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schitzophrenia, I think it is demonic


Apr 14, 2012
Marital Status
Hi, I have asked for prayer here before and I greatly thank you..... I am still suffering greatly from voices and hallucinations, I have tried medications, but know this to be a terrible attack from demon spirits.

My voices are very controlling, I hear both male and female. I hallucinate evil things like black cloaked figures, a tall man or thing in a black suit, that at times carrys around small bald, muscular naked beings around by the arm. Today I hallucinated a charred body in a military uniform.

The voices do what they can to drive me into insanity every waking minute. They have lately been chatting much of the night. It seems the more I have people pray the worse they get, they even say "we only get eviler."

Many on the public forum schitzophrenia.com8080 also see beings and such similar to some of what I see, listed under the delusions and hallucinations forum.

Is it possible, I know it sounds funny, but what if it is legion, or something like that. My voices claim that I should not go out in public, or they will spread themselves about.

Prayer and medication does not seem to work. Any suggestions from anyone would be helpful, I am so tortured....

Thank you for your help and prayers, I am just feeling so lost........
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Brother my heart breaks for you, ive had some of the same things happen to me. I would like to chat with you but dont know how this forum operates.I think you have to have so many posts before you can send messages to the members. I pray in Jesus name that you find deliverance, and peace in your mind. Im going to try to message you.
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You have got to fight them or they will run all over you, and your decisions...There is only so much medicine can do, but you have to stay on the meds. Also tell your doctor its not working, you have got to work with your doctor. IM praying for great peace to flood your mind and you can cast down those things that would hinder you hearing from God. You are going to get the freedom you desire deep in your heart and soul remember the scripture that His Word is a lamp to your feet and light to your path. You have got to break the darkness by coming into the light! Im praying that you would find the strength to fight the fight of faith in Jesus name!
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Apr 14, 2012
Marital Status
Thank you for your support, and kindness. People cannot imagine how horrifying this affliction is, it is every waking minute. I feel like I'm having a pity party, because I know how many others are just as afflicted with this and I am just as concerned for them, many are very young.
I know much of it just sounds delusional, what if it is just somthing as simple as the devil working every angle, tricking the medical community into thinking med's work, but from what I have discovered is that many find that the med's suddenly don't work, or have never worked.
My voices say they are transposing everything, that is something the devil does. Constantly braining us with voices, that all say are demeaning, dehumanizing and controlling. My voices say they cannot be stopped.
Hallucinations are much the same, according to the Bible, the devil appears as Jesus, fooling even the most elect. My hallucinations look real, sometimes they are people I know, both dead and alive. I am scared that it is all of the devil.
Thank you all for your prayers......
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Forum Junkie
Apr 6, 2011
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I understand...it's so hard to tell the difference between "evil" and something caused by the actual person. I believe people with schizophrenia are innocent just like others. I would wish away all the schizophrenia in the world in an instant. So much less suffering. I would pray for health for all those people. Part of the problem is the world itself is sick.

I think you could defeat it through prayer, but at least aspects of it. I used to think I was being haunted by something dark/ a pervading terror would run through me when I'd try to sleep. So for about three weeks I prayed and prayed, and eventually I had an intense spiritual dream where a man rescued me and got rid of it.

But lately I still have dark dreams about "the beast" and I feel guilty, I need to be lucid, so I can figure out what I did wrong...or if these dreams were a metaphor for trying to break out of reality. Because you see, when you are sad you want to break free from reality, but by breaking away you lose God. God is a gift, and being here without the greatest gift of life is impossible. God made earth as a test, I'm sure of it. So all the weird things are here to test us in our strength.

If you pray a lot and open your eyes and heart to God, you will find peace.
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Oct 24, 2008
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I'd be careful about speculating what it could be, demons, etc. You don't want to overwhelm your mind, especially if you've been praying and feel things are just getting worse. I used to pray about getting better without meds, but I found that I was just getting worse, falling deeper and deeper into delusions about demons oppressing me, demonic activity, and the like. It even made me question Paul's saying that the Lord would not allow you to be tempted more than you are able to bear. Where did the Lord himself say this?

Schizophrenia is a "break you" kind of illness... What meds did you try? Don't give up! I myself went through a couple meds before I was finally blessed with some that worked.
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Apr 25, 2012
Marital Status
When a demon leaves it does not mean that you will be healed and made whole instantly.

Alot of people, I believe, expect that people will be made whole instantly after demons leaving. This is not that case. Deliverance, then healing, then wholeness.

Ask God to remove the root cause of the problem, heal you and make you whole. Declare the power of the blood of Jesus over yourself alot as it removes the devils rights. e.g. "Blood Lord."

Don't give up if there is no instant success. Everytime you pray something happens. e.g. 500 of the 500000 demons effecting you are removed. Everytme you pray the numbers keep going down.
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Feb 18, 2012
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I'm dealing with the sort of the same exact thing. The thing that scares me though is in the bible it says people can clean themselves up and the demon leaves but then it brings back 7 more stronger demons. Their are sins I need to repent from but how do I know or not that I'm just cleaning the outside of the cup and not the inside?
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i do know that repentance is a 180 angle turn from what you were doing. Thats what i was taught anyway. You have to keep rebuking the spirits or they will return, especially if you keep sinning the same sins. You shouldnt be scared but instead fill your mind with the word of God. However you can do that and how much is up to you, can go as far as memorizing scripture, or listening to the word on audio or reading the word. My thing is that how can you do that 24/7? There is a balance though. We also have to think of the fact that once and for all Jesus defeated the devil on the cross. Jesus has won the ultimate victory over the devil and his demons....we have to rest in that fact. Its a tough place but i believe deliverance is there for us as we replace the truth for the lies the devil is telling us....Hope this helps.
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Jun 10, 2012
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the apearance of the demons are like the skinrushes. The skin behaves like a mirror to how we feel. The demons and other superantural experiences happen according how you think, feel and behave. Now we have the 10 commandments and that is one thing. We should love and respect another, yet we live in a society where good behaviour is laughed at even punished. Nice behaviour and you get bullied. So you get scared and draw back from people, and that is the reason the devil would show itself. The society has as splitt us away and the devil has its field day. Insanity is alive according to our world of things, sanity is living according to Jesus.
No we have a problem, live isn't so easy and even Jesus got punished and killed, so how should we make it and learn, we are realy smal and meak. It is scary and prayer on these things actually help a bit, but not 100%. So you have to ask yourself which little sin you have committed. Why does not someone looks away, because you do not trust the other person, you do not love it. If you would be a totally skilled follower of Jesus you would be able to overcome your problems with other people, yet you are weak and so earn one point of sin after another and that goes on for years.
Funny wise if you do therapy you talk to a person, which is love. If you talk to lots of people, that is lots of love. You have to find a way to reconnect to the people, that earns you plus point in heaven. The devil faces and voices go away. Learn to overcome your short sightedness, bad experiences and fear. Replaced with sound Jesus knowhow.
And you get this done if you 1') analyse everytime you have a voice or vision of these ugly guys.
2.) you must know the difference, (not all voices and visions are evil, they can come from you or God for example)
3.) ordinary psychotherapy/analyse
4) discuss the motion you, your experience and people and what God wants
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Come Lord Jesus
May 17, 2011
Manhattan, KS
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Well to be honest I don't think just any person can pray for deliverance over something like this for it to happen. Now don't get me wrong God's grace is greater than anything we know, but Jesus did say that only prayer and fasting would bring deliverance from certain demons. He is talking about a lifestyle built around those principles, not just a brief "right before ministry" time where you do without one meal and say one prayer. Reason for that I believe is those are pillars of our faith, and if we are not spiritually strong, some demons would only laugh at us. Just my view, but why else would Jesus say that? Especially to His disciples when they were known to have healed people and delivered them from demons, they couldn't cast out that one.

My suggestion would be this... Now this is only a suggestion and I am not a physician, so take that into account. I would say if possible try to do a fast, even a short one. God doesn't require a specific amount of time for a fast, only that we dedicate ourselves to it and commit to obey His rules regarding fasting (Isaiah 58) Fasting is not just going without food, that is starving yourself. True fasting is denying the flesh of one of it's most basic elements, while committing to prayer, Bible study, doing good works.

Now if you can't do that because of medication or whatever, then the best thing to do is find out what scriptures apply to your situation, claim them to God in prayer, and pray some more. God knows your situation and He is more in control than we will ever understand. We may not understand fully in this life why certain things happen to us, but we don't need to understand them, we just need to be obedient to the Lord. And it sounds as if you are. I will pray for you all as earnestly as I can. God will show Himself strong on your behalf in this matter, believe that!
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Jun 21, 2012
Marital Status
Hello. I struggle with schizophrenia too and continue to despite having given my life to Jesus almost 15 years ago. With God's help I have been able to attend university and have served as a pastor. I strongly believe that schizophrenia is not the result of demonic activity, rather it is a real medical condition. If it were simply demonic activity then all those who have been saved would immediatley be delivered from every symptom, whether they be hallucinations or anxiety. For example I have experienced visual hallucinations(rainbows around everything) since I was 17 when schizophrenia began its onset. These hallucinations have not ceased despite my devotion to God. I have found that attributing schizophrenia to anything other than the mental disorder it is merely causes me to feel undue guilt.

Not sure what medications you are on or have tried, but sometimes it takes trying various ones to find an effective one. Also helpful is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT. This book may be helpful. Overcoming Paranoid and Suspicious thought by Daniel Freeman and Jason Freeman.
It is important that we do not blame ourselves and that we find wise counsellors who understand that schizophrenia is something that needs to be treated with every available resource. Prayer can be helpful, but counselling and medication are godly resources as well.

Jesus loves you : )
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prodigal brother

Hi, I have asked for prayer here before and I greatly thank you..... I am still suffering greatly from voices and hallucinations, I have tried medications, but know this to be a terrible attack from demon spirits.

My voices are very controlling, I hear both male and female. I hallucinate evil things like black cloaked figures, a tall man or thing in a black suit, that at times carrys around small bald, muscular naked beings around by the arm. Today I hallucinated a charred body in a military uniform.

The voices do what they can to drive me into insanity every waking minute. They have lately been chatting much of the night. It seems the more I have people pray the worse they get, they even say "we only get eviler."

Many on the public forum schitzophrenia.com8080 also see beings and such similar to some of what I see, listed under the delusions and hallucinations forum.

Is it possible, I know it sounds funny, but what if it is legion, or something like that. My voices claim that I should not go out in public, or they will spread themselves about.

Prayer and medication does not seem to work. Any suggestions from anyone would be helpful, I am so tortured....

Thank you for your help and prayers, I am just feeling so lost........

I would imagine demons would like to keep you as secluded and alone as the man from the region of the garesenes. I would rebuke the voices as lying spirits in the name of Jesus, and do what they hate the most, ignore them and their hallucinations
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Jun 19, 2012
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The Holy Spirit is punishing you for sin by bringing evil spirits into your life (temporal punishment). The sin is usually drugs. I have to quit coffee and cigarettes also. I've heard the Fathers' voice, seen and spoken to Jesus, seen the Holy Spirit, and my Guardian Angel made herself known to me. Was introduced to St. Peter by Jesus (look over my flock) when he found me. And of course, I've seen the devils - human and demon alike. The is the evil in which God delivers us from, our enemies, the devils. I'm looking forward to being with our glorious Father, Jesus, the angels, and all Saints in heaven. GOD BLESS YOU!!
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The Evangelist
Jan 27, 2012
Oolitic, IN
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Hi, beloved in Christ Jesus. I was diagonsed with schzaphrenia when I was 17 I am now 40. I still have schzaphrenic episodes at times. I do not take meds anymore because about 8 years ago my medical doctor told me that the anti-psycotics had really messed up my liver. I was court orderd onto social secruity. I did not want to take it because I felt guilty. However God forced me to submit to the judge or be in a mental institution for the rest of my life.

I can't speak for others, but my spiritual understanding of this specific type of mental illness is that some schzaphrenic's speaking of myself mainly are able to see, sense, hear and experiance things through the veil. Not sure if you understand but there is a veil between the physical and the spiritual. As we get closer to Christ's return this veil gets more transparent. If you look at this in a systemantic way you will find that more and more people are experiencing schzaphrenic episodes some more severe than others. If you look back in time you can well see how many of the prophets, apostles, and saints of God have been experiencing this. People thought that were crazy.

Now we must understand that the figures we read about in the bible the mighty men and women of faith were not just singled out at random. They were not just force feed thier revelations, dreams, and prophecy's. In a way they were tested, they humbled themselves under the mighty hand of God and resisted the evil that so wanted to consume them. I am reminded of what it says in Joel:

Joe:2:25: And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.
Joe:2:26: And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.
Joe:2:27: And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed.
Joe:2:28: And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
Joe:2:29: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.
Joe:2:30: And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
Joe:2:31: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.
Joe:2:32: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.

We see through the mirror darkly as another poster had written. Brother/Sister keep steadfast in the faith and you shall overcome by the Blood of Jesus, and the word of your testimony.
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We all have a breaking point, i believe so, there is just so much a human soul can take until it cries out for help with all that you have inside you. we can shut ourselves in and isolate all we want....Ive been through all of this, i just cannot believe that a tortured soul would not be able to stand so much if it has truly been born again.....If you feel like you dont know Jesus, i say Invite HIM to come into your heart and life.....To a certain extent you are responsble to God to do what you have to do to get your life into the light of God. I know its hard but you have got to let Jesus become the victory in the dark areas of your life. I know this is tough, and im speaking in tough love with all that I can. I remember in the darkest hour that if you say out loud, "I give Jesus the victory in this situation." things will shift and you will witness God and the angels from heaven warring on your behalf...They will chase away the darkness and be victorious if you give them their rightful victory over your heart! God loves you and sends his helpers to you, its apparent through this forum. satan hates you and wants to destroy you,,,,,i have been through it all and im on the other side now. I pray for your complete deliverance in Jesus name!
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Jun 25, 2012
Manchester, England
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Hello. I struggle with schizophrenia too and continue to despite having given my life to Jesus almost 15 years ago. With God's help I have been able to attend university and have served as a pastor. I strongly believe that schizophrenia is not the result of demonic activity, rather it is a real medical condition. If it were simply demonic activity then all those who have been saved would immediatley be delivered from every symptom, whether they be hallucinations or anxiety. For example I have experienced visual hallucinations(rainbows around everything) since I was 17 when schizophrenia began its onset. These hallucinations have not ceased despite my devotion to God. I have found that attributing schizophrenia to anything other than the mental disorder it is merely causes me to feel undue guilt.

Not sure what medications you are on or have tried, but sometimes it takes trying various ones to find an effective one. Also helpful is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT. This book may be helpful. Overcoming Paranoid and Suspicious thought by Daniel Freeman and Jason Freeman.
It is important that we do not blame ourselves and that we find wise counsellors who understand that schizophrenia is something that needs to be treated with every available resource. Prayer can be helpful, but counselling and medication are godly resources as well.

Jesus loves you : )

What a wonderful attitude you have to your illness. :clap:

To anyone who thinks scizophrenia is due to demons, read the bible often, read, read, read. When times are very bad have you tried calling out for Jesus. Shout out for him, He will never desert you. Rebuke the demons if you believe it is that and call out for Jesus, reach out for him with your arm.

I am not a professional, I am just a carer for my daughter. But, I believe it is a mental illness caused by physical and emotional issues. We all have a breaking point.
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