I got myself an earful from a good friend's father at her babyshower about why my faith is wrong, how my beliefs are wrong and that I need to read Ephesians over and over again until it sinks in that salvation is a guarantee given to us once we are born again according to Paul and that if you said you've experienced this and walked away from the faith, that your faith was false, you were never truly saved blah blah blah and therefore once you are saved, you are always saved. The hardest part for me is that I am not as rooted in understanding about the faith as it would take to debate such a person (he continued to state how he's been a Christian for well over 40 years and he knows more than me and I'm wrong and I'm this and that). I had to tell him over and over "I respectfully disagree and you don't have to agree with me, this is my walk, not yours." At one point, he brought up the story of the prodigal son and how he was not truly a son until he returned to the father. :confused:

The worst part about it all is that he thinks I worship Mary and that I pray to Saints as if I pray to God and then he started intensely telling me he could care less about church history and if it can't be backed up with the Bible, he doesn't need it or care for it. I tried to explain to him about a great person in his family, perhaps his great grandfather did something profound that affected the course of his lineage. I'm sure you still honor his life and share his stories with your children. You don't dismiss him as unimportant since he lived in a time different than yours. Why would he dismiss the great grandfathers of our Christian faith? I'm ashamed because he really backed me in a corner and then included his wife in ganging up on me about it. I was a weak voice for the Orthodox faith.

I really enjoy being Greek Orthodox and I wish I could be left alone by Protestant based Christians. Why can't I worship in peace and be free of their judgments in this society?

Um, so, have you ever found yourself in such a predicament where you weren't nearly as knowledgable about your faith as the other person is about theirs? How have you dealt with a situation like this?

Is it ok if I bring this here? I'm very comfortable with this board and part of the reason why he had a bone to pick with me is that I explained I enjoy hearing my parent's language spoken and chanted while I worship God.

Wow.. R made an inpression on him thats for sure.. Orthodox still believes in Christmas and birthdays right? And about Jesus is a savior like God is? Wow he kind of religiusly bullied u :(. Thats horrible. God loving people dont do that. That guy has issues it seems. what were u talking about?? Hey btw heart of peace.. Plezd to meet u :)
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