Apply for CF Angels Team

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Following my Shepherd
Site Supporter
Jan 27, 2004
United States
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Christian Forums Angels

The Christian Forum Angels are a very special and significant ministry here at CF. Our Angels are focused on being available and willing to pray for our members and for the overall site. Our Angels look for opportunities to come alongside members who are struggling or in need of spiritual love and support. CF Angels will often review prayer requests throughout the forums on CF, as well as manage the Prayer Wall forum. You are to pray for at least seven people per week at the Prayer Wall. :) The CF Angel position is an important ministry here at CF and our Angels will primarily be under the guidance of our Ministry Leader (Tishri1). We would love to have you as a CF Angel if that is what God has placed on your heart. We believe that not only will CF will be richly blessed by your participation as a CF Angel, but you in turn will be blessed by God for your ministry here.

To become a CF Angel you must fulfill the following requirements:
  • Must be a Christian (please see our Statement of Faith).
  • Have a minimum of 200 (substantial) posts (games do not count).
  • Be an active poster within the past three months.
  • Be 18+ years of age (exceptions made on occasion for those under 18)
  • Desire to contribute in a positive and loving manner so that Christian Forums will display the gracious love of God.
  • Be aware that what you say and do not only represents CF, but ultimately represents Jesus Christ Himself, and you take that responsibility seriously.
If you fulfill the requirements listed above and are interested in applying for the CF Angels team, please send a private message to Davidnic (CF Advisor Handling Applications).

If are accepted as a CF Angel you will be asked to "sign" (agree to) the following contract:

CF Angel Contract
As a CF Angel I will purposely post in a positive and loving manner so that I might display the gracious love of Christ to all of our members. I am aware that what I say and do not only represents CF, but ultimately represents Jesus Christ Himself, and I will take that responsibility seriously. I will strive to not have any information, pictures, links, etc., on my public profile that might being a stumbling block to others. If I am contacted by staff about the need to change any information on my public profile, I will willingly comply with the request. If I at any point change to a non-Christian faith, or I no longer believe in the Nicene Creed, I will resign from my position as a CF Angel. I understand that my position as a CF Angel requires confidentiality, and I will not share any other member's private or personal information. Nothing discussed with a staff member may be disclosed in public CF Forums, nor any other site, public or private, or via IM, PM, email, telephone nor any other form of personal communication where non-staff members are involved in discussion.

Regarding Absences from CF:

If you know you will be away from the Forum for an extended time, or are having difficulties doing your duties because of special circumstances, PM Tishri1 (CF Ministry/Advisor), or DarylFawcett (HR Manager/Advisor).

Team Members are absent from CF , or are unable to complete duties for a prolonged amount of time (4+ weeks) with NO NOTICE*, may be removed from the Team.

*If you are removed from the team you may re-apply when you return if you wish to join us in this ministry again. Your previous participation as an Ambassador, as well as the reason for your absence from CF, will be taken into consideration during the re-application process.​
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