relationship advice

  1. bèlla

    Points to Ponder

    Marital Gems for Men and Women I don't know if this exists but I wanted a space for relational affirming content for Christian men and women who desire marriage. This is a place of honor and respect and light heartedness. Some remarks may be unsettling or oppose your beliefs. Be willing to...
  2. bèlla

    10 Things Men Need in a Woman

    I've had difficulty finding suitable content in the trad sphere. It's a mixed bag and the messages aren't always biblically sound or the delivery is not to my liking. But I happened upon two people on a platform I rarely visit and they're what I've been seeking. This little nugget was worthy...
  3. bèlla

    The 4 A's

    I stumbled upon this message online and wanted to query the men. Since we're blessed in that regard I hope you're willing to weigh in and share your thoughts. The author is married and a Christian. This is what she wrote. Do you agree with her statement? If yes, what appeals and why does it...
  4. WiSteel79

    Advice needed about ex girlfriend wanting to stay friends

    Greetings to brothers and sisters, Having a difficult issue with my former girlfriend. We’d been together nine years this last May 11, it was what I felt an alright relationship. Then when I fully accepted Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit she didn’t like the change in me at all. Got upset...
  5. heyitskatie

    I constantly regret not saving myself for the marriage

    So I'm 22 now and currently in a relationship with my boyfriend who is 31, I deeply love him and wish for us to marry one day. Everything was okay at first but as the time went on I started realizing he is something special and with that came the regret of him not being my first. He is my...
  6. Ana Rodriguez

    need advice about Godly relationship

    Greetings, I come looking for relationship advice. But first, some context. I’ve only had two relationships in my life, and both were with intent for marriage. One of them was with someone serious, smart, and somewhat harsh. One of them was very abusive. My dad has also been in and out of my...
  7. Lostcontroll

    Sexual intrusive thoughts about others while in a relationship

    Hey, I've been heavily addicted to porn for 7-8 years, especially BDSM. In January, I told my girlfriend everything (including that I had been chatting with other men as their slave and sent them some stuff about myself). We've been fighting together, and I've been porn-free since then. Until...
  8. EtainSkirata

    Is it a sin to knowingly put oneself in a tempting situation when a less tempting option is available?

    * I think Catholicism considers this a sin, but I'm not Catholic so I'd like to avoid discussions with that filter. * My boyfriend and I are taking a trip. Our options for sleeping arrangements are 2 separate hotel rooms (more expensive) or an Air BnB, which is where we'd rent an apartment with...
  9. EtainSkirata


    Hi everyone, For the last few months my boyfriend and I have had on and off conversation about internet piracy. I'm of the stance that it's stealing, it's immoral, and we as Christians shouldn't do it. He used to be of the mindset that piracy wasn't stealing and was therefore okay. However...
  10. EtainSkirata

    Over analyzing a relationship

    Hi, I know I post a lot on here about my boyfriend, but he's my first boyfriend ever and so it's a new experience for me. Our 1 year anniversary is next week. And I'm freaking out. I had decided months ago that I want to marry him (even though he's not sure yet). But now I'M not sure. I keep...
  11. A

    Potential girlfriend affirms homosexuality, what to do, am I wrong?

    I’m a third year college student and about six months ago I met this wonderful Christian girl who loves the Lord and loves people. She’s gone through some of the toughest health problems and some of the toughest family problems I’ve ever seen someone go through and she’s come out on top through...
  12. EtainSkirata

    Physical affection in dating

    I posted this in Requests for Christian advice but I wanted to also post in a relationship advice forum too. I know the age old question of "how far is too far" isn't the question to be asking, but rather more like, "how can I honor God in this relationship?" And I tell you what, I am...
  13. EtainSkirata

    OCD destroying a relationship

    Saturday night my boyfriend told me that the affection he feels for me had been dulled, and it's because I constantly bring up problem after problem, and it's wearing him down and stressing him out. I asked if he wants to fix it, and he said it's hard to want to fix it with the affection being...
  14. EtainSkirata

    Relationship advice needed--feeling hopeless

    I struggle with OCD. It's affecting my relationship with my boyfriend, to the point where he has said he feels as though his affection for me has dulled. We had issues with intimacy before. These instances have led to long, emotional discussions. That, and my OCD makes it so that I'm constantly...
  15. L


  16. EtainSkirata

    Obsessing about honesty (not the same issue as the last thread)

    Hi all. I'm obviously having a little bit of a breakdown these last few days. I really appreciate everyone's help. Last night my boyfriend and I were talking about something sort of serious (theological conversation) and he said it was hard for him to answer what I thought was a simple question...
  17. EtainSkirata

    A half truth and a bad thought in a dating relationship

    Sunday afternoon my boyfriend and I were play-fighting. I grabbed his thumb, the thumb I knew he'd hurt a month or so back. And then I remembered his thumb would hurt if i did that, and for one second I had the thought of WANTING to hurt his thumb and I pulled on it, and then I let go of his...
  18. EtainSkirata

    Constant anxiety in dating

    I'm constantly worried about flaws and imperfections in my boyfriend of 2 months. Every week I have something new to obsess over. "What about this thing, what about that?" I'm bouncing around his different issues--many of which he's willing to talk about and make changes on, especially the...
  19. unholycannoli

    Catholic/Orthodox Relationship/Vaccine Advice

    OK, so, this is my first post on this forum, so thank you all for any advice you might have and thank you for existing. I have already found some interesting information here and plan to do a lot of reading. What is on my mind right now is this: I am nearly 4 years into a long distance...
  20. C

    Breaking up with my girlfriend part 4...

    So a continuation of this thread: I think I will break up with her again tomorrow. Advice? You guys keep telling me it's not fair to her for me to keep dating her and I need to let her go so she can stop wasting her time with me. Well. I tried. It was so sad and hard to do because I do really...