Christ Our Sanctification (G. Whitefield)


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Jan 1, 2024
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George Whitefield: From, Christ the Believer's Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption

"By sanctification I mean a total renovation of the whole man. By the righteousness of Christ, believers become legally alive; by His sanctification, they are made spiritually alive. By one they are entitled to glory; by the other they are made meet9 for glory. They are sanctified therefore throughout in spirit, soul, and body.

Their understandings, which were before dark, now become light in the Lord: and their wills, before contrary to, now become one with the will of God:

  • their affections are now set on things above;
  • their memory is now filled with divine things;
  • their natural consciences are now enlightened;
  • their members, which were before instruments of uncleanness, and of iniquity unto iniquity, are now instruments of righteousness and true holiness;
  • in short, they are new creatures; “old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2Co 5:17).

In their hearts, sin has now no longer dominion over them; they are freed from the power, though not the indwelling and being, of it. They are holy both in heart and life, in all manner of conversation....

Charge to believers

But I must turn again to believers for whose instruction, as I observed before, this discourse was particularly intended. You see, brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, what great blessings are treasured up for you in Jesus Christ your Head, and what you are entitled to by believing on His name. Take heed, therefore, that “ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called” (Eph 4:1). Think often how highly you are favored; and remember, you have not chosen Christ, but Christ hath chosen you.

Put on, as the elect of God, humbleness of mind and glory; but let it be only in the Lord, for you have nothing but what you have received of God (1Co 4:7). By nature ye were as foolish, as unholy, and in as damnable a condition as others. Be pitiful, therefore, be courteous; and, as sanctification is a progressive work, beware of thinking you have already attained. Let him that is holy be holy still; knowing that he who is most pure in heart shall hereafter enjoy the clearest vision of God. Let indwelling sin be your daily burden; and not only bewail and lament, but see that you subdue it daily by the power of divine grace. Look up to Jesus continually to be the finisher, as well as the author, of your faith (Heb 12:2).

Build not on your own faithfulness, but on God’s unchangeableness. Take heed of thinking you stand by the power of your own free will. The everlasting love of God the Father must be your only hope and consolation; let this support you under all trials. Remember that God’s gifts and callings are without repentance (Rom 11:29); that Christ having once loved you, will love you to the end. Let this constrain you to obedience, and not only be your wisdom, righteousness, and sanctification, but also your complete and everlasting redemption. “Glory to God in the highest” (Luk 2:14)!