Admin Announcement A list of unacceptable nicknames

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CF Advisory team
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Jul 2, 2003
United States
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There has been an issue in American Politics with unpleasant nicknames for public figures and groups. As this is becoming an issue around the site, we are creating this list and attaching a link to the flaming rule. It is not meant to be all-inclusive and will be edited as needed.

Unacceptable nicknames include, and are not limited to:

Wing nut, fascist, racist bigot, hatemonger, hater, NORK, Sodomite, snowflake

Heretic when directed at other Christians

Obamabot, Obamatron, commie, Demoncrat, feminazi, tree hugger, leftist in a negative way, SJW, Trump-negger

Teahadist, Teabagger, Trumpkin, Trumpet and variations *, repugnican, Reaganite, hatemonger, RINO, Cuckservative, Cuck

Fauxahautas for Warren, Pocahantas for Warren, Shifty Schiff, Crooked Hillary, King Trump, Dear Leader, Donnie, Barry, "Hills", Creepy Joe, Orange Mussolini, Orange Man and other derogatory nicknames for politicians.

Generalized terms indicating derangement - TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) or BDS (Biden Derangement Syndrome). It will depend on who is president. This includes the use of "Orange Man bad".

Phrases that are goading or profane:
Okay boomer
Let's go Brandon​

*We are going to allow the term "Trumper" since we are allowing the term "Never-Trumpers". It seems fair.

Terms such as "pro-death" or "anti-poor" would be violations if directed toward a member personally, but not if directed toward a piece of legislation.

Keep in mind, things like "birther" and "Obamacare" are names used by the majority of the media and some of those who espouse the thought. So if someone is not a birther and someone is using it as an insult it would be a violation to call them one.
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