• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist


Active Member
Aug 12, 2021
United States
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this kind of relates 2 my autism/unknowingly took mark/salvation- saved post since these 'spiritual events' have occured this yr - just 1 yr after unknowingly taking the mark...like i've said, i've never been able 2 recognize god's answer's, so i'm wondering if these could be...these all actually started the last 3-5 mnths or so...first, as u know, as an aspie, i'm more sensitive 2 things in general, but that includes the spirit world as well...i mentioned that i can vaguely c human shaped figures in the room w' me...initially, they r 'shadow figures' (of various shades - which has so far identified the figure as good or evil & yes, i have seen/felt both...of course the lighter shadowed figures r good & the darker ones, esp black r evil...so, it's the good ones that tend 2 stay hidden more as i can barely c their outlines, while the evil ones i can clearly...i have also experienced being ' touched' by both...the 1 evil one - which i only saw b4 i was diagnosed w' narcolepsy & haven't seen since - would literaly pull my covers off me, & even held a knife against my throat once (i woke up the next day w' a mark where the knife had been)...also, it touched me on my hand & it felt like human flesh...the touch of a good spirit isn't as scary - i was lying on the top of my bedding & all of a sudden, my stomach area would begin 2 tingle & then it'd feel as though i were being lifted up slightly (not in hight,but like someone trying 2 slide both their hans on my back between me & my bed)...also, i've been finding white feathers on my bed @ times & from what i read, they may b angel's feathers...they come in many colors, but white is said 2 mean hope, protection, that there r better things ahead, peace, ANSWERS 2 PRAYERS, etc...anyway, in 1 prayer, i asked god 2 answer 2 ?'s - if he's still here w' me (as this was after i unknowingly took the mark), & if i can still be saved since the mark was unknowing taken as a result of my autism...abt 5 min ltr, i found 2 white feathers on my bed -1 after the other w' barely any time in between, in different locations...also, every once in a while, i hear a voice from my conscious that basically tells me the same thing, that i will b saved -- the only trouble is, is that i don't know if it's coming from god or me (as something i want)...also, a few weeks ago, the bulbs in my storage room burnt out...i live in an appt & as this happened on a friday (the manager doesn't work that day) or saturday, i wasn't able 2 have them replaced (they're fluorescent bulbs, so it's nothing i can fix - only maintaince can replace them)...so, i wrote up a maintaince rpt, but no one showed up 4 a bit over a week...however, a week ltr, the light came back on (& they're on even now) & it's not like anything had changed, meaning i hadn't touched anything...finally, i hear music faintly playing @ nite in someone's apt when everyone's asleep...we basically have a curfew of 10:00pm when things like the tv, music, etc needs 2 b turned off or headphones used, but this happens when people r fully asleep...i've read that both music & lights r a way that spirits r trying 2 contact u, but of course, i don't know what 2 believe...what r ur thoughts???


Jesus, send us your Holy Spirit.
Feb 1, 2020
Eastern Orthodox
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I am sorry you had contact with bad spirits. Me too several times. Once a bad spirit touched my back during me trying to come asleeep.... severely! Another time the bad spirit took my head and shaked my head. Another time the bad spirit put a visible cover in yellow color over all my windows and it began to smell strangely. I left the appartment and was whole night in the city and then in the morning going to church receiving communion. I returned to my appartment only next day. The only suggestion I have is regularly going to confession and asking God for mercy in prayers each day. Also pray personal prayers besides rule-prayers. It is not good to go crazy about this tihngs. Everything is in God's hands. And I do not believe that you could have taken the mark of the beast. What in the hell could you have done wrong? Stay strong. If you really pray sometimes God gives signs if He will answer your prayers.
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Jesus, send us your Holy Spirit.
Feb 1, 2020
Eastern Orthodox
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Maybe you missed to confess something. It would be good to ask God for forgivness if you have forgotten to confess something in personal prayer and to ask Him to enlighten you what you should do .
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royal priest

debtor to grace
Nov 1, 2015
Northeast, USA
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I'd like to make two points about this.
First, God is in control of everything. So, everything that happens is His answer to prayer. For example, if we pray for something and it happens or not, either way is God's answer to us.
Second thing is that we have a tendency to look at our circumstances as signs that God is either for us or against us. If we are happy then we think God is for us. If we are unhappy we think God is against us. But this is not the right way to look at things. To understand this better read Psalm 73. We need to study all of the Bible in order to learn the truth about God's love for us. No matter what happens to us, we need to trust the Gospel for salvation.
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