
Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2023
United States
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I don't understand. These are the very things we shouldn't do or want?

Jesus was clear in the Gospels, that it were better if some people had never been born!

, “He who has dipped his hand into the dish with me is the one who will betray me. 24 i The Son of Man indeed goes, as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed. It would be better for that man if he had never been born.” 25 Then Judas, his betrayer, said in reply, “Surely it is not I, Rabbi?” He answered, “You have said so.”
New American Bible, Revised Edition. (Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011), Mt 26:23–25.

136 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
2 Give thanks to the God of gods,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
4 to him who alone does great wonders,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
5 to him who by understanding made the heavens,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
6 to him who spread out the earth above the waters,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
7 to him who made the great lights,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
8 the sun to rule over the day,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
9 the moon and stars to rule over the night,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
10 to him who struck down the firstborn of Egypt,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
11 and brought Israel out from among them,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
12 with a strong hand and an outstretched arm,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
13 to him who divided the Red Sea in two,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
14 and made Israel pass through the midst of it,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
15 but overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
16 to him who led his people through the wilderness,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
17 to him who struck down great kings,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
18 and killed mighty kings,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
19 Sihon, king of the Amorites,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
20 and Og, king of Bashan,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
21 and gave their land as a heritage,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
22 a heritage to Israel his servant,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
23 It is he who remembered us in our low estate,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
24 and rescued us from our foes,
for his steadfast love endures forever;
25 he who gives food to all flesh,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
26 Give thanks to the God of heaven,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Ps 136:1–26.

Psalm 136 is all bout the hesed (the Old Testament expression of the "grace" or kind providence) of God.

Note that to God's people, the grace of God brings protection and blessings.
But to the enemies of God and the enemies of god's people,
the grace of God brings judgment and condemnation.

In both cases, "his steadfast love endures forever".
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There has been a lot of dysfunctional teaching about what the "grace"
of God is. And this is probably why you can't really identify with
how the Bible presents the kind providence of God.

It is not the Egyptians who celebrate the Exodus,
but God's people.

It is not the enemies of God, who celebrate his kind providence,
but the people of God.
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