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Why was the Priesthood Changed?


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Apr 18, 2020
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I have a bit of a problem to take ya serious. You make the mistake the pharisees made - misinterpreting Moses' law and create commandments God did not make. Your fault, not Moses'.

LOL, You imply Adultery is not a form of fornication, and then you take yourself seriously????

Jer. 3: 8 And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.

In your religion, is the Same Holy One of Israel who said this, the Rock that became a man?

Nils, the Scriptures are not made so men can pick through them to justify themselves or one of the many religious sects of this world God placed us in.

The Scriptures, according to Paul, is to be used for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

How is considering Adultery a form of "fornication", misinterpreting God's Laws that HE gave Moses?

Will you honestly engage here? Or simply continue justifying yourself?
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Jan 30, 2023
Germany's sin city - Munich
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How is considering Adultery a form of "fornication", misinterpreting God's Laws that HE gave Moses?

Will you honestly engage here? Or simply continue justifying yourself?
Fornication is pre-marriage. Adultery is post-marriage
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Jan 30, 2023
Germany's sin city - Munich
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"If, therefore, those who were brought up in the ancient order of things have come to the possession of a new hope, no longer observing the Sabbath, but living in the observance of the Lord's Day, on which also our life has sprung up again by Him and by His death." Ignatius of Antioch 105 AD

"Their scrupulosity concerning meats, and their superstition as respects the Sabbaths, and their boasting about circumcision, and their fancies about fasting and the new moons... are utterly ridiculous and unworthy of notice... And to speak falsely of God, as if He forbade us to do what is good on the Sabbath-days—how is this not ungodly?" Mathetes to Diognetus 125 AD

"We do not live after the Law... and do not observe Sabbaths, as you do?" Justin Martyr 160 AD

"There was no need of circumcision before Abraham. Nor was there need of the observance of Sabbaths, or of feasts and sacrifices, before Moses. Accordingly, there is no more need of them now." Justin Martyr 160 AD

"The new law requires you to keep a perpetual Sabbath. However, you, because you are idle for one day, suppose you are godly... The Lord our God does not take pleasure in such observances. If there is any perjured person or a thief among you, let him cease to be so... Then he has kept the sweet and true Sabbaths of God." Justin Martyr 160 AD

"God created Adam uncircumcised and non-observant of the Sabbath... Also, God freed from the deluge Noah, who was uncircumcised and did not observe the Sabbath. Enoch, too, He transported from this world, even though that most righteous man was uncircumcised and did not observe the Sabbath... Melchizedek also, "the priest of the most high God," although uncircumcised and not observing the Sabbath, was chosen to the priesthood of God." Tertullian 197 AD
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