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Its over 2 years

Apr 4, 2011
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I'm new to this forum, but I would love to meet and talk with women going thru the same thing I am.
I have been with my husband for almost 7 years. We have one child together (which we had no problem conceiving). She is the greatest thing to happen to me. We have always wanted a big family (at least 5 kids). But my husband joined the military mid 2007 and when we were finally together again Jan. 2010 we decide we were going to try for that big family we wanted. It is now April 2011 and still no more babies. Sept. of last year we start fertility treatments. Our reason for not conceive was I was not ovulating. We knew this because in all of 2010 I only got 3 periods. The treatments helped me to ovulate but still nothing. The medications made me so sick that for 6 months I didnt do anything. Clean what I could, cooked when I could, but most days I was so sick I couldn't do anything but we want another child so badly that I was willing to be sick and my husband was willing to work and clean or cook when he needed too. This month is the first month that we are not doing the treatments. It was a really hard decision for us to make but I was feeling guilty that I wasn't being the mother and wife I should be. Before I go any farther let me just say that I DO APPERICATE the fact I already have a child. She means the world to me and I know so many people cant even have one, but because I have a child am I not suppose to want another? So many people say appericate the child u do have and it makes me so mad because I do, I love her more than anything but all 3 of us want more babies. She asks me every day if there is a baby in my tummy yet. People make me feel like, because I have a child, I shouldnt feel like the women who dont have one. I want a 2nd child just as badly as women want their first. Anyways the decision to stop the treatments were so hard on me and I went and talked to a chaplain. He helped so much. He made me understand my turn will come when God says its time. I know I feel like I am ready now but for some reason, that I dont know of, I'm not. And he hears my prayers and he hasn't forgotten about me and I will be blessed again with another child one day. I have realized this and am trying to except it. But how do I get over it? How do I forget that I want this so badly and cant right now? I have so many emotions to get over. And its hard when everyone I know seems to be pregnant. I know people who are pregnant or just gave birth and they dont even take care of the children they have. Most, club and drink and leave their kids with baby sitters 2-4 nights a week. A lot of the women I know who are pregnant now or just given birth are not married. But I am... to the same man for 7 years. WE are still after all this time, madly in love. He makes enough money to care for us without me having to work, so y not us? It just doesnt seem fair to me. It makes it harder for me when I see the people pregnant or with a baby. Any words of encouragment would be nice. And it feels better to be able to vent this and knowing someone will understand what I'm going thru.


Jul 25, 2010
Marital Status
My husband and I suffered secondary infertility too. I went through the same emotions, heartbreak, jealousy, anger, frustration, despair. So called friends mocked my inability to conceive and actually said I 'didn't have much to celebrate on Mothers day' to my face! I spent a lot of prayer time in tear's. I think it's the 'not knowing' that really got to me, if I had had a clear answer either way I could have saved or chucked the baby clothes, applied or not for a job, said yes or no to that constant question all childbearing aged women are asked-"will you have another baby?"
aaah memories,LOL. I wish you all the best and will keep you in my prayers. Clomid helped me conceive my second child, but I also think the change in my diet helped too, I doubled up on the vegetables and added a bit of organic food also, not a whole lot, just a bit here and there. I don't know how old you are, but remember women are fertile well into their forty's, you have time, leave the heartache with Jesus, and get back into life with the family.
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Apr 4, 2011
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I'm only 26 but my husband is about to be 31. I know I have time I just would like to be younger rather than older. I tried Clomid.... And nothing. So they switched me to a breast cancer med that helps with infertility and not. But I am over weight so I'm just taking a break from meds and trying to work on my healthy. Thank u for ur words and prayers!
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Jul 25, 2010
Marital Status
Hey, thats great about your age's, time is certainly on your side. The weight loss may be just the trick. I can't tell you how many women I have known who just got back to their pre-pregnancy weight and were shocked to find they were pregnant 6 weeks later. Even losing a small amount will help. Let your energy and focus shift from babymaking to weight loss, it's a win-win situation, as it is a diversion from your heartache and your health will improve. All the best.
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wanting greater intimacy with Jesus
Apr 9, 2004
Marital Status
We've been trying to conceive our second child for 2 1/2 years now and it has been a challenging journey. We felt ok about it for the first 14 months but then I started to feel so frustrated and upset that other people were having their second or third baby while we were still waiting. After another 10 months or so passed it began to get a bit easier - I began to accept that things were not just going to happen straight away. I believe God has promised us more children, and in the meantime I am working on enjoying having one to one time with my little girl and seeing it as a privilege that won't last forever. I don't know how to tell you to get over the emotional pain of waiting to conceive, except to say that it's best to keep telling Jesus all about it and ask him to help you by giving you reassurance from him and wisdom about what is ahead. It is only by God being so gracious to me that I have been able to not get so distressed.

Someone told me something that has helped me. She said that God puts in all of us an urge to be productive, and she focused on having 'spiritual children', that is she nurtured people who wanted to come to know Jesus and helped them on their way to develop as Christians. She also said that God was helping her to be satisfied with having the child that she already has. She now has another little baby after a four year wait.

For me, it has certainly helped me to focus on other things as well as the baby-making and to rest in God's timing. I have a few friends that I'm praying will come to know Jesus soon, and I'm doing what I can to help them learn about Jesus by knowing me. I'm also growing fruit and vegetables - I know it may sound ridiculous, but somehow, that really helps. I think it reminds me of God's ability to bring about life - to cause fertility.

I do pray that God speaks to you and just pours his peace all over you and helps you to have an understanding of his plans for you and gives you an assurance of another child coming along to you. May our wonderful Lord bless so you so richly.

Much love,
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Status:locked out of current CF account
May 22, 2011
Lounging in my PJ's on the couch
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I was forced into getting sterilized almost three years ago by my own father! The claim was it was for an alternate method of birth control but I think they just wanted to fix me on account of my disability. I would like to have children someday when I'm married but Being unsure of my fertility (or rather told i was infertile without any proof to back it up) has held me back from finding a mate that and I really believe in true love and would like a guy who understands me and would accept me as i am. I am still in mourning over this situation b/c i feel my dad has turned his back on me and expressed to me that I am somehow "broken" :destroyed:
Last time I checked, God didn't make trash.:sadd:
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wanting greater intimacy with Jesus
Apr 9, 2004
Marital Status
I was forced into getting sterilized almost three years ago by my own father! The claim was it was for an alternate method of birth control but I think they just wanted to fix me on account of my disability. I would like to have children someday when I'm married but Being unsure of my fertility (or rather told i was infertile without any proof to back it up) has held me back from finding a mate that and I really believe in true love and would like a guy who understands me and would accept me as i am. I am still in mourning over this situation b/c i feel my dad has turned his back on me and expressed to me that I am somehow "broken" :destroyed:
Last time I checked, God didn't make trash.:sadd:

No, God doesn't make trash, and he never ever turns his back on you. He loves you and he cares for you and when you are broken he doesn't 'fix' you like you feel your parents have done, instead he heals you and makes you whole. I pray that you would find the love and care of some Christian people who truly love you and want what is best for you and that you are able to approach a helpful doctor who can help you identify what is happening with your fertility. And I pray that you are able to fall in love and marry the person who God has chosen for you. God is very determined about who He wants to be born, so he wants you to be a mother he will find a way of making it happen and no man will stop him. Much love to you :hug:
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