Hello Calvinists,I have a couple questions.

Blaise N

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Jul 4, 2021
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Hi fellow believers

I wanted to reach out to a specific group tonight and ask Calvinists a question.So I was reading up on the puritanboard,and I noticed people years ago talking about John McMahon and some seemed very stern and aggressive,saying things like “whoever doesn’t believe Calvinism or the 5 points will go to hell” and I was suprised,I don’t deny the concept of election,perseverance of the saints,etc but I don’t call myself a Calvinist,I call myself a regular Christian.

1.)If it’s ok,does a person have to be a Calvinist to be saved?

2.)what is your opinion on Martin Luther?

3.I have OCD,autism/Asperger’s,and ADHD and right now I am worried because I’m afraid I’ve committed apostasy,and more is on the situation here:Anxiety attack worse than thanksgivings,and by far the worst in my life and ever to hit
but I want to know,I can’t live life without Jesus because I love him and I can’t live without the hope he provides and couldn’t live properly or function properly if I am not his elect or loved by him ,if in any case I have committed apostasy(which I know and hope I haven’t) can God forgive me and keep me within his family if I repent,(even though I don’t feel the need to or want,which worries me)but I choose to repent and turn to him?


Augsburg Catholic
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Hi fellow believers

I wanted to reach out to a specific group tonight and ask Calvinists a question.So I was reading up on the puritanboard,and I noticed people years ago talking about John McMahon and some seemed very stern and aggressive,saying things like “whoever doesn’t believe Calvinism or the 5 points will go to hell” and I was suprised,I don’t deny the concept of election,perseverance of the saints,etc but I don’t call myself a Calvinist,I call myself a regular Christian.

1.)If it’s ok,does a person have to be a Calvinist to be saved?

The Gospel doesn't save those who perfect knowledge or secret knowledge, it's not gnosticism, the Gospel saves sinners. We are saved by Christ alone through faith. Period.

2.)what is your opinion on Martin Luther?

I love Martin Luther!

3.I have OCD,autism/Asperger’s,and ADHD and right now I am worried because I’m afraid I’ve committed apostasy,and more is on the situation here:Anxiety attack worse than thanksgivings,and by far the worst in my life and ever to hit
but I want to know,I can’t live life without jesus,if in any case I have committed apostasy(which I know and hope I haven’t) can God forgive me and keep me within his family if I repent,(even though I don’t feel the need to or want,which worries me)but I choose to repent and turn to him?

Please speak to your Elders and Pastor, they know you best and can help you as needed, but please continue to trust in God. He saves and He saves alone.

Yours in the Lord,

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We are saved purely by the work and grace of God.
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Hi fellow believers

I wanted to reach out to a specific group tonight and ask Calvinists a question.So I was reading up on the puritanboard,and I noticed people years ago talking about John McMahon and some seemed very stern and aggressive,saying things like “whoever doesn’t believe Calvinism or the 5 points will go to hell” and I was suprised,I don’t deny the concept of election,perseverance of the saints,etc but I don’t call myself a Calvinist,I call myself a regular Christian.

1.)If it’s ok,does a person have to be a Calvinist to be saved?

2.)what is your opinion on Martin Luther?

3.I have OCD,autism/Asperger’s,and ADHD and right now I am worried because I’m afraid I’ve committed apostasy,and more is on the situation here:Anxiety attack worse than thanksgivings,and by far the worst in my life and ever to hit
but I want to know,I can’t live life without Jesus because I love him and I can’t live without the hope he provides and couldn’t live properly or function properly if I am not his elect or loved by him ,if in any case I have committed apostasy(which I know and hope I haven’t) can God forgive me and keep me within his family if I repent,(even though I don’t feel the need to or want,which worries me)but I choose to repent and turn to him?

To answer your questions, no Calvinists typically don't believe you have to adhere to T.U.L.I.P to be saved. We recognize that there are Elect Arminians ...etc out there even if we believe our theology to be what the Bible teaches and to be factual and other denomations theology to not be supported by scripture

Luther had some great ideas and Calvinism (or any other Protestant denomination for that matter) would not exist without Luther. He isn't correct in absolutely all of his theology but then again, who is? I'm actually amazed at his gall (posting this thesis to the Catholic church. Risking his life and head.)

Calvin had it much easier than Luther.
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Augsburg Catholic
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Before Calvin Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Jacques d'Etaples, Gregory of Rimini, Hugolino of Orvieto, Juan de Valdes, Bede the Venerable, Thomas Bradwardine, Johann von Staupitz, etc. all taught elements of what Calvin taught. All of them lived, wrote and taught before the Reformation.

‘Calvinists’ Before Calvin? Predestination in the History of the Church
‘Calvinists’ Before Calvin? - The Aquila Report

Whether men are predestined by God? by Aquinas

This work cover scripture and the Church Fathers.

Yours in the Lord,

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Don Maurer

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Hi fellow believers

I wanted to reach out to a specific group tonight and ask Calvinists a question.So I was reading up on the puritanboard,and I noticed people years ago talking about John McMahon and some seemed very stern and aggressive,saying things like “whoever doesn’t believe Calvinism or the 5 points will go to hell” and I was suprised,I don’t deny the concept of election,perseverance of the saints,etc but I don’t call myself a Calvinist,I call myself a regular Christian.

1.)If it’s ok,does a person have to be a Calvinist to be saved?

Your first question is confusing. In reformed theology justification is not by agreeing to the 5 points, but by faith alone. I am not denying the "doctrines of grace," I affirm them. If someone suggests that a part of justification is understanding the doctrines of grace, how is that person a Calvinist? At best this sounds like some form of sub-calvinism.

(EDIT) I was unaware of the issue concerning Matthew McMahon and hyper-calvinism. I read a little on the puritan board, but it was confusing. Many of the links to McMahon were removed.

I would be interested in seeing the article on puritanboard that you are referring to. Can you post it?

2.)what is your opinion on Martin Luther?
He usually is considered the father of the reformation. I am no Luther scholar, but would be interested in any opinions. Luther wrote an awful lot. I once read his work on "bondage of the will."

3.I have OCD,autism/Asperger’s,and ADHD and right now I am worried because I’m afraid I’ve committed apostasy,and more is on the situation here:Anxiety attack worse than thanksgivings,and by far the worst in my life and ever to hit
but I want to know,I can’t live life without Jesus because I love him and I can’t live without the hope he provides and couldn’t live properly or function properly if I am not his elect or loved by him ,if in any case I have committed apostasy(which I know and hope I haven’t) can God forgive me and keep me within his family if I repent,(even though I don’t feel the need to or want,which worries me)but I choose to repent and turn to him?
It is a little confusing what you are saying in this paragraph. If you need help with OCD, Asperger's or ADHD, I am not sure this is the place to get help. This is a forum for a little theological discussion, not professional psychiatric help.

As far as apostasy... I am wondering if you are referring to your statements in your first paragraph that you believe the "concept of election,perseverance of the saints,etc?" I am aware that there are people out there that call any discussion of election heresy, but that is foolishness. It would be good to stay away from such people. Nevertheless, just using the word election does not mean a whole lot. If you are thinking that you are an apostate because you say you believe in "election," that is not reasonable since it is a biblical term. It would be like calling the bible apostate literature.

I do not come here a lot, but would be interested if you have something more to say.
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The Righterzpen

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Admitted, I'm a little "late to the party". I usually see these posts; but for what ever reason, I missed this one.

1.)If it’s ok,does a person have to be a Calvinist to be saved?

To this I would say; "on the front end - no". We all grow in our understanding of the Scripture.

I would say though that if someone cognitively grasps the doctrines of grace (5 points) and then turns around and says "Those are of Satan." To me, that would be evidence that individual is not saved. The Holy Spirit is not going to tell me one thing is truth and you another. God doesn't work that way.

2.)what is your opinion on Martin Luther?

Generally I would say that Martin Luther was a man who had his own flaws and sin to contend with. (Which was true of Peter, Paul and everyone except Jesus.)

There's a saying in 12 step groups: "Take what you like and leave the rest." And I think that's a good principle to apply to non-Scripture. Other believers can have interesting insights; but they are not infallible.

Also, we have to consider that the writings of men, are confined to a certain time and place as to how their culture perceived Biblical truth in the light of what was going on around them. Some times they "hit the nail on the head" and other times they were a bit "off center".

As time progresses, some ability of the understanding of Scripture progresses based on availability to study it, (numbers of people who actually have the educational background and tools to research.) / (access to aides such as concordances and interlinear Bibles.) We live in interesting times right now that we have great access to Scripture, because of the Internet. (Despite all the issues the Internet has. It is truly a gift from God.) Scripture says that "knowledge will increase" as we get closer to the end; and we see that now.

So no; theologians of the past are not the be all and end all of Scriptural truth. If you learn from what they've discovered? Great! But realize too that they are not infallible.

3.I have OCD,autism/Asperger’s,and ADHD and right now I am worried because I’m afraid I’ve committed apostasy,and more is on the situation here:Anxiety attack worse than thanksgivings,and by far the worst in my life and ever to hit
but I want to know,I can’t live life without Jesus because I love him and I can’t live without the hope he provides and couldn’t live properly or function properly if I am not his elect or loved by him ,if in any case I have committed apostasy(which I know and hope I haven’t) can God forgive me and keep me within his family if I repent,(even though I don’t feel the need to or want,which worries me)but I choose to repent and turn to him?

As far as your Autism / OCD issue and fear of committing apostasy?

A good rule of thumb is that if you fear you've committed apostasy; the likelihood is that you haven't. Those who have, generally don't think they have! (There's the "tell-tale sign"!)

Now as per the Autism / Aspergers aspect of things? I have a son who also has Autism and epilepsy. He's 20. (Not sure how old you are?)

There is a lot that he struggles to understand of doctrine because of the impact of his seizures. I put faith in God though, that He "makes up the rest". We recently went to Cleveland Clinic; and I asked my son a question about life support should he have complications from surgery. And his response was: "I don't believe it's God's plan that my life would end there." And I took that on blessings of faith that the kid had "more faith" at that point than I did.

So moral of that story is: you don't have to have "all the right theological answers" you just have to trust Christ. (Which clearly my son demonstrated that better than I did!)

Now as per repentance; you can only honestly do what you feel led to do. If you don't see that you've transgressed anything; yet ask God if you have? Maybe that's not "lack of faith" but more a subject of prudence?

It's also a "good sign" if you feel some sort of affinity to Christ even if you can't define what that is. If that affinity is simply: "Well I want to be obedient" - that's the best you could pray for. It's not him who tells God; I will do this and then doesn't. It's him who says: "God that's really hard, I don't think I can" and then obeys anyways. The most faithful servants of God weren't always the most willing!

So, hope God uses that enlighten your path.
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Jun 4, 2022
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Hi fellow believers

1.)If it’s ok, does a person have to be a Calvinist to be saved?

2.)what is your opinion on Martin Luther?

3.I have OCD,autism/Asperger’s,and ADHD and right now I am worried because I’m afraid I’ve committed apostasy,and more is on the situation here:Anxiety attack worse than thanksgivings,and by far the worst in my life and ever to hit
1) People do not have to be a Calvinist to be Saved; they have to be Believers...
2) Luther was used by God during the Protestant Reformation; he was well suited for that time...
3) Saint John said that if we do not believe God has given us Eternal Life; we make him out to be a Liar...

If you'd like, I can say more :)
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Jun 27, 2022
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Hi fellow believers

I wanted to reach out to a specific group tonight and ask Calvinists a question.So I was reading up on the puritanboard,and I noticed people years ago talking about John McMahon and some seemed very stern and aggressive,saying things like “whoever doesn’t believe Calvinism or the 5 points will go to hell” and I was suprised,I don’t deny the concept of election,perseverance of the saints,etc but I don’t call myself a Calvinist,I call myself a regular Christian.

1.)If it’s ok,does a person have to be a Calvinist to be saved?

2.)what is your opinion on Martin Luther?

3.I have OCD,autism/Asperger’s,and ADHD and right now I am worried because I’m afraid I’ve committed apostasy,and more is on the situation here:Anxiety attack worse than thanksgivings,and by far the worst in my life and ever to hit
but I want to know,I can’t live life without Jesus because I love him and I can’t live without the hope he provides and couldn’t live properly or function properly if I am not his elect or loved by him ,if in any case I have committed apostasy(which I know and hope I haven’t) can God forgive me and keep me within his family if I repent,(even though I don’t feel the need to or want,which worries me)but I choose to repent and turn to him?
Blaise, a person does not need to be a Calvinist to be saved. They simply need to follow Jesus. The true Christ, not the one masquerading around. Jesus said that if you continue in His Word, you are his disciples indeed. If you love Him you will keep His commandments. To truly be saved and following Jesus means you have believed the gospel He taught and are obeying it. What if I sin and disobey? Did you lose your salvation? No! Question might be, did you ever have salvation to begin with? or Am I saved and doubting my salvation because I am studying to show myself approved until God.
You might ask the question? Does the Bible speak on this subject where one who is like me (a repeating sinner) can understand, Am I saved? Did I truly repent after my sin? Does God truly know me? Am I a reprobate?
The answers to these questions are not found in Calvinism. They are found in the Bible being rightly divided.
Couple of thoughts and scriptures for you to chew on.
1) If I say I love Him and keep not His commandments, I am a liar and the truth is not in me. 1 John 2:4
2) If any man will come after me let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me. Matthew 16:24
The way is narrow Blaise, it costs us everything, but in the end, it yields eternal life.
You mentioned “perseverance of the saints” and “election”. I believe in saints perservering and saints being elected but not the Calvinistic version. I prefer to rightly divide Gods Word. I would like to chat about those if you are interested.
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Hi fellow believers

I wanted to reach out to a specific group tonight and ask Calvinists a question.So I was reading up on the puritanboard,and I noticed people years ago talking about John McMahon and some seemed very stern and aggressive,saying things like “whoever doesn’t believe Calvinism or the 5 points will go to hell” and I was suprised,I don’t deny the concept of election,perseverance of the saints,etc but I don’t call myself a Calvinist,I call myself a regular Christian.

1.)If it’s ok,does a person have to be a Calvinist to be saved?
2.)what is your opinion on Martin Luther?
I think he was awesome!
3.I have OCD,autism/Asperger’s,and ADHD and right now I am worried because I’m afraid I’ve committed apostasy,and more is on the situation here:Anxiety attack worse than thanksgivings,and by far the worst in my life and ever to hit
but I want to know,I can’t live life without Jesus because I love him and I can’t live without the hope he provides and couldn’t live properly or function properly if I am not his elect or loved by him ,if in any case I have committed apostasy(which I know and hope I haven’t) can God forgive me and keep me within his family if I repent,(even though I don’t feel the need to or want,which worries me)but I choose to repent and turn to him?
If you love Jesus, I wouldn't worry.
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