Fellowship True spiritual warfare (read the ruleset before you post)


Aug 12, 2007
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I want to touch again on some of the tools used by these people in a little more depth,...

- Evil spirit persecution

How would this work against us? Well, there is somewhat of an ability for satanists to influence evil spirits to persecute us directly, but their main method would be by giving us something that we would bring into our house. My friend that was being groomed into their cult was given a pentagram altar cloth/rug from them. This was something that was suppose to draw a person closer to the occult when they sat upon it and did their prayers and such, but this item had been prepped by them with different curses and whatnot that allowed evil spirits to sort of channel from it and be manipulated by them to persecute her unawares. Any sort of witchcraft can then be amplified more directly to the targeted person by the demonic spirit(s). This can happen night and day to the person.

This became acutely aware to me when I was removing some of the hypnosis stuff that my friend was being subject to. I would remove the hypnosis from her by prayer, thinking everything was ok, but The Lord would have me check again and it was all back on her?!? Hypnosis type mind tricks are normally spoken from a person to have their direct effect, but not this particular time. The hypnosis being used against my friend was being spoken and amplified by an evil spirit. I was scratching my head over this when The Lord said: "She has something in the house." I was given the understanding that an item was being used as a demonic gateway of sorts for evil spirits to get inside her house and operate against her. I asked her about it and sure enough, she mentions the cloth given to her by them. She said it was sort of unique, that she had never seen anything like it before. I told her to take pictures of it and then put the thing outside in the trash. Sure enough, all of the hypnosis stuff immediately stopped and never came back upon her once she did that.

Any of the witchcraft tools that they use can be amplified this way through the use of a sort of gateway. Thoughts, feelings/desires (love), as well as any of the witchcraft type prayers against a person.

- Witchcraft

What is witchcraft? It is person to person corrupt type prayers. As Christians, we pray to GOD for things we need and help that others also need, not to other people. But not witches and satanists. They use different person to person type prayers to manipulate various outcomes for themselves, as well as manipulate and hurt. I also assume they can pray to certain dieties/fallen angels for help and enlightenment on subjects. They also use different items to try and focus their prayers more, such as candle burning, as well as the use different oils and such.

People involved just in witchcraft rely upon the strength of their prayers to try and manipulate something/someone. Satanists use demonic forces to greatly amplify the same type of witchcraft prayers/spells, with much greater results.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Ok,... so we are able to stop any of the forms of witchcraft with the protective prayer that lasts for 24 hours, but what about thoughts and feelings that can be projected towards us by these folks?? Are projected thoughts and feelings something that we should be concerned about in this spiritual arena? Absolutely.

Ok then, how do we protect against such things? Here is the answer,...

Lev 14:17 and of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the guilt offering:

This idea of applying the blood or oil upon a specific body part was what I was directed to in scripture once I started seeking a solution to the problems of bad thoughts and feelings that my friend started having.

In essence, we have the blood of Jesus continually upon us so we would only need to apply an oil and say a prayer of protection. The motivating factors involved in this are still prayer and faith as always, the oil is just used to sort of direct the prayers, and to do things that are more in alignment with scripture.

EDIT: I've had to edit this section a couple times till I was positive I had the process correct with the intended results. Learning on a subject like this is always an ongoing process.

So here is how it is done,...

I take some oil, in this case I use spikenard oil, and anoint/rub my forehead with it saying the following prayer as I anoint myself,...

"Father, in the name of Jesus, I anoint my head for protection against evil and projected thoughts. Father I do this in the name of Jesus for 24 hours."

Then I take the same oil and anoint my heart, saying the following prayer as I anoint myself,....

"Father, in the name of Jesus, I anoint my heart for protection against evil thoughts and projected feelings and desires. Father I do this in the name of Jesus for 24 hours."

Then I follow those prayers in English with me praying in tongues till I know inside I've prayed enough for it.

I will eventually get into the more offensive techniques, but for now I'm covering the defensive methods as they have to be put into place first. You can't run into a fight if you can't first defend yourself.
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Aug 12, 2007
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So let's have a little recap of things shall we,...

- We can completely block all their corrupt witchcraft prayers through the use of the protective prayer I posted and discussed.

- We can completely block all their projected thoughts, feelings, through the use of anointing oil and prayer that I also posted and discussed.

So what else? If there anything else we need for defense? Why yes there is,...

Heb 1:13 But of which of the angels hath he said at any time, Sit thou on my right hand, Till I make thine enemies the footstool of thy feet?
Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to do service for the sake of them that shall inherit salvation?

There's always the chance that we could know of such a person or they could befriend us for bad intentions, and if they learn where we live, it could be more problematic, especially for women.

The satanist guy that befriended my female friend learned where she lived and would come by at night and drop off packets of drugs at her porch for free every so often, hoping to get her addicted to the drug and desperate for it. This became slightly infuriating for me.

So how do we stop such activity? Well having her contact police immediately and placing a restraining order upon him did help immensely, but he would still drop by at night dropping the drugs off quietly and leaving without saying anything. This required some protection, and seeking angelic protection was the next step.

Angels only answer to GOD, so we have to petition The Father for their protection, we can't direct them. I would say a prayer like this,...

"Father I petition to have your angels protect my friend and her property and items, and defend and guard her against anyone bad for 24/7. I petition this Father in the name of Jesus."

I would speak the prayer towards heaven and then begin praying by The Spirit till I knew inside that it was enough. I would ask for the protection to last a whole week, but I would still sort of refresh the prayer over so often throughout the week just to make sure.

It was interesting to notice this person not show up anymore, as if they couldn't step on the property for some reason.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Some thoughts,...

For most people, running into someone causing you a lot of troubles as somewhat described in my posts does not normally happen,.... but it can.

What about your pastor? Would you be able to discern that he had come under attacks by people of this nature if it was to happen? Would you be able to help him? How many pastors have come under such attacks over the years and their ministries damaged by them? Not everything is just satan and his demons ya know?

Recent generations here in America think it is cool to learn about witchcraft. The market of such material really took off in the 90's and has never stopped from what I can tell. For the most part people learn a few things and never really seek to be all that proficient in it. They want to call themselves a witch as if it grants them more prestige or scares people away, but those particular folks are not really a concern. Running into a couple or a group of people who are 100% devoted to satan and their craft is not the norm, but with all the interest in witchcraft nowadays, people of such caliber could be more prominent in your area where you live. Do you think your church is off limits to them somehow?

Just some things to think about.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Well, I've given a lot of information lately here on how to battle against witchcraft and satanism. Do I have results?

My friend was caught up in this bad scenario roughly around February of this year, and it was only recently that we had finally disarmed these two satanists fighting against her. During this process, I prayed for her to be born again, and she was. I then prayed for her to be filled with The Spirit, and The Lord filled her greatly. I also asked for her to have The Lord's anointing placed upon her head, and he did that for her about a week or so later. They had tried to hook her on drugs, I was able to pull her right back out of it with prayer, and she's completely clean of it. During the months they attacked her with this stuff, they tried to trick her into all sorts of various illicit sexual things, and I'm glad to say through my prayers and The Lord's help, no one laid a hand on her the whole time nor did she get involved in any of it.

There is a big learning curve associated with this sort of stuff. This satanist couple was very experienced, but we adapted to their efforts against my friend rather quickly. We learned how to counteract all their methods they used against her. Normally you don't run into people this knowledgeable and dedicated, and there were a few times where if I didn't follow The Lord carefully on things, I could have lost my friend to them. They would have ruined her if The Lord had not involved me in her life years before. The Lord showed me various dreams about what was destined to happen to this girl that I didn't know who she was at that time, and this was roughly 25 years beforehand, and they all started coming to pass during this timeframe except those ones I had asked The Lord to not happen. Father also gave me various dreams each week to alert me to things trying to happen so that I could pray against them.

There's no way I can say though that this was some sort of stroll in the park. A lot of the learning associated with this was born out of quite a few frustrations, late nights, and sleeplessness. Anytime witchcraft if being actively worked against someone you know, their demeanor can change dramatically, so you have to understand they will start to do things they didn't do before, things like compulsively lie to you almost every day, desire to get involved in bad things that they would never think about doing before, etc. And I guarantee you, that like me, you will make mistakes in the process of figuring it out.

It's takes a whole heap of prayer and patience to pull people out of stuff like this, and a massive amount of dependency on The Holy Spirit's leading, hence why I said before on here, The Lord will not use just anyone for stuff like this.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Anytime a person is brought out of a satanistic cult environment, they will invariably have a batch of demons inside of them. If they were somewhat pivotal to their operation over a period of years, then yes, they will be full of them. It is our duty to remove these things so that person will be able to follow Jesus much easier.

While I'm not allowed to discuss specific techniques of deliverance, such as how you command them out and such, I can talk about prayer.

With prayer I don't even have to be nearby a person to help them since prayer has no boundaries. I use the same binding and loosing technique I've discuss in the thread already so anyone can look up what I talked about in prior posts and put 2 and 2 together on it, or if a person is really needing specifics on this, they can message me on here.

That's all the farther I will talk about this topic to avoid the reports. It's a very important topic in Christianity, but CF does not want people discussing specifics on certain topics like this.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Another tool that I find quite useful at times is the sprinkling of the blood,..

1Pe 1:2 according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace be multiplied.

This is from the Revised Version bible and it's very literal.

Most people would take this verse to somehow just be applicable to the preaching of the gospel, and it can be construed that way I guess, but it is not completely identified that way in the text. In my experience, the sprinkling of the blood can be applied to various situations involving believers. For instance, people coming out of satanism like my friend, can be quite dirty spiritually and loaded down with various addictions, desires, etc. By requesting a thorough cleansing of my friend by the blood of Jesus in prayer every day, I can remove anything that may have been thrown at her through witchcraft, as well as various drug addictions and mind tricks, such as the hypnosis I mentioned in another post, and keep her clean. In a matter of seconds she'll be completely clean spiritually, as well as her mind and body.

This is different from the pleading of the blood thing that people always try to say is a tool for us in books. In this case, I'm requesting a direct cleansing of a person, whereas in the pleading of the blood scenario, people are being taught to somehow apply the blood of Jesus as a protection, which it is never identified as. I know that people like to refer back to the OT examples and apply them to today somehow, which I do the same, but in this case, the blood of Jesus is a spiritual cleanser, a healing to our spirit to bring us into adoption as sons. It's not a protective agency that can be employed against satan and his forces. We must understand what we can do and what we cannot, and a lot of that will come through trial and error, in the heat of battle.

In this thread I'm giving you what I found that actually works instead of writing an academic book with a bunch of scripture points that becomes nothing more than a blur. You're getting experience based suggestions that were thoroughly tried in the fire, not just regurgitated sections of scripture.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Nutrition and Fasting,...

One area where the books sold on spiritual warfare will not cover is nutrition. You have to be able to pray for extended times as well as suffer through the fight until you become proficient at protecting yourself, and that will require you to be more knowledgeable about nutrition. Another area will be fasting.

I will be turning 60 this month, and I've went through a lot of the changes over the years that men do with their bodies,.. low testosterone, high blood pressure, weight gain, blood sugar problems, etc. To survive through a lot of these things without succumbing to a handful of medicines, I had to change my diet and monitor what I ate most of the time, as well as eat supplements to provide additional nutrition that my body now needed. Additionally, I had to have a regiment of fasting to force the weight off every month. By forcing the weight off, that really fixed a lot of things up for me, such as the high blood pressure, the blood sugar problems.

Let's tackle Fasting first shall we? Let's do,...

Let me show you something interesting,...

Mat 6:17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thy head, and wash thy face;
Mat 6:17 But, when thou fastest, wash thou thy face, and anoint thy head:

Notice anything?

The first line of scripture is from the Greek Revised Version of 1881, the second is from Murdock's Translation of the Peshitta that is in Syriac. From what I can tell, the Syriac version here is the only one where the commandment from Jesus is switched. To be honest, I decided the Syriac statement was more correct than the Greek one was. Fasting is suppose to be a dedication to GOD, and part of that dedication is when you anoint your forehead. Why would we anoint our forehead and then wash it back off? It's just something that The Holy Spirit pointed to me, and I agreed with it. Of course it is perfectly ok to follow the Greek on this though.

So how do we fast?

It's rather easy. First, I wash my face. When I put some soap in my hands and rub together to apply onto my face, I will say: "In the name of Jesus" as I apply it. Then I wash it off. Second, I anoint our forehead with a dab of oil. I sort of rub it in and say "I dedicate a fast to you Father, in the name of Jesus, for 24 hours." Then you have started your fast. I do pray in my prayer tongue afterwards for a while. I normally start each day of my fast with this dedication. I don't really think it is necessary, but I still do it.

Now there is no specific statement about which oil we should use for this, but I do use Spikenard oil since that oil was accepted by Jesus from Mary. Does it really make a difference which oil I use? I don't know, but I do try to get those finer details in scripture cause I know that GOD pays attention to them.

A fast in biblical times was a liquid only fast. We see this in the example of Jesus, where he fasted for 40 days and nights and was afterwards hungry. It didn't say he was thirsty.

However long you intend to do your fast, you need to ensure you are still putting nutrition in your body everyday by the use of supplements and protein powders. Your body will get weak after so many days, and you need to supply it some sort of nutrition or you will pass out. You could even end up in the hospital if you're not careful.

I normally fast only for 2 to 3 days at a time, but this year I did do some extended fasting. I did an average of 5 or 6 days a week for 4 weeks in a row. I took a break from the fast on the weekends, but it shed the pounds off me really fast, depending on how much I ate on the weekends.

You can try the intermittent fasting method that is touted by Dr. Berg on youtube, where you only eat one meal a day at roughly the same time every day, but I don't consider it a biblical fast since it is not 24 hours, but it has it's uses and applications for weight management and health.

Now on to Nutrition,...

What nutritional items should we take each day? Well it depends on what you feel is sufficient for you and the burden you might be subjected to each day as a Christian. A greater burden in a ministry equals a greater need for nutrition. You can't expect to do your best for The Lord if you are not taking care of yourself, hence why we need to be smarter about what we put within us. Dealing with the heavier stuff of satanism and witchcraft certainly requires a person to be smarter about how they are fueling their body.

I'll give some examples from my own list of items,...

Nutritional Supplements:

- Natural Vitamin/Mineral Supplements: (Once a Day):

1) Beverly International Super Pak, 30 Packs (1) (Take with a protein drink to hide the bad taste of them)

Medicinal Supplements:

- Cardiovascular/Organ Health (Twice a Day):

1) Carlyle Resveratrol Complex, 180 Capsules (2)
2) Clear Formulas Pure CoQ10, 200mg, 200 Capsules (3)
3) We Like Vitamins Phytoceramides, 350mg, 200 Capsules (2)

- Oils (Twice a Day):
1) NOW Supplements, Pumpkin Seed Oil, 1000mg, 200 Softgels (1)
2) Puritan's Pride Garlic Oil, 500:1 Concentrate, 10 mg, 250 Softgels (1-2)
3) Kirkland Signature 100% Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil, 1200mg, 320 Softgels (1-2)

Of particular note is the fish oil. It's not uncommon to be placed under a whole lot of stress when you are targeted by some of these folks. Plus, I can give out all the information I can here about what a person needs to do to protect and defend themselves against this stuff, but it's going to take anyone a bit of time to become proficient and see that the suggestions I've listed actually work, to where they have more of a faith in them.

The fish oil's importance is how it combats Cortisol. Stress always produces this stress hormone in your body, and you will have to purge yourself of it or it upsets your reproductive system as well as messes with heart, blood sugar, etc. We want to be as strong inside as we can be for long hours of prayer. If you're going to call yourself a prayer warrior, then you need to be able to endure hours of prayer for The Lord.

Strength/Fitness Supplements:

- Amino Acids/Protein (Once or Twice a Day):

1) Beverly International Collagen Peptides, 1.25 lbs. (2 Scoops)
2) Beverly International Ultimate Muscle Protein, 2 lbs. (1 Scoop)

- Pre-workout (As Needed):
1) Beverly International PEAK ATP®, 450mg, 30 Capsules (1)
2) Raw Forest Foods Pine Pollen Extract, 240mg, 120 Capsules (1-2)

- Testosterone Production (Once or Twice a Day):
Not telling

- Testosterone Support (Twice a Day):
1) Mahler’s Estrogen Control, 90 Capsules (1)
2) Carlyle Pygeum Standardized, 240 Capsules (1) (Prostate support)

I've only posted three items of this particular category. This is because testosterone is absolutely tied to spiritual strength, and I'm not giving away all my secrets on here. This particular section has taken years of me buying things and trying them out just to find that they might not continue to work, or they were hyped up junk. Very few items really worked for over the long haul. I was my own guinea pig and it's been very costly over the decades, so I leave this section for others to research and spend money on.

Now am I always Johnny-on-the-spot about taking all of these all the time?,... no. There are definitely days that I have other things on my mind that distract me away from being disciplined about it, but the days that I do take them, I feel much better. And my health is much better because of it. Like I said, I'd rather have a handful of vitamins instead of a handful of medicines. Besides, I think my health reflects my choices here. I certainly don't need some motorized cart in Kroger's to do my shopping with.
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Aug 12, 2007
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This is a very hard aspect of Christianity to understand that many will not have even operate through them in their lifetime, hence making it hard for me to describe it without sounding weird, but here it goes,...

Hos 12:10 I have also spoken unto the prophets, and I have multiplied visions; and by the ministry of the prophets have I used similitudes.

Here is the Strong's/Thayer's definition of that Hebrew word for similitudes,..

- Original: דּמה
- Transliteration: Damah
- Phonetic: daw-maw'
- Definition:
1. to be like, resemble
a. (Qal) to be like, resemble
b. (Piel)
1. to liken, compare
2. to imagine, think
c. (Hithpael) to make oneself like
d. (Niphal)
- Origin: a primitive root
- TWOT entry: 437
- Part(s) of speech: Verb

- Strong's: A primitive root; to compare; by implication to resemble liken consider: - compare devise (be) like (-n) mean think use similitudes.

The Greek Septuagint was not much more help,....

- Original: ὁμοιόω
- Transliteration: Homoioo
- Phonetic: hom-oy-o'-o
- Definition:
1. to be made like
2. to liken, compare
a. illustrate by comparisons
- Origin: from G3664
- TDNT entry: 08:08,7
- Part(s) of speech: Verb

- Strong's: From G3664; to assimilate that is compare; passively to become similar: - be (make) like (in the) liken (-ess) resemble.

I finally found a definition online that seemed to better describe what was operating in me at different times,...

Similitude. A person or thing resembling, or having the likeness of, some other person or thing. The form, likeness, or image of some person or thing. A sign or symbol; the symbolic representation of something.

It is a representation of something or someone by GOD to you. It's not a parable, although that word seems to be translated that way by different translations. We are not talking about figures of speech but actual figures/representations being shown to us by GOD.

For instance, here is a section in the new testament that seems to describe this type of event happening in Jesus as He ministered healing to people,...

Mat 8:16 And when even was come, they brought unto him many possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all that were sick:
Mat 8:17 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our diseases.

I would say in most of the cases that Jesus encountered for healing, He would be shown inside His spirit at times what was the matter with the person. Say they had a specific organ problem like cancer of the pancreas, He would be shown it inside His spirit, and the area of the problem would also be pronounced and identified so that He would be given awareness of the situation. This can be very common for a true healing ministry from The Lord.

In my case, similitudes were used to provide me insight as to what the people coming against my friend were doing or planning on doing. It was not always exact, but between it and any revelation knowledge given me from the gift of knowledge and the gift of wisdom, I had a pretty good idea on how to outsmart them and be ahead of what they were trying to do to me and my friend.

I'll try to explain them as best as I can here,....

For instance, if someone was talking bad about me to someone, if it was a gal my right ear would begin burning, a guy the left. If I had a gal planning things or trying to use witchcraft against me or my friend, I would receive a sort of backstab on either side of my back that would be in accordance with the gender, right for women, left for men. The backstab would also be much harsher and hurt more if what this person(s) was trying to do to me or my friend was really bad.

Inside my chest I could be given tangible representations of a man or a woman corresponding to gender also. If a woman was trying to use witchcraft on my friend, I would be alerted to said woman on the inside of my right chest. If it was a couple or team coming against her, then representations of both would be shown me on both sides of my chest. If they were trying to use witchcraft on either of us while I had my protective prayers up on us both, I would be shown them being hurt also as they tried to come against us with that stuff.

They seemed to be another way for The Lord to give you insight on your enemies doings. So far, I've seen them worked for the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom, but as in the case with Jesus, they were involved with the gifts of healings.

I'm not able to really provide a great explanation of this on here since it is really more understood when experienced, and it took me quite a while to understand their importance in my life and to be somewhat proficient with them, but I would have not been able to do what I was able to do in dragging my friend out of a bad cult and protecting her from their witchcraft without this ability.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Normally people are not going to get involved with the harsher stuff I've seen and related here, but the methods I listed are just as applicable for day to day activities. For instance, the anointing upon the forehead and the prayer said at the same time that I taught in this thread absolutely gets rid of any sort of demonic spirits speaking towards you. You won't hear them anymore. The protective prayer I listed does actually defend you from witchcraft, if one was to run into someone like that working against them, or if that person felt they were being persecuted by satan, it brings angels onto the scene to combat it.

The use of these methods revolve around prayer, the word of GOD, and faith, which is in my opinion the scriptural basis for spiritual warfare.

For instance, the application of the blood I taught about is spoken out by faith, and followed up by praying by The Spirit. The protective prayer from the word of GOD is spoken out by faith and again, followed up by praying by The Spirit. The different types of anointing I taught about are applied in faith and also spoken out by faith when applied. The petition for angelic protection, spoken out by faith and prayed for by The Holy Spirit. Most of these methods revolve around a "say it and pray it" sort of pattern, and they work! They were learned through trial and error during the battles. That's the only way you really find out what works.

A daily use of these methods would grant any born again believer a greater walk in success with The Lord. They completely cut out any sort of demonic and fallen angelic activity against you, as well as defend against any witchcraft activity sent against you.

I have left out a lot of details in this thread, mostly on purpose. Some things are just too deep and advanced that people here would find it hard to believe a person could trust The Lord that much and have such a grand faith with Him. Some of it would be hard to place into words, but the basics that are needed have all been given here.

I could write a sort of supplemental guide to the bible with this material in it and much, much more, and The Lord would approve of me doing it, but these things take time, which is not a commodity always in supply for me. Who knows, maybe it will come to fruition, we'll see.
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Aug 12, 2007
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I updated and simplified the Nutritional section (Post #49). I've been looking for a product line that I could depend on, as well as lessen my intake of things (and the cost), and I think I found a really good one,...

A lot of their items were on sale big time during the Christman/New Years holidays. They seem to be more cautious about introducing new items, I guess that is one of the reasons they've been in business so long. I'm not some sort of paid shill for them, I just want to pass on information that may help others here.
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Identifying Demonic Activity and Dealing with it:

Most people have experienced some awareness of the demonic around them since becoming born again. You were renewed by the blood of Jesus and sealed with The Spirit of Truth inside,.... so yes, you now are able to know about this activity whereas before you were blind to it.

Demonic activity that you can encounter at times can range from something black moving nearby you out of the corner of your eye when shown by the discerning of spirits, to the manipulation of events around you, normally ones that are meant to come against you somehow. You can also be shown people who are filled with these things at times, when they start to cuss at you in stores and such. This normally only happens in response to the amount of holiness and closeness to GOD you are walking in.

So where could we encounter these things at times? How about in church?

Oh yea,.... Christians who are not all that close to GOD, who only associate themselves with GOD on Sundays, and mingle and frolic with the world the rest of the week, can drag all sorts of these things in with them on Sunday. They tend to attach themselves to folks who are not abiding by what scripture says about separating themselves.

Is your worship dead? Having a hard time in prayer throughout service? Can't seem to connect with GOD? Most likely these things are affecting people in the spiritual realm. Really though, you will begin to just assume they are in the service once you begin to realize how many folks are walking in the flesh as Christians.

So,... what can be done?

Whelp,.... let's look at something Jesus did and educate ourselves,....

Luk 8:28 And when he saw Jesus, he cried out, and fell down before him, and with a loud voice said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the Most High God? I beseech thee, torment me not.
Luk 8:29 For he commanded the unclean spirit to come out from the man. For oftentimes it had seized him: and he was kept under guard, and bound with chains and fetters; and breaking the bands asunder, he was driven of the devil into the deserts.
Luk 8:30 And Jesus asked him, What is thy name? And he said, Legion; for many devils were entered into him.
Luk 8:31 And they entreated him that he would not command them to depart into the abyss.

Did you catch that last part? It wasn't just a deliverance of these things out of the man by Jesus, He was able to command them out of this world and into the abyss below, and these things knew it and worshipped Jesus in their own way to not do it. This was an authority that Jesus had down here which is normally not noticed by any of us in scripture.

Well guess what? This authority passed onto us also, most of us just don't know it.

So how does this work? Well let's look at scripture again,...

Mat 16:19 I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

This is sort of a generalized portion of scripture by Jesus. It can fit many types of situations for us because it is not specific. So by faith we apply this to our situation when we suspect that demonic activity can be happening around us.

Here's how I apply this:

I'll say "Father, I bind any evil spirits, principalities, and powers trying to affect us and this place. I bind them and cast them down, into the abyss, into the pit, never to be brought back up here to affect anyone or anything ever again, Father in the name of Jesus."

And I will immediately follow up this command by praying in the spirit to GOD, and myself.

I normally will always say this quietly to GOD and myself right after I get to church. If I think I need to say this again before worship starts, then I will do it again. I want our service to be connected with GOD with nothing in the way hindering it.

This was the very first tool that GOD showed me to use in situations, and I've used it plenty over the years. If I see something black out of the corner of my eye that I think The Holy Spirit showed me, I will say this same prayer but change the wording a bit just to make it more personal to me at that moment. I've never had it not work, and because it works, I don't have evil spirits messing with me anymore. Satan doesn't want to keep losing his forces this way around me.

If people are somewhat unsure faith-wise in doing this, then ask Jesus for the faith in it. We live by the faith OF The Son of GOD, so He is more than happy to give that to you. That's what He did for me.

EDIT: I updated the binding/loosing instruction and highlighted it. It is much more effective if you identify where you want them to go, like Jesus did in the supplied scripture example.
Smith Wigglesworth had an interesting way of dealing with spiritual warfare. He was woken up in the middle of the night and saw the devil standing at the end of his bed. He said, "Oh, it is just you" and turned over and went back to sleep. He knew and believed Colossians 1:13: " For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves."

Knowing what God's Word says, we can safely resist the devil and he has to flee from us without a fight.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Smith Wigglesworth had an interesting way of dealing with spiritual warfare. He was woken up in the middle of the night and saw the devil standing at the end of his bed. He said, "Oh, it is just you" and turned over and went back to sleep. He knew and believed Colossians 1:13: " For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves."

Knowing what God's Word says, we can safely resist the devil and he has to flee from us without a fight.

Well, we are not living in the times of Wigglesworth now are we? Things have changed considerably, and that is not a debate, it's a fact.

Anyways, back to my subject.

Presbyterian Continuist

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Well, we are not living in the times of Wigglesworth now are we? Things have changed considerably, and that is not a debate, it's a fact.

Anyways, back to my subject.
Colossians 1:13 says that we have been set from from the domination of evil. What this means is that the devil can come to us and find nothing in us because our lives are hid with Christ in God. Jesus gives us authority to tread on snakes and scorpions - not actual ones, but demons that attack and buffet us. We can resist the devil and he has to flee from us. We can demand that a demon depart from an unsaved person in order to remove the blockage stopping that person from coming to Christ, and the demon has no option but to obey. Often time when there is a fight to expel a demon it is because we underestimate the authority that we have been given by Christ and the demon takes advantage of it. These demons are not silly. If there is a chink in our armour, they know and use it to their best advantage. That is why Peter says to be sober and vigilant because the devil goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

If there is a Christian believer being harassed by an evil spirit who knows it can't actually possess him but uses the believer's weak faith to cause him as much grief as possible, I can say, "Back off and leave that believer alone!" And that evil spirit has to obey without a fight because it knows that my authority is fully backed by God Himself.
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I mentioned a while back that I would go into the offensive portion of dealing with people in witchcraft once I had covered all the defensive portions, and we are at that point.

I'm going to collect my thoughts on this and will post about it soon.

I want to reiterate that this is the more hardcore section of the thread that the majority of people never have dealings with.
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Smith Wigglesworth had an interesting way of dealing with spiritual warfare. He was woken up in the middle of the night and saw the devil standing at the end of his bed. He said, "Oh, it is just you" and turned over and went back to sleep. He knew and believed Colossians 1:13: " For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves."

Knowing what God's Word says, we can safely resist the devil and he has to flee from us without a fight.

The Holy Spirit brought me back to this Oscarr with some thoughts. I want to give you a realistic answer on this without my thread turning into debate,....

In this thread currently, I'm talking about people who are dedicated satanists, who could care less what you believe about GOD's word. If they come after you for some reason, It could be any sort of reason,..... they are not going to stop just because you stand on GOD's word and declare your faith out loud to the world. They don't have to, and they don't care because they are not subject to it.

Satan will leave you alone according to GOD's word, like you said that is true, but these people are not satan, and they don't have to listen to what GOD says about anything. They could care less.

If a person unfortunately crosses swords with some of these people, it becomes a long dragged out fight, and you need to learn what works and what doesn't. That's one of my ambitions with this thread, to pass on what can help a Christian withstand the onslaught of something like this, because this stuff is becoming more apparent in our growing sinful world, and there's a good chance that we are going to get caught up dealing with this stuff at some point.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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The Holy Spirit brought me back to this Oscarr with some thoughts. I want to give you a realistic answer on this without my thread turning into debate,....

In this thread currently, I'm talking about people who are dedicated satanists, who could care less what you believe about GOD's word. If they come after you for some reason, It could be any sort of reason,..... they are not going to stop just because you stand on GOD's word and declare your faith out loud to the world. They don't have to, and they don't care because they are not subject to it.

Satan will leave you alone according to GOD's word, like you said that is true, but these people are not satan, and they don't have to listen to what GOD says about anything. They could care less.

If a person unfortunately crosses swords with some of these people, it becomes a long dragged out fight, and you need to learn what works and what doesn't. That's one of my ambitions with this thread, to pass on what can help a Christian withstand the onslaught of something like this, because this stuff is becoming more apparent in our growing sinful world, and there's a good chance that we are going to get caught up dealing with stuff at some point.
Back in 2012 I wrote a book, "Breaking Free From the Dominion of Principalities, Powers and Demons", which sets out what I believed about spiritual warfare in 2012. I have not changed my views since them to the extent that I needed to rewrite the book. If you are interested in reading it, I can PM you and see if I can send a copy. You are free to review it, and the result of your review might be helpful if my books needs a rewrite.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Back in 2012 I wrote a book, "Breaking Free From the Dominion of Principalities, Powers and Demons", which sets out what I believed about spiritual warfare in 2012. I have not changed my views since them to the extent that I needed to rewrite the book. If you are interested in reading it, I can PM you and see if I can send a copy. You are free to review it, and the result of your review might be helpful if my books needs a rewrite.
Sure, send it to me Oscarr, I'd be interested in reading it.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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Sure, send it to me Oscarr, I'd be interested in reading it.
I can't find the button to upload a pdf file. I used to know how, but CF has changed and there doesn't seem to be a way to do it now.
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