• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Wrap week

  • Thread starter Romanseight2005
  • Start date


Today is the last day of wrap week! Share how you participated.

I will start. First, I signed up for Shelly Lubbens newsletter, received a free book, "The Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn) and read it all of the way though. I am planning to make posters of porn statistics, gather others, and picket some adult stores.

Finally, I am praying for the Pink Cross and other organizations that support the healing of sex workers, and all who are affected by the industry. I also plan to financially support them.

May God be praised!!