Is Charismania Antichrist?

Alfred Persson

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2005
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Bob seems to see his faith about the way I see mine. Neither of us feel some need to hide behind a protected Forum Specification, and run to the rules and to Mods to keep others at bay.

Our God is big enough that detractors will soon fall at our right hand, and at our left.... using nothing but the word of God to explain our positions.

Yet we search your responses in vain for a scripture quote, as one might for water in a desert.

I will now post in General theology, see you there.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Bob seems to see his faith about the way I see mine. Neither of us feel some need to hide behind a protected Forum Specification, and run to the rules and to Mods to keep others at bay.

Our God is big enough that detractors will soon fall at our right hand, and at our left.... using nothing but the word of God to explain our positions.

Well here are the rules,...

House Rules:

All posts within this faith community must adhere to the site wide rules found here (Community Rules). In addition, if you are not a member of this faith group, you may not debate issues or teach against its theology. You may post in fellowship. Active promotion of views contrary to the established teachings of this group will be considered off topic.

And they are listed here,..

These are not my rules, they are the communities rules which were structured way before your arrival here. They are not just for you but for everyone.

If you don't like the rules here, then you are on the wrong Christian site.
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Alfred Persson

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2005
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Well here are the rules,...

And they are listed here,..

These are not my rules, they are the communities rules which were structured way before your arrival here. They are not just for you but for everyone.

If you don't like the rules here, then you are on the wrong Christian site.

I have no complaints or objections to the rules. If any want to dispute my exegesis of Acts c. 2, go to General Theology or CARM.

See you there.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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Mar 28, 2005
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I think it is quite simple. Charismania is Spirit-People behaving like they are in the flesh. This was the complaint that Paul had with the Corinthians. They were "charismaniacs" because they were trusting in ecstatic experiences and public tongues as a proof of their superior spirituality. Paul told them they were of the flesh, and that the real power was not in them but in the Gospel message.

So, if you are observing stuff that you are identifying as "charismania", all it is, is just Spirit-people doing stuff in the flesh, insteading of remaining within the bounds of the New Testament. There is a lot of teaching that has come through the church that people believe is of the Spirit, but all they have learned is what people have taught them, instead of really studying the Bible to see if those things are really there.
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The word is found only in John’s epistles, (a) of the many “antichrists” who are forerunners of the “Antichrist” himself,

I found this very interesting. Many years ago I had belonged to a cult for three years where they believed that the leader of that time was the second Prophet to the second coming of Christ. His name was William Branham. He taught this and his followers also believed this. When he had died in a car accident in 1965 his followers believed that he would raise from the dead. And they continued on with his false teachings.

He started out well, however somewhere along the way he had a nervous breakdown and then when he had recovered from that he was not the same, his teachings began to change.

The term that the followers today use is Branham was the Forerunner for the second coming of Christ. Just like John the Baptist was the forerunner for the first coming of Christ. They try to use verses found in the last chapter of Malachi and also in the NT where John the Baptist is mentioned.

Now we all know that this is not the case and never will be the case. I would consider Branham as a false prophet for his time period and even for this time. Yes he was also very charismatic. His followers to this day is also very charismatic.

He taught against the trinity, denied the Deity of Jesus Christ, called the Holy Spirit an IT, instead of referring the Holy Spirit to a person as a HE, Him, etc.

Women had to dress a certain way, with long dresses and long hair, with no make up. If they did then Branham would call then harlots or Jezebels. However his own daughters and wife trimmed their hair and wore pants in the home.

He taught that all the denominations were the harlots of the mother harlot of the Roman Catholic church. He also taught the book of Revelations wrong and with many false teachings.

This cult still exists to this day and there is the cult here in my city that I live in as we speak. I was part of that group.

The photos that were shown of Branham was also very questionable. However one would wonder what spirit was hovering over him. In one photo it literally looked like demons with fire around him. Which I saw this on a building once, the exact same structure, etc.

Branham always referred to his angel that he states he had around him. He never mentioned the Holy Spirit that was with him, always the angel. What angel? He never tested the spirits.

I could go on with this. As I mentioned earlier he started out well in in the right teaching and doctrines of the bible. But after the nervous breakdown, he was never the same after that.

Moriah Ruth

where nothing is happening, Satan is already pleased and leaves them alone. Where there are things happening, Satan will be there to counterfeit and fight it all the way…

So if you like 'nothing' then stay where your at…please, we don't need any more critics. I'd prefer to rejoice in the Lord and believe for God's manifest presence and healing in our lives…

So just bc there is something to criticize doesn't mean the Lord is not there… you won't criticize the cold dead church up the street bc they don't draw anyone's attention…
I've been charismatic for 30 years. Seen people healed, seen the glory cloud… services so powerful unbelievers would cry when they entered the building… but those are not the things you'll see bc you don't believe the Lord works as He did in the scriptures…
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