Should women be distributing communion?


Jul 4, 2023
North Carolina
United States
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We're recent converts from Southern Baptist to Lutheran, having become members at an LCMS church this year. My understanding from the LCMS web site is that women are discouraged from helping with the distribution of communion. However, at our church there are always women (usually DCEs, but sometimes laypersons) helping distribute communion.

They generally distribute the wine/blood, but will also distribute the bread/body if there is only one pastor present. We form 2 lines leading up to the altar rail so there is one group distributing on one side of the alter and a second group on the other side.

I admit to not being aware of any Biblical injunction against this (unless you consider the distribution itself to be a function of the pastoral office) but it makes me very uncomfortable that there are not men doing this. There are plenty of men in our congregation so lack of help does not appear to be an issue.

At the many Baptist churches we attended, it was always male deacons who distributed communion. My question is two-fold: (1) how common is this practice among LCMS churches, and (2) are our concerns valid? In all other areas we feel perfectly at ease at our church, but this one area is really bothering me and my wife.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Shane R

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Jan 18, 2012
Southeast Ohio
United States
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This is another instance of other liturgical churches picking up bad habits from the Roman Catholics. After Vatican II, the Catholic churches scrounged around for things for lay people to do and one was distributing the host. There were tight rules for when this was acceptable and how it ought to be done which were mostly ignored, so that now at a Roman Catholic Mass you are likely to see every regular and their grandma distributing the eucharist from time to time.

The usual reason I hear for this practice now is that it takes too long for the clergy to serve the communion by 'tables' themselves. They need some help to speed up the service. My answer to that is: 1. be patient 2. if you have that many people then you can probably afford a couple more clergy. I especially loathe when communion is served in a continuous flow sort of system where the communicant is shuffled from station to station with hardly a moment for a bow or a glance at the crucifix.

My experience is these 'helpers' are seldom properly trained. They don't know what to say as they distribute whatever they've got. They drop the hosts all over the floor. Eucharistic discipline flies out the window and they commune anyone and everyone who walks up. It's ultimately an adiaphoron but I can't think of any good reason to implement the practice.
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Augsburg Catholic
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Jun 26, 2004
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A response to this very question from an LCMS pastor: Women Distributing the Lord’s Supper
Thank you, that was helpful. I'm in a small LCMS congregation so the Pastor and one Elder distribute Communion but I can foresee a problem in the future where anything goes because we lack men willing to step up...which is why I'm stepping up.
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