Why the US should repent...

Melody Suttles

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Sep 22, 2018
United States
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This is a lengthy prayer... but it's fitting because it is long overdue for many followers like myself. I hope every believer in Christ makes the time to intercede for America and not hand her over to the evil one through silence.

Generous Father, as a Church Family, we submit ourselves to the discernment and judgment of the Holy Spirit and acknowledge that our nation has grieved Him with blatant rebellion. This precious nation has traded truth for lies in the pursuit of selfish agendas. Lord, Your Word warns us that our hearts are the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. We are utterly ashamed to lift up our faces to You.
Powers of darkness and sin have been accelerated in the US just in the last few years, steeping this country in sin. Since the US was founded as a nation and molded from Israel's template and your holy commandments, You have protected us from both internal and external destruction and delivered us from economic ruin and collapse. You have even protected us from unseen dangers and allowed our nation to remain one of the most powerful forces in the world.
Yahweh, bring Revival!!!

Lord, do not allow our enemies to triumph over us now because of the defiance of powerful politicians and lawmakers - nor because so many Christians have been silent -- allowing the wicked to lead our country to abandon Your commands. We now see the results of the actions of the wicked and the non-actions of Believers, and there is guilt to go around.
Yahweh, bring Revival!!!

So, as Your people, called by Your Name, we humble ourselves and pray today, seeking Your face, and turning from our own wicked ways. Only then can we be assured that You will hear from heaven and will forgive our sins and restore our land.
Yahweh, bring Revival!!!

Holy Spirit, help me to pray regarding the sins of ___________ in our nation, today:

Holy Spirit, without Your power working in us, we cannot have lasting change. Thoroughly search the hearts and examine the secret motives of the American people. Stir within the people of our nation the desire to know the Father’s ways. Pour out knowledge, wisdom, and understanding into the hearts and minds of our people. Convict the hearts of Christians in our nation so that true repentance will prevail in every church called by the Name of Christ. Transform the lost and create in them the light and life of Christ's redemptive power.
Yahweh, bring Revival!!!

Remind the people of God to think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. Help us all to put to death any sinful, earthly things that lurk within us. Give us all the courage to face ourselves and to admit our sins to the Father and to one another. Strengthen us to let go of anything that blinds us to the truth and holds us captive to sin and deception.
Yahweh, bring Revival!!!

Rid America of corruption and raise up leaders who are wise and who understand God’s ways, evidenced by them living honorably before Him. Give us all discernment to identify and follow leaders who aren’t just saying what our itching ears want to hear, but who will stand for righteousness and declare Your truth; men and women who are actually doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom.
Yahweh, bring Revival!!!

Forgiving Father, as Your children, we stand before You and ask for Your mercy. Forgive our nation for the sins of racism; sexism; ageism; the Supreme Court’s new decisions on same-sex marriage; as well as the Voting Rights Act; drug usage and addictions due to marijuana laws; an increase of gambling; human trafficking; a lack of immigration reform; the random killing of African American men and boys; the disparity between the haves and have nots; and the systematic breakdown of the nuclear family. Forgive our nation’s leaders for their bickering and infighting. Forgive us for speaking out on some sin and remaining silent about other sins.
Yahweh, bring Revival!!!

Scripture References for the Written Text: Psalm 33:4-8, Romans 1:25, Jeremiah 17:9, Ezra 9:6-7,10,13, II Chronicles 7:14-15, Jeremiah 17:10, Colossians 3:2,5, James 3:13, Proverbs 11:2, Matthew 6:13, Revelation 4:8, 11


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Jul 27, 2009
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Yes, this country and not just this country should repent.

Call me a pessimist but I don't think it's going to happen. However, I believe that if we repent as individuals that we will see the truth for ourselves as described in "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and forgive their sins and heal their lands."

I pray for us to heed that advice.
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Sep 21, 2009
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I agree with your prayers and your hopes for revival. What is impossible for man is not impossible for the Lord, but without His intervention, I too am concerned that a major revival will happen in the US and many other places that are in dire need of such a revival. Praying the Lord's will be done.
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